PK ?Aoa,mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK?AiTunesMetadata.plisth artistName Oracle Corporation book-info cover-image-hash 788258270 cover-image-path OEBPS/dcommon/oracle-logo.jpg package-file-hash 542128973 publisher-unique-id E17727-03 unique-id 269795766 genre Oracle Documentation itemName Oracle® Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows, 11g Release 2 ( releaseDate 2011-03-07T18:08:44Z year 2011 PKBmhPK?AMETA-INF/container.xml PKYuPK?AOEBPS/sermthod167.htm g ToOraTimeStampLTZ Method

ToOraTimeStampLTZ Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns a copy of the OraTimeStamp object that has the date-time value normalized to the session time zone of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Set OraTimeStampObj = OraTimeStampTZObj.ToOraTimeStampLTZ


Returns a new OraTimeStamp object that has the date-time values normalized to the session time zone of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2003-APR-29" & _ 
        "12:00:00 -07:00", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS TZH:TZM") 
'Assuming that the Session Time Zone is "-08:00" 
'returns a new OraTimeStamp object with date value normalized to 
'session Time Zone, "2003-APR-29 11:00:00" 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraTimeStampTZ.ToOraTimeStampLTZ 
PK/+ߝ PK?AOEBPS/serprop027.htm Databases Property

Databases Property

Applies To

OraServer Object


Returns a collection interface containing all user sessions that have been established using this object.


Set myCollection = oraserver.Databases 

Data Type

OLE Object (OraCollection)

PKF% PK?AOEBPS/sermthod036.htmb Clone (OraObject/Ref) Method

Clone (OraObject/Ref) Method

Applies To

OraObject Object

OraRef Object


Returns the clone of an OraObject or OraRef object.


Set OraObjectClone = OraObject.CloneSet OraRefClone = OraRef.Clone


This method makes a copy of a Value instance or REF value and returns an OraObject or OraRef object associated with that copy. This copy does not change due to a dynaset move operation or OraSQLStmt refresh operation. An OraObject object returned by this method allows an operation to access its attribute values of an underlying value instance and disallows any operation to modify its attribute values.


Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. For the following examples, see "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples"

Example: Clone Method for the OraObject Object

The following example shows the use of the Clone method.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Address as OraObject
Dim AddressClone as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from person_tab
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab",0&)
'retrieve a address column from person_tab. Here Value property of OraField object
'returns Address OraObject  
set Address = OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value
'here Address OraObject points to Address value instance in the server
'for the first row 
msgbox Address.Street
'move to second row
'here Address OraObject points to Address value instance in the server
'for the second row   
msgbox Address.Street
'get the clone of Address object. This clone points to the copy of
'the value instance for second row 
set AddressClone = Address.Clone
'move to third row
'here Address OraObject points to Address value instance in the server 
'for third row  
msgbox Address.Street
'here AddressClone OraObject points to copy of Address value instance
' in the server for second row
msgbox AddressClone.Street

Example: Clone Method for the OraRef Object

The following example shows the usage of the Clone method. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef
Dim PersonClone as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. 
'Here Value property of OraField object 'returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'here Person OraRef points to Person Ref value in the server for the first row 
msgbox Person.Name
'move to second row
'here Person OraRef points to Person Ref value in the server for the second row 
msgbox Person.Name
'get the clone of Person object. 
'This clone points to the copy of the Ref for second row
set PersonClone = Person.Clone
'move to third row
'here Person OraRef points to Person Ref value 
'in the server for the third row 
msgbox Person.Name
'here PersonClone OraRef points to Person Ref value 
'in the server for the second row 
msgbox PersonClone.Name
PK=ZzgbPK?AOEBPS/dcprop022.htm OracleMode Property

OracleMode Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determine whether the changes made to fields (columns) are immediately reflected in the local mirror by retrieving the changed row from the database, thus allowing Oracle to set defaults for the columns and perform required calculations.


oradata1.OracleMode = [ True | False ]

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


This property value is set to True by default, which means that fields (columns) changes are reflected in the local cache immediately. Changing this property value has no effect until the Refresh method is invoked. If the ORADB_ORAMODE mode is used for the database option, the underlying recordset/dynaset inherits this mode.

PKlC8"  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod003.htm Add (OraIntervalDS) Method

Add (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Adds an argument to the OraIntervalDS object.


OraIntervalDS.Add operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object to be added.


The result of the operation is stored in an OraIntervalDS object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

If operand is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-]Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If operand is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS object represents.


Dim oraIDS as OraIntervalDS 
'Create an OraIntervalDS using a string which represents 
'1 day and 12 hours 
Set oraIDS = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalDS("1 12:0:0.0") 
'Add an interval using a string, which represents 2 days 
'and 12 hours, to oraIDS. 
'The resulting oraIDS is an interval which represents 4 days  
oraIDS.Add "2 12:0:0.0" 
PKJEPK?AOEBPS/serprop101.htm P OraScale Property

OraScale Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the scale of a numeric column. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_scale = orafield.OraScale

Data Type

Long Integer


This value is meaningful only when the value returned is numeric. The SQL types REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, FLOAT, and FLOAT(N) return a scale of -127.

PK- PK?AOEBPS/serprop049.htm; FieldIndex Property

FieldIndex Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the index of the field indicated by the field_name argument.


set index = oradynaset.FieldIndex(field_name)


[in] field_nameThe name of the field as it appears in the SQL statement that the dynaset used most recently.

Data Type



Accessing fields of a dynaset using an index is more efficient than accessing them by name. If you need to access a particular field many times, use this method to translate its name into its index.

PKd @;PK?AOEBPS/sermthod143.htm= OriginalName


Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the original column name used in the SELECT statement in the dynaset (as opposed to the name of the field as it appears on the server returned by the Name property). Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_name = Orafield.OriginalName


The orafield.OriginalName method returns the name of the specified OraField object. This returns the Original column name specified in the SQL statement during dynaset creation. This property is useful when a SQL statement contains 'schema.table.col' as the Name of the field. It enables duplicate column names to be referenced. (Duplicate column names can be avoided by using aliases in the SQL statement.)


The following example shows the use of the OriginalName property. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 Dim OraFields As OraFields
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select scott.emp.deptno," & _ 
    "dept.deptno from scott.emp, scott.dept where dept.deptno = emp.deptno", 0&)
 Set OraFields = OraDynaset.Fields
 'Returns "DEPTNO"  
 MsgBox OraFields(0).Name   
 'Returns "scott.emp.deptno" 
 MsgBox OraFields(0).OriginalName   
 'Returns "dept.deptno" 
 MsgBox OraFields(1).OriginalName  
End Sub
PKƿuB=PK?AOEBPS/sermthod008.htme AddIntervalYM Method

AddIntervalYM Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Adds an interval that represents an interval from years to months, to the OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object.


OraTimeStampObj.AddIntervalYM operand
OraTimeStampTZObj.AddIntervalYM operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object that represents an interval from years to months, to be added to the current OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object.


The result of adding an interval to the current OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object is stored in the current object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

If operand is a Variant of type String, it must be in following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If operand is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.


Example: Using the OraTimeStamp Object

Dim OraTimeStamp As OraTimeStamp 
'Create OraTimeStamp using a string 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("2000-12-28 00:00:00", _
         "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS") 
'Add an interval using numeric value that represents 2 years 
OraTimeStamp.AddIntervalYM 2 
'Value should now be "2002-12-28 00:00:00" 
tsStr = OraTimeStamp.Value 

Example: Using the OraTimeStampTZ Object

Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStampTZ =OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2000-12-28 00:00:00" & _ 
            "-07:00"  "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS TZH:TZM") 
'Add an interval using numeric value that represents 2 years 
OraTimeStampTZ.AddIntervalYM 2 
'Value should now be "2002-12-28 00:00:00" 
tstzStr = OraTimeStampTZ.Value 
PKAPK?AOEBPS/serprop071.htme LastModified Property

LastModified Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the Bookmark object of the row that was last modified by an Edit or an AddNew operation. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


last_modified_bookmark = oradynaset.LastModified

Data Type

The value is a string of binary data, but can be stored in a variable of String or Variant data type. The length of the string cannot be predicted, so do not use a fixed-length string.


Use this property to make the last modified record the current record.

PKX)x_j e PK?AOEBPS/serobjch001.htm6 OraAQ Object

OraAQ Object


An OraAQ object is instantiated by invoking the CreateAQ method of the OraDatabase interface. It represents a queue that is present in the database.


Oracle Objects for OLE provides interfaces for accessing Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) feature. It makes AQ accessible from popular COM-based development environments such as Visual Basic.

The OraAQ Automation interface provides methods for enqueuing and dequeuing messages (encapsulated in the OraAQMsg object). It also provides a method for monitoring queues for message arrivals.

Client applications provide a Dispatch interface to the monitor. The monitor checks the queue for messages that meet the application criteria. It then invokes the NotifyMe method of the Dispatch interface when these messages are dequeued.

The following diagram illustrates the OO4O AQ Automation objects and their properties.

Description of o4o00016.gif follows
Description of the illustration o4o00016.gif




Example: Enqueuing Messages

Enqueuing messages of type RAW

"Enqueuing Messages of Type RAW"

Enqueuing messages of Oracle object types

"Enqueuing Messages of Oracle Object Types"

Example: Dequeuing messages

NOTE: The following code samples serve as models for dequeuing messages.

A complete AQ sample can be found in \OO4O\VB\SAMPLES\AQ

Dequeuing messages of the RAW type

"Example: Dequeuing Messages of RAW Type"

Dequeuing messages of Oracle object types

"Example: Dequeuing Messages of Oracle Object Types"

Example: Monitoring messages

See "Monitoring Messages" for examples illustrating the use of the MonitorStart and MonitorStop methods.

See Also:

PK/;6PK?AOEBPS/sermthod032.htm^ Clone (OraCollection) Method

Clone (OraCollection) Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns the clone of an OraCollection object.


set OraCollection1 = OraCollection.Clone


The arguments for the method are:

[in] oraCollection1A valid OraCollection object


This method makes a copy of an Oracle collection and returns an OraCollection object associated with that copy. This copy of an Oracle collection does not change due to a dynaset move operation or OraSQLStmt Refresh operation. An OraCollection object returned by this method allows operations to access its element values of the underlying Oracle collection and prohibits any operation that modifies its element values.

PK;c ^ PK?AOEBPS/dcprop018.htm MousePointer Property

MousePointer Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over a particular part of a form or control at run time.

PKhdRPK?AOEBPS/serprop133.htm Truncated Property

Truncated Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Indicates whether or not a field value was truncated when fetched. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_status = orafield.Truncated

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


This property returns True if truncated data is returned; otherwise, it returns False. Truncation can only occur for LONG or LONG RAW fields. Use this property to decide whether more data needs to be retrieved from an Oracle database using the GetChunk method.

PK 6  PK?AOEBPS/serobjch012.htm OraField Object

OraField Object


An OraField object represents a single column or data item within a row of a dynaset.


An OraField object is accessed indirectly by retrieving a field from the OraFields collection of an OraDynaset object.

If the current row is being updated, then the OraField object represents the currently updated value, although the value may not yet have been committed to the database.

Assignment to the Value property of a field is permitted only if a record is being edited (using the Edit method) or a new record is being added (using the AddNew method). Other attempts to assign data to the Value property of a field results in an error.



PK-+PK?AOEBPS/sermthod100.htmf GetRows Method

GetRows Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Retrieves multiple records of a dynaset object into Variant safe array.


Array =OraDynaset.GetRows(num_rows, start, fields )


The arguments for the method are:

num_rows [optional]An Integer representing the number of records to retrieve. Default value is the total number of rows in the dynaset.
start [optional]An Integer representing the starting position of the dynaset from which the GetRows operation begins. Default value is the current position of the dynaset.
fields [optional]A Variant representing a single field name or field position, or an array of field names or array of field position numbers. The GetRows method returns only the data in these fields.


Use the GetRows method to copy records from a dynaset into a two-dimensional array. The first subscript identifies the field and the second identifies the row number. The Array variable is automatically dimensioned to the correct size when the GetRows method returns the data.

Calling the GetRows method does not change the current row position of the dynaset object.


The following example retrieves data using the GetRows method.

Dim OraSession As OraSession
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset
Dim row, col As Integer
Dim fields() As String
'Create the OraSession Object
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", _
               "scott/tiger", 0&)
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
'The following line executes GetRows to get all records
data_array = OraDynaset.GetRows()
'Now display all the data in data_array
For row = 0 To UBound(data_array, 2)
    For col = 0 To UBound(data_array, 1)
        Debug.Print data_array(col, row)
    Next col
Next row
'The following lines execute GetRows to get the data from
'the ename and empno fields starting at 5
ReDim fields(2)
fields(0) = "EMPNO"
fields(1) = "ENAME"
'Execute GetRows
data_array = OraDynaset.GetRows(, 5, fields)
'Now display all the data in data_array
For row = 0 To UBound(data_array, 2)
    For col = 0 To UBound(data_array, 1)
        Debug.Print data_array(col, row)
    Next col
Next row
PKkbkfPK?AOEBPS/serprop104.htm N PollingAmount Property

PollingAmount Property

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Gets or sets the total amount to be read or written for multiple chunk Read and Write operations (polling). A value of zero means that polling is not used. This property is read/write at run time.


pollamountbytes = OraBFile.PollingAmount 
OraBfile.PollingAmount = pollamountbytes 
pollamountbytes = OraBlob.PollingAmount 
OraBlob.PollingAmount = pollamountbytes 
pollamountchars= OraClob.PollingAmount 
OraClob.PollingAmount = pollamountchars 

Data Type



This value is expressed in bytes for the OraBLOB and OraBFILE objects, or characters for the OraCLOB object. It is set before beginning a multiple-chunk read or write operation. After it is set, a series of Read or Write operations must be issued until the LOB Status property no longer returns ORALOB_NEED_DATA .This occurs when the PollingAmount bytes or characters have been read. Attempting to do other LOB operations before the end of the polling operation results in an error.

PKGݶ PK?AOEBPS/serprop149.htmg Version (OraObject and Ref) Property

Version (OraObject and Ref) Property

Applies To

OraObject Object

OraRef Object


Returns a String containing user-assigned version of the type of underlying value instance.


version  = OraRef.Version
version  = OraObject.Version 

Data Type



This property is read-only at run time.

PKxlgPK?AOEBPS/serobjch011.htm+ OraDynaset Object

OraDynaset Object


An OraDynaset object permits browsing and updating of data created from a SQL SELECT statement.


An OraDynaset object represents the result set of a SQL SELECT query or a PL/SQL cursor variable returned from a stored procedure or function. It is essentially a client-side scrollable and updatable cursor that allows browsing the set of rows generated by the query it executes. It is created by the CreateDynaset or CreateCustomDynaset method of an OraDatabase interface. An OraDynaset object can be used to scroll result sets that contain instances of relational and object-relational columns such as VARRAYs, nested tables, Objects, REFs, and LOBs and BFILE types.

This object provides transparent mirroring of database operations, such as updates. When data is updated through the Update method, the local mirror image of the query is updated so that the data appears to have been changed without reevaluating the query. The same procedure is used automatically when records are added to the dynaset. Integrity checking is performed to ensure that the mirrored image of the data always matches the actual data present on Oracle Database. This integrity checking is performed only when necessary (such as just before updates occur).

During create and refresh operations, the OraDynaset objects automatically bind all relevant enabled input parameters to the specified SQL statement, using the parameter names as placeholders in the SQL statement. This can simplify dynamic query building and increase the efficiency of multiple queries using the same SQL statement with varying WHERE clauses.

When you use Oracle Objects for OLE, locks are not placed on data until an Edit method is executed. The Edit method attempts to obtain a lock using the "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement on the current record of the dynaset. This is done as late as possible to minimize the time that locks are placed on the records. The Edit method can fail for several reasons:



PK`O!++PK?AOEBPS/sermthod094.htmf GetDatabaseFromPool Method

GetDatabaseFromPool Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Returns the next available OraDatabase object from the pool.


GetDatabaseFromPool(long waitTime)


The arguments for the method are:

waitTimeThe number of milliseconds this call waits for an object to be available, if the pool contains the maximum number of objects and all are used.


To retrieve an OraDatabase object from the pool, the GetDatabaseFromPool method is called. This function returns a reference to an OraDatabase object. If the pool does not contain the maximum number of objects allowed, and all objects in the pool are used, then an additional OraDatabase object is created implicitly. In addition, if a pool item contains an OraDatabase object that has been timed out, then a new object is created and returned. The OraDatabase object obtained from the pool is then marked as in use and is returned to the pool when the object is no longer referenced by the application.

Exceptions are raised by this call if:

The LastServerErr property of the OraSession object contains the code for the specific cause of the exception.

PK`:kfPK?AOEBPS/serprop128.htmt TableSize (OraCollection) Property

TableSize (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns the current size of the given collection. Read-only at run time.


table_size = OraCollection.TableSize

Data Type



For an OraCollection object of type ORATYPE_TABLE, it returns the current size of the collection, excluding deleted elements.

PKiXytPK?AOEBPS/serprop095.htmE Options Property

Options Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object


Returns the options flag originally passed to the specified object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


options = oradatabase.Options
options = oradynaset.Options 
options = orasqlstmt.Options

Data Type

Long Integer


See the OpenDatabase method for a description of the possible values of oradatabase.Options.

See the CreateDynaset method for a description of the possible values of oradynaset.Options.

See the CreateSQL method for a description of the possible values of orasqlstmt.Options

PKنzJ E PK?AOEBPS/sermthod009.htmi AddNew Method

AddNew Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Clears the copy buffer and begins a record insertion operation into the specified dynaset and associated database.




When an AddNew operation is initiated, values of fields present within the dynaset are maintained in a copy buffer and do not reflect the actual contents of the database.

The values of the fields are modified through the OraField object, and committed with an Update operation or when database movement occurs, which discards the new row. Field values that have not been explicitly assigned are either set to Null or allowed to default by way of the Oracle default mechanism, depending on the Column Defaulting mode of the options flag used when the OpenDatabase method was called. In either case, fields that appear in the database table but not in the dynaset are always defaulted by the Oracle default mechanism.

Internally, records are inserted by the AddNew method using the "INSERT into TABLE (...) VALUES (...)" SQL statement, and are added to the end of the table.

When adding a row that has object, collection, and REF columns, these column values should be set to a valid OraObject, OraCollection, or OraRef interface or to the Null value. The column values can also be set with the automation object returned by the CreateOraObject method. When adding a row having a BLOB, CLOB, or BFILE column, the column value should be set to a valid OraBLOB, OraCLOB, or OraBFILE interface, Null, or Empty. Setting a BLOB, CLOB, and BFILE column to an Empty value inserts an empty LOB value into the database.


A call to Edit, AddNew, or Delete methods cancels any outstanding Edit or AddNew method calls before proceeding. Any outstanding changes not saved using an Update method are lost during the cancellation.


This example demonstrates the use of the AddNew and Update methods to add a new record to a dynaset. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", _ 
               "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Begin an AddNew.
 'Set the field(column) values.
 OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").Value = "1000"
 OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value = "WILSON"
 OraDynaset.Fields("JOB").Value = "SALESMAN"
 OraDynaset.Fields("MGR").Value = "7698"
 OraDynaset.Fields("HIREDATE").Value = "19-SEP-92"
 OraDynaset.Fields("SAL").Value = 2000
 OraDynaset.Fields("COMM").Value = 500
 OraDynaset.Fields("DEPTNO").Value = 30
 'End the AddNew and Update the dynaset.
 MsgBox "Added one new employee."
End Sub
PK>{PK?AOEBPS/sermthod117.htm IsLess (OraIntervalYM) Method

IsLess (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Checks if the OraIntervalYM object is less than an argument.


isLess  = OraIntervalYMObj.IsLess value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object to be compared.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraIntervalYM object is less than the argument; otherwise, it is False.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.

PKqPK?AOEBPS/serprop019.htmV Consumer (OraAQ) Property

Consumer (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Applicable only for a dequeue operation.


Q.Consumer = consumer_name 

Data Type



The value is a string representing the name of the consumer. Only those messages matching the consumer name are accessed.


Dim DB As OraDatabase 
    Dim Q as OraAQ 
      set Q = DB.CreateAQ("Q_MSG_MULTIPLE") 
      'Dequeue only message meant for ANDY 
       Q.consumer = "ANDY" 
      'other processing...  

PK`z[ V PK?AOEBPS/serobjch003.htm + OraAQMsg Object

OraAQMsg Object


The OraAQMsg object encapsulates the message to be enqueued or dequeued. The message can be of any user-defined or raw type.



See Also:

PK3P PK?AOEBPS/sermthod.htmA\ Server Methods

10 Server Methods

This chapter describes the Oracle Objects for OLE Server methods.

For an introduction to OO4O server objects, see "Oracle Objects for OLE In-Process Automation Server" .

This chapter contains these topics:

Server Methods: A to B

Server Methods: C

Server Methods: D to H

Server Methods: I to L

Server Methods: M to S

Server Methods: T to Z

PK0!LAAPK?AOEBPS/sermthod012.htmf Append (OraLOB) Method

Append (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Appends the LOB content of the input OraLOB object to the internal LOB value of this instance.


OraBlob.Append srcBlob
OraClob.Append srcClob


The arguments for the method are:

[in] srcLOBA valid object of type OraBLOB or OraCLOB.


Appends the LOB content of input LOB to the end of current LOB value. Obtain either a row-level lock or an object-level lock before calling this method.

PK"k f PK?AOEBPS/dcprop029.htmg TrailingBlanks Property

TrailingBlanks Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether trailing blanks should be removed from character string data retrieved from the database. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.TrailingBlanks = [ True | False ]

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


By default, TrailingBlanks is False. This means that trailing blanks will be removed from character string data retrieved from the database.

Changing this property has no effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

PK~6&l g PK?AOEBPS/dcevents007.htm Reposition Event

Reposition Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This event is fired whenever the database record pointer is successfully repositioned to a new location. The Validate event is always fired before Reposition.

PK݋  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod087.htmf Exist (OraCollection) Method

Exist (OraCollection) Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns True if an element exists at a given index; otherwise, returns. Valid only for OraCollection of Type ORATYPE_TABLE.


exists = OraCollection.Exist index


The arguments for the method are:

[out] existsA Boolean value specifying the existence status of the element.
[in] indexAn Integer specifying the index of the element.



PKk f PK?AOEBPS/serprop024.htm Count (OraObject/Ref) Property

Count (OraObject/Ref) Property

Applies To

OraObject Object

OraRef Object


Returns the number of OraAttribute objects in the collection. This is same as the total number of attributes of the underlying referenceable object of OraRef or underlying value instance of OraObject. Read-only at run time.


attrcount = OraRef.Count  
attrcount = OraObject.Count 

Data Type



Individual attributes can be accessed by using a subscript or the name of the attribute. The OraObject or OraRef attribute index starts at 1.


The following example shows the use of the Count property. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dim OraSession as OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset 
Dim Address as OraObject 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'create a dynaset object from person_tab 
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from  person_tab",0&) 
'retrieve a address column from person_tab. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns Address OraObject
set Address = OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value 
'access the attribute by dot notation 
msgbox Address.Street 
'access the attribute using '!' notation ( early binding application) 
msgbox Address!Street 
'access the attribute by index 
msgbox Address(1) 
'access the attribute by name 
msgbox Address("Street") 
'access all the attributes of Address OraObject in the dynaset 
Do Until OraDynaset.EOF 
    For index = 1 To Address.Count 
        msgbox Address(index) 
    Next Index 
PK=PK?AOEBPS/dcprop025.htm7 RecordSource Property

RecordSource Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


The SQL SELECT statement to be used to create the data control's RecordSet. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.RecordSource = [ SQL SELECT Statement ]

Data Type



The SQL statement must be a SELECT statement; otherwise an error is returned. Features such as views, synonyms, column aliases, schema references, table joins, nested selects, and remote database references can be used freely; object names are not modified in any way.

Whether or not the resultant dynaset can be updated depends on the Oracle SQL rules of updatability, the access you have been granted, and the ReadOnly property. In order to be updatable, three conditions must be met:

  1. The SQL statement must refer to a simple column list or to the entire column list (*).

  2. The SQL statement must not set the read-only flag of the options argument.

  3. Oracle must permit ROWID references to the selected rows of the query.

Any SQL statement that does not meet these criteria is processed, but the results are not updatable and the dynaset's Updatable property returns False.

Changing this property does not take effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

You can use SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.

If this property is NULL or empty, then an OraDynaset object is not created, but OraSession, OraConnection, and OraDatabase objects are created for the data control. This behavior enables access to these objects prior to creation of a dynaset. For example, a NULL RecordSource might be used to instantiate the database object to add parameters. The RecordSource property can then be set at run time, making use of the automatic binding of database parameters.

Changing this property and calling the Refresh method of the RecordSet property will create a new dynaset object, but the old dynaset continues to be available for use until all references to it are removed.


This example demonstrates the use of SQL bind variables (parameters) in the RecordSource property of the data control. To run this demonstration, copy this code into the definition section of a form containing a data control named oradata1, then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Set the username and password.
 oradata1.Connect = "scott/tiger"
 'Set the databasename.
 oradata1.DatabaseName = "ExampleDb"
 'Refresh the data control without setting the
 ' RecordSource. This has the effect of creating
 ' the underlying database object so that parameters  may be added.
 'Set the RecordSource and use a SQL parameter.
 oradata1.RecordSource = "select * from emp where job = :job"
 'Add the job input parameter with initial value MANAGER.
 oradata1.Database.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1
 'Refresh the data control.
 'Only employees with the job MANAGER will be contained in the dynaset.
 'Change the value of the job parameter to SALESMAN.
 oradata1.Database.Parameters("job").Value = "SALESMAN"
 'Refresh ONLY the recordset.
 'Only employees with the job SALESMAN will be contained in the dynaset.
End Sub
PKdjPK?AOEBPS/sermthod050.htmZ Cos (OraNumber) Method

Cos (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the cosine of an OraNumber object given in radians.




The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK&kPK?AOEBPS/serprop083.htm. Name Property

Name Property

Applies To

OraClient Object

OraField Object

OraParameter Object

OraSession Object

OraParamArray Object

OraServer Object

OraSubscription Object


Returns the name used to identify the given object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


client_name = oraclient.Name
field_name = orafield.Name
parameter_name = oraparameter.Name 
paramarray_name = oraparamarray.Name
session_name = orasession.Name 
server_name = oraserver.Name
subscription_name = orasubscription.Name

Data Type



See Also:

PK~vkPK?AOEBPS/serprop044.htm q ExceptionQueue Property

ExceptionQueue Property

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Specifies the name of the queue to which message should be moved if it cannot be processed successfully.


Msg.ExceptionQueue queue_name

Data Type



Applicable only for a message that is being enqueued.

Possible values are:

A message is moved to the exception queue if the number of dequeue attempts has expired or has exceeded max_retries specified in the DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE command.

PKl? PK?AOEBPS/sermthod099.htm GetXMLToFile Method

GetXMLToFile Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Generates an XML document and writes it to a file.


oradynaset.GetXMLToFile (filename, startrow, maxrows) 


The arguments for the method are:

filenameThe file name that the XML is written to. Existing files by the same name are overwritten.
startrowThe row identifier indicating from which row to start (see OraDynaset.RowPosition). The default value of this argument is 0 (the first row).
maxrowsThe maximum number of rows to retrieve (if the end of the record set is reached; fewer rows may be returned). If this argument is omitted, then all rows are returned.


There is no return value.

The formatting of the XML output can be customized through the XML properties of the OraDynaset and OraField objects.

PK%PK?AOEBPS/serobjch015.htm~ OraMDAttribute Object

OraMDAttribute Object


Each OraMDAttribute object describes an individual attribute. It represents an entry to the attribute table of the OraMetaData object. It can be accessed by creating a subscript that uses ordinal integers or by using the name of the attribute.







See "Schema Objects Used in OraMetaData Examples" for OraMetaData Schema Definitions used in these examples.

Example: Describing a Table

See "Describing a Table Example".

Example: Describing a User-Defined Type

See "Example: Describing a User-Defined Type".

Example: Describing Unknown Schema Objects

See "Example: Describing Unknown Schema Objects".

PK񗞃 ~ PK?AOEBPS/serprop110.htmG SafeArray (OraCollection) Property

SafeArray (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Gets or sets the element values from the Variant SAFEARRAY.


SafeArray = OraCollection.SafeArrayOraCollection.SafeArray = SafeArray


SafeArrayA Variant representing SafeArray format.

Data Type

A Variant representing a SafeArray format.


This property is only valid for simple scalar elements types, such as VARCHAR2 and NUMBER. This property raises an error for element type LOBS, Objects, Refs, and so on.

The Variant SAFEARRAY index starts at 0. When converting to SAFEARRAY format, the OraCollection object converts its element value to its corresponding SAFEARRAY Variant type. The following table explains collection element types and their corresponding SAFEARRAY Variant types:

Collection Element TypeSAFEARRAY of

For setting a SAFEARRAY to a collection, OraCollection converts the SAFEARRAY elements to its nearest collection element type.

PK7vFLGPK?AOEBPS/sermthod140.htm_ Open (OraBFILE) Method

Open (OraBFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


Opens a BFILE.




This method should be called before accessing the BFILE value.

PKT.d_PK?AOEBPS/cover.htmO Cover

Oracle Corporation

PK[pTOPK?AOEBPS/serprop012.htmw CacheSliceSize Property

CacheSliceSize Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets cache slice size.


 set Slicesize = oradynaset.CacheSliceSize 
 oradynaset.CacheSliceSize = Slicesize   

Data Type


PK.,|wPK?AOEBPS/serobjch017.htmw OraNumber Object

OraNumber Object


The OraNumber interface provides methods for operations on the Oracle Number data types. This interface exposes a set of math operations that provide greater precision than is available in some programming environments, such as Visual Basic.


The OraNumber object can be obtained through the CreateOraNumber method of the OraSession object or by calling the Clone method on an existing OraNumber.

All of the methods of the OraNumber object that take a numeric argument accept a string, another numeric type, such as a long in Visual Basic, or another OraNumber object.


If a Visual Basic numeric value (or constant) is used as an argument, it is limited to the maximum precision provided by the language.

The OraNumber on which the math operation is called holds the result of the operation (overwriting any previous value). If a Format was specified (through the Format property), the value of an OraNumber must match this format or an error is raised when the Value property is accessed.




A scientific calculator example program is included as part on the samples installed with Oracle Objects for OLE. See "Demonstration Schema and Code Examples".

See Also:

OraSession Object

PKɤ|wPK?AOEBPS/serprop055.htm/ Filter Property

Filter Property


The OraDynaset object does not support this property. Refine your record selection by using a SQL WHERE clause or by using SQL parameters.

PK foPK?AOEBPS/sermthod147.htm ReadChunk Method

ReadChunk Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns a String containing the bytes of all or a portion of a LONG or LONG RAW field.


data_string = orafield.ReadChunk(offset, numbytes, bytesread) 


The arguments for the method are:

offsetThe number of bytes in the field to skip before copying data.
numbytesThe number of bytes to copy.
bytesreadThe number of bytes read.


The ReadChunk method behaves like the GetChunk method, but it returns the actual number of bytes read in the bytesread argument.

PK<|PK?AOEBPS/appendix.htmH Appendix A

A Appendix A

This appendix includes the following:

Oracle Data Types

The following are code for Oracle data types.

Table A-1 Oracle Data Type Codes

Oracle Data TypeCodes







































































































These codes are also listed in the oraconst.txt file located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o directory.

Additional Schemas

Occasionally other schemas are required to run examples. These schemas are listed in the following sections.

Schema Objects Used in OraMetaData Examples

This section presents OraMetaData schema definitions.

                   street VARCHAR(60), 
                   state CHAR(2), 
                   zip CHAR(10), 
MEMBER PROCEDURE ChangeStreetName(newstreet IN VARCHAR2) 

Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples

The following schema objects are used in the OraLOB and BFILE examples. Run the SQL script ORAEXAMP.SQL on your database to set up the schema.

                   part_id NUMBER, 
                   part_name VARCHAR2(20), 
                   part_image BLOB, 
                   part_desc CLOB, 
                   part_collateral BFILE 
Create Directory NewDirectoryName as 'C:\valid\path' 

Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples

The following schema objects are used in the OraObject and OraRef examples. Data for the following tables can be inserted with the ORAEXAMP.SQL script that is provided with the OO4O installation.

                        street VARCHAR2(200),
                        city VARCHAR2(200),
                        state CHAR(2),
                        zip VARCHAR2(20)
                        name VARCHAR2(20), 
                        age NUMBER,
                        addr ADDRESS);
CREATE TABLE person_tab of PERSON;
CREATE TABLE customers(
                        account NUMBER,
                        aperson REF PERSON);

Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples

The following schema is used in examples of OraCollection methods

  CREATE TABLE department (
    dept_id NUMBER(2),
    name VARCHAR2(15),


    course_no NUMBER(4), 
    title VARCHAR2(35),
    credits NUMBER(1));

  CREATE TYPE CourseList AS TABLE OF Course;

  CREATE TABLE division (
    name VARCHAR2(20),
    director VARCHAR2(20),
    office VARCHAR2(20),
    courses CourseList) 
  NESTED TABLE courses STORE AS courses_tab;
PKuEHHPK?AOEBPS/sermthod039.htmR Close Method

Close Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object

OraServer Object


Does nothing. Added for compatibility with Visual Basic.


Neither the OraDatabase nor the OraDynaset object supports this method. Once an OraDatabase or OraDynaset object has gone out of scope and there are no references to it, the object closes automatically.

PKD8W R PK?AOEBPS/sermthod072.htm6 Dequeue (OraAQ) Method

Dequeue (OraAQ) Method

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Dequeues a message.




The message attributes can be accessed with the OraAQMsg interface contained in this object. On success, this method returns the message identifier as an array of bytes. Otherwise, it returns an empty array (null).



The following code sample are models for dequeuing messages.

A complete AQ sample can be found in the \OO4O\VB\SAMPLES \AQ directory.

Example: Dequeuing Messages of RAW Type

 'Dequeue the first message available  
Set Msg = Q.QMsg 
'Display the message content 
MsgBox Msg.Value 
'Dequeue the first message available without removing it 
' from the queue 
Q.DequeueMode = ORAAQ_DQ_BROWSE 
'Dequeue the first message with the correlation identifier 
' equal to "RELATIVE_MSG_ID" 
Q.Navigation = ORAAQ_DQ_FIRST_MSG 
Q.correlate = "RELATIVE_MESSAGE_ID" 
'Dequeue the next message with the correlation identifier 
Q.Navigation = ORAAQ_DQ_NEXT_MSG 
'Dequeue the first high priority message 
'Dequeue the message enqueued with message id of Msgid_1 
Q.DequeueMsgid = Msgid_1 
'Dequeue the message meant for the consumer "ANDY" 
Q.consumer = "ANDY" 
'Return immediately if there is no message on the queue  

Example: Dequeuing Messages of Oracle Object Types

Set OraObj = DB.CreateOraObject("MESSAGE_TYPE") 
Set QMsg = Q.AQMsg(23, "MESSAGE_TYPE","SCOTT")
'Dequeue the first message available without removing it 
OraObj = QMsg.Value 
'Display the subject and data 
MsgBox OraObj("subject").Value & OraObj("Data").Value
PKwPK?AOEBPS/sermthod077.htm@ Div (OraIntervalYM) Method

Div (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Divides the OraIntervalYM object by a divisor.


OraIntervalYMObj.Div divisor


The arguments for the method are:

[in] divisorA Variant for type numeric value or an OraNumber object to be used as the divisor.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalYM object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

PK'E @ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod159.htm Sqrt (OraNumber) Method

Sqrt (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the square root of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

This method returns an error if the OraNumber object is less than zero.

PK?_LPK?AOEBPS/dcprop008.htmy DirtyWrite Property

DirtyWrite Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether or not Update and Delete will or will not check for read inconsistencies.


oradata1.DirtyWrite = [ True | False ]

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


By default, DirtyWrite is False, meaning that read consistency will be maintained for Update and Delete operation on underlying recordset/dynaset object. Changing this property has no effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

PK Iж~ y PK?AOEBPS/sermthod007.htmM AddIntervalDS Method

AddIntervalDS Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Adds an interval that represents an interval from days to seconds, to the OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object.


OraTimeStampObj.AddIntervalDS operand
OraTimeStampTZObj.AddIntervalDS operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object that represents an interval from days to seconds to be added to the current OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object.


The result of adding an interval to the current OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object is stored in the current object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

If operand is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If operand is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS object represents.


Using OraTimeStamp

Dim OraTimeStamp As OraTimeStamp 
'Create OraTimeStamp using a string 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("2000-12-28 00:00:00", _
         "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS") 
'Add an interval using numeric value that represents 5 days and 12 hours 
OraTimeStamp.AddIntervalDS 5.5 
'Value should now be "2001-1-2 12:00:00" 
tsStr = OraTimeStamp.Value 

Using OraTimeStampTZ

Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2000-12-28 00:00:00 -07:00", _
'Add an interval using numeric value that represents 5 days and 12 hours 
OraTimeStampTZ.AddIntervalDS 5.5 
'Value should now be "2001-1-2 12:00:00" 
tstzStr = OraTimeStampTZ.Value 
PKrˍRMPK?AOEBPS/serprop115.htmA ServerType Property

ServerType Property

Applies To

OraParameter Object

OraParamArray Object


Specifies the Oracle external type of a SQL or PL/SQL bind variable. Not available at design time and read/write at run time.

Read-only for the OraParamArray object. Specify the ServerType property during the AddTable method.


oraparameter.ServerType = oracle_type

Data Type



Used to specify the external data type of SQL or PL/SQL (in/out) bind variables. This is necessary because no local parsing of the SQL statement or PL/SQL block is done to match the data types of placeholders in the SQL statement or PL/SQL block.

After an OraParameter object has been set to ServerType BLOB, CLOB, BFILE, OBJECT, REF, VARRAY, or NESTED TABLE, it cannot be changed to any other ServerType property.

The following Oracle external data types are supported.

ConstantValueInternal Data Type

These values can be found in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\oraconst.txt file.


This example demonstrates the Add and Remove parameter methods, the ServerType parameter property, and the ExecuteSQL database method to call a stored procedure and function (located in ORAEXAMP.SQL). Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Add EMPNO as an Input/Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, ORAPARM_INPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER
 'Add ENAME as an Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").ServerType = ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
 'Add SAL as an Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "SAL", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("SAL").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER
 'Execute the Stored Procedure Employee.GetEmpName to retrieve ENAME.
 ' This Stored Procedure can be found in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL.
 OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin Employee.GetEmpName (:EMPNO, :ENAME); end;")
 'Display the employee number and name.
 'Execute the Stored Function Employee.GetSal to retrieve SAL.
 ' This Stored Function can be found in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL.
 OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("declare SAL number(7,2); Begin" & _ 
                ":SAL:=Employee.GetEmpSal (:EMPNO); end;")
 'Display the employee name, number and salary.
 MsgBox "Employee " & OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").value & ", #" & OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").value & ",Salary=" & OraDatabase.Parameters("SAL").value
 'Remove the Parameters.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "EMPNO"
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "ENAME"
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "SAL"
End Sub
PKئKÅAAPK?AOEBPS/whatsnew.htmv What's New in Oracle Objects for OLE?

What's New in Oracle Objects for OLE?

This section describes new features of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) and provides pointers to additional information. New features information from previous releases is also retained to help those users migrating to the current release.

The following sections describe the new features in Oracle Oracle Objects for OLE:

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) and Release 2 (11.2) New Features

There are no new features for these releases.

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) New Features

There are no new features for this release.

Documentation for Oracle Objects for OLE was improved and reorganized, although there is no additional content. The documentation was reformatted to a printable, PDF format. PDF and HTML are provided in the Documentation Library. Online Help in WinHelp format is no longer provided.

Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) New Features

PKMe{vPK?AOEBPS/sermthod053.htm$ CreateDatabasePool Method

CreateDatabasePool Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates a pool of OraDatabase objects. Only one pool can be created for each OraSession object.


CreateDatabasePool (long initialSize, long maxSize, long timeoutValue, BSTR database_name, BSTR connect_string, long options)


The arguments for the method are:

initialSizeThe initial size of the pool.
maxSizeThe maximum size to which the pool can grow.
timeoutValueIf an OraDatabase object in the pool is idle for the timeoutValue value specified, the database connection that it contains is disconnected. The connection is reopened if the pool item is used again. This value is in seconds.
database_nameThe Oracle network specifier used when connecting the data control to a database.
connectStringThe user name and password to be used when connecting to an Oracle database.
optionsA bit flag word used to set the optional modes of the database. If options = 0, the default mode settings apply. "Constants" shows the available modes.


The OpenDatabase method of the OraSession object is used to establish a connection to an Oracle database. This method returns a reference to the OraDatabase object which is then used for executing SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks. The connection pool in OO4O is a pool of OraDatabase objects. The pool is created by invoking the CreateDatabasePool method of the OraSession interface.

Exceptions are raised by this call if:

The LastServerErr property of the OraSession object contains the code for the specific cause of the exception resulting from an Oracle Database error.

One possible connection error that could be returned is:

ORA-28001 "the password has expired"

The user can change the password using the ChangePassword method.

PKmPK?AOEBPS/serprop080.htm = Month (OraTimeStamp) Property

Month (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the Month attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


month = OraTimeStampObj.Month
OraTimeStampObj.Month = month


[in] monthThe Month attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PKċO PK?AOEBPS/sermthod101.htm Get_Value Method

Get_Value Method

Applies To

OraParamArray Object


Returns the value of a particular element of the array at the specified index.


OraParamArray.Get_Value(array, index)


The arguments for the method are:

[in] arrayA String representing the name of the array.
[in] indexAn Integer representing the index value of the object.


The OraParamArray.Get_Value method returns the value of the field as a Variant. The value of data_value = oraparameter.Value sets the contents of the parameter.

Note that fields of type DATE are returned in the default Visual Basic format as specified in the Control Panel, even though the default Oracle date format is "DD-MMM-YY".

The Value argument can be an Oracle Database 10g object, such as an OraBLOB object. For Put_Value, a copy of the object is made at that point in time, and Get_Value must be accessed to obtain a new object that refers to that index value. For example, if iotype is ORATYPE_BOTH and an OraBLOB object obtained from a dynaset is passed in as the input value, Get_Value needs to be called after the SQL code has been executed to obtain the newly updated output value of the ParamaterArray object.

Similar to a dynaset, the object obtained from the ParamaterArray Get_Value property refers to the latest value for that ParamaterArray index. The Visual Basic value Null can also be passed as a value. The Visual Basic value EMPTY can be used for BLOB and CLOB to indicate an empty LOB, and for Object, VARRAY, and nested table data types to indicate an object whose attributes are all Null.

This method is not available at design time and is read-only at run time.

When binding to RAW columns (ServerType ORATYPE_RAW_BIN), the value should be a byte array.

PKO<PK?AOEBPS/serprop145.htm/ Value (OraMDAttribute) Property

Value (OraMDAttribute) Property

Applies To

OraMDAttribute Object


A String containing the value of the attribute.


value = OraMDAttribute.Value

Data Type



This is the default property.

PK#PK?AOEBPS/dcprop.htmZ Data Control Properties

14 Data Control Properties

This chapter describes the Oracle Data Control Properties. For an introduction to Data Control, see "Oracle Data Control".

See Also:

For more information, see the Microsoft Visual Basic help and documentation.

This chapter contains these topics:

The following properties apply to the OraDynaset object and to the Oracle Data Control.

PKDE!6PK?AOEBPS/serobjch009.htm 1 OraConnection Object

OraConnection Object


An OraConnection object represents a single connection to an Oracle database.


An OraConnection object is created automatically whenever an OraDatabase object is instantiated within the session, and it is destroyed automatically whenever all databases using the connection are discarded.

Currently, there is no way to create an OraConnection object explicitly, only by creating an OraDatabase object that requires a connection.



PKq PK?AOEBPS/sermthod033.htmC Clone (OraIntervalDS) Method

Clone (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Returns a copy of the OraIntervalDS object.


Set OraIntervalDSObjClone = OraIntervalDSObj.Clone


Returns a new OraIntervalDS object with the same value as the original.

PKa]PK?AOEBPS/dcevents001.htm  DragDrop Event

DragDrop Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed as a result of either dragging a control over a form or control and releasing the mouse button, or using the Drag method with its action argument = 2 (Drop).

PK <H PK?AOEBPS/sermthod005.htm Add (OraNumber) Method

Add (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Adds a numeric argument to the OraNumber object.


OraNumber.Add operand 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber object, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKėWE PK?AOEBPS/sermthod118.htmG IsLess (OraNumber) Method

IsLess (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Checks if an OraNumber object is less than an argument value.


bool  = OraNumber.IsLess value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, OraNumber object, or a numeric value.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraNumber object is less than the argument; otherwise, it is False.

PKષ;L G PK?AOEBPS/sermthod062.htm CreateOraTimeStampTZ Method

CreateOraTimeStampTZ Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates a new OraTimeStampTZ object. This OraTimeStampTZ object represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.


Set OraTimeStampTZObj = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ value format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStampTZ.
[[in] [optional] formatTIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format string to be used when displaying or interpreting an OraTimeStampTZ object as a string. If format is not specified, the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE string is interpreted using the session TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT format).

Return Values

OraTimeStampTZ Object


An OraSession object must be created before an OraTimeStampTZ object can be created.

If value is a Variant of type String, the string format must match the datetime format specified in the format argument if format is specified; otherwise, the string format must match the session TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT).

If value is a Variant of type Date, the date-time value in the Date is interpreted as the date-time value in the time zone of the session. The TimeZone property in the OraTimeStampTZ object contains the time zone of the session.

If format is specified, it is stored in the Format property of the OraTimeStampTZ object, otherwise the session TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format is stored in the Format property of OraTimeStampTZ object.


Dim oraTSZ as OraTimeStampTZ 
Dim oraTSZ1 as OraTimeStampTZ 
Dim date as Date 
'Create an OraTimeStampTZ using a string assuming the session 
Set oraTSZ = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ( "12-JAN-2003" & _
             " PM -03:00") 
'Create an OraTimeStampTZ using a string and a format 
Set oraTSZ = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ( "2003-01-12" & _
             "12:00:00 PM -03:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM TZH:TZM") 
'Create an OraTimeStampTZ using a Date 
date = #1/12/2003# 
Set oraTSZ = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ(date) 
'Create an OraTimeStampTZ  using an OraTimeStampTZ 
Set oraTSZ1 = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ(oraTSZ) 
PKvPK?AOEBPS/sermthod052.htm9 CreateCustomDynaset Method

CreateCustomDynaset Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Creates a dynaset using custom cache and fetch parameters


Set oradynaset = oradatabase.CreateCustomDynaset(sql_statement, options, slicesize, perblock, blocks, FetchLimit, FetchSize, SnapShotID)


The arguments for the method are:

sql_statementAny valid Oracle SQL SELECT statement.
slicesizeCache slice size.
perblockCache slices for each block.
blocksCache maximum number of blocks.
FetchLimitFetch array size.
FetchSizeFetch array buffer size.
optionsA bit flag indicating the status of any optional states of the dynaset. You can combine one or more options by adding their respective values. Specifying the constant ORADYN_DEFAULT or the value &H0& gives the following defaults for the dynaset:
  • Behave like Visual Basic Mode for a database: Field values not explicitly set are set to Null, overriding database column defaults.

  • Perform automatic binding of database parameters.

  • Remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.

  • Create an updatable dynaset.

  • Cache data on the client.

  • Force a MoveFirst operation when the dynaset is created.

  • Maintain read-consistency.

SnapShotID [optional]The ID of a Snapshot obtained from the SnapShot property of an OraDynaset.


The following table lists constants and values for the options flag.

ORADYN_DEFAULT&H0&Accept the default behavior.
ORADYN_NO_AUTOBIND&H1&Do not perform automatic binding of database parameters.
ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP&H2&Do not remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.
ORADYN_READONLY&H4&Force dynaset to be read-only.
ORADYN_NOCACHE&H8&Do not create a local dynaset data cache. Without the local cache, previous rows within a dynaset are unavailable; however, increased performance results during retrieval of data from the database (move operations) and from the rows (field operations). Use this option in applications that make single passes through the rows of a dynaset for increased performance and decreased resource usage.
ORADYN_ORAMODE&H10&Same as Oracle Mode for a database except it affects only the dynaset being created. If database was created in Oracle Mode, the dynaset inherits the property from it (for compatibility).
ORADYN_NO_REFETCH&H20&Behaves same as ORADB_NO_REFETCH mode for a database except this mode affects only the dynaset being created. If the database was created in ORADB_NO_REFETCH mode, the dynaset inherits the property for compatibility.
ORADYN_N_MOVEFIRST&H40&Does not force a MoveFirst when the dynaset is created. BOF and EOF are both true.
ORADYN_DIRTY_WRITE&H80&Update and Delete methods do not check for read consistency.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file located in:



The SQL statement must be a SELECT statement or an error is returned. Features such as simple views and synonyms can be used freely. You can also use schema references, column aliases, table joins, nested select statements, and remote database references, but in each case you end up with a read-only dynaset.

If you use a complex expression or SQL function on a column, such as "sal + 100" or "abs(sal)" , you get an updatable dynaset, but the column associated with the complex expression is not updatable.

Object names generally are not modifed, but in certain cases, they can be changed. For example, if you use a column alias, you must use the alias to refer to the field by name. If you use spaces in a complex expression, you must refer to the column without the spaces, because the database removes spaces. Note that you can always refer to a field by number, that is, by its ordinal position in the SELECT statement.

Executing the SQL SELECT statement generates a commit operation to the database by default. To avoid this, use the BeginTrans method on the session object before using the CreateDynaset method.

The updatability of the resultant dynaset depends on the Oracle SQL rules of updatability, on the access you have been granted, and on the options flag.

Updatability Conditions

For the dynaset to be updatable, three conditions must be met:

Any SQL statement that does not meet these criteria is processed, but the results are not updatable and the Updatable property of the dynaset returns False.

This method automatically moves to the first row of the created dynaset.

You can use SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.


This example demonstrates the CreateCustomDynaset method. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form, then press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
 'Create the OraDynaset Object using sliceSize as 256,perblock size as 16, no. of 
 'blocks as 20, fetchLimit as 20,FetchSize as 4096
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateCustomDynaset("select empno, " & _ 
               "ename from emp", 0&,256,16,20,20,4096)
 'Display the first record.
 MsgBox "Employee " & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", #" & _ 
End Sub

See Also:

SnapShot Property

PK99PK?AOEBPS/sermthod145.htm! Put_Value Method

Put_Value Method

Applies To

OraParamArray Object


Inserts values into the table parameter.


OraParamArray.Put_Value(value, index)


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant representing the value to insert.
[in] indexAn Integer representing the index value of the object.


This method should be used to insert a value before accessing a row in a table. A row does not contain a valid value until a row is assigned a value. Any reference to an unassigned row in the table raises an OLE Automation error.

The value argument can be an Oracle Database 10g object, such as an OraBLOB. For Put_Value, a copy of the object is made at that point in time, and Get_Value must be accessed to obtain a new object that refers to that index value. For example, if iotype is ORATYPE_BOTH and an OraBLOB obtained from a dynaset is passed in as the input value, Get_Value needs to be called after the SQL has been executed to obtain the newly updated output value of the ParamaterArray.

Similar to a dynaset, the object obtained from ParamaterArray Get_Value method always refers to the latest value for that ParamaterArray index. The Visual Basic value Null can also be passed as a value. The Visual Basic value EMPTY can be used for BLOB and CLOB to indicate an empty LOB, and for OBJECT, VARRAY and NESTED TABLE to indicate an object whose attributes are all Null.

When binding to RAW columns (ServerType ORATYPE_RAW_BIN) value should be a byte array.

PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod024.htmY BeginTrans Method

BeginTrans Method

Applies To

OraConnection Object

OraDatabase Object

OraSession Object


Begins a database transaction within the specified session.




After this method has been called, no database transactions are committed until a CommitTrans is issued. Alternatively, the session can be rolled back using the Rollback method. If a transaction has already been started, repeated use of the BeginTrans method causes an error.

If Update or Delete methods fail on a given row in a dynaset in a global transaction after you issue a BeginTrans, be aware that locks remain on those rows on which you called the Update or Delete method. These locks persist until you call a CommitTrans or Rollback method.


If an OraDatabase object has been enlisted with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and is part of a global MTS transaction, this method has no effect.


This example demonstrates the use of the BeginTrans method to group a set of dynaset edits into a single transaction and uses the Rollback method to cancel those changes. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 Dim fld As OraField
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession. OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", _ 
                     "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Start Transaction processing.
 'Setup a field object to save object references.
 Set fld = OraDynaset.Fields("sal")
 'Traverse until EOF is reached, setting each employees salary to zero
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF = True
   fld.value = 0
 MsgBox "All salaries set to ZERO."
 'Currently, the changes have NOT been committed to the database.
 'End Transaction processing. Using RollbackTrans 
 'means the rollback can be canceled in the Validate event.
 'MsgBox "Salary changes rolled back."
End Sub
PKDo^YPK?AOEBPS/serprop.htm Server Properties

11 Server Properties

This chapter describes the Oracle Objects for OLE Server properties.

For an introduction to Server Objects, see "Oracle Objects for OLE In-Process Automation Server" .

This chapter contains these topics:

Server Properties: A to F

Server Properties: E to L

Server Properties: M to O

Server Properties: P to T

Server Properties: U to Z

PK\+<<PK?AOEBPS/sermthod085.htm Erase (OraLOB) Method

Erase (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Erases the specified portion of the LOB value of this object starting at the specified offset.


OraBlob.Erase amount, offset
OraClob.Erase amount, offset


The arguments for the method are:

[in] amountAn Integer specifying the maximum number of characters or bytes to be erased.
[in] offset [optional]An Integer specifying absolute offset of the LOB value from which to start erasing. Default value is 1.


Obtain either a row-level lock or object-level lock before calling this method. The actual number of characters or bytes and the requested number differ if the end of the LOB value is reached before erasing the requested number of characters or bytes. For BLOB types, erasing means that zero-byte fillers overwrite the existing LOB value. For CLOB types, erasing means that spaces overwrite the existing LOB value.

PK!wPK?AOEBPS/sermthod070.htmT Delete (OraRef) Method

Delete (OraRef) Method

Applies To

OraRef Object


Deletes a referenceable object in the database.




Accessing attributes on the deleted instance results in an error.


The following example illustrates the Delete method. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim Person  as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object represent Person object bind Variable
'execute the sql statement which selects person 
'from the customers table for account = 10
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select aperson into :PERSON from customers" & _
                   "where account = 10;  END;")
'get the Person object from OraParameter
set Person = OraDatabase.Parameters("PERSON").Value
'delete the Person object in the server for modifying its attributes
PK&Y T PK?AOEBPS/serprop023.htm Count (OraMetaData) Property

Count (OraMetaData) Property

Applies To

OraMetaData Object


An integer representing the number of OraMDAttribute objects contained in this collection.


count = OraMetaData.Count

Data Type


PK>#  PK?AOEBPS/serprop047.htm` FetchLimit Property

FetchLimit Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets the array size of the fetch.


set Limit = oradynaset.FetchLimit
oradynaset.FetchLimit = Limit

Data Type


PKbt0e`PK?AOEBPS/sermthod029.htm9 ChangePassword (OraSession) Method

ChangePassword (OraSession) Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Changes the password for a given user.


OraSession.ChangePassword database_name, user_name, current_password, new_password


The arguments for the method are:

[in] database_nameA String representing the Oracle network specifier used when connecting to a database.
[in] user_nameA String representing the user for whom the password is changed.
[in] current_passwordA String representing the current password for the user.
[in] new_passwordA String representing the new password for whom the user account is set.


This method is especially useful when a password has expired. In that case, the OpenDatabase or CreateDatabasePool method could return the following error:

ORA-28001 "the password has expired". 


Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim password as String 
'Note: The DBA could expire scott's password by issuing 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
password = "tiger" 
On Error GoTo err: 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/" & password, 0&)
'Check for password expiration error 
If OraSession.LastServerErr = 28001 Then 
    OraSession.ChangePassword "ExampleDb", "scott", password, "newpass" 
    'reset our password variable, then try OpenDatabase again 
    password = "newpass" 
End If 
PK"@I>9PK?AOEBPS/serprop063.htm IsLocator (OraCollection) Property

IsLocator (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns True if the collection instance of the OraCollection object is locator-based; otherwise, returns False.


islocator = OraCollection.IsLocator

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)

PKOHPK?AOEBPS/serobjch021.htmS% OraRef Object

OraRef Object


The OraRef interface represents an Oracle REF (reference) as well as a referenceable object (standalone instance).


An Oracle REF is an identifier to a referenceable object. Referenceable objects are stored in rows of an object table. By pinning a REF object, referenceable objects are fetched to the client side. An OraRef object implicitly pins the underlying REF when the attributes of a referenceable object are accessed for the first time. The OraRef also encapsulates the functionality for an object navigational operation utilizing the Complex Object Retrieval Capability (COR).

Attributes of a referenceable object represented by the OraRef object are accessed in the same manner as attributes of an value instance represented by the OraObject interface. When pinned, OraRef contains an OraObject interface through the containment mechanism in COM. At run time, the OraRef interface can be typecast to the OraObject interface.

OraRef provides methods for update and delete operations on a referenceable object, independent of the context from which they originated, such as dynasets, parameters, and so on.

An object-level lock should be obtained before modifying the attributes of a referenceable object. This is done though the Edit method of the OraRefobject.

The CreateOraObject method on the OraDatabase object creates a new referenceable object in the database and returns information associated with the OraRef Object. The CreateOraObject and Update methods pair inserts a new referenceable object in the database.

For information about initializing an OraRef object representing a referenceable object in OO4O or executing a member method of a referenceable object, see "Instantiating Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections".




Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples" for schema descriptions used in examples of OraObject/OraRef.

Example: Pinning Ref Values

The following example pins the attributes of the PERSON referenceable object in the database.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. Here Value property of 
' OraField object returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'access the attribute of person. This operation pins the Person ref 
'value and fetches the Person referenceable object to the client. 
msgbox Person.Name

Example: Accessing Attribute Values

The following example accesses the attributes of the PERSON referenceable object in the database.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef
Dim Address as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. Here Value property of OraField 
'object returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'access the attribute by dot notation. 
msgbox Person.Name
'access the attribute using '!' notation ( early binding application)
msgbox Person!Name
'access the attribute by index
msgbox Person(1)
'access the attribute by name
msgbox Person("Name")
'access Addr attribute . This returns Address OraObject.
set Address = Person.Addr

Example: Updating Attribute Values

The following example updates the attributes of the PERSON referenceable object in the database.

Dynaset Example

See "Updating Attribute Values: Dynaset Example".

Parameter Example

See "Updating Attribute Values: Parameter Example".

Example: Inserting Referenceable Objects

The following example inserts the new PERSON referenceable object in the database.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim Person  as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'CreateOraObject   creates a new referenceable object in the PERSON_TAB object 
'table and returns associated OraRef
set Person = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("PERSON","PERSON_TAB")
'modify the attributes of Person
Person.Name = "Eric"
Person.Age = 35
'Update method inserts modified referenceable object in the PERSON_TAB.
PKPbX%S%PK?AOEBPS/sermthod104.htmO HypTan (OraNumber) Method

HypTan (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKmPK?AOEBPS/sermthod152.htm Remove (OraSubscriptions Collection) Method

Remove (OraSubscriptions Collection) Method

Applies To

OraSubscriptions Collection


Removes a subscription from the OraSubscriptions collection.




The arguments for the method are:

memberA Variant specifying an integer subscript from 0 to Count, or the subscription name.


This method unregisters (removes) the subscription if it is active, and destroys the subscription associated with it.

PKRdPK?AOEBPS/serprop007.htm r BookMarkable Property

BookMarkable Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Indicates whether the specified dynaset can supports Bookmark objects. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


if_bookmarkable = oradynaset.Bookmarkable

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


This property returns True unless the No Cache mode was set when the specified dynaset was created; otherwise, it returns False.

PKD_ PK?AOEBPS/serprop017.htmF ConnectionOK Property

ConnectionOK Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraConnection Object


Returns a Boolean value indicating the status of the database connection associated with the OraConnection object. A return value of True implies that the connection is alive in the connection object associated with the specified database. If the connection has been dropped, this property returns False.

Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


ConnectionStat = OraDatabase.ConnectionOK
ConnectionStat = OraDatabase.Connection.ConnectionOK 

Data Type



  • OraDatabase.ConnectionOK

    Returns the connection status of the connection object associated with the specified database. Each database is associated with one connection object, but many databases can share the same connection object.

  • OraConnection.ConnectionOK

    Returns the status of the underlying connection to the database. This is equivalent to OraDatabase.OraConnection.ConnectionOK.

PKK F PK?AOEBPS/serprop070.htmr LastErrorText Property

LastErrorText Property

Applies To

OraParamArray Object


Gets the last error message. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.



Data Type


PK8wrPK?AOEBPS/serprop134.htm=# Type Property

Type Property

Applies To

OraField Object

OraParameter Object

OraParamArray Object


Returns the Variant type of the specified object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


data_type = orafield.Type
data_type = oraparameter.Type 
data_type = oraparamarray.Type

Data Type



  • orafield.Type

    Returns the Variant data type (see Visual Basic documentation) associated with the returned value of this field.

  • oraparameter.Type

    Returns an integer indicating the Variant data type that is actually bound to the SQL statement. This may differ from the Variant data type of oraparameter.Value, because internal conversions may be necessary to obtain a data type common to both Visual Basic and Oracle Database.

Users can expect the following mapping from Oracle internal data types:

Oracle Data TypeConstantValueData Type
NUMBER (5-9, 0)ORADB_LONG4Long Integer
NUMBER (10-15, 0)ORADB_DOUBLE7Double
NUMBER (16-38, 0)ORADB_TEXT10String
NUMBER (16-38, n)ORADB_TEXT10String

These values are located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\oraconst.txt file and are intended to match similar constants in the Visual Basic file datacons.txt file.

Note that fields of type DATE are returned in the default Visual Basic format as specified in the Control Panel, even though the default Oracle date format is "DD-MMM-YY".

Note that columns defined as NUMBER instead of NUMBER(precision, scale) are, by definition, floating point numbers with a precision of 38. This means that the Type property returns a type of ORADB_TEXT for these columns.

See Also:

Value Property

PKR(==PK?AOEBPS/sermthod048.htm= CopyFromBFILE (OraLOB) Method

CopyFromBFILE (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Copies a portion or all of the LOB value of an OraBFILE object to the LOB value of this object.


OraBlob.CopyFromBFile srcBFile, amount, destOffset, srcOffset
OraClob.CopyFromBFile srcBFile, amount, destOffset, srcOffset


The arguments for the method are:

[in] srcBFileAn OraBFILE object from which the data is to be copied.
[in] [optional] amountAn Integer specifying the maximum number to be copied, in characters for OraCLOB or bytes for OraBLOB or OraBFILE. Default value is the size of BFILE value of the srcBFile object.
[in] [optional] destOffsetAn Integer specifying the absolute offset for this instance. Default is 1.
[in] [optional] srcOffsetAn Integer specifying the absolute offset for the BFILE value of the source OraBFILE object. Default is 1.


Obtain either a row-level lock or object-level lock before calling this method.

For a single-byte character set, the OraBFile object should be of the same character set as the database.

If the database has a variable width character set, the OraBFile object passed to the OraClob.CopyFromBFile method must point to a file that uses the UCS2 character set.

PK!zJnPK?AOEBPS/serprop152.htm XMLAsAttribute Property

XMLAsAttribute Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Gets and sets a Boolean value that indicates whether this field name is given as an attribute. If the value is False, the field name is given as an element. Readable and writable at run time.


OraField.XMLAsAttribute = True 


The default value for this property is False.

Fields of type BLOB, CLOB, BFILE, Object, VARRAY, Nested Table, Long or LongRaw cannot be XML attributes.

PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod128.htmE MonitorForFailover Method

MonitorForFailover Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Registers the failover notification handler of the application.


OraDatabase.MonitorForFailover FOSink, FOCtx


The arguments for the method are:

[in] FOSinkAn IDispatch interface implementing the OnFailover method which is notified in event of a failover.
[in] FOCtxContext-specific information that the application wants passed into the OnFailover method in the event of a failover.


To receive failover notifications, a notification handler must be registered with the MonitorForFailover method. The notification handler must be an automation object (a class module in Visual Basic) that implements the OnFailover method.

The syntax of the method is:

Public Function OnFailover(Ctx As Variant, fo_type As Variant,fo_event as Variant, fo_OraDB as Variant) 
[in] CtxPassed into the MonitorForFailover method by the application. Context-sensitive information that the application wants passed in event of a failover.
[in] fo_typeFailover type. This is the type of failover that the client has requested. The values are:
  • OO4O_FO_SESSION indicates only session failover requested.

  • OO4O_FO_SELECT indicates select failover and session failover requested.



Failover event. This indicates the state of the failover. It has several possible values:
  • OO4O_FO_BEGIN indicates that failover has detected a lost connection and failover is starting.

  • OO4O_FO_END indicates successful completion of a failover.

  • OO4O_FO_ABORT indicates that a failover was unsuccessful, and there is no option of retrying.

  • OO4O_FO_ERROR indicates that a failover was unsuccessful, and gives the application the opportunity to handle the error and retry the failover. The application can retry the failover, by programming the OnFailover method to return OO4O_FO_RETRY.

  • OO4O_FO_REAUTH indicates that a user handle has been reauthenticated. This applies to the situation where a client has multiple user sessions on a single database connection. During the initial failover, only the active user session is failed over. Other sessions are failed over when the application tries to use them. This is the value passed to the callback during these subsequent failovers.

[in] fo_OraDBThe OraDatabase object of the user session that is being failed over. Valid only when the fo_event variant is OO4O_FO_REAUTH.


Failover Notification Example

See Example: Failover Notification.

PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod060.htm"x CreateOraObject (OraDatabase) Method

CreateOraObject (OraDatabase) Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Creates a value instance or referenceable object in the cache and returns the associated OO4O object.


OraObject1 = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject(schema_name)
OraRef1 = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject(schema_name,table_name)
OraCollection1 = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject(schema_name)


The arguments for the method are:

OraObject1A valid OraObject object representing a newly created value instance.
OraRef1A valid OraRef object representing a newly created referenceable object.
OraCollectionA valid OraCollection object representing a newly created collection instance.
schema_nameA String specifying the schema name of the value instance to be created.
table_nameA String specifying the table name of the referenceable object to be created.


If the table_name argument is not specified, it creates a value instance in the client and returns an OraObject or OraCollection object. If the table_name argument is specified, it creates a referenceable object in the database and returns an associated OraRef object.


OraObject and OraRef object examples are provided. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Example: Creating an OraObject Object

The following example illustrates the use of the CreateOraObject method to insert a value instance. The row containing ADDRESS is inserted as a value instance in the database.

Dynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim AddressNew as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from person_tab
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab", 0&)
' create a new Address object in OO4O 
set AddressNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ADDRESS")
'initialize the Address object attribute to new value
AddressNew.Street = "Oracle Parkway"
AddressNew.State = "CA"
'start the dynaset AddNew operation and 
'set the Address field to new address value
OraDynaset.Fields("ADDR").Value = AddressNew

OraParameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim AddressNew as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object represent Address object bind Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ADDRESS", Null, ORAPARM_INPUT, _
' create a new Address object in OO4O 
set AddressNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ADDRESS")
'initialize the Address object attribute to new value
AddressNew.Street = "Oracle Parkway"
AddressNew.State = "CA"
'set the Address to ADDRESS parameter
Oradatabase.Parameters("ADDRESS").Value = AddressNew
'execute the sql statement which updates Address in the person_tab
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into person_tab values ('Eric',30,:ADDRESS)")

Example: Creating an OraRef Object

The following example illustrates the use of the CreateOraObject method to insert referenceable objects.

In this example, a new PERSON is inserted as a referenceable object in the database.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim Person  as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'CreteOraObject   creates a new referenceable 
'object in the PERSON_TAB object table and returns associated OraRef
set Person = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("PERSON","PERSON_TAB")
'modify the attributes of Person
Person.Name = "Eric"
Person.Age = 35
'Update method inserts modified referenceable object in the PERSON_TAB.
PK""PK?AOEBPS/sermthod021.htm Attribute (OraMetaData) Method

Attribute (OraMetaData) Method

Applies To

OraMetaData Object


Returns the OraMDAttribute object at the specified index.


Set OraMDAttribute = OraMetaData.Attribute(2) 
Set OraMDAttribute = OraMetaData.Attribute("AttributeName") 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] indexAn Integer index between 0 and count-1, or a String representing the name of an attribute.



See Also:

OraMetaData Object for a list of possible attribute names

PK])PK?AOEBPS/title.htm| Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide, 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows

Oracle® Objects for OLE

Developer's Guide

11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows


March 2011

Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide, 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows


Copyright © 1994, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Authors:  Janis Greenberg, Christian Shay

Contributing Authors: Riaz Ahmed, Kiminari Akiyama, Steven Caminez, Naveen Doraiswamy, Neeraj Gupta, Sinclair Hsu, Alex Keh, Chithra Ramamurthy, Ashish Shah, Martha Woo

This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.

If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:

U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.

PKpށ|PK?AOEBPS/serobjch025.htmk OraSubscription Object

OraSubscription Object


An OraSubscription object that represents the subscription to a database event.


OraSubscription objects are created, accessed, and removed indirectly through the OraSubscriptions collection of an OraDatabase object. Each subscription has a name that associates with an Oracle database event.

The OraSubscriptions collection is part of the OraDatabase object.



PK㈁p k PK?AOEBPS/serobjch005.htm@ OraBFILE Object

OraBFILE Object


The OraBFile interface in OO4O provides methods for performing operations on the BFILE LOB data type in the database.


The BFILE types are large binary data objects stored in operating system files (external) outside of the database tablespaces.




See "Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples" for schema objects that are used in the OraLOB/BFILE examples.

NOTE: To add the required tables for the following examples, run the lob.sql file in the \OO4O\VB\SAMPLES\LOB directory.

Example: Accessing the BFILE Value

BFILE data can be read using the Read method. The OraBFILE object allows piecewise read operations. Before reading the BFILE content, the BFILE file should be opened using the Open method.

Dim PartColl as OraBFile 
Dim buffer As Variant 
'Create a Dynaset containing a BLOB and a CLOB column 
set part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part",0) 
Set PartColl = part.Fields("part_collateral").Value 
'open the bfile for read operation 
'read the entire bfile 
amount_read = PartColl.Read(buffer)
'close the bfile 

Example: Reading and Inserting BFILEs Using Dynasets

To modify the directory and file names of the BFILE value of an OraBFILE object, first obtain a lock and then use the DirectoryName and FileName properties.

To insert a new row containing a BFILE column, initialize the BFILE column with new directory and file name values using the DirectoryName and FileName properties.

Dim PartColl as OraBFile 
Dim buffer As Variant 
'Create a Dynaset containing a BLOB and a CLOB column 
set part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part",0) 
Set PartColl = part.Fields("part_collateral").Value 
'insert a new BFILE in the part_collateral column 
'Directory objects will be upper-case by default 
    PartColl.DirectoryName = "NEWDIRECTORYNAME"  
    PartColl.FileName = "NewPartCollatoral" 
'move to the newly added row 
'open the Bfile for read operation 
'read the entire bfile 
amount_read = PartColl.Read(buffer)
'close the Bfile 

See Also:

PK3IE@PK?AOEBPS/serprop107.htmO RecordCount Property

RecordCount Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object


  • OraDynaset

    Returns the total number of records in the dynaset.

  • OraSQLStmt

    Returns the number of records processed in an insert, update, or delete statement, even when there is a failure executing the SQL statement.

Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


record_count = oradynaset.RecordCountrecord_count = orasqlstmt.RecordCount

Data Type

Long Integer


Referencing this property requires that the entire result table be fetched immediately from an Oracle database to determine the count of records. Due to the potentially severe performance impact of this, the user should avoid using this property and instead execute an additional query using the COUNT(*) clause, and use the SnapshotID property to guarantee time consistency. For an example, see the SnapShot property.

Referencing this property while using the ORADYN_NOCACHE option of the CreateDynaset method causes an implicit MoveLast operation and makes the current record the last record in the dynaset.


RecordCount Example (OraDynaset)

This example demonstrates the use of the RecordCount property to determine the number of records retrieved with a SELECT statement and OraDynaset. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the dynaset.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Display the number of records. Note that this causes
 'all records to be fetched to ensure an accurate count.
 MsgBox OraDynaset.RecordCount & " records retrieved."
End Sub

Record Count Example (OraSQLStmt)

The following example shows the number of records inserted into the database after using an INSERT statement with OraSQLStmt.

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim OraSqlStmt As OraSQLStmt 
Dim OraPArray1 As OraParamArray 
Dim OraPArray2 As OraParamArray
Dim I As Integer  
On Error GoTo ERR_array_sql 
'Test case for inserting/updating/deleting multiple rows using parameter arrays 
'with SQL statements  
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Create table  
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("create table part_nos(partno number, description" & _ 
                  "char(50), primary key(partno))")  
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "PARTNO", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER, 10, 22 
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "DESCRIPTION", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_CHAR, _ 
              10, 50 
If OraDatabase.LastServerErr <> 0 Or OraDatabase.LastServerErrText <> "" Then
  MsgBox "Error" 
End If  
Set OraPArray1 = OraDatabase.Parameters("PARTNO") 
Set OraPArray2 = OraDatabase.Parameters("DESCRIPTION") 
'Initialize arrays 
For I = 0 To 9 
  achar = "Description" + Str(I) 
  OraPArray1.put_Value 1000 + I, I 
  OraPArray2.put_Value achar, I 
Next I  
Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSql("insert into" & _  
          "part_nos(partno, description) values(:PARTNO,:DESCRIPTION)", 0&) 
If OraDatabase.LastServerErr <> 0 Or OraDatabase.LastServerErrText <> "" Then  
    MsgBox "Error" 
End If 
MsgBox "# of records inserted : " & OraSqlStmt.RecordCount 
Exit Sub 
    MsgBox Err.Description 
PKRTOPK?AOEBPS/dcprop005.htmX Connect Property

Connect Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


The username and password to be used when connecting the data control to an Oracle database. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.Connect = [ username/password 


This string is passed to the OpenDatabase method of the OraSession object when the control is refreshed. Changing this property does not take effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

If the data control is refreshed and the Connect property has not been specified, the refresh will fail.

Examples of valid Connect properties include:


Data Type


PK%] X PK?AOEBPS/dcprop009.htmG DragIcon Property

DragIcon Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation.

PK#L G PK?AOEBPS/dcmethods005.htm1 UpdateRecord Method

UpdateRecord Method

Applies To

Recordset Property of the Oracle Data Control.


Saves the current values of bound controls.



This method enables you to save the current value of bound controls during a Validate event without generating another Validate event.

This method has the effect of executing the Edit method, changing a field, and executing the Update method, except that no events occur.


For backward compatibility with earlier .VBX control, this method is also available as the method of data control's Recordset.

PK<6 1 PK?AOEBPS/dcevents006.htm  MouseUp Event

MouseUp Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This event is fired whenever a mouse button is released (MouseUp) and the mouse pointer is over the data control, or has been captured by the data control. The mouse is captured if a mouse button has been pressed previously over the data control until all corresponding MouseUp events have been received.

PKG PK?AOEBPS/serprop020.htm! Correlate (OraAQ) Property

Correlate (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Specifies the identification to look for while dequeuing messages.



Data Type



Applicable only for a dequeue operation.

PK8[PK?AOEBPS/sermthod120.htms IsLess (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

IsLess (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Checks if the OraTimeSTampTZ object is less than an argument.


isLess = OraTimeStampTZObj.IsLess value, format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStampTZ.
[[in] [optional] formatSpecifies the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format string to be used to interpret value when value is type String. If format is not specified, value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStampTZ object is less than the argument; otherwise, it is False. IsLess only compares the UTC date-time values stored in the OraTimeStampTZ object; the time zone information is ignored.

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.

If value is of type Date, the date-time value in Date is interpreted as the date-time value in the time zone of the session.

PK`PK?AOEBPS/serprop131.htmF TotalYears Property

TotalYears Property

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Gets and sets the total number of years that this OraIntervalYM object represents.


totalYears = OraIntervalYMObj.TotalYearsOraIntervalYMObj.TotalYears= totalYears


[in] totalYearsA Variant type of any numeric value specifying the OraIntervalYM object as the total number of years.

Data Type



Dim oraIYM   as OraIntervalYM 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a string which represents 1 year and 6 months
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM("1-6") 
'totalYears is set to 1.5 which represents an interval of 1.5 years 
totalYears = oraIYM.TotalYears
PK)yK F PK?AOEBPS/serprop077.htm  Minute (OraTimeStamp) Property

Minute (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the Minute attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


minute = OraTimeStampObj.Minute
OraTimeStampObj.Minute = minute


[in] minuteThe Minute attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PK0ϳ PK?AOEBPS/serprop079.htm  Minutes Property

Minutes Property

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Gets and sets the Minutes attribute of an OraIntervalDS object.


minutes = OraIntervalDSObj.Minutes
OraIntervalDSObj.Minutes = minutes


[in] minutesAn Integer specifying the value of the Minutes attribute of the OraIntervalDS object.

Data Type


PK>\ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod134.htmO Mul (OraIntervalYM) Method

Mul (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Multiplies the OraIntervalYM object by a multiplier.


OraIntervalYMObj.Mul multiplier


The arguments for the method are:

[in] multiplierA Variant for type numeric value or an OraNumber object to be used as the multiplier.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalYM object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

PKuD("T O PK?AOEBPS/sermthod023.htmp AutoBindEnable Method

AutoBindEnable Method

Applies To

OraParameter Object

OraParamArray Object


Sets the AutoBind status of a parameter.




If a parameter has AutoBindEnabled status, it is automatically bound to a SQL or PL/SQL statement.


This example demonstrates the use of the AutoBindDisable and AutoBindEnable methods to prevent unnecessary parameter binding while creating various dynasets that use different parameters. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession. OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", _
                  "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Add the job input parameter with initial value MANAGER.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1
 'Add the deptno input parameter with initial value 10.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "deptno", 10, 1
 'Disable the deptno parameter for now.
 'Create the OraDynaset Object using the job parameter.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp" & _ 
                 "where job = :job", 0&)
 'Only employees with job=MANAGER will be contained in the dynaset.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & "," &  _
                 "Job=" & OraDynaset.Fields("job").value
 'Enable the deptno parameter and disable the job parameter.
 'Create the OraDynaset Object using the deptno parameter.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp" & _ 
                  "where deptno = :deptno", 0&)
 'Only employees with deptno=10 will be contained in the dynaset.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & "," & _
                  "DeptNo=" & OraDynaset.Fields("deptno").value
End Sub
PK!PK?AOEBPS/serprop102.htmr Parameters Property

Parameters Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Returns the OraParameters collection of the specified database. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set oraparameters_collection = oradatabase.Parameters

Data Type

OLE Object (OraParameters)


You can access the parameters in this collection by subscripting (using ordinal integer numbers) or by using the name the parameter that was given at its creation. You can obtain the number of parameters in the collection using the Count property of the returned collection. Integer subscripts begin with 0 and end with Count-1. Out-of-range indexes and invalid names return a Null OraParameter object.

In addition to accessing the parameters of the collection, you can also use the collection to create and destroy parameters using the Add and Remove methods, respectively.

PKw r PK?AOEBPS/sermthod151.htmj Remove Method

Remove Method

Applies To

OraParameters Collection


Removes a parameter from the OraParameters collection.




The arguments for the method are:

member_nameA Variant specifying an integer subscript from 0 to Count 1, or the parameter name.


Instead of repeatedly removing and adding unwanted parameters, use the AutoBindDisable and AutoBindEnable methods.

For an OraParameter of type ORATYPE_CURSOR, this method destroys the dynaset object associated with the cursor, and clears the local cache temporary files.


See "Example: ExecuteSQL".

PKmښPK?AOEBPS/dcmethods003.htm @ Refresh Method

Refresh Method

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This method recreates the OraDatabase and OraDynaset objects referenced within the data control and reestablishes a dynaset using the SQL statement from the RecordSource property and the connection information from the Connect and DatabaseName properties.




If an existing dynaset has been assigned to an object variable in Visual Basic, then Refresh creates a new dynaset for the data control, but the old dynaset continues to be available for use until all references to it are removed.

PK!Q PK?AOEBPS/serprop067.htmM IsNull (OraObject) Property

IsNull (OraObject) Property

Applies To

OraObject Object


Returns True if underlying value instance of the OraObject object is Null. Read-only at run time.


isnull = OraObject.IsNull

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Accessing attributes of a Null value instance results in an error. The IsNull property can be checked before accessing attributes of an underlying value instance.


The following example shows the use of the IsNull property. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Address as OraObject
Dim AddressClone as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from person_tab
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab", 0&)
' insert a Null Address value instance in the table
OraDynaset.Fields("Name").value = "Eric"
OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value  = Null
'move to the newly added value instance
'retrieve a address column from person_tab. This Address object points to Null
' value instance
set Address = OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value
'try to access attributes of Address. the following line will result an error 
msgbox Address.Street    '---------ERROR------------'
'use the IsNull property to check the nullstatus
If Address.IsNull = False Then
    MsgBox Address!Street
End if
PKNCPK?AOEBPS/sermthod130.htm MonitorStop (OraAQ) Method

MonitorStop (OraAQ) Method

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Stops the monitor thread that was started earlier.




Does nothing if a monitor is not running.

PKmPK?AOEBPS/serobjch024.htmd OraSQLStmt Object

OraSQLStmt Object


An OraSQLStmt object represents a single SQL statement. Use the CreateSQL method to create the OraSQLStmt object from an OraDatabase object.

During create and refresh operations, OraSQLStmt objects automatically bind all relevant, enabled input parameters to the specified SQL statement, using the parameter names as placeholders in the SQL statement. This can improve the performance of SQL statement execution without parsing the SQL statement again.



PKBi d PK?AOEBPS/sermthod034.htmC Clone (OraIntervalYM) Method

Clone (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Returns a copy of the OraIntervalYM object.


Set OraIntervalYMObjClone = OraIntervalYMObj.Clone


Returns a new OraIntervalYM object with the same value as the original.

PKTPK?AOEBPS/sermthod153.htm RemoveFromPool Method

RemoveFromPool Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Removes the OraDatabase object from the pool.




This method applies only to those OraDatabase objects that are retrieved from the pool using the GetDatabaseFromPool method.

No exceptions or errors are raised if the OraDatabase object is not a member the pool.

This method is useful for removing OraDatabase objects from the pool whose connections are no longer valid.

PK$   PK?AOEBPS/serprop014.htm  Client Property

Client Property

Applies To

OraSession Object


Returns the OraClient object associated with the specified session. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set oraclient = orasession.Client

Data Type

OLE Object (OraClient)


Each computer has only one client object, so this property returns the same object for all sessions on the same computer.

See Also:

OraClient Object

PKܖ PK?AOEBPS/serprop029.htm % Day (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Day (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Day attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


day= OraTimeStampTZObj.Day
OraTimeStampTZObj.Day= day


[in] dayThe Day attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PKEGc_ PK?AOEBPS/dcevents003.htm Error Event

Error Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This event is fired whenever an interactive operation causes an error. You can perform some operations directly with the data control, such as using the data control buttons or when the data control refreshes automatically when the form loads. In these cases, the Error event is fired instead of causing a normal run-time error.

PK4$$  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod136.htm8 Neg (OraIntervalDS) Method

Neg (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Negates the OraIntervalDS object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalDS object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

PKRdPK?AOEBPS/serprop033.htm_ DbPoolMaxSize Property

DbPoolMaxSize Property

Applies To

OraSession Object


Contains the maximum pool size. It is a read-only property.


max_size = OraSession.DbPoolMaxSize

Data Type


PK:d_PK?AOEBPS/sermthod158.htmX Sin (OraNumber) Method

Sin (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the sine of an OraNumber object given in radians.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK[PK?AOEBPS/intro.htmqJ Introducing Oracle Objects for OLE

1 Introducing Oracle Objects for OLE

This chapter introduces Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O).


Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) is the last database version that supports Oracle Objects for OLE. Oracle Database versions, which are released after Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), will not support Oracle Objects for OLE. You can continue to use Oracle Objects for OLE with existing Oracle Database versions that are covered under the lifetime support policy of Oracle.

This chapter contains these topics:

Overview of Oracle Objects for OLE

Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) allows you to access data stored in Oracle databases with any programming or scripting language that supports Microsoft COM Automation and ActiveX technology. This includes Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), IIS Active Server Pages (VBScript and JavaScript), and others.

Figure 1-1 illustrates the software layers that comprise the OO4O product.

Figure 1-1 Software Layers of OO4O

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Software Layers of OO4O"

OO4O provides the following:

Oracle Objects for OLE In-Process Automation Server

The OO4O In-Process Automation Server is a set of COM Automation Objects for connecting to Oracle databases, executing SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks, and accessing the results.

Figure 1-2 illustrates the object model that comprise the OO4O product.

Figure 1-2 Automation Objects

hierarchy diagram starting with OraSession
Description of "Figure 1-2 Automation Objects"

Unlike other COM-based database connectivity APIs, such as Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), the OO4O Automation Server was created specifically for use with Oracle databases. It provides an optimized API for accessing features that are unique to the Oracle database and are otherwise cumbersome or unavailable from ODBC or OLE DB components.

OO4O provides key features for accessing Oracle databases efficiently and easily in environments ranging from the typical two-tier client/server applications, such as those developed in Visual Basic or Excel, to application servers deployed in multitiered application server environments such as Web server applications in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).

Features include:

  • Oracle 11g is grid enabled, allowing developers to take full advantage of grid support without changes being required to existing code.

  • Tunable client-side, scrollable and updatable cursors for easy and efficient access to result sets of queries.

  • PL/SQL support for execution of PL/SQL anonymous blocks and stored procedures. This includes support for the Oracle data types, such as PL/SQL cursors, that are needed for parameters of PL/SQL stored procedures.

  • Support for array fetches, updates, and inserts resulting in reduced network round-trips.

  • Connection pooling to allow development of scalable middle tier application components, such as IIS Active Server Pages, that use and serve dynamic content stored in Oracle databases.

  • Support for COM+ and Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) co-ordinated transactions.

  • Seamless access to instances of advanced Oracle data types:

    • Object references (REFs)

    • Object instances (Objects)

    • Nested tables

    • VARRAYs

    • BLOBs, CLOBs, NCLOBs, and BFILEs

  • XML generation.

  • Full support for advanced queuing.

  • Support for publishing, detecting, and subscribing to database events.

  • Support for asynchronous processing of SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks.

  • Easy to use interface for describing schema objects.

  • The Oracle code wizard for stored procedures, which automatically generates OO4O code to execute PL/SQL or Java stored procedures.

  • Thread safety, allowing safe access to automation objects in multithreaded environments.

Oracle Data Control

Oracle Data Control is an ActiveX control that is designed to simplify the exchange of data among an Oracle database and visual controls such as edit, text, list, and grid controls in Visual Basic and other development tools that support custom controls.

A data control enables you to perform most data access operations without writing any code. To create a dynaset with a data control, set the Connect, DatabaseName, and RecordSource properties, and execute the Refresh command.

A data control enables you to bind it to other controls that display a field, a record, or multiple records of the underlying dynaset. When record movement occurs, data in bound controls stay synchronized with the current record of the dynaset. If a user changes data in a control that is bound to a data control, the changes are automatically reflected in the underlying dynaset and database.

The Oracle Data Control is compatible with the Microsoft data control included with Visual Basic. If you are familiar with the Visual Basic data control, learning to use Oracle Data Control is quick and easy. Communication between data-aware controls and a Data Control is governed by a protocol specified by Microsoft.

Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library

The Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library is a collection of C++ classes that provide programmatic access to the OO4O Automation server. Although the class library is implemented using OLE Automation, neither the OLE development kit nor any OLE development knowledge is necessary to use it. This library helps C++ developers avoid writing COM client code to access the OO4O interfaces.

In addition to the object classes, the class library provides a bound class, which allows controls such as text and list boxes to be linked directly to a field of a dynaset (columns of a table in the database). The bound class supports late, run-time binding, as is available in Visual Basic. The Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library is supported for Microsoft Visual C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Classes for the bound class.

See Also:

Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library Developer's Guide available as online help

Required Setups

This section discusses the required setups for using Oracle Objects for OLE.


Oracle Objects for OLE can be installed in multiple Oracle homes, starting with Oracle Database 10g. However, being a COM component, only one instance can be active on the computer. This means that the current (latest) installation renders the previous one inactive. You can switch Oracle homes by using the Oracle installer.

System Requirements


Oracle Objects for OLE is not supported on Windows x64 operating systems.

The following system requirements are necessary to install Oracle Objects for OLE:

  • Windows Operating System:

    • 32-bit: Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate Editions), Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate Editions), Windows Server 2008 (Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web, and Foundation Editions), Windows Server 2003 R2 (all editions), Windows Server 2003 (all editions), or Windows XP Professional Edition.

      Oracle supports 32-bit Oracle Objects for OLE on x86, AMD64, and Intel EM64T processors on these operating systems.

  • A local or remote Oracle database (Oracle9i Release 2 or higher)

  • Oracle Client. Oracle Universal Installer ensures that the RSFs are installed as part of the OO4O installation.

  • The OO4O automation server requires an application that supports COM Automation such as:

    • Microsoft Visual Basic

    • Microsoft Excel

    • Microsoft Access

    • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

    • Borland Delphi

Other Requirements

The following other requirements may be necessary:

  • The Oracle Data Control requires Visual Basic.

  • The Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library requires Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0 or later.

  • The OO4O Code Wizard requires Visual Basic 6. Visual Basic 6 must be installed before installing the Code Wizard.

  • The Oracle In-Process Server Type library (oipVER.tlb) must be referenced when an OO4O Visual Basic project is developed.

    To do this, select References from the Project menu (VB 5.0/6.0) and check the box next to the Oracle In-Process Server 5.0 Type Library, which should be pointing to the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\bin\oipVER.tlb file. See "Using Oracle Objects for OLE Automation with Visual Basic" for detailed information.

See Also:

"Oracle Objects for OLE Redistributable Files" and "Troubleshooting" for further information on Oracle Objects for OLE requirements

Oracle Objects for OLE File Locations

As part of the OO4O installation, the following directories are created and contain the corresponding files:

  • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O - SQL scripts and constants file

  • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\CPP - Libraries, include files, DLLs, and source for the class library

  • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\CPP\MFC - Libraries, include files, and source for the MFC Bound Class Library



  • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\VB\SAMPLES\QT - Visual Basic Quick Tour guide


  • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\codewiz - OO4O Code Wizard samples

Component Certifications

Find the latest certification information at My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink):

You must register online before using My Oracle Support. After logging into My Oracle Support, select Product Lifecycle from the left column. From the Products Lifecycle page, click Certifications. Other Product Lifecycle options include Product Availability, Desupport Notices, and Alerts.

Oracle Objects for OLE Redistributable Files

This section discusses files that can be redistributed or updated on a computer that belongs to an end user or a developer.

If you cannot guarantee that your end users have the current release of Oracle Objects for OLE installed on their computers, you need to redistribute specific files that are part of Oracle Objects for OLE along with your OO4O application. A typical scenario might be if OO4O is installed as a patch without use of Oracle Universal Installer.

Redistributable File Locations

Table 1-1 lists the Redistributable file locations with comments and further actions that are needed.

Table 1-1 Redistributable File Locations

FilesPlace in DirectoryFurther ActionsComments



Execute the following from a command prompt:


regsvr32.exe oipVER.dll









Change VER to the current version.



Edit for the correct ORACLE_HOME location and HOMEID on your computer. Execute the following from a command prompt: drive:\path>


File provided to register OO4O configuration information.




This message file is language-specific. oipus.msb is the English version, and oipja.msb is the Japanese version.


(for Microsoft





For oradc.ocx, execute:

regsvr32.exe oradc.ocx drive:\path>

Distribute the files that correspond to the development software used in your application.

Additionally, ensure that the system requirements described in "Overview of Oracle Objects for OLE" are met.

You must also distribute the files from the following list that correspond to the development software you used to build your application:

  • oraclm32.dll (for Microsoft Visual C++)

  • oradc.ocx

Updating Files and Registrations

The oo4oparm.reg file is provided to register OO4O configuration information. Review this file and edit it as necessary to reflect the correct ORACLE_HOME location and HOMEID on your computer. To register oipVER.dll and enter the OO4O configuration information for oo4oparm.reg in the registry, execute the following from a command prompt:

drive:\path> regsvr32.exe oipVER.dll

drive:\path> oo4oparm.reg

The message file oiplang.msb should also be provided and copied to the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\mesg directory. The message file is specific to a language. For example, oipus.msb is the English version and oipja.msb is the Japanese version.


Oracle Data Control (oradc.ocx) must be registered to function. The OLE Control Extension (OCX) can be registered by executing the following at the command prompt:

drive:\path> regsvr32.exe oradc.ocx

PKFHfqqPK?AOEBPS/sermthod040.htm t Close (OraBFILE) Method

Close (OraBFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


Closes an opened BFILE data type.


OraBfile = OraBfile.Close


The arguments for the method are:

[in] OraBfileA valid object of type OraBFILE.


This method only applies to BFILEs, not LOBs.

PK PK?AOEBPS/sermthod071.htmN DeleteIterator Method

DeleteIterator Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Deletes a collection iterator.






See "Example: OraCollection Iterator"

PKS N PK?AOEBPS/sermthod010.htm2 AddTable Method

AddTable Method

Applies To

OraParameters Collection


Adds an array parameter to the OraParameters collection.


oraparamarray.AddTable  Name, IOType, ServerType, ArraySize , ElementSize, ObjectName


The arguments for the method are:

NameThe name of the parameter to be added to the parameters collection. This name is used both for parameter identification and as the placeholder in associated SQL and PL/SQL statements.
IOTypeAn integer code specifying how the parameter is to be used in SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks.
ServerTypeSpecifies Oracle Database type to which this array parameter is to be bound. For a list of possible values, see the OraParameter ServerType Property.
ArraySizeDefines the number of elements in the parameter array. This parameter is used to calculate the maximum buffer length.
ElementSize [optional]Defines the size of the element. Valid for only character and string type table (array) parameters. The valid size for ElementSize depends on the VarType.

ElementSize is optional in all cases except when bound to char and string types.

ObjectNameA case-sensitive string containing the name of the Object. This is only required if ServerType is ORATYPE_OBJECT, ORATYPE_VARRAY, or ORATYPE_TABLE. It is required for ORATYPE_REF when the REF is used in PL/SQL.

IO Type Settings

The IOType settings are:

ORAPARM_INPUT1Used for input variables only.
ORAPARM_OUTPUT2Used for output variables only.
ORAPARM_BOTH3Used for variables that are both input and output.

Verify that this value is correct. If you set an incorrect option, such as ORAPARM_BOTH for the stored procedure parameter type IN, this can result in errors. ORAPARM_BOTH is for IN and OUT parameters only. It is not used against one stored procedure that has an IN parameter and another that has an OUT parameter. In this case, use two parameters. Errors caused in this way are rare, but if there are parameter-related errors, verify that the IOType is correct.

Server Type

See ServerType Property for valid types and note the following:


  • External data type ORATYPE_NUMBER allows decimal precision of 1 to 38.

  • The maximum positive number is 0.99999999999999999999 E + 38.

  • The minimum positive number is 0.1 E-38.

  • The minimum negative number is -0.99999999999999999999 E + 38.

  • The maximum negative number is 0.1 E -38.

ElementSize (Optional)

Valid for character, string, and raw types. The valid size for ElementSize depends on the VarType. This represents the length of each individual string or raw array element. These ranges are listed.

ORATYPE_VARCHAR2Valid range from 1 to 1999
ORATYPE_VARCHARValid range from 1 to 1999
ORATYPE_STRINGValid range from 1 to 1999
ORATYPE_CHARValid range from 1 to 255
ORATYPE_CHARZValid range from 1 to 255
ORATYPE_RAW_BINValid range from 1 to 4000 (see remarks)


Use parameters to represent SQL bind variables for array insert, update, and delete operations, rather than rebuilding the SQL statement. SQL bind variables are useful because you can change a parameter value without having to parse the query again. Use SQL bind variables only as input variables.

You can also use parameters to represent PL/SQL bind (IN/OUT) variables. You can use PL/SQL bind variables as both input and output variables.

The ServerType value ORATYPE_RAW_BIN is used when binding to Oracle Raw columns. A byte array is used to Put or Get values. The maximum allowable size of ORATYPE_RAW_BIN bind buffers is 2000 bytes when bound to a column of a table: the maximum allowable size is 32 KB when bound to a stored procedure. No element (see ElementSize argument) can be greater than 4000 bytes when binding to stored procedures, 2000 bytes against columns of tables. For example code, see the samples in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\VB\Raw directory.


See "Example: Using OraParamArrays with PL/SQL".

PKL 22PK?AOEBPS/dcprop028.htmD Top Property

Top Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.

PKMtPK?AOEBPS/serprop119.htm  Size (OraCollection) Property

Size (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns the current size of the given collection. Read-only at run time.


coll_size = OraCollection.Size

Data Type



For an OraCollection object of type ORATYPE_TABLE, this property returns the current size of the collection including deleted elements.

See Also:

OraField Object

PK6\ PK?AOEBPS/serprop111.htm  Second (OraTimeStamp) Property

Second (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the Second attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


second = OraTimeStampObj.SecondOraTimeStampObj.Second= second


[in] secondThe Second attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PK= PK?AOEBPS/serprop034.htma Delay (OraAQMsg) Property

Delay (OraAQMsg) Property

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Specifies the number of seconds to delay this enqueued message. Set this property to delay the immediate consumption of the message.


Msg.Delay = seconds

Data Type



Applicable only for a message that is enqueued.

This delay represents the number of seconds after which the message is available for dequeuing.

Possible values are:

  • Any valid positive integer.


    Default is 0 seconds. The message is available immediately.

PKnCT7f a PK?AOEBPS/sermthod097.htmN GetChunkByteEx Method

GetChunkByteEx Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Reads the data from a LONG or LONG RAW field into a Variant and returns the amount of data read.


amount_read = orafield.GetChunkByteEx(ByteArray, offset, numbytes) 


The arguments for the method are:

ByteArrayThe name of the Variant ByteArray to hold the data.
offsetThe number of bytes in the field to skip before copying data.
numbytesThe number of bytes to copy.


When possible, the GetChunkByteEx method retrieves the specified bytes from the local cache. However, to conserve resources, some of the data might not be stored locally. In these cases, the GetChunkByteEx method requests the necessary data from the database as required. As part of this process, data from all fields (except the LONG or LONG RAW field) in the dynaset are retrieved and compared to the cached values for consistency. If any changes have occurred since the fetch of the original partial data, then the GetChunkByteEx method aborts the operation with an error.

Because the GetChunkByteEx method takes in a Variant as the first parameter, instead of the first element of the ByteArray as in the GetChunkByte method, only the GetChunkByteEx method can be used within an ASP/IIS environment.

If a LONG or LONG RAW field is less than 65280 bytes in size, it is quicker to retrieve the data using the Value property than using the GetChunkByteEx method.

See "Migration from LONG RAW to LOB or BFILE".


Using the GetChunkByteEx Method to Retrieve a LONG RAW Example

This example demonstrates the use of the GetChunkByteEx method to retrieve a LONG RAW column of a database and save it as a file. This example expects a valid dynaset named OraDynaset representing a table with a column named type_longraw. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Call this procedure with a valid file name.

Sub GetChunkByteExExample (FName As String) 
'Declare various variables 
Dim bytesread As Integer, ChunkSize As Long ,
bytearr() as byte 
Dim I As Integer, FNum As Integer, CurChunk 
'Set the size of each chunk 
ChunkSize = 10240 
frmChunk.MousePointer = HOURGLASS 
'Get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file 
Open FName For Binary As #FNum 
I = 0 
'Loop through all of the chunks 
'Oracle does not return the size of columns > 64KB. 
'We should loop until the length of our block is 
'less than we asked for. 
  bytesread = OraDynaset.Fields("type_longraw").GetChunkByteEx(CurChunk,_
              I * ChunkSize, ChunkSize) 
'redim byte array 
redim bytearr(bytesread - 1) 
bytearr = CurChunk 
Put #FNum, , bytearr 'Write chunk to file. 
I = I + 1 
Loop Until bytesread < ChunkSize 
'Close the file. 
Close FNum 
frmChunk.MousePointer = DEFAULT 
End Sub

Using the GetChunkByteEx Method with Active Server Pages (ASP) Example

'This example is for use with ASP (Active Server Pages) 
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> 
<%Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG"%> 
Dim OraDatabase, Oradynaset 
Dim Chunksize, BytesRead, CurChunkEx 
'This assumes a pool of database connections have been created in the global.asa 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.getDatabaseFromPool(10) 
'This assumes a table called "art_gallery" and 
'displays JPEG images stored in the table 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select art from art_gallery " & _
              "where artist = 'Picasso'", 0) 
BytesRead = 0 
'Reading in 32K chunks 
ChunkSize= 32768 
  BytesRead = OraDynaset.Fields("picture").GetChunkByteEx(CurChunkEx, _
                                 i * ChunkSize, ChunkSize) 
  if BytesRead > 0 then 
     Response.BinaryWrite CurChunkEx 
   end if 
Loop Until BytesRead < ChunkSize 
'Cleanup, remove all local references 
Set OraDynaset = Nothing 
Set Oradatabase = Nothing 
PKw]SNPK?AOEBPS/serprop120.htm Size (OraLOB and OraBFILE) Property

Size (OraLOB and OraBFILE) Property

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Returns the number of bytes in OraBLOB and OraBFILE objects or the number of characters in an OraCLOB object. Read-only.


bytes = OraBFile.Size
bytes = OraBlob.Size 
chars = OraClob.Size
PK'^PK?AOEBPS/sermthod168.htmt ToOraTimeStampTZ Method

ToOraTimeStampTZ Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns a copy of the OraTimeStampTZ object from an OraTimeStamp object.


Set OraTimeStampTZObj = OraTimeStampObj.ToOraTimeStampTZ


Returns a new OraTimeStampTZ object with the same date-time values as the current OraTimeStamp object. The time zone information in the returned OraTimeStampTZ object is set to the session time zone.


Dim OraTimeStamp As OraTimeStamp 
'Create OraTimeStamp using a string 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("1999-APR-29" & _ 
         "12:10:23.444 AM", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM") 
' assuming that the session Time Zone is "-07:00" returns a new 
' OraTimeStampTZ object with date value equal to "1999-APR-29 12:10:23 -07:00" 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraTimeStamp.ToOraTimeStampTZ 
PKB y t PK?AOEBPS/dcprop013.htm< Font Property

Font Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the font object to be used for text displayed in a data control.


Oradata1.Font.Bold = True
PKCPA<PK?AOEBPS/serprop125.htm P Status (OraLOB/BFILE) Property

Status (OraLOB/BFILE) Property

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Returns the status of the current polling operation.



status = OraBFile.Status 
status  = OraBlob.Status 
status = OraClob.Status 

Data Type



This value only has meaning when the PollingAmount property is not zero, and a Read operation has occurred. Possible return values are:


    There is more data to be read or written.


    There is no data to be read or written, usually due to an error condition.


    The data was read or written successfully.

PKq PK?AOEBPS/serprop147.htm2 Value (OraTimeStamp) Property

Value (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


When read, the Value property provides a string representation of the value of the OraTimeStamp object. If the Format property is not null, the output string format is in the format specified by the Format property; otherwise, the output string format is in the session TIMESTAMP format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT). When set, the Value property accepts a Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.


string = OraTimeStampObj.ValueOraTimeStampObj.Value= value


[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.

Data Type



If the value is of type String and Format is not null, the string format must match the Format property. If the Format property is null, the string format must match the session TIMESTAMP format.


Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("1999-APR-29 " & _ 
         "12:10:23.444 AM", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM") 
'returns a string for the Value property 
tsStr = OraTimeStamp.Value 
'set OraTimeStamp.Value using a string 
OraTimeStamp.Value = "1999-APR-29 12:10:23.444 AM" 
PKO72PK?AOEBPS/sermthod056.htm CreateNamedSession Method

CreateNamedSession Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates and returns a new named OraSession object.


orasession = orasession.CreateNamedSession(session_name)


The arguments for the method are:

session_nameA String specifying the name of the session.


Using this method, you can create named sessions that can be referenced later in the same application as long as the session object referred to is in scope. Once a session has been created, the application can reference it by way of the ConnectSession method or the OraSessions collection of their respective OraClient object. The OraSessions collection only contains sessions created within the current application. Therefore, it is not possible to share sessions across applications, only within applications.

This method is provided for simplicity and is equivalent to the CreateSession method of the OraClient object.


This example demonstrates the use of ConnectSession and CreateNamedSession methods to allow an application to use a session it previously created, but did not save. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim dfltsess As OraSession
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the default OraSession Object.
 Set dfltsess = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Try to connect to "ExampleSession". If it does not exist 
 'an error is generated.
 On Error GoTo SetName
 Set OraSession = dfltsess.ConnectSession("ExampleSession")
 On Error GoTo 0
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Display or manipulate data here
Exit Sub
'The session named "ExampleSession" was not found, so create it.
Set OraSession = dfltsess.CreateNamedSession("ExampleSession")
Resume Next
End Sub
PK}PK?AOEBPS/serprop138.htmt TypeName (OraObject and OraRef) Property

TypeName (OraObject and OraRef) Property

Applies To

OraObject Object

OraRef Object


Specifies a String containing the name of the user-defined type of the object.


typename = OraRef.TypeName
typename = OraObject.TypeName

Data Type



This property is read-only at run time.

PKmqytPK?AOEBPS/serprop139.htm; Updatable Property

Updatable Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns whether or not the specified dynaset is updatable. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


if_updatable = oradynaset.Updatable

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Returns True if the rows in the specified dynaset can be updated; otherwise, it returns False.

The updatability of the resultant dynaset depends on the Oracle SQL rules of updatability, on the access you have been granted, and on the read-only flag of the CreateDynaset method.

To be updatable, three conditions must be met:

  1. The SQL statement must refer to a simple column list or to the entire column list (*).

  2. The SQL statement must not set the read-only flag of the options argument.

  3. Oracle Database must permit ROWID references to the selected rows of the query.

Any SQL statement that does not meet these criteria is processed, but the results are not updatable and this property returns False.


This example demonstrates the use of the Updatable method. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create an updatable dynaset using a simple query.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 Call IsDynUpdatable(OraDynaset)
 'Create a non-updatable dynaset using column aliases.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select ename EmployeeName," & _
                  "empno EmployeeNumber, sal Salary from emp", 0&)
 Call IsDynUpdatable(OraDynaset)
 'Create a non-updatable dynaset using a join.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select ename, emp.deptno," & _ 
           "loc from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno", 0&)
 Call IsDynUpdatable(OraDynaset)
End Sub
Sub IsDynUpdatable (odyn As OraDynaset)
 'Check to see if the dynaset is updatable.
 If odyn.Updatable = True Then
  MsgBox "Created an UPDATABLE dynaset from: '" & odyn.SQL & "'"
  MsgBox "Created a READ-ONLY dynaset from: '" & odyn.SQL & "'"
 End If
End Sub
PKAM PK?AOEBPS/sermthod165.html ToOraNumber (OraIntervalDS) Method

ToOraNumber (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Returns an OraNumber object containing a value that represents the total number of days that the OraIntervalDS object specifies.


Set OraNumberObj = OraIntervalDSObj.ToOraNumber
PKPK?AOEBPS/dcprop007.htmO DatabaseName Property

DatabaseName Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


The Oracle SQL*Net specifier used when connecting the data control to an Oracle database. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.DatabaseName = [ DatabaseName ]


The Oracle SQL*Net specifier should include the Oracle SQL*Net protocol identifier, Oracle database name, and optional database instance. (SQL*Net aliases can also be used.) This string is passed to the OpenDatabase method of the OraSession object when the control is refreshed. Changing this property does not take effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

If the data control is refreshed and DatabaseName has not been specified, the refresh fails.

Examples of valid DatabaseName properties include:

"mydbalias"(Where mydbalias represents "t:mfg:prod")

Data Type


PKŕ6T O PK?AOEBPS/dcprop026.htme Session Property

Session Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


The session object associated with the data control. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


orasession = oradata1.Session

Data Type

OLE Object (OraSession)


This property is equivalent to referencing oradata1.Database.Session. If the data control has not been refreshed, any references to this property result in an Object variable not set runtime error.

PK9j e PK?AOEBPS/serprop062.htm ' Hours Property

Hours Property

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Gets and sets the Hours attribute of an OraIntervalDS object.


hours = OraIntervalDSObj.Hours
OraIntervalDSObj.Hours = hours


[in] hoursAn Integer specifying the value of the Hours attribute of the OraIntervalDS object.

Data Type


PK%yX PK?AOEBPS/sermthod047.htm$ CopyFromFile (OraLOB) Method

CopyFromFile (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Loads or copies a portion or all of a local file to the internal LOB value of this object.


OraBlob.CopyFromFile "blob.bmp" amount, offset, chunksize 
OraClob.CopyFromFile "clob.txt" amount, offset, chunksize 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] filenameA string specifying the absolute name and path for the file to be read.
[in] [optional] amountAn Integer specifying the maximum number in bytes to be copied. Default value is total file size.
[in] [optional] offsetAn Integer specifying the absolute offset of the BLOB or CLOB value of this object, in bytes for OraBLOB or OraBFILE and characters for OraCLOB. Default value is 1.
[in] [optional] chunksizeAn Integer specifying the size for each read operation, in bytes. If chunksize parameter is not set or 0, the value of the amount argument is used, which means the entire amount is transferred in one chunk.


Obtain either a row-level lock or object-level lock before calling this method.

The file should be in the same format as the NLS_LANG setting.


When manipulating LOBs using LOB methods, such as Write and CopyFromFile, the LOB object is not automatically trimmed if the length of the new data is smaller than the old data. Use the Trim (OraLOB) method to shrink the LOB object to the size of the new data.


Example: Using the CopyFromFile Method

This example demonstrates the use of the CopyFromFile method.

Be sure that you have the PART table in the database with valid LOB data in it. Also, be sure that you have installed the OraLOB Schema Objects as described in "Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples" .

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim PartImage as OraBLOB 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create a Dynaset containing a BLOB and a CLOB column 
set part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part where" & _
                "part_id = 1234",0) 
set PartImage = part.Fields("part_image").Value 
'copy the entire content of partimage.jpg file to LOBS 
PartImage.CopyFromFile "partimage.jpg" 
PK[PK?AOEBPS/dcmethods002.htm Move Method

Move Method

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Moves a form or control.

PKPK?AOEBPS/serprop068.htm IsOpen (OraBFILE) Property

IsOpen (OraBFILE) Property

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


Returns True if the OraBFILE object is open.


IsOpen = OraBFile.IsOpen

Data Type



The openness of an object OraBFILE is local to this OraBFILE object. If two OraBFILE objects point to the same BFILE in the database, and one OraBFILE object calls the Open method and the other does not, one OraBFILE object will return True for the IsOpen property. The other will return False.

PKQ=+E PK?AOEBPS/serprop087.htm Nanosecond(OraTimeStamp) Property

Nanosecond(OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the Nanosecond attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


nanosecond = OraTimeStampObj.NanosecondOraTimeStampObj.Nanosecond= nanosecond


[in] nanosecondThe Nanosecond attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PKQ  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod111.htm- IsGreater (OraIntervalDS) Method

IsGreater (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Checks if the OraIntervalDS object is greater than an argument.


isGreater = OraIntervalDSObj.IsGreater value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object to be compared.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraIntervalDS object is greater than the argument; otherwise, it is False.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: Day [+/-] HH:MI:SSxFF.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS object represents.

PK&u2-PK?AOEBPS/serobjch030.htm- OraParameters Collection

OraParameters Collection


The OraParameters collection maintains a list of OraParameter objects. Unlike the other collection objects, this list is modifiable; you can add to and remove from the collection.


You can access the OraParameter objects in this collection by creating a subscript (using ordinal integers) or by using the name the object was given at its creation. You can obtain the number of OraParameter objects in the collection by using the Count property. Referencing a subscript that is not within the collection (0 to Count-1) results in the return of a null OraParameter object.

In addition to accessing the OraParameter objects of the collection, you can use the collection to create and destroy parameters by using the Add and Remove methods, respectively.



PKQ2 - PK?AOEBPS/sermthod095.htmg GetChunk Method

GetChunk Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns a string containing the bytes of all or a portion of a LONG or LONG RAW field.


data_string = orafield.GetChunk(offset, numbytes)
data_string = orafield.DbGetChunk(offset, numbytes)  


The arguments for the method are:

offsetThe number of bytes of the field to skip before copying data.
numbytesThe number of bytes to copy.


The GetChunk method typically retrieves the specified bytes from the local cache. If data is not found in the cache, then the GetChunk method requests it from the database. Data from all fields (except the LONG or LONG RAW field) in the dynaset are retrieved and compared to the cached values for consistency. If any changes have occurred since the last fetch, then the GetChunk method stops the operation which causes an error and returns a Null string.

If a LONG or LONG RAW field is less than 65280 bytes, it is quicker to retrieve the data using the Value property than using the GetChunk method. You cannot use the GetChunk method on a LONG or LONG RAW field for which you have created an alias.

See "Migration from LONG RAW to LOB or BFILE".


This example demonstrates the use of the GetChunk method to retrieve a LONG RAW column of a database and save it as a file. This example expects a valid dynaset named OraDynaset representing a table with a column named longraw. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Call this procedure with a valid file name.

Sub GetChunkExample (FName As String)
'Declare various variables
Dim CurSize As Integer, ChunkSize  As Long
Dim I As Integer, FNum As Integer, CurChunk As String
'Set the size of each chunk
ChunkSize = 10240
frmChunk.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
'Get a free file number
FNum = FreeFile
'Open the file
Open FName For Binary As #FNum
 I = 0
'Loop through all of the chunks. Oracle does not return the size of columns >
' 64KB. We should loop until the length of our block is less than we asked for.
 CurChunk = OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").GetChunk(I * ChunkSize, ChunkSize)
 CurSize = Len(CurChunk) 'Get the length of the current chunk.
 Put #FNum, , CurChunk   'Write chunk to file.
 I = I + 1
Loop Until CurSize < ChunkSize
'Close the file.
Close FNum
frmChunk.MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
PKSE2PK?AOEBPS/sermthod122.htm? IterPrev Method

IterPrev Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Moves the iterator to point to the previous element in the collection.




Using an iterator is faster than using an index when accessing collection elements.

If the iterator is pointing to the first element of the collection prior to executing this function, then calling this method makes the BOC property return True. Also, the iterator is not changed. Check the BOC property when calling this method repetitively.


See "Example: OraCollection Iterator" .

PKKD ? PK?AOEBPS/serprop132.htm  Transactions Property

Transactions Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Indicates whether or not the given dynaset can support transaction processing. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


if_transactions = oradynaset.Transactions

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


This property always returns True.

PKڼN PK?AOEBPS/sermthod027.htma Ceil (OraNumber) Method

Ceil (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the ceiling value of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKt5PK?AOEBPS/serprop148.htm Value (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Value (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


When read, the Value property provides a string representation of the value of the OraTimeStampTZ object. If the Format property is not null, the output string format is in the format specified by the Format property; otherwise, the output string format is in the session TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT). When set, the Value property accepts a Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStampTZ.


string = OraTimeStampTZObj.ValueOraTimeStampObjTZ.Value= value


[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStampTZ.

Data Type



If the Variant is of type String and the Format property is not null, the string format must match the Format property. If the Format property is null, the string format must match the session TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format.

If the Variant is of type Date, the date-time value in Date is interpreted as the date-time value in the session time zone. The time zone information in the OraTimeStampTZ object contains the session time zone.


Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2003-APR-29" & _ 
            "12:00:00 -07:00", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS TZH:TZM") 
'returns a string for the Value property 
tstzStr = OraTimeStampTZ.Value 
'set OraTimeStampTZ.Value using a string 
OraTimeStampTZ.Value = "2003-APR-29 12:00:00 -07:00" 
PK!PK?AOEBPS/serprop078.htm  Minute (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Minute (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Minute attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


minute = OraTimeStampTZObj.Minute
OraTimeStampTZObj.Minute = minute


[in] minuteThe Minute attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PK># PK?AOEBPS/serprop039.htm[ EditMode Property

EditMode Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the editing state for the current row. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


edit_mode = oradynaset.EditMode

Data Type



The EditMode property values are:

ORADATA_EDITNONE0No editing in progress.
ORADATA_EDITMODE1Editing is in progress on an existing row.
ORADATA_EDITADD2A new record is being added and the copy buffer does not currently represent an actual row in the database.

These values are located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\oraconst.txt file and are intended to match similar constants in the Visual Basic constant.txt file.

This property is affected only by the Edit, AddNew, and Update methods.

PKéPK?AOEBPS/serprop103.htm PinOption (OraRef) Property

PinOption (OraRef) Property

Applies To

OraRef Object


Gets and sets the Pin option for the referenceable object during the pin operation.


pin_option = OraRef.PinOptionOraRef.PinOption = pin_option


[in] PinOptionAn Integer representing the Pin option.

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Possible values returned by the pin_option property are:

ORAREF_READ_ANY3If the object is already in the object cache, returns it, otherwise, retrieves it from the database(default).
ORAREF_READ_RECENT4If the object is retrieved into the cache during a transaction, returns it from the cache, otherwise retrieves the object from the database.
ORAREF_READ_LATEST5Always retrieves the latest values from the database.


The following example shows the usage of the PinOption property. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers",  0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. Here Value 
'property of OraField object returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'set the ORAREF_READ_LATEST read option on the Person object. 
Person.PinOption = ORAREF_READ_LATEST 
'pin the Person Ref and get the latest copy of referenceable 
'object for Ref from the database
MsgBox Person.Name
MsgBox Person.Age
PKTqPK?AOEBPS/serprop015.htmh Connect Property

Connect Property

Applies To

OraConnection Object

OraDatabase Object


Returns the user name of the connection string associated with the connection. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


connect_string = oraconnection.Connect
connect_string = oradatabase.Connect

Data Type



  • OraConnection.Connect

    Returns the user name of the connection string associated with the connection.

  • OraDatabase.Connect

    Returns the user name of the connection string associated with the specified database. It is equivalent to referencing OraDatabase.Connection.Connect.

The password associated with the user name is never returned.


This example demonstrates the use of the Connect and DatabaseName properties to display the user name and database name to which the user is connected. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Display the username and database to which we are connected.
 MsgBox "Connected to " & OraDatabase.Connect & "@" & OraDatabase.DatabaseName
End Sub
PK7"PK?AOEBPS/serobjch019.htm+# OraParamArray Object

OraParamArray Object


An OraParamArray object represents an array type bind variable in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block, as opposed to a scalar type bind variable represented by the OraParameter object.


OraParamArray objects are created, accessed, and removed indirectly through the OraParameters collection of an OraDatabase object. Each parameter has an identifying name and an associated value.

Implicitly an OraParamArray object contains an OLE automation collection interface for accessing and manipulating individual elements of an array. Individual elements can be accessed using a subscript or the Get_Value method. Individual elements can be modified by using a subscript or the Put_Value method.

Element values are retrieved as Variant types. The Variant type of the element depends on the ServerType of the OraParamArray object. Element values can be null and can be set to Null. For elements of type objects and REFs, element values are returned as corresponding OO4O objects for that type.

You can automatically bind a parameter to SQL and PL/SQL statements of other objects (as noted in the objects descriptions) by using the name of the parameter as a placeholder in the SQL or PL/SQL statement. Using parameters can simplify dynamic queries and increase program performance. Parameters are bound to SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks before execution.

The OraParameters collection is part of the OraDatabase object so that all parameters are available to any SQL statement or PL/SQL block executed within the database (through CreateDynaset, ExecuteSQL, or CreateSQL methods). Before a SQL statement or PL/SQL block is executed, an attempt is made to bind all parameters of the associated OraDatabase object. The bindings that fail (because the parameter does not apply to that particular SQL statement or PL/SQL block) are noted and no attempt is made to bind them again if the SQL statement or PL/SQL block is reexecuted but does not change.

Because neither SQL statements nor PL/SQL blocks are parsed locally (all parsing is done by Oracle Database), any unnecessary binding results in performance degradation. To prevent unnecessary parameter binding, use the AutoBindDisable and AutoBindEnable methods.




Example: Using OraParamArrays with SQL Statements

The following example shows how to use the OraParamArray object with SQL statements:

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraSqlStmt As OraSQLStmt 
Dim PartNoArray As OraParamArray 
Dim DescArray As OraParamArray 
Dim I As Integer 
'Test case for inserting/updating/deleting multiple rows using parameter 
' arrays with SQL statements 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("exampledb", "scott/tiger",  0&)  
'Create table 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("create table part_nos(partno number," & _ 
                         "description char(50), primary key(partno))") 
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "PARTNO", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER, 10, 22
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "DESCRIPTION", ORAPARM_INPUT, _ 
                           ORATYPE_CHAR, 10, 50 
Set PartNoArray = OraDatabase.Parameters("PARTNO") 
Set DescArray = OraDatabase.Parameters("DESCRIPTION") 
 'Initialize arrays 
For I = 0 To 9 
  achar = "Description" + Str(I) 
  PartNoArray(I) = 1000 + I 
  DescArray(I) = achar 
Next I 
Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSql("insert into 
part_nos(partno, description) values(:PARTNO,:DESCRIPTION)", 0&) 
'Update the newly created part_nos table 
For I = 0 To 9 
  achar = "Description" + Str(1000 + I) 
  DescArray(I) = achar 
Next I 
'Update table 
Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSql("update part_nos set DESCRIPTION" & _ 
                           "=:DESCRIPTION where PARTNO = :PARTNO", 0&) 
'Deleting rows 
Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSql("delete  from  part_nos where" & _  
                           "DESCRIPTION=: Description ", 0&) 
'Drop the table 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("drop table part_nos") 

Example: Using OraParamArrays with PL/SQL

The following is an example using OraParamArray objects with PL/SQL. The Employee PL/SQL package can be set up with the ORAEXAMP.SQL script. See "Demonstration Schema and Code Examples".

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim EmpnoArray As OraParamArray 
Dim EnameArray As OraParamArray 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ArraySize", 3, ORAPARM_INPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "EMPNOS", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER,3, 22
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "ENAMES", ORAPARM_OUTPUT, _ 
                                 ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, 3, 10 
Set EmpnoArray = OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNOS") 
Set EnameArray = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES") 
'Initialize the newly created input parameter table EMPNOS 
EmpnoArray(0) = 7698 
EmpnoArray(1) = 7782 
EmpnoArray(2) = 7654 
'Execute the PLSQL package 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin Employee.GetEmpNamesInArray(:ArraySize," & _
                         ":EMPNOS, :ENAMES); End;") 
'Print out Enames 
MsgBox EnameArray(0) 
MsgBox EnameArray(1) 
MsgBox EnameArray(2) 
PK R0#+#PK?AOEBPS/serprop156.htm R XMLOmitEncodingTag Property

XMLOmitEncodingTag Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines if the encoding tag should be omitted.


OraDynaset.XMLOmitEncodingTag = True 


The default value is False.

If this property is set to False, the value of the XMLEncodingTag property is used in the encoding tag.

PK PK?AOEBPS/sermthod115.htm6 IsGreater (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

IsGreater (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Checks if the OraTimeStampTZ object is greater than an argument.


isGreater = OraTimeStampTZObj.IsGreater value, format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStampTZ object to be compared.
[in] [optional] formatSpecifies the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format string to be used to interpret a value when value is type String. If format is not specified, value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStampTZ object is greater than the argument; otherwise, it is False. The IsGreater method only compares the UTC date-time values stored in the OraTimeStampTZ object; the time zone information is ignored.

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.

If value is of type Date, the date-time value in Date is interpreted as the date-time value in the time zone of the session.

PK8b5PK?AOEBPS/sermthod090.htm r FieldSize Method

FieldSize Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the number of bytes stored in a LONG or LONG RAW field. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


data_size = orafield.FieldSize( )
data_size = orafield.DbFieldSize( )  


Returns the number of bytes stored in a LONG or LONG RAW field, up to a value of around 64 KB. If the field contains more than 64 KB, then the FieldSize method returns -1.

Oracle Database does not return the length of columns that are greater than 64 KB; The only way to determine the length is to retrieve the column. To conserve resources, columns of lengths greater than 64 KB are not retrieved automatically.

Data Type

Long Integer

PK } PK?AOEBPS/serprop058.htmi Format (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Format (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format used to display the OraTimeStampTZ object as a string.


format = OraTimeStampTZObj.Format
OraTimeStampTZObj.Format = format


[in] formatThe format used to display an OraTimeStampTZ object as a string.

Data Type



If Format is Null, the session TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format is used to display the OraTimeStampTZ object as a string.

PKF;n i PK?AOEBPS/glossary.htm] Glossary



External binary files that exist outside the database tablespaces residing in the operating system. BFILEs are referenced from the database semantics, and are also known as external LOBs.

Binary Large Object (BLOB)

A large object data type whose content consists of binary data. Additionally, this data is considered raw as its structure is not recognized by the database.

Character Large Object (CLOB)

The LOB data type whose value is composed of character data corresponding to the database character set. A CLOB may be indexed and searched by the Oracle Text search engine.

coordinated universal time (UTC)

UTC was formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time.

Large Object (LOB)

The class of SQL data type that is further divided into internal LOBs and external LOBs. Internal LOBs include BLOBs, CLOBs, and NCLOBs while external LOBs include BFILEs.

National Character Large Object (NCLOB)

The LOB data type whose value is composed of character data corresponding to the database national character set.


Oracle procedural language extension to SQL.

primary key

The column or set of columns included in the definition of a table's PRIMARY KEY constraint.


UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) was formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time.

PK'pb]PK?AOEBPS/sermthod084.htm8 Enqueue (OraAQ) Method

Enqueue (OraAQ) Method

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Enqueues the message (OraAQMsg) contained in this object.


Msgid = Q.Enqueue


On success, this method returns the message identifier as an array of bytes. Otherwise, it returns an empty array (null).



The following code samples are models for enqueuing messages, but cannot be run as is.

A complete AQ sample can be found in the \OO4O\VB\SAMPLES\AQ directory.

Enqueuing Messages of Type RAW

'Create an OraAQ object for the queue "DBQ" 
Dim Q as OraAQ 
Dim Msg as OraAQMsg 
Dim OraSession as OraSession 
Dim DB as OraDatabase 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set DB = OraSession.OpenDatabase("mydb", “scott/tiger" 0&) 
Set Q = DB.CreateAQ("DBQ") 
'Get a reference to the AQMsg object 
Set Msg = Q.AQMsg 
Msg.Value = "Enqueue the first message to a RAW queue." 
'Enqueue the message 
'Enqueue another message.  
Msg.Value = "Another message" 
'Enqueue a message with non-default properties. 
Msg.Delay = 5 
Msg.Value = "Urgent message" 
Msg.Value = "The visibility option used in the enqueue call" & _
           "is ORAAQ_ENQ_IMMEDIATE" 
Msgid = Q.Enqueue 
'Enqueue Ahead of message Msgid_1 
Msg.Value = "First Message to test Relative Message id" 
Msg.Correlation = "RELATIVE_MESSAGE_ID" 
Msgid_1 = Q.Enqueue 
Msg.Value = "Second message to test RELATIVE_MESSAGE_ID is queued" & _
            " ahead of the First Message " 
Q.RelMsgId = Msgid_1 
Msgid = Q.Enqueue

Enqueuing Messages of Oracle Object Types

'Prepare the message. MESSAGE_TYPE is a user defined type in the "AQ" schema 
Set OraMsg = Q.AQMsg(23, "MESSAGE_TYPE","SCOTT") 
Set OraObj = DB.CreateOraObject("MESSAGE_TYPE") 
OraObj("subject").Value = "Greetings from OO4O" 
OraObj("text").Value = "Text of a message originated from OO4O" 
Msgid = Q.Enqueue
PKާcPK?AOEBPS/serprop160.htm H XMLTagName Property

XMLTagName Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Gets and sets the tag name that is used for this field in the rendering of XML that occurs when GetXML or GetXMLToFile methods are called. Readable and writable at run time.


orafield.XMLTagName = "EmployeeName" 


The default value for this property is the value of the Name property. If this property is set to Null or an empty string (""), this field is omitted. The name must be valid or an error is raised. The case is preserved.

PKl PK?AOEBPS/serprop158.htm S XMLRowsetTag Property

XMLRowsetTag Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets the tag name that replaces the rowset tag <ROWSET> in the rendering of XML that occurs when GetXML or GetXMLToFile methods are called. Readable and writable at run time.


 oradynaset.XMLRowSetTag = "NEWROWSET" 


The default value for this property is ROWSET. The tag name must be valid or an error is raised. The case is preserved. This tag is the root, unless schema metadata is requested with the document.

PK=p~ PK?AOEBPS/serprop053.htm Fields Property

Fields Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the collection of fields for the current row. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set orafields_collection = oradynaset.Fields

Data Type

OLE Object (OraFields)


You can access the fields in this collection by subscripting (using ordinal integer numbers) or by using a string denoting the field (column) name. You can obtain the count of the number of fields using the Count property on the returned collection. A subscript that is not within the collection (0 to Count - 1) results in the return of a Null OraField object.

PKhJ  PK?AOEBPS/dcprop004.htmH Caption Property

Caption Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the text displayed in or next to a control.

PKŸPK?AOEBPS/sermthod022.htmr AutoBindDisable Method

AutoBindDisable Method

Applies To

OraParameter Object

OraParamArray Object


Resets the AutoBind status of a parameter.




If a parameter has AutoBindDisabled status, it is not automatically bound to a SQL or PL/SQL statement.


This example demonstrates the use of the AutoBindDisable and AutoBindEnable methods to prevent unnecessary parameter binding while creating various dynasets that use different parameters. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession. OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", _
              "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Add the job input parameter with initial value MANAGER.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1
 'Add the deptno input parameter with initial value 10.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "deptno", 10, 1
 'Disable the deptno parameter for now.
 'Create the OraDynaset Object using the job parameter.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp" & _ 
               "where job = :job", 0&)
 'Only employees with job=MANAGER will be contained in the dynaset.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", " & _
               "Job=" & OraDynaset.Fields("job").value
 'Enable the deptno parameter and disable the job parameter.
 'Create the OraDynaset Object using the deptno parameter.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp" & _ 
               "where deptno = :deptno", 0&)
 'Only employees with deptno=10 will be contained in the dynaset.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & "," & _ 
                "DeptNo=" & OraDynaset.Fields("deptno").value
End Sub
PK)PK?AOEBPS/sermthod144.htm Power (OraNumber) Method

Power (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Raises the OraNumber object to the power of the operand.


OraNumber.Power operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKM_  PK?AOEBPS/dcmethods004.htmr UpdateControls Method

UpdateControls Method

Applies To

Recordset Property of the Oracle Data Control.


Gets the current record from a data control's recordset and displays the appropriate data in controls bound to that data control.




NOTE: This code snippet is intended to be placed in a complete application. The code snippet cancels changes made to bound controls and restores the data to the original values. To use this code snippet, copy it into the definition section of a form that has a data control named oradata1 (which has been successfully refreshed) and has the KeyPreview property set to True.

Sub Form_KeyDown (KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = KEY_ESCAPE Then
End If
End Sub


Use this method to allow the user to cancel changes made to bound controls and restore the contents of those controls to their original values.

This method has the effect of making the current record current again, except that no events occur.


For backward compatibility with earlier .VBX control, this method is also available as the method of data control's Recordset.

PKx[7PK?AOEBPS/serprop076.htm3 MinimumSize Property

MinimumSize Property

Applies To

OraParameter Object

OraParamArray Object


Returns the minimum size of an OraParameter or OraParamArray string buffer or ByteArray (for ORATYPE_RAW_BIN). For OraParamArray objects, the minimum size property is read-only at run time. For OraParameter objects, the minimum size is read/write at run time.



Data Type



This property gets the minimum number of characters or bytes to be allocated for each element of the array. For OraParamArray objects, the size is specified using the AddTable method.


Note: This example needs the following to be run: a PL/SQL procedure called EmployeeLong with a GetEmpName procedure that uses a table with the column name ENAME_LONG that returns a long ename of approximately 200 characters.

Sub Form_Load ()
' Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
' Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
' Create the OraDatabase Object.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
' Add EMPNO as an Input/Output parameter and set its initial value.
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 9999, ORAPARM_INPUT
' Add ENAME as an Output parameter and set its initial value.
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME_LONG", "foo", ORAPARM_OUTPUT
OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME_LONG").MinimumSize = 201 
 'Since we require to hold a value of more than 128 bytes
' Execute the Stored Procedure Employee.GetEmpName to retrieve ENAME_LONG.
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin EmployeeLong.GetEmpName (:EMPNO," & _
            "NAME_LONG); end;")
PK83PK?AOEBPS/sermthod015.htma AQAgent (OraAQMsg) Method

AQAgent (OraAQMsg) Method

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Creates an instance of the OraAQAgent for the specified consumer and adds it to the OraAQAgents list of the message.


Set agent = qMsg.AQAgent(name)


The arguments for the method are:

[in] nameA String up to 30 bytes representing the name of the consumer of the message.
[in] [optional] AddressA 128-byte String representing the protocol specific address of a recipient, such as [schema.]queue[@dblink].


The OraAQAgent object represents a message recipient and is only valid for queues that allow multiple consumers. Queue subscribers are recipients by default. Use this object to override the default consumers.

An OraAQAgent object can be instantiated by invoking the AQAgent method. For example:

Set agent = qMsg.AQAgent(consumer) 

The maximum number of agents that a message can support is 10.

The AQAgent method returns an instance of an OraAQAgent object.


Address is not supported in this release, but is provided for future enhancements.

PK,J2PK?AOEBPS/serprop040.htm EditOption (OraRef) Property

EditOption (OraRef) Property

Applies To

OraRef Object


Specifies whether the object is to be locked during the pin operation.


edit_option = OraRef.EditOption
OraRef.EditOption = edit_option


[in] [out] edit_optionAn Integer representing the edit option.

Data Type



This property should be called before a pin operation on a Ref value, before accessing an attribute for the first time on the OraRef object. This option is useful if the object attributes are modified immediately after the pin operation. Locking the object instance during the pin operation saves the round-trip to the database during the Edit (OraRef) operation.

Possible values of edit_option are:

ORAREF_NO_LOCK1Does not lock the object in the database (default).
ORAREF_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK2Maintains an exclusive lock on the object in the database.
ORAREF_NOWAIT_LOCK3Maintains an exclusive lock on the object in the database with the nowait option.


The following example shows the usage of the EditOption property. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef

'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. Here Value property of OraField object 
'returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'set the ORAREF_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK EditOption on the Person object. 
'pin the Person Ref. This operation also locks the underlying 
'referenceable 'object in the server
MsgBox Person.Name

'call Edit method on Person OraRef. 
'This method does not make any network round-trip

Person.Name = "Eric"
Person.Age = 35
PK$DBPK?AOEBPS/sermthod172.htmb Trunc (OraNumber) Method

Trunc (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Truncates an Oracle number at a specified decimal place.


OraNumber.Trunc decplaces


The arguments for the method are:

[in] decplacesAn Integer specifying the number of digits to the right of the decimal point from which to truncate. Negative values are allowed and signify digits to the left of the decimal point.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK:66g b PK?AOEBPS/serprop045.htm  Exists Property

Exists Property

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


Returns True if the OraBFILE points to a BFILE that exists on the database.


exists = OraBFile.Exists

Data Type



Read privileges on the directory where the BFILE is located are required to use this property. The operating system-specific permissions must have been set for the directory to make sure that the user can read the directory.

Appropriate privileges must be set up in the database previously. For example, to ensure that a user (scott) can read a directory (BfileDirectory) through the Exists property, the following SQL statement must be executed:

GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY BfileDirectory TO scott;
PK~ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod035.html Clone (OraNumber) Method

Clone (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Returns a copy of the OraNumber object .


Set OraNumber2 = OraNumber.Clone


Returns a new OraNumber object with the same value as the original.

PK]PK?AOEBPS/serprop146.htm' Value (OraNumber) Property

Value (OraNumber) Property

Applies To

OraNumber Object


When read, the Value property provides a string representation of the value of the OraNumber object using the current format string. When set, the Value property accepts a Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value. Read and write at run time.


string = OraNumber.Value  
OraNumber.Value = variantval 


[in] variantvalA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.

Data Type



If the Value property is set to a numeric type, such as a LONG, it is limited to the maximum precision Visual Basic provides for numerical values.

If the current format cannot be applied successfully to the value, an error is raised. An error is also raised if this property is set to a Variant value that cannot be converted to a number, such as a string of nonnumeric characters.

PK;PK?AOEBPS/sermthod058.htm` CreateOraIntervalYM Method

CreateOraIntervalYM Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates the OraIntervalYM object. This OraIntervalYM represents an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type.


Set OraIntervalYMObj = OraSession.CreateOraIntervalYM value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object.

Return Values

OraIntervalYM Object


An OraSession object must be created before an OraIntervalYM object can be created.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.

A Variant of type OraIntervalYM can also be passed. A cloned OraIntervalYM object is returned.


Dim oraIYM as OraIntervalYM 
Dim oraIYM2 as OraIntervalYM 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a string which represents 1 year and 2 months 
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM("1- 2") 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a numeric value which represents
'1 year and 6 months 
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM(1.5) 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using an OraIntervalYM 
Set oraIYM2 = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM(oraIYM) 
PK0؃re`PK?AOEBPS/serprop144.htmd Value (OraIntervalYM) Property

Value (OraIntervalYM) Property

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


When read, the Value property provides a string representation of the value of the OraIntervalYM object using the format YEARS-MONTHS.

When set, the Value property accepts a Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object.


string = OraIntervalYMObj.ValueOraIntervalYMObj.Value= value


[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object.

Data Type



If the value set is a Variant of type String, it must be in following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If the value set is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the OraIntervalYM object represents.


Dim oraIYM as OraIntervalYM 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a string which represents 1 year and 6 months 
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM("1-6") 
'get the OraIntervalYM.Value return a string for the Value property,
' iymStr is set to "01-06" 
iymStr = oraIYM.Value 
'can also return a string for the Value property as follows 
iymStr = oraIYM 

'set the OraIntervalDS.Value using a string which represents 1 year and 6 months
oraIYM.Value = "1-6" 
'set the OraIntervalYM.Value using a numeric value which represents 
'1 years and 6 months 
oraIYM.Value = 1.5 
PKێ_idPK?AOEBPS/preface.htmL, Preface


This document explains how to install, configure, and use Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O). It covers features of Oracle Database that apply to Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) allows easy access to data stored in Oracle databases with any programming or scripting language that supports the Microsoft COM Automation.


Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) is the last database version that supports Oracle Objects for OLE. Oracle Database versions, which are released after Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), will not support Oracle Objects for OLE. You can continue to use Oracle Objects for OLE with existing Oracle Database versions that are covered under the lifetime support policy of Oracle.


Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide is intended for programmers developing applications to access an Oracle database using Oracle Objects for OLE. This documentation is also valuable to systems analysts, project managers, and others interested in the development of database applications.

To use this document, you must have a working knowledge of application programming using Visual Basic or Microsoft C/C++ and knowledge of Component Object Model (COM) concepts.

Readers should also be familiar with the use of structured query language (SQL) to access information in relational database systems.

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents

For more information, see these Oracle resources:

Many of the examples in this book use the sample schemas, which are installed by default when you select the Basic Installation option with an Oracle Database installation. Refer to Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information on how these schemas were created and how you can use them yourself.

To download free release notes, installation documentation, white papers, or other collateral, please visit the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). You must register online before using OTN; registration is free and can be done at

If you already have a user name and password for OTN, then you can go directly to the documentation section of the OTN Web site at

For additional information, see:


The following text conventions are used in this document:

boldfaceBoldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italicItalic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
monospaceMonospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

PK)Q,L,PK?AOEBPS/serprop030.htm 3 Days Property

Days Property

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Gets and sets the Days attribute of an OraIntervalDS object


days = OraIntervalDSObj.Days
OraIntervalDSObj.Days = days


[in] daysAn Integer specifying the value of the Days attribute of the OraIntervalDS object.

Data Type


PKd PK?AOEBPS/dcprop030.htm6 Visible Property

Visible Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether an object is visible or hidden.

See Also:

Enabled Property

PKvC;6PK?AOEBPS/serobjch004.htm< OraAttribute Object

OraAttribute Object


The OraAttribute object represents an attribute of a Value or REF instance of an OraObject or an OraRef.


The OraAttribute object can be accessed from the OraObject or OraRef object by creating a subscript that uses ordinal integers or by using the name attribute.

See the Value (OraAttribute) property for a table that identifies the attribute type and the return value of the Value property of the OraAttribute object:





The following example accesses the attributes of the ADDRESS value instance in the server. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim Address As OraObject 
Dim City As OraAttribute 
Dim State As OraAttribute 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'create a dynaset object from person_tab 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab", 0&)
'retrieve an address column from person_tab
'the Value property of OraField object returns Address OraObject 
Set Address = OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value 
'access the City attribute object 
Set City = Address("City") 
' display the value of City attribute Object 
MsgBox City.Value 
'access the State attribute object 
Set State = Address("State") 
'display the value of State attribute Object 
MsgBox State.Value 
PK@3PK?AOEBPS/serprop031.htm5 DbPoolCurrentSize Property

DbPoolCurrentSize Property

Applies To

OraSession Object


Contains the number of currently active database objects in the pool. It is a read-only property.


curr_size = OraSession.DbPoolCurrentSize

Data Type



An active database object in the pool that contains a live connection to the database.

PKú:5PK?AOEBPS/sermthod011.htmx Append (OraCollection) Method

Append (OraCollection) Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Extends the size of the collection by one and appends the Variant value at the end of the collection.


OraCollection.Append element


The arguments for the method are:

[in] elementA Variant representing the value to be appended.


If an OraCollection represents a collection of Object types or Refs, the element argument should represent a valid OraObject or OraRef.


The following example illustrates the Append method. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples".

Example: Append Method for the OraCollection Object Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from department
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&)
'retrieve a Enames column from Department. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns EnameList OraCollection
set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value
'Append an "Eric" to the collection. 
'Before that row level lock should be obtained
EnameList.Append "Eric"
PKIPK?AOEBPS/sermthod132.htm7 MovePreviousn, MoveNextn, MoveRel, and MoveTo Methods

MovePreviousn, MoveNextn, MoveRel, and MoveTo Methods

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Change the cursor position to the specified row within the specified dynaset.


oradynaset.MovePreviousn offset
oradynaset.MoveNextn offset
oradynaset.MoveRel offset 
oradynaset.MoveTo offset

MoveNextn Method

Moves offset records forward.

MovePreviousn Method

Moves offset records backward.

MoveRel Method

Moves offset records relative to the current row. A positive value, represented by a plus (+) sign, moves the cursor down the table, and a negative value moves the cursor up the table.

MoveTo Method

Moves directly to row number offset.


EOF is set when the cursor moves beyond the end of a dynaset using MoveNextn, MoveRel, or MoveTo methods. BOF is set when the cursor moves beyond the start of a dynaset using MovePreviousn, MoveRel, or MoveTo methods. The MoveNextn, MovePreviousn, and MoveTo methods accept offset as a positive integer only. The MoveRel methods accepts offset as either a positive or a negative integer.

The MoveTo rownum always gets the same row unless the row has been deleted. If the requested row has been deleted, the MoveTo method moves to the next valid row. The MoveNextn, MovePreviousn, MoveRel, and MoveTo methods do not take into account deleted rows, so be cautious when using these methods based on relative positions of row numbers.

Data Type

Long Integer


This example demonstrates the use of the MovePreviousn, MoveNextn, MoveRel, and MoveTo methods. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

 Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim OraSession As OraSession 
  Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
  Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
  Dim OraFields As OraFields 
  Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
  Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "SCOTT/TIGER", 0&)
  Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp where empno" & _
             ">=7654 and empno <= 7844 ", ORADYN_NO LANKSTRIP)
  Set OraFields = OraDynaset.Fields 
  'Move to 3rd record from the first record
  OraDynaset.MoveNextn 3  'Should set EOF to true
  MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should be display SCOTT
  If OraDynaset.EOF = True Then
    MsgBox "End of the record reached"
  End If
  'Move back from the current record by the offset 2
  OraDynaset.MovePreviousn 2    
  MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should be display BLAKE
  If OraDynaset.BOF = True Then
    MsgBox "Start of the record reached"
  End If
  'Move relative in the forward direction 
  OraDynaset.MoveRel 2
  MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should be display SCOTT
  If OraDynaset.EOF = True Then
    MsgBox "End of the record reached"
  End If
  'Move relative in the backward direction 
  OraDynaset.MoveRel -2
  MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should be display BLAKE
  If OraDynaset.BOF = True Then
    MsgBox "Start of the record reached"
  End If 
  'Move to the record position 4 in the current dynaset
   OraDynaset.MoveTo 4
   MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should be display SCOTT
End Sub
PK#<7PK?AOEBPS/serobjch029.htm OraFields Collection

OraFields Collection


The OraFields collection maintains a list of the OraField objects. The list is not modifiable; you cannot add to or remove from this collection.


You can access the OraField objects in this collection by creating a subscript (using ordinal integers) or by using the name the object was given at its creation. You can obtain the number of OraField objects in the collection by using the Count property. Referencing a subscript that is not within the collection (0 to Count-1) results in the return of a null OraField object.



See Also:

OraField Object

PK=#  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod057.htmE CreateOraIntervalDS Method

CreateOraIntervalDS Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates the OraIntervalDS object. This OraIntervalDS represents an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type.


Set OraIntervalDSObj = OraSession.CreateOraIntervalDS value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, an OraIntervalDS, or an OraNumber object.

Return Values

OraIntervalDS Object


An OraSession object must be created before an OraIntervalDS object can be created.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS represents.

A Variant of type OraIntervalDS can also be passed. A cloned OraIntervalDS is returned.


Dim oraIDS as OraIntervalDS 
Dim oraIDS2 as OraIntervalDS 
Dim oraNum  as OraNumber 
'Create an OraIntervalDS using a string which represents 1 days, 2 hours, 
'3 minutes, 4 seconds and 500000 nanoseconds 
Set oraIDS = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalDS("1 2:3:4.005") 
'Create an OraIntervalDS using a numeric value which represents
'1 days and 12 hours 
Set oraIDS = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalDS(1.5) 
'Create an OraIntervalDS using an OraIntervalDS 
Set oraIDS2 = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalDS(oraIDS) 
PK96~PK?AOEBPS/sermthod154.htm" ResetTrans Method

ResetTrans Method

Applies To

OraConnection Object

OraSession Object


Unconditionally rolls back all transactions and clears the transaction mode initiated by BeginTrans method.




This method does not generate events or produce errors. Because the ResetTrans method does not generate events, you cannot cancel the ResetTrans method in a Validate event, as you can with a rollback or commit operation.

Note: If an OraDatabase object has been enlisted with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and is part of a global MTS transaction, this method has no effect.


This example demonstrates the use of the BeginTrans and ResetTrans methods to group a set of dynaset edits into a single transaction. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create the OraDynaset Object.
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Start Transaction processing.
 'Traverse until EOF is reached, setting each employee's salary to zero.
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
   OraDynaset.Fields("sal").value = 0
 MsgBox "All salaries set to ZERO."
 'Currently, the changes have NOT been committed to the database.
 'End Transaction processing.
 'Using ResetTrans means the rollback cannot be canceled in the Validate event.
 MsgBox "Salary changes rolled back."
End Sub
PKOA'"PK?AOEBPS/serprop114.htm Server Property

Server Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Returns the OraServer object to which this object is attached.


Set oraserver = oradatabase.Server

Data Type

OLE Object (OraServer)

See Also:

OraServer Object

PK7FPK?AOEBPS/dcevents005.htm Q MouseMove Event

MouseMove Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This event is fired continuously whenever the mouse pointer moves across the data control. Unless another object has not captured the mouse, the data control recognizes a MouseMove event whenever the mouse position is within its borders.

PK! PK?AOEBPS/index.htm Index


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Z 


Abs method, 10
Access Violations, 5.3.3
collection elements, 4.5.3
OraObject attributes,
referenceable instance,
accessing the OO4O Automation Server, 3.2
Active Server Pages, 1.1, 2.1, 2.4
Active Server Pages with OO4O Automation, 2.4
ActiveX Control, 1.3, 2.8
AddTable method, 3.8.4
advanced features of Oracle Objects for OLE, 4
advanced queuing interfaces, 4.6
AllowMoveLast property, 14
application failover notifications, 4.8
application notifications, 4.8.1
array processing, 5.1.5
ASP, 1.1, 2.4
asynchronous dequeuing, 4.6.1
AutoBindDisable method, 5.1.4
AutoBindEnable method, 5.1.4
automation objects
introduction, 8
Automation Server, 3.2
avoiding multiple object reference, 5.1.3


BackColor property, 14
batch inserts, 6
BeginTrans method, 3.9
bind variables, 3.8
bindings, 5.1.4
Borland Delphi, 1.5.2
bound class, 1.4
LOB, 4.3.4
bulk collect feature, 5.1.7


C++, 1.4
cache parameters, 5.1.2
caching, 3.4.1
Caption property, 14
chunking methods
LONG RAW, 5.1.8
client applications, 3
code examples
location, 2.2
Code Wizard
using, 7.3
Code Wizard Components, 7.1
Code Wizard data types, 7.2
Code Wizard examples, 7.4
Code Wizard for stored procedures, 7
collection elements
accessing, 4.5.3
modifying, 4.5.4
collection types
retrieving from the database, 4.5.2
VARRAY, 4.5.5
collections, 4.5
OraFields, 5.1.3
COM Automation Objects, 1.2
executing, 3.4
CommitTrans method, 3.9
Complex Object Retrieval Capability (COR) in OCI, 4.4.3
Component Certifications
My Oracle Support, 1.7
configuration information, 1.8.2
Connect data control property, 14
connection information
incorrectly specified, 5.3.2
connection multiplexing, 3.3.1
connection pool, 5.1.9
connection pool management, 3.6
connection pooling, 2.4, 5.1.9
connpool sample (IIS), 2.4
constant file,
CreateCustomDynaset method, 5.1.2
CreateSQL method,, 3.8, 5.1.5
dynaset from OraCollection, 4.5.6
VARRAY collection type, 4.5.5
customization, 5.1.2


data control recordset, 13
data controls, 2.1
Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, 3.8.5
Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements, 3.4.2
data streaming, 4.3.4
data types, 4.4
datetime, 4.10
interval, 4.10
data types supported by the OO4O Code Wizard, 7.2
database connectivity APIs, 1.2
Database data control property, 14
database events, 4.7
detection, 4.7
database records
database schema objects, 4.11
DatabaseName data control property, 14
datetime data types, 4.10
DBGrid Control, 2.8
DDL statements, 3.8.5
deleting rows from table,
demodrp7.sql, 2.2.1
Excel, 2.5
Oracle Data Control, 2.7
Oracle Data Control with VC++, 2.8
quick tour, 6
demonstration schema, 2.2
creation, 2.2.1
demonstration tables
dept, 2.2.1
emp, 2.2.1
dept table, 2.2.1
dequeuing, 4.6.1
detection of database events, 4.7
differences LOB types from LONG RAW, 5.1.8
DirtyWrite property, 14
disabling parameter binding, 5.1.4
DML statements, 3.4.2
Drag method, 12, 13
DragDrop event, 12
DragIcon property, 14
DragMode property, 14
DragOver event, 12
Drop method, 12
Dyanset object
creating from an OraCollection, 4.5.6
Dynaset object
using, 5.1.6


early binding of OO4O Objects, 5.1.1
Edit method, 13
EditMode property, 14
emp table, 2.2.1
Enabled property, 14
enabling failover, 4.8.2
enabling parameter bindinng, 5.1.4
error code
Error data control event, 12
error handling, 5.2
Access Viloations, 5.3.3
Advanced Queuing, 5.2.7
Collection, 5.2.8
Find method parser, 5.2.3
incorrectly installed software, 5.3.1
installation, 5.3.3
network errors, 5.3.2
nonblocking, 5.2.2
OLE Automation, 5.2.1
OLE Initialization or OLE Automation, 5.3.1
Oracle, 5.2.10
Oracle Data Control, 5.2.11
Oracle LOB, 5.2.6
Oracle Number, 5.2.9
Oracle object instance, 5.2.5
troubleshooting, 5.3
database, 4.7
ExampleDb, 2.2.1
examples, 2.1,
Code Wizard, 7.4
Excel demo, 2.5
Excel with OO4O automation, 2.5
ExecuteSQL method,, 3.8, 5.1.5
executing commands, 3.4
executing Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, 3.8.5
executing methods
executing PL/SQL blocks, 3.8


failover, 4.8
enabling, 4.8.2
notification, 4.8.2
Failover Notification Registration, 4.8.1
advanced, 4
new, Preface
fetch parameters, 5.1.2
FetchLimit property, 5.1.2
file locations, 1.5
Find method, 5.2.2
parser errors, 5.2.3
run-time errors, 5.2.3
Font property, 14
ForeColor property, 14


global.asa file, 2.4
grid control, 1.3


Height property, 14


IIS, 2.1
IIS Active Server Pages, 1.1
IIS Microsot Internet Information Server, 2.4
incorrectly installed software
errors, 5.3.1
incorrectly specified connection information, 5.3.2
Index data control property, 14
InProcServer Type Library, 2.3
input variables, 4.1
inserting multiple rows,
inserting new rows in table,
installation, 1.5
installation errors, 5.3.3
instance errors, 5.2.5
OO4O, 4.3.1
retrieving, 4.2.1
interval data types, 4.10


Java stored procedures, 7


large objects, 5.1.8
Large Objects (LOBs)
using, 4.3
LastServerErr property, 5.2.1, 5.2.10
LastServerErrText property, 5.2.10
Left property, 14
LOB buffering, 4.3.4
LOB data
multiple-piece read operation, 4.3.6
reading, 4.3.6
writing, 4.3.5
LOB data single-piece read operation, 4.3.6
LOB datatatypes
support for, 4.1
LOBs, 5.1.8
data types, 4.3.1
retrieving from database, 4.3.3
using, 4.3
Long, 5.1.8
chunking methods, 5.1.8
migration from, 5.1.8
types, 5.1.8
Long types, 5.1.8


enqueuing, 4.6
monitoring, 4.6.1
AutoBindDisable, 5.1.4
AutoBindEnable, 5.1.4
CreateCustomDynaset, 5.1.2
CreateSQL, 5.1.5
ExecuteSQL, 5.1.5
Find, 5.2.2, 5.2.3
Server, 10
MFC AppWizard, 2.8
Microsoft Access, 1.5.2
Microsoft data control, 1.3
Microsoft Foundation Classes, 1.4
Microsoft Information Server, 2.1
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), 1.5.2
Microsoft Internet Service Manager, 2.4
Microsoft Transaction Server support, 3.10
Microsoft VC++, 1.8, 2.8
Microsoft Visual Basic
Microsoft Excel, 1.5.2
migration from LONG RAW to LOB or BFILE, 5.1.8
modfiying attributes
referenceable instance,
collection elements, 4.5.4
OraObject attributes,
MonitorForFailover method, 4.8.1
messages, 4.6.1
MonitorStart method, 4.6.1
MonitorStop method, 4.6.1
MouseDown event, 12
MouseMove event, 12
MousePointer property, 14
MouseUp event, 12
Move data control method, 13
MTS support, 3.10
multiple Oracle homes, system requirements, 1.5
multiple rows,
multiple-piece operation, 4.3.4
multiple-piece read operation, 4.3.6
multiple-piece write operation, 4.3.5
multiplexing, 3.3.1
My Oracle Support, 1.7


Name data control property, 14
nested tables, 4.1, 4.5
network alias
ExampleDb, 2.2.1
network service alias, 2.2.1
network trips, 5.1.7
reducing, 5.1.5, 5.1.6
Nonblocking Errors, 5.2.2
nonblocking mode, 4.6.1
NoRefetch property, 14
application failover, 4.8, 4.8.1


object data types, 4.4
Object-relational features
support for, 4.1
Objects, 9
OraBLOB, OraCLOB, 5.2.6
OraCollection, 5.1.7
OraCollection errors, 5.2.8
OraDynaset, 5.1.3, 5.1.7
OraField, 5.1.3
OraObject, 5.2.5
OraParamArray, 5.1.5, 5.1.7
OraParameter, 5.1.4
ODBC, 1.2
ODCERR_AUTOMATION error code, 5.2.11
oiplang.msb, 1.8.2
oipVER.dll, 1.8.2
OLE Automation Errors, 5.2.1
OLE Initialization or OLE Automation Errors, 5.3.1
OO4O Automation Server, 3.2
OO4O Code Wizard
requirements, 1.5.3
using, 7.3
OO4O Code Wizard Components, 7.1
OO4O Code Wizard examples, 7.4
OO4O Code Wizard Visual Basic Wizard, 7.3.2
OO4O File Locations, 1.6
OO4O In-Process Automation Server, 1.2, 5.2.1
OO4O methods, 10
OO4O Objects, 9
OO4O Redistributable Files, 1.8
OO4O server methods, 10
OO4O server properties, 11
OO4OCodeWiz.exe, 7.3
oo4oparm.reg file, 1.8.2
oorodemo.asp file, 2.4
option flags,
Options data control property, 14
OraAQ interface, 4.6
OraAQ object, 4.6.1
OraAQMsg object, 4.6
OraAttributes interface, 4.4.1
objects, 5.2.6
using, 4.3.2
Oracle Advanced Queuing Errors, 5.2.7
Oracle Call Interface (OCI), 4.4.3
Oracle Client, 1.5.2
Oracle Collection Errors, 5.2.8
Oracle Collections, 4.5
Oracle Data Control, 1.3, 1.8.2, 2.2.1, 2.8
requirements, 1.5.3
setting properties, 2.7.2
Oracle Data Control demonstration, 2.7
Oracle Data Control errors, 5.2.11
Oracle Data Control events, 12
DragDrop, 12
DragOver, 12
Error, 12
MouseDown, 12
MouseMove, 12
MouseUp, 12
Reposition, 12
Validate, 12
Oracle Data Control methods, 13
Drag, <Oa href="dcmethods001.htm#sthref2488">13
Move, 13
Refresh, 13
UpdateControls, 13
UpdateRecord, 13
ZOrder, 13
Oracle Data Control properties, 14
AllowMoveLast, 14
AutoBind lAutoBind property, 14
BackColor, 14
Caption, 14
Connect, 14
Database, 14
DatabaseName, 14
DirtyWrite, 14
DragIcon, 14
DragMode, 14
EditMode, 14
Enabled, 14
Font, 14
ForeColor, 14
Height, 14
Index, 14
Left, 14
MousePointer, 14
Name, 14
NoRefetch, 14
Options, 14
OracleMode, 14
ReadOnly, 14
Recordset, 14
RecordSource, 14
Session, 14
Tag, 14
Top, 14
TrailingBlanks, 14
Visible, 14
Width, 14
Oracle Data Control with Visual Basic, 2.7
Oracle Errors, 5.2.10
Oracle In-Process Server Type library, 1.5.3
Oracle LOB errors, 5.2.6
Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections, 4.2.1
instantiating, 4.2
Oracle network errors, 5.3.2
Oracle Number errors, 5.2.9
Oracle Object Instance Errors, 5.2.5
Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) overview, 1.1
Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library, 1.4
Oracle Objects for OLE server methods, 10
Oracle Objects for OLE Server Objects, 9
Oracle Objects for OLE server properties, 11
Oracle Universal Installer, 1.5.2, 1.8
OracleMetaLink, 1.7
OracleMode property, 14
oraclm32.dll, 1.8
OraCollection, 4.5
OraCollection interface, 4.5.1
OraCollection object, 5.1.7, 5.2.8
creating a dynaset from, 4.5.6
OraDatabase object
pool of, 5.1.9
pool, performance, ASP applications, 3.6
OraDatabase objects, 13
ORADC Control, 2.8
oradc.ocx, 1.8, 1.8.2
ORADYN_NOCACHE option, 3.4.1, 5.1.6
ORADYN_READONLY option, 5.1.6
objects, 13
XML from, 4.9
OraDynaset object, 5.1.3, 5.1.7
using, 4.3.3
OraField objects, 5.1.3
OraFields collection, 5.1.3
OraMetaData object, 4.11
OraObject interface, 4.4.1
using, 4.4.2
OraObject object, 4.4
accessing attributes of,
executing methods,
instance errors, 5.2.5
modfiying attributes,
modifying attributes of,
retrieving, 4.4.2
OraParamArray object, 5.1.5, 5.1.7
OraParameter object, 5.1.4
OraRef interface
about, 4.4.3
using, 4.4.4
OraRef object, 4.4
output variables, 4.1


parameter bindings, 5.1.4
Parameter object
using, 4.3.3,
performance, 3.4.1,, 3.8, 5.1.2
considerations with LOB, 4.3.4
improvement, 5.1.6
PL/SQL bind variables, 3.8
PL/SQL blocks
executing, 3.8
PL/SQL bulk collect feature, 5.1.7
PL/SQL cursor variables, 3.8.3, 3.8.3
PL/SQL procedures, 5.1.4, 7
PL/SQL support, 3.8
PL/SQL tables
returning, 3.8.4
arrays, 5.1.5
properties, 11
FetchLimit, 5.1.2
LastServerErr, 5.2.1, 5.2.10
LastServerErrText, 5.2.10
property values,


queries, 3.4.1
queueing, 4.6
quick tour, 6


ReadOnly property, 14
Recordset data control property, 14
RecordSource data control property, 13, 14
reducing round-trips, 5.1.5
retrieving from database,
referenceable instance,,
Refresh data control method, 13
Refresh method, 3.8
Reposition event, 12
required setups, 1.5
required support files (RSF), 1.5.2
OO4O Code Wizard, 1.5.3
Oracle Data Control, 1.5.3
interfaces, 4.2.1
collection types, 4.5.2
LOBs from database, 4.3.3
OraObject, 4.4.2
returning PL/SQL tables, 3.8.4
round-trips, 4.3.4, 5.1.7
reducing, 5.1.5, 5.1.6
run-time errors, 5.2.3


sample application
quick tour, 6
schema objects, 4.11
scott schema, 2.2.1
scott/tiger, 2.2
SELECT statements, 3.4.1
server methods, 10
server properties, 11
Session data control property, 14
Setting Oracle Data Control Properties Programmatically, 2.7.2
required, 1.5
single-piece operation, 4.3.4
single-piece read operation, 4.3.6
single-piece write operation, 4.3.5
sqldembld7.sql, 2.2.1
support for Microsoft Transaction Server, 3.10
support for PL/SQL, 3.8
system requirements, 1.5.2


Tag property, 14
tnsnames.ora file, 2.2.1
Top property, 14
TrailingBlanks property, 14
transaction control, 3.9
troubleshooting, 5.3
tuning, 5.1.2
Type Library, 2.3
types, 5.1.8
LONG RAW, 5.1.8


Universal Installer, 1.5.2, 1.8
update database records,
Update method, 13
UpdateControls method, 13
UpdateRecord method, 13
Updating files and registrations, 1.8.2
Dynaset object,
OraParameter object,
OraRef interface, 4.4.4
using a Dynaset object,
using a Parameter object,
using Automation Clients, 2.1
using Microsoft C++, 2.6
using OO4O Automation with Active Server Pages (ASP), 2.4
using OO4O Automation with Excel, 2.5
using OO4O Automation with Visual Basic, 2.3
using OraBLOB and OraCLOB, 4.3.2
using OraObject interface, 4.4.2
using read-only forward-only dynasets, 5.1.6
using the OO4O Code Wizard, 7.3
using the Oracle Data Control with MS VC++, 2.8
using the Oracle Data Control with Visual Basic, 2.7
using the PL/SQL bulk collect feature, 5.1.7


Validate event, 12, 12, 13
VARRAY collection type
creating, 4.5.5
VARRAYs, 4.1, 4.5
Visible property, 14
Visual Basic, 1.1, 5.1.1, 12, 13, 14
Visual Basic for Applications, 1.1
Visual Basic with OO4O automation, 2.3
Visual Basic Wizard Add-in to Code Wizard, 7.3.2
Visual Basic, Excel, 2.1
Visual C++, 1.4, 2.6, 2.8
Visual C++, JavaScript, 1.1


Width property, 14
Windows 2000, 1.5.2
Windows registry parameters, 5.1.2
Windows Server 2003, 1.5.2
Windows Vista, 1.5.2
Windows XP, 1.5.2
LOB data, 4.3.5


generation, 4.9
XML from OraDynaset, 4.9
XML support for, 4.9
XSLT, 4.9


z-order, 13
ZOrder methods, 13
PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod014.htmo AppendChunkByte Method

AppendChunkByte Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Appends data from a byte array to a LONG or LONG RAW field in the copy buffer.


orafield.AppendChunkByte(ByteArray, numbytes)


The arguments for the method are:

Byte ArrayData to append to the specified field.
numbytesNumber of bytes to copy.


The AppendChunkByte method allows the manipulation of data fields that are larger than 64 KB.



This is an incomplete code sample, provided for your reference. A complete Visual Basic sample called LONGRAW that is based on this code sample, is provided in the OO4O samples directory.

This sample code demonstrates the use of the AppendChunkByte method to read a file into a LONG RAW column of a database. This code expects a valid dynaset named OraDynaset representing a table with a column named longraw.

Sub AppendChunkByteExample (FName As String) 
 'Declare various variables. 
 Dim NumChunks As Integer, RemChunkSize As Integer 
 Dim TotalSize As Long, CurChunkByte() As Byte 
 Dim I As Integer, FNum As Integer, ChunkSize As Integer  
 'Set the size of each chunk. 
 ChunkSize = 10240  
 frmChunk.MousePointer = HOURGLASS 
 'Begin an add operation. 
 'Clear the LONGRAW field. 
 OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").Value = "" 
 'Get a free file number. 
 FNum = FreeFile 
 'Open the file. 
 Open FName For Binary As #FNum  
 'Get the total size of the file. 
 TotalSize = LOF(FNum) 
 'Set number of chunks. 
 NumChunks = TotalSize \ ChunkSize 
 'Set number of remaining bytes. 
 RemChunkSize = TotalSize Mod ChunkSize 
 'Loop through the file. 
 For I = 0 To NumChunks 
  'Calculate the new chunk size. 
  If I = NumChunks Then 
   ChunkSize = RemChunkSize 
  End If 
  ReDim CurChunkByte(ChunkSize) 
  'Read a chunk from the file. 
  Get #FNum, , CurChunkByte 
  'Append chunk to LONGRAW field. 
  OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").AppendChunkByte (CurChunkByte) 
 Next I  
'Complete the add operation and update the database. 
 'Close the file. 
 Close FNum 
 frmChunk.MousePointer = DEFAULT 
End Sub
PKItoPK?AOEBPS/serprop011.htm E CacheOptimalSize Property

CacheOptimalSize Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Sets the optimal size for the client-side object cache in bytes. The default value is 200 KB.


Oradatabase.CacheOptimalSize optimalsize

Data Type



This parameter increases the client-side object cache size. If the memory occupied by the objects currently in the cache exceeds the high watermark (maximum object cache size), then the cache automatically begins to free unmarked objects that have a pin count of zero. The cache continues freeing those objects until memory use in the cache reaches the optimal size, or until it runs out of objects eligible for freeing. This parameter should be set to an appropriate value so that object cache can accommodate all the fetched object instance from Oracle Database 10g. This is property is useful in performance tuning for accessing an Oracle Database 10g object instance.

PK m PK?AOEBPS/sermthod061.htmt CreateOraTimeStamp Method

CreateOraTimeStamp Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates a new OraTimeStamp object. This OraTimeStamp method represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP or an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type.


Set OraTimeStampObj = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp value format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.
[in] [optional] formatTimeStamp format string to be used when displaying or interpreting an OraTimeStamp object as a string. If format is not specified, the TimeStamp string is interpreted using the session TIMESTAMP format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT format).

Return Values

OraTimeStamp Object


An OraSession object must created before an OraTimeStamp object can be created.

If value is a Variant of type String, the string format must match the datetime format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the session TIMESTAMP format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT).

If format is specified, it is stored in the Format property of the OraTimeStamp ; otherwise, the session TIMESTAMP format is stored in the OraTimeStamp Format property.


Dim oraTS as OraTimeStamp 
Dim oraTS1 as OraTimeStamp 
Dim date as Date 
'Create an OraTimeStamp using a string assuming the session  
Set oraTS = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("12-JAN-2003 PM") 
'Create an OraTimeStamp using a string and a format 
Set oraTS = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("2003-01-12 12:00:00 PM", _ 
         "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM") 
'Create an OraTimeStamp using a Date 
date = #1/12/2003# 
Set oraTS = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStamp(date) 
'Create an OraTimeStamp  using an OraTimeStamp 
Set oraTS1 = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStamp(oraTS) 
PKBytPK?AOEBPS/serobjch010.htmW OraDatabase Object

OraDatabase Object


An OraDatabase interface represents a user session to an Oracle database and provides methods for SQL and PL/SQL execution.


An OraDatabase interface in Oracle8i and higher releases adds additional methods for controlling transactions and creating interfaces representing instances of Oracle object types. Attributes of schema objects can be retrieved using the Describe method of the OraDatabase interface.

In previous releases, an OraDatabase object is created by invoking the OpenDatabase method of an OraSession interface. The network alias, user name, and password are passed as arguments to this method. In Oracle8i and higher releases, invocation of this method results in implicit creation of an OraServer object.

As described in the OraServer interface description, an OraDatabase object can also be created using the OpenDatabase method of the OraServer interface.

Transaction control methods are available at the OraDatabase (user session) level. These methods include:

  • BeginTrans

  • CommitTrans

  • Rollback

For example:

MyDatabase.ExecuteSQL("delete from emp where empno = 1234") 


If the AutoCommit property is set to True, transactions are committed automatically, and you do not need to use the transaction control methods.



PKXd\WPK?AOEBPS/serprop113.htm  Seconds Property

Seconds Property

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Gets and sets the Seconds attribute of an OraIntervalDS object.


seconds = OraIntervalDSObj.SecondsOraIntervalDSObj.Seconds = seconds


[in] secondsAn Integer specifying the value of the Seconds attribute of the OraIntervalDS object.

Data Type


PKD PK?AOEBPS/serprop122.htm Sort Property

Sort Property


The OraDynaset object does not support this property. Sort your record set by using a SQL ORDER BY clause.

PK#PK?AOEBPS/serprop060.htm + Hour (OraTimeStamp) Property

Hour (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the Hour attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


hour = OraTimeStampObj.Hour
OraTimeStampObj.Hour = hour


[in] hourThe Hour attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PKNq PK?AOEBPS/sermthod126.htmr MatchPos (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

MatchPos (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Returns the position of the nth occurrence of the pattern starting at the offset.


position = OraBlob.MatchPos pattern, offset, nth
position = OraClob.MatchPos pattern, offset, nth
position = OraBFile.MatchPos pattern, offset, nth


The arguments for the method are:

[in] patternA string for CLOB, or byte array for BLOB or BFILE that is searched for in the LOB.
[in] OffsetThe starting position in the LOB or BFILE for the search.
[in] nthThe occurrence number.


This call is currently implemented by executing a PL/SQL block that uses DBMS_LOB.INSTR().

PKcPK?AOEBPS/sermthod166.htm ? ToOraTimeStamp Method

ToOraTimeStamp Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns a copy of the OraTimeStamp object that has the date-time value in the specified time zone of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.

Returns a copy of the OraTimeStamp object from an OraTimeStampTZ object.


Set OraTimeStampObj = OraTimeStampTZObj.ToOraTimeStamp


Returns a new OraTimeStamp object that has the date-time values in the specified time zone of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2000-12-28" & _
       "12:10:23.444 -07:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.FF TZH:TZM") 
'returns a new OraTimeStamp object with date value equal to 
' "2000-12-28 12:10:23.444" 
'note that Time Zone portion is dropped 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraTimeStampTZ.ToOraTimeStamp
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FlushBuffer (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Flushes, that is, empties, the content of the LOB to the database if LOB buffering has been enabled.


OraBlob.FlushBuffer OraClob.FlushBuffer 
PKJE/PK?AOEBPS/sermthod139.htm@ Open (OraServer) Method

Open (OraServer) Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraServer Object


Establishes a connection to an Oracle database.


OraServer.Open serverAlias


The arguments for the method are:

[in] serverAliasA String containing the Network alias used for connecting to the database.


If no arguments is supplied, this method attaches to a database that was detached previously.

PK PK?AOEBPS/dcprop001.htm G AllowMoveLast Property

AllowMoveLast Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether the user can move to the last record using the Data Control's MoveLast button. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.AllowMoveLast = [True | False]


By default, AllowMoveLast is True, in which case the user has no restriction upon record motion, even when moving to the last record may be very time consuming.

When AllowMoveLast is False, the Data Control's MoveLast button is grayed out and disabled. However, once the last record has been encountered (either because the user has navigated to the end of the set, or because code has positioned the record pointer to the last record), the button is enabled. This gives the user visual feedback about whether or not the entire query has been fetched. Setting this property to False does not prevent you from using the MoveLast method.

Changing this property has no effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.


Integer (Boolean)

PKGR PK?AOEBPS/serprop140.htme Value Property

Value Property

Applies To

OraField Object

OraParameter Object


Returns or sets the value of the given object. Not available at design time and read/write at run time.


orafield.Value = data_value
data_value = orafield.Value
oraparameter.Value = data_value
data_value = oraparameter.Value

Data Type



  • Orafield.Value

    Returns the value of the field as a Variant.

    data_value = orafield.Value sets the contents of the field. Fields can contain Null values. You can test the Value property with the Visual Basic function IsNull() to determine whether the value is null upon return. You can also assign Null to the Value property whenever the current record is editable. Field values are cached locally as the data is retrieved from the database. However, in the case of a LONG or LONG RAW fields, some data may not be retrieved and stored locally. In these cases, data is retrieved as required using the methods described in the GetChunk field method. The maximum size of a LONG or LONG RAW field that can be retrieved directly through the Value property is approximately 64 KB. You must retrieve data fields larger than 64 KB indirectly, using the GetChunk method.

  • OraParameter.Value

    Returns the value of the parameter as a Variant.

    data_value = oraparameter.Value sets the contents of the parameter. Note that changing the Variant data type of the value can have significant impact on the processing of associated SQL and PL/SQL statements.

Note that fields of type DATE are returned in the default Visual Basic format of "MM/DD/YY" even though the default Oracle date format is "DD-MMM-YY".

The Value argument can be an Oracle Database 10g object, such as an OraBLOB.

Similar to a dynaset, the object obtained from parameter Value property always refers to the latest value of the Parameter. The Visual Basic value Null can also be passed as a value. The Visual Basic value EMPTY can be used for BLOB and CLOB to mean an empty LOB, and for OBJECT, VARRAY, and NESTED TABLE to mean an object whose attributes are all Null.

PKr?$PK?AOEBPS/sermthod155.htmz Rollback Method

Rollback Method

Applies To

OraConnection Object

OraDatabase Object

OraSession Object


Ends the current transaction and rolls back all pending changes to the database.




When this method is invoked, all OraDynaset objects that share the specified session or connection are given the opportunity to cancel the rollback request. If they do not cancel the request, they are advised when the rollback succeeds.

This feature is useful primarily for dynasets that are created as part of an Oracle Data Control operation. For these dynasets, the Validate event is sent to allow them to cancel the rollback request.

  • OraConnection and OraDatabase:

    The Rollback method rolls back all pending transactions within the specified connection. This method has no effect if a transaction has not begun. When a session-wide transaction is in progress, you can use this call to prematurely roll back the transactions for the specified connection.

  • OraSession:

    The Rollback method rolls back all pending transactions within the specified session. The Rollback method is valid only when a transaction has been started. If a transaction has not been started, the use of the Rollback method results in an error.


If an OraDatabase object has been enlisted with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and is part of a global MTS transaction, this method has no effect.


This example demonstrates the use of the BeginTrans and Rollback methods to group a set of dynaset edits into a single transaction. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create the OraDynaset Object.
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Start Transaction processing.
 'Traverse until EOF is reached, setting each employee's salary to zero.
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
   OraDynaset.Fields("sal").value = 0
 MsgBox "All salaries set to ZERO."
 'Currently, the changes have NOT been committed to the database.
 'End Transaction processing.
 MsgBox "Salary changes rolled back."
End Sub
PK ъPK?AOEBPS/dcprop031.htm Width Property

Width Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the width dimension of an object.

PKsN  PK?AOEBPS/serprop002.htm ArraySize Property

ArraySize Property

Applies To

OraParamArray Object


Specifies the array size (that is, number of elements in an array) of an OraParameter string buffer. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.



Data Type



You specify the ArraySize during AddTable. See the AddTable method for the OraParamArray object.

See Also:

AddTable Method

PKv/  PK?AOEBPS/basfeat.htm Basic Features

3 Basic Features

This chapter describes basic features of Oracle Objects for OLE.

This chapter contains these topics:

Overview of Client Applications

Oracle Objects for OLE enables client applications to connect to Oracle databases, execute commands, and access and manipulate the results returned. While some flexibility exists in the order in which specific tasks can be performed, every application using OO4O Automation objects performs the following basic steps:

Accessing the Oracle Objects for OLE Automation Server

To connect to an Oracle database with the OO4O Automation Server, you must first create an instance of the server. In Visual Basic (VB), this is usually done by calling the CreateObject method, although the NEW keyword can also be used.

You can use the Visual Basic CreateObject method with either of the following two OO4O server objects. The interfaces of these objects can provide access to OO4O and enable a connection to Oracle Database.

  • OraSession

    Highest level object for an application. It manages collections of OraDatabase, OraConnection, and OraDynaset objects.

  • OraServer

    Represents a physical connection to a database instance and allows for connection multiplexing

The CreateObject method uses the ID of the component and object as arguments.

Obtaining an OraSession Object

The following script demonstrates how to obtain an OraSession object in Visual Basic. OO4OSession is the object variable that holds an instance of the OraSession object.

Dim OO4OSession as Object 
Set OO4OSession = CreateObject(“OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 


Dim OO4OSession as OraSession 
Set OO4OSession = New OraSessionClass 


Dim OO4OSession as New OraSessionClass 

The following example demonstrates how to obtain an OraSession object in IIS Active Server Pages.


OracleInProcServer.XOraSession is the version independent program ID for OO4O that the Oracle client installation program registers in the Windows registry. It is the symbolic name for a globally unique identifier (CLSID) that identifies the OO4O component.

Obtaining an OraServer Object

You can also use the OraServer object interface for accessing the OO4O Automation Server.

Dim OO4OServer as Object 
Set OO4OServer = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraServer") 

Now you can connect to Oracle Database.

Connecting to Oracle Database

Once you have obtained an interface, you can use it to establish a user session in an Oracle database by invoking the OpenDatabase method.

Set EmpDb= OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "Scott/Tiger", 0) 


Set EmpDb= OO4OServer.OpenDatabase("Scott/Tiger") 

The variable EmpDb represents a user session. It holds an OraDatabase interface and can be used to send commands to Oracle Database using ExampleDb for the network connection alias and scott/tiger for the user name and password.

Using OraServer for Connection Multiplexing

The OraServer interface allows multiple user sessions to share a physical network connection to the database. This reduces resource usage on the network and the database, and allows for better server scalability. However, execution of commands by multiple user sessions is serialized on the connection. Therefore, this feature is not recommended for use in multithreaded applications in which parallel command execution is needed for performance.

The following code example shows how to use the OraServer interface to establish two user sessions:

Set OO4OServer = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraServer") 
Set EmpDb1 = OO4OServer.OpenDatabase("Scott/Tiger") 
Set EmpDb2 = OO4OServer.OpenDatabase("Scott/Tiger") 

You can also obtain user sessions from a previously created pool of objects.

Executing Commands

Commands that can be sent to Oracle databases using OO4O Automation objects are divided into the following categories:


Queries are statements that retrieve data from a database. A query can return zero, one, or many rows of data. All queries begin with the SQL keyword SELECT, as in the following example:

SELECT ename, empno FROM emp 

In OO4O, SELECT statements such as this are used with the CreateDynaset method of the OraDatabase interface to execute queries. This method returns an OraDynaset object that is then used to access and manipulate the set of rows returned. An OraDynaset object encapsulates the functions of a client-side scrollable (forward and backward) cursor that allows browsing the set of rows returned by the query it executes.


Caching result sets on the client's local disk can be disabled if backward scrollability is not a requirement. This is strongly recommended and can provide significant performance improvements. Passing the ORADYN_NOCACHE option in the CreateDynaset method disables caching. This constant is defined in the oraconst.txt file and can be found in the root directory where OO4O is installed, ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O.

The following code example shows how to connect to the ExampleDb database, execute a query, move through the result set of rows, and displays the column values of each row in a simple message box.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject(“OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "Scott/Tiger", 0 ) 
' SELECT query described above used in next line 
Set Employees = EmpDb.CreateDynaset("SELECT ename, empno FROM" & _ 
While NOT Employees.EOF 
  MsgBox "Name: " & Employees("ENAME").value & "Employee #: " & _

In the previous example, Employees("ENAME") and Employees("EMPNO") return values of the ENAME and the EMPNO columns from the current row in the result set, respectively. An alternative method of accessing the column values is to use the positions of the columns, Employees(0) for the ENAME column and Employee(1) for EMPNO. This method obtains the column value faster than referencing a column by its name.

The Employees.MoveNext statement in the example sets the current row of the result set to the next row. The EOF property of the OraDynaset is set to True if an attempt is made to move past the last row in the result set.

The MoveNext method is one navigational method in the OraDynaset interface. Other methods include MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious, MoveNextn, MovePreviousn, MoveRel, and MoveTo.

An OraDynaset object also provides methods to update and delete rows retrieved from base tables or views that can be updated. In addition, it provides a way to insert new rows. See "OraDynaset Object".

Queries can also require the program to supply data to the database using input (bind) variables, as in the following example:

SELECT name, empno 
        FROM employees 
        WHERE ename = :ENAME

In the SQL statement, :ENAME is a placeholder for a value that is supplied by the application.

In OO4O, the OraParameter object is used to supply data values for placeholders.

To define a parameter, use the OraParameters collection object. This object is obtained by referencing the Parameters property of an OraDatabase interface. The OraParameters collection provides methods for adding, removing, and obtaining references to OraParameter objects.

The following statement adds an input parameter, ORAPARM_INPUT, to the OraParameters collection contained in the EmpDb object.

EmpDb.Parameters.Add "ENAME", "JONES", ORAPARM_INPUT 

ENAME is the name of the parameter and must be the same as the name of the placeholder in the SQL statement, :ENAME in the sample code. JONES is provided as the initial value, and ORAPARM_INPUT notifies OO4O that it is used as an INPUT parameter.

The following example creates an OraDynaset object that contains only one row for an employee whose name is 'JONES'.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject(“OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "Scott/Tiger", 0 ) 
EmpDb.Parameters.Add "ENAME", "JONES", ORAPARM_INPUT 
Set Employees = EmpDb.CreateDynaset("SELECT ename, empno FROM emp" & _
           "WHERE ename = :ENAME",ORADYN_NOCACHE) 

While NOT Employees.EOF 
   MsgBox "Name: " & Employees("ename").value & "Employee #: " & _

Data Manipulation Language Statements

Data manipulation language (DML) statements can change data in the database tables. For example, DML statements are used to:

The OraDatabase interface in OO4O provides two methods for executing DML statements: ExecuteSQL and CreateSQL. The following discussion describes how these methods can be used to execute various types of DML statements.

Updating Database Records

The following example uses the ExecuteSQL method to execute an UPDATE statement.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
EmpDb.Parameters.Add "ENAME", "JONES", ORAPARM_INPUT 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL ("UPDATE emp SET sal = sal + 1000 WHERE ename = :ENAME") 

Another way to execute the UPDATE statement is to use the CreateSQL method:

Set sqlStatement = EmpDb.CreateSQL("UPDATE emp SET sal = sal + 1000" & _ 
             "WHERE ename = :ENAME", 0&) 

Both the ExecuteSQL and CreateSQL methods execute the UPDATE statement provided. The difference is that the CreateSQL method returns a reference to an OraSQLStmt interface, in addition to executing the statement. This interface can later be used to execute the same query using the Refresh method. Because the query has already been parsed by the database, subsequent execution of the same query results in faster execution, especially if bind parameters are used.

For example, to increase the salary of an employee named KING by 1000, change the value of the placeholder, and refresh the sqlStatement object as follows:

EmpDb.Parameters("ENAME").Value = "KING" sqlStatement.Refresh 

For DML statements that are frequently executed, using parameters with OraSqlStmt objects is more efficient than using the ExecuteSql statement repeatedly. When the Refresh method of the OraSQLStmt is executed, the statement no longer needs to be parsed by the database. In application servers, such as Web servers, where the same queries are frequently executed with different parameter values, this can lead to significant savings in Oracle Database processing.

Deleting Rows from a Table

The following example uses the CreateSQL method to delete rows from the emp table.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
EmpDb.Parameters.Add "ENAME", "JONES", ORAPARM_INPUT 
Set sqlStatement = EmpDb.CreateSQL ("DELETE from emp WHERE ename = :ENAME")

To delete another row from the emp table, the value of the parameter is changed, and the sqlStatement object is refreshed.

EmpDb.Parameters("ENAME").Value = "KING" sqlStatement.Refresh 

Inserting New Rows into a Table

The following example adds a new row into the table.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL ("INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, job, mgr, deptno)" & _ 
           "VALUES (1233,'OERTEL', 'WRITER', 7839, 30) ") 

Inserting Multiple Rows Using Parameter Arrays

You can use parameter arrays to fetch, update, insert, or delete multiple rows in a table. Using parameter arrays for manipulating multiple rows is more efficient than executing multiple statements that operate on individual rows.

The following example demonstrates how the AddTable method of the OraDatabase interface is used to create parameter arrays. The arrays are then populated with values, and used as placeholders in the execution of an INSERT statement that inserts two rows into the emp table.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
'Creates parameter arrays for the empno, ename, job, and salary columns 
Set EmpnoArray = EmpDb.Parameters("EMPNO_ARRAY") 
Set EnameArray = EmpDb.Parameters("ENAME_ARRAY") 
Set JobArray = EmpDb.Parameters("JOB_ARRAY") 
Set MgrArray = EmpDb.Parameters("MGR_ARRAY") 
Set DeptArray = EmpDb.Parameters("DEPT_ARRAY") 
'Populate the arrays with values 
EmpnoArray(0) = 1234 
EnameArray(0) = "JORDAN" 
JobArray(0) = "SALESMAN" 
MgrArray(0) = 7839 
DeptArray(0) = 30 
EmpnoArray(1) = 1235 
EnameArray(1) = "YOUNG" 
JobArray(1) = "SALESMAN" 
MgrArray(1) = 7839 
DeptArray(1) = 30 
'Insert two rows 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL ("INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, job, mgr, deptno) VALUES" & _ 

See Also:

AddTable Method

Thread Safety

OO4O is thread-safe and can be used effectively in multithreaded applications and environments such as the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). OO4O supports both the free and apartment threading models in COM/DCOM.

Access to OO4O object attributes is serialized when used with multiple threads of execution. To achieve maximum concurrency in query execution in a multithreaded application with OO4O, avoid sharing objects in multiple threads.

Avoid using commit and rollback operations on a session object that is shared among multiple threads because all connections associated with that session are committed or rolled back. To perform commit and rollback operations on a session object, create a unique session object for each database object used.

Using the Connection Pool Management Facility

The connection pool in OO4O is a pool of OraDatabase objects. An OO4O connection pool is a group of (possibly) already connected OraDatabase objects. For applications that require constant connections and disconnections to the database, such as ASP Web applications, using a connection pool results in enhanced performance.

Creating the Connection Pool

The connection pool is created by invoking the CreateDatabasePool method of the OraSession interface. An OraDatabase object represents a connection to an Oracle database and contains methods for executing SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks.

Obtaining from and Returning Objects to the Pool

To retrieve an OraDatabase object from the pool, call the GetDatabaseFromPool method. This function returns a reference to an OraDatabase object.

Destroying the Pool

The pool is implicitly destroyed if the parent session object that it belongs to is destroyed. It can also be destroyed at any time by invoking the DestroyDatabasePool method.

Accessing the Pool attributes

The following are the database pool properties. These properties are read-only:

  • DbPoolMaxSize - maximum pool size

  • DbPoolCurrentSize - current size of the pool

  • DbPoolInitialSize - initial size of the pool

Processing Transactions Using the Database from the Connection Pool

The following example shows the recommended way to process transactions:

set Odb = OraSession.GetDatabaseFromPool(0) 

Detection of Lost Connections

OO4O, linked with clients from releases 8.1.6 or higher, supports detection of lost connections.

Applications can verify the status of the database connection by invoking the ConnectionOK property of the OraDatabase object. The OraSession.GetDatabaseFromPool method now verifies the connection before returning the OraDatabase to the application.

If the connection is lost, the GetDatabaseFromPool method drops the lost connection and fetches a new connection.

Dim MyDatabase As OraDatabase 
Set MySession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set MyDatabase = MySession.OpenDatabase("ora90", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
' Other code 
' Check if the database connection has not timed out 
if MyDatabase.ConnectionOK 
  MsgBox " The database connection is valid" 

PL/SQL Support

PL/SQL is the Oracle procedural extension to the SQL language. PL/SQL processes complicated tasks that simple queries and SQL data manipulation language statements cannot perform. Without PL/SQL, Oracle Database would have to process SQL statements one at a time. Each SQL statement results in another call to the database and consequently higher performance overhead. In a networked environment, the overhead can be significant. Every time a SQL statement is issued, it must be sent over the network, creating more traffic. However, with PL/SQL, an entire block of statements can be sent to a database at one time. This can greatly reduce communication between an application and a database.

PL/SQL allows a number of constructs to be grouped into a single block and executed as a unit. These include:

  • One or more SQL statements

  • Variable declarations

  • Assignment statements

  • Procedural control statements (IF...THEN...ELSE statements and loops)

  • Exception handling statements

  • Calls to other Oracle stored procedures and stored functions

  • Special PL/SQL features such as records, tables, and cursor FOR loops

  • Cursor variables

PL/SQL Integration with Oracle Objects for OLE

Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) provides tight integration with PL/SQL stored procedures. OO4O supports PL/SQL stored procedures, PL/SQL tables, PL/SQL, cursors and so on. The PL/SQL bind variables are supported through the OraParameter Add method.

The stored procedure block is executed either through the CreateSQL method or the ExecuteSQL method.

Oracle Objects for OLE can return a cursor created in the stored procedure or anonymous PL/SQL block as a READONLY dynaset object.To do this, you must assign the cursor variable as an OraParameter object of type ORATYPE_CURSOR.

After executing the stored procedure, the Value property of this OraParameter object returns a read-only dynaset object.

This dynaset object can be treated the same as other dynaset objects.

Executing PL/SQL Blocks Using ExecuteSQL and CreateSQL

In OO4O, you can use the ExecuteSQL or CreateSQL methods of the OraDatabase object to execute PL/SQL blocks, as the following example shows:

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
'Add EMPNO as an Input parameter and set its initial value. 
EmpDb.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, ORAPARM_INPUT 
EmpDb.Parameters("EMPNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
'Add ENAME as an Output parameter and set its initial value. 
EmpDb.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
EmpDb.Parameters("ENAME").ServerType = ORATYPE_VARCHAR2 
'Add SAL as an Output parameter 
EmpDb.Parameters.Add "SAL", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
EmpDb.Parameters("SAL").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
'Add COMMISSION as an Output parameter and set its initial value. 
EmpDb.Parameters("COMMISSION").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN SELECT ename, sal, comm INTO :ENAME, :SAL," & _ 
             ":COMMISSION FROM emp WHERE empno = :EMPNO; END;") 
'display the values of Ename, Sal, Commission parameters 
MsgBox "Name: " & EmpDb.Parameters("ENAME").Value 
MsgBox "Salary " & EmpDb.Parameters("SAL").Value 
MsgBox "Commission: " & EmpDb.Parameters("COMMISSION").Value 

The following example executes a PL/SQL block that calls a stored procedure using the CreateSQL method in OO4O. The procedure takes a department number as input and returns the name and location of the department.

This example is used for creating the stored procedure in the employee database.

PROCEDURE GetDeptName (inDeptNo IN NUMBER, outDeptName OUT VARCHAR2, 
                   outDeptLoc OUT VARCHAR2); 
END Department;
PROCEDURE GetDeptName(inDeptNo IN NUMBER, outDeptName OUT VARCHAR2, 
                 outDeptLoc OUT VARCHAR2) is 
   SELECT dname, loc into outDeptName, outDeptLoc from DEPT 
      WHERE deptno = inDeptNo; 
END Department;

The following example executes the previously created procedure to get the name and location of the department where deptno is 10.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
empDb.Parameters.Add "DEPTNO", 10, ORAPARM_INPUT 
empDb.Parameters("DEPTNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
empDb.Parameters.Add "DNAME", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
empDb.Parameters("DNAME").ServerType = ORATYPE_VARCHAR2 
empDb.Parameters.Add "DLOC", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
empDb.Parameters("DLOC").ServerType = ORATYPE_VARCHAR2 
Set PlSqlStmt = empDb.CreateSQL("Begin Department.GetDeptname" & _ 
             "(:DEPTNO, :DNAME, :DLOC); end;", 0&) 
'Display Department name and location 
MsgBox empDb.Parameters("DNAME").Value & empDb.Parameters("DLOC").Value 

Returning PL/SQL Cursor Variables

PL/SQL cursor variables are mainly used for accessing one or more query result sets from PL/SQL blocks and stored procedures and functions. The OraParameter object in OO4O can be used to hold a PL/SQL cursor variable.

The OraParameter object representing a cursor variable should be of type ORATYPE_CURSOR, and can only be defined as an output variable. After the PL/SQL block is executed, the Value property of the OraParameter object contains a read-only OraDynaset object. This OraDynaset object can be used to scroll through the returned rows.

In some cases, it is better to use the CreateSQL method for executing PL/SQL procedures than the ExecuteSQL method. The Refresh method on the OraSQLStmt object can result in modified PL/SQL cursors. If the CreateSQL method is used, these modified cursors are automatically associated with the existing dynaset object, and no new dynaset object is created.

You cannot set the SQL property of the dynaset object; this raises an error.


PL/SQL stored procedures that contain cursors as table parameters are not supported.

You should call the Remove method on the parameter object. This helps in cleaning the dynaset object and local temporary cache files.

The following example contains a stored procedure that gets the cursors for the emp and dept tables and a small application that executes the procedure.

Stored Procedure

   cursor emp is select * from emp;
   cursor dept is select * from dept;
   PROCEDURE GetEmpAndDeptData (emp_cv OUT EmpCurTyp, 
                              dept_cv OUT DeptCurTyp);
END EmpAndDept;/
   PROCEDURE GetEmpAndDeptData (emp_cv OUT EmpCurTyp, 
                                dept_cv OUT DeptCurTyp) IS
         OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp;
         OPEN dept_cv FOR SELECT * FROM dept; END GetEmpAndDeptData;
END EmpAndDept;


Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
empDb.Parameters.Add "EMPCUR", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
empDb.Parameters("EMPCUR").serverType = ORATYPE_CURSOR 
empDb.Parameters.Add "DEPTCUR", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
empDb.Parameters("DEPTCUR").serverType = ORATYPE_CURSOR 
Set PlSqlStmt = empDb.CreateSql("Begin EmpAndDept.GetEmpAndDeptData (:EMPCUR," & _
             ":DEPTCUR); end;", 0) 
Set EmpDynaset = empDb.Parameters("EmpCur").Value 
Set DeptDynaset = empDb.Parameters("DeptCur").Value 
MsgBox EmpDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value 
MsgBox DeptDynaset.Fields("DNAME").Value 

Returning PL/SQL Tables

PL/SQL tables are mainly used for accessing arrays of PL/SQL data. The OraParamArray object in OO4O can be used to hold a PL/SQL cursor variable.

The OraParamArray object representing a table variable should be created first the using the AddTable method. Table values are accessed or set using the Get_Value and Put_Value methods of the OraParamArray object.

The PL/SQL procedure GetEmpNamesInArray returns an array of ENAME values for array of EMPNOs.

    type NUMARRAY is table of NUMBER index by 
          BINARY_INTEGER; --Define EMPNOS array 
    type VCHAR2ARRAY is table of VARCHAR2(10) index by 
          BINARY_INTEGER; --Define ENAMES array 
    PROCEDURE GetEmpNamesInArray (ArraySize IN INTEGER, 
              inEmpnos IN NUMARRAY, outEmpNames OUT VCHAR2ARRAY); 
END EmpNames; /
    PROCEDURE GetEmpNamesInArray (ArraySize IN INTEGER, 
              inEmpnos IN NUMARRAY, outEmpNames OUT VCHAR2ARRAY) is 
    FOR I in 1..ArraySize loop 
        SELECT ENAME into outEmpNames(I) from EMP 
                       WHERE EMPNO = inEmpNos(I); 
    END LOOP; 
END EmpNames; /

The following example executes the previous procedure to get the ename table.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set Empdb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Empdb.Parameters.Add "ArraySize", 3, ORAPARM_INPUT 
Empdb.Parameters.AddTable "EMPNOS", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER, 3, 22 
Empdb.Parameters.AddTable "ENAMES", ORAPARM_OUTPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, 3, 10
Set EmpnoArray = Empdb.Parameters("EMPNOS") 
Set EnameArray = Empdb.Parameters("ENAMES") 
'Initialize the newly created input parameter table EMPNOS 
EmpnoArray(0) = 7698 
EmpnoArray(1) = 7782 
EmpnoArray(2) = 7654 
Empdb.ExecuteSQL ("Begin EmpNames.GetEmpNamesInArray(:ArraySize," & _ 
              ":EMPNOS, :ENAMES); End;") 
MsgBox EnameArray(0) 
MsgBox EnameArray(1) 
MsgBox EnameArray(2) 

Executing Data Definition Language Statements

Data Definition Language (DDL) statements manage schema objects in the database. DDL statements create new tables, drop old tables, and establish other schema objects. They also control access to schema objects. For example:

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL("create table employees (name VARCHAR2(20)," & _
          "ssn VARCHAR2(12), empno NUMBER(6), mgr NUMBER(6), salary NUMBER(6)") 

EmpDb.ExecuteSQL("GRANT UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON employees TO donna") 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL("REVOKE UPDATE ON employees FROM jamie") 

DDL statements also allow you to work with objects in Oracle Database, for example:

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set EmpDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0)  
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL("create type person_t as object (name VARCHAR2(30)," & _
             "ssn VARCHAR2(12),address VARCHAR2(50))") 
EmpDb.ExecuteSQL("create table person_tab OF person_t") 

Transaction Control

A transaction is a logical unit of work that comprises one or more SQL statements executed by a single user. A typical example is transferring money from one bank account to another. Two operations take place:

  1. Money is taken out of one account.

  2. Money is put into the other account.

These operations need to be performed together. If one operation was completed but not the other (for example, if the network connection went down), the bank's books would not balance correctly.

Normally, when you execute an update method on a dynaset, the changes are committed to the database immediately. Each operation is treated as a distinct transaction. The BeginTrans, CommitTrans, and Rollback transactional control methods of the OraSession object allow operations to be grouped into larger transactions.

The BeginTrans method tells the session that you are starting a group of operations. The CommitTrans method makes the entire group of operations permanent. The Rollback method cancels the entire group. The CommitTrans and Rollback methods end the transaction, and the program returns to normal operation: one transaction for each operation. Experienced Oracle Database users should note the following differences between the operation of Oracle Objects for OLE and many Oracle Database tools:

  • Oracle Database tools, such as SQL*Plus, execute as if the BeginTrans method was called when the tool was started. This means that updates are not committed immediately; they are held until a commit or rollback is executed.

  • SQL*Plus starts a new transaction every time a commit or rollback is executed.

  • SQL*Plus does not take a row lock in the case of a failed UPDATE or DELETE statement. However, in the case of OO4O, if UPDATE or DELETE methods fail on a given row in a dynaset in a global transaction (such as cases in which you issued a BeginTrans method), be aware that locks remain on those rows. These locks persist until you call a CommitTrans or Rollback method.

If you are connected to more than one database and use the transaction methods, be aware that Oracle Objects for OLE commits each database separately. This is not the same as the two-phase commit that Oracle Database provides. If your application needs to guarantee data integrity across databases, connect to a single database and then access additional databases by way of the Oracle Database link feature. This method gives you the benefit of the Oracle Database two-phase commit. Consult your Oracle Database documentation for more information about two-phase commit, database links, and distributed transactions.

Transactions apply only to the Data Manipulation Language (DML) portion of the SQL language (such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements). Transactions do not apply to the Data Control Language (DCL) or Data Definition Language (DDL) portions (such as CREATE, DROP, and ALTER statements) of the SQL language. DCL and DDL commands always force a commit, which in turn commits everything done previously.

Microsoft Transaction Server Support

Oracle database transactions initiated in Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) automatically participate in global transactions coordinated by the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) in the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), if all the following conditions are true:

  • The OpenDatabase method of OraSession uses the ORADB_ENLIST_IN_MTS option.

  • OO4O determines that it is running in the context of a global transaction in MTS.

  • Oracle Service for Microsoft Transaction Server is installed and running.

Asynchronous Processing

In OO4O Automation, you can execute commands using asynchronous processing. This enables you to execute SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks in nonblocking mode. Nonblocking mode is an option of the CreateSQL method.

See Also:

CreateSQL Method

Nonblocking Mode

In nonblocking mode, control is returned to the application immediately even if the execution is not complete. This allows the application to execute other tasks that are not dependent on the results of the last execution.

To enable nonblocking mode, pass in the ORASQL_NONBLK option to the CreateSQL method while creating the OraSQLStmt object. If this mode is not specified, the OraSQLStmt object executes in blocking mode (default behavior).

'Create the statement in NON-BLOCKING mode 
OraSQL = Oradb.CreateSQL("delete from emp",ORASQL_NONBLK) 

An OraSQLStmt object created in nonblocking mode executes in nonblocking mode for the lifetime of the object.

See Also:

OraSQLStmt Object

This section contains the following topics:

Checking the Status of a Nonblocking Operation

To determine the status of an OraSQLStmt object executing asynchronously, applications need to poll the NonBlockingState property. The NonBlockingState property returns ORASQL_STILL_EXECUTING if execution is still pending or ORASQL_SUCCESS if execution has completed successfully.

Any failures are thrown as exceptions.

On successful completion, the output parameters, if any, are placed in the bound parameter buffers. The application can then access the parameters as in the blocking case.

The following example demonstrates the usage of the NonBlockingState property.

Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase 
Dim OraStmt as OraSQLStmt 
Dim stat as long 
Dim OraSess as OraSession 
Set OraSess = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase =OraSess.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
'execute the select statement with NONBLOCKING mode on 
set OraStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL ("update emp set sal = sal + 1000", _
'Check if the call has completed 
stat = OraStmt.NonBlockingState 
MsgBox "Asynchronous Operation under progress" 
stat = OraStmt.NonBlockingState 
MsgBox "Asynchronous Operation completed successfully" 

Canceling a Nonblocking Operation

You can cancel a nonblocking operation that is underway by calling the Cancel method on the OraSQLStmt object that is executing the asynchronous call.

Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase 
Dim OraStmt as OraSQLStmt 
Dim stat as long 
Dim OraSess as OraSession 
Set OraSess = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase =OraSess.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
'execute the select statement with NONBLOCKING mode on 
set OraStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL ("update emp set sal = sal + 1000", _ 
'Check if the call has completed 
stat = OraStmt.NonBlockingState 
MsgBox "Cancelling the asynchronous operation that is underway" 
End if 

See Also:

Cancel Method

Executing Multiple Queries in Asynchronous Mode

Multiple queries can be executed in asynchronous mode. In this example, while the first connection is executing a non-blocking call, the second connection executes a SQL statement in blocking mode.

Dim OraSess as OraSession 
Dim OraServ as OraServer 
Dim OraDb1 as OraDatabase 
Dim OraDb2 as OraDatabase 
Dim OraStmtnonblk as OraSQLStmt 
Dim OraStmtblk as OraSQLStmt 
Dim stat as long 
set OraSess = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set OraDb1 = OraSess.OpenDatabase("exampledb","scott/tiger",0&) 
Set OraServ = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraServer") 
set OraDb2 = OraServ.OpenDatabase("Exampledb","scott/tiger",0&) 
'execute the select statement with NONBLOCKING mode on 
set OraStmtnonblk = OraDb1.CreateSQL ("update emp set sal = sal + 1000", _
'Check if the call has completed 
stat = OraStmt.NonBlockingState 
  MsgBox "Asynchronous Operation under progress" 
  stat = OraStmt.NonBlockingState 
  MsgBox "Asynchronous Operation completed successfully" 
'execute on the second connection in BLOCKING mode 
set OraStmtblk = OraDb2.CreateSQL ("update emp set sal = sal + 500",0&) 

Limitations on Nonblocking

The following are limitations on nonblocking mode:

  • When a nonblocking operation is running on an OraSQLStmt object, you cannot change the properties or attributes of this object, as it can affect the execution that is in progress.

  • You cannot create an OraSQLStmt object in nonblocking mode if there are other objects that are already instantiated on the connection. In other words, creating an OraSQLStmt object to execute in nonblocking mode only succeeds if no other objects, such as OraDynaset and OraAQ, are currently active on the same database session. The only exceptions are OraParameter and OraObject objects. These are permitted, as they may be required for the nonblocking execution.

PK϶UPK?AOEBPS/serprop056.htm6 Format (OraNumber) Property

Format (OraNumber) Property

Applies To

OraNumber Object


The format string used in OraNumber operations. For details about format strings, see Oracle Database SQL Quick Reference. Read and write at run time.


OraNumber.Format = formatstring  
formatstring = OraNumber.Format  


[in] formatstringA format string used in OraNumber operations.

Data Type



An error is returned if the format string is set to an invalid value. To reset the format to the default, set it to an empty string.

PK^;6PK?AOEBPS/serprop022.htmG Count Property

Count Property

Applies To

OraConnections Collection

OraFields Collection

OraParameters Collection

OraSessions Collection

OraSubscriptions Collection


Returns the number of objects in the specified collection. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


connection_count = oraconnections.Count
field_count = orafields.Count
parameter_count = oraparameters.Count
session_count = orasessions.Count
subscriptions_count = OraSubscriptions.Count

Data Type



Use this property to determine the number of objects in the specified collection.


This example demonstrates the use of the Count property to display the number of objects in the OraSessions, OraConnections, and OraFields collections. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraClient As OraClient 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Get the client object.
 Set OraClient = OraSession.Client
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 MsgBox "You have " & OraClient.Sessions.Count & " OraSession Object(s)."
 MsgBox "You have " & OraSession.Connections.Count & " OraConnection Object(s)."
 MsgBox "You have " & OraDynaset.Fields.Count & " OraField Object(s)."
End Sub
PKw:BPK?AOEBPS/serobjch013.htmo OraIntervalDS Object

OraIntervalDS Object


The OraIntervalDS object provides methods for operations on the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND.This data type represents a period of time in terms of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds.


The OraIntervalDS object is created by the OraSession.CreateOraIntervalDS method or by calling the Clone method on an existing OraIntervalDS object.

An OraIntervalDS object can be bound using the ServerType ORATYPE_INTERVALDS. This allows the binding of a value to a parameter associated with an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type in a SQL or PL/SQL statement.

When binding a string associated with an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type, the ServerType must be specified to be a string type (for example, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, ORATYPE_STRING) and the string must be in the format specified by Day HH:MI:SSxFF.



PK?Z4PK?AOEBPS/sermthod109.htm& IsEqual (OraTimeStamp) Method

IsEqual (OraTimeStamp) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Checks if the OraTimeStamp object is equal to an argument.


isEqual = OraTimeStampObj.IsEqual value format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp to be compared.
[in] [optional] formatSpecifies the TIMESTAMP format string to be used to interpret value when value is of type String. If format is not specified, the value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStamp object is equal to the argument; otherwise, it is False. The IsEqual method compares all the date-time values stored in the OraTimeStamp object.

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.

PKC"+&PK?AOEBPS/serprop001.htm? Address (OraAQAgent) Property

Address (OraAQAgent) Property

Applies To

OraAQAgent Object


Returns a 128-byte string representing the protocol-specific address of the recipient. The format is: [schema.]queue[@dblink]


agent_address = qMsg.AQAgent.Address

Data Type


PK@׮PK?AOEBPS/serprop052.htmB FieldOriginalNameIndex Property

FieldOriginalNameIndex Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the index of the field indicated by the original field name used in the SQL SELECT statement.


set index = oradynaset.FieldOriginalNameIndex(name)


[in] nameThe original name of the field as it appears in the SQL statement.

Data Type



Accessing fields of a dynaset by index is more efficient than accessing them by name. If you need to access a particular field many times, use this method to translate its original name into its index.

PKGBPK?AOEBPS/dcprop016.htmR Index Property

Index Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Specifies the number that uniquely identifies a control in a control array. Available at design time only if the control is part of a control array; read-only at run time.

See Also:

Tag Property

PKuPXPK?AOEBPS/serprop065.htmQ IsNull (OraCollection) Property

IsNull (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns True if the collection value of the OraCollection object is Null.


isnull = OraObject.IsNull

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Accessing elements of a Null collection results in an error. The IsNull property should be checked before accessing elements of an underlying collection.

PK^QPK?AOEBPS/serprop074.htm# LastServerErrText Property

LastServerErrText Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraSession Object


Returns the textual message associated with the current LastServerErr property of the specified object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


error_text = orasession.LastServerErrText
error_text = oradatabase.LastServerErrText

Data Type



The returned value indicates one of three possible states:

  1. If Null is returned, an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) database function has not returned an error since the most recent LastServerErrReset property.

  2. If a non-Null value is returned, an OCI function has returned an error code; the returned string is the associated message.

  3. If the message is empty, then no additional information was available.


This example demonstrates the use of the CreateDynaset method and the LastServerErr and LastServerErrText properties to determine whether an Oracle error has occurred and to display the error message. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Set up an error handler.
 On Error GoTo errhandler 
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Attempt to Create the OraDynaset Object.
 'Notice that the FROM keyword is missing from the SQL statement.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * emp", 0&)
Exit Sub
 'Check to see if an Oracle error has occurred.
 If OraDatabase.LastServerErr <> 0 Then
  MsgBox OraDatabase.LastServerErrText
 Else 'Must be some non-Oracle error.
  MsgBox "VB:" & Err & " " & Error(Err)
 End If
 Exit Sub
End Sub
PKX(#PK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00002.htm0 Description of the illustration o4o00002.gif

This is an illustration of the object hierarchy starting with OraField and OraParameter at the same level.

At the next level, the following descend from OraField and OraParameter: OraObject, OraRef, OraCollection, OraBlob, OraClob, OraBFile, and value of all other scalar types.

At the third level, OraAttribute descends from OraObject or from OraRef, and element values descend from OraCollection.

PKjMcL50PK?AOEBPS/img_text/wizproc.htm< Description of the illustration wizproc.gif

This screenshot shows the OO4O Code Wizard for Stored Procedures dialog box; it is displaying a tree of the available Oracle packages and stored procedures.

The text above the tree says "Select Stored Procedures and enter a filename to host your Stored Procedures. Upon clicking OK, OO4O Code Wizard will add the file to our Visual Basic Project.

Below the tree is a text field and browse box for entering the file name.

Next there are options for Appending execution code to the file and Overwriting the file content with the execution code.

Next is a list for the component types. The one currently chosen is Class Module (*.cls).

Next is a check box to Connect to the database next time this add-in is launched, which is currently checked.

Next are OK and Cancel buttons.

PK,PK?AOEBPS/img_text/exmacros.htm Description of the illustration exmacros.gif

This screenshot shows a dialog box with a list of possible macros.

The first text field, called Macro Name/Reference displays the selected macro, EmpData.

There are buttons on the right side: Run, Cancel, Step, Edit, Delete, and Options.

There is also a description field at the bottom for those macros that provide a description.

PKjq4PK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00001.htm* Description of the illustration o4o00001.gif

This is a hierarchy diagram.

The top of the diagram is the OraSession.

Next is OraServer, followed by OraDatabase

The diagram indicates that the following are created from OraDatabase:







The diagram also indicates the following:

OraField belongs to the OraDynaset object.

OraParameter belongs to the OraParameters object.

OraMDAttribute belongs to the OraMetaData object.

OraAQMsg belongs to the OraAQ object.

PKzPK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00004.htm Description of the illustration o4o00004.gif

This is a screenshot of the Components option of the Project menu. Oracle Data Control has been checked, under the Controls tab.

PK LFPK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00003.htm  Description of the illustration o4o00003.gif

This illustration shows the References dialog box with a check mark beside Oracle In-Process Server 5.0 Type library.

PK& PK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00000.htm{ Description of the illustration o4o00000.gif

This is a hierarchical diagram of the software layers of OO4O.

At the base is Oracle Database.

On top of this is the Oracle Client Libraries (OCI, CORE, and NLS).

On top of this is the OO4O In-Process Automation Server.

Next is COM/DCOM.

Next, in parallel, are the C++ Class Libraries, the Oracle Data Control and Automation Controllers (VB, Excel, AS).

On top of these, standing at the top of the hierarchy, are the Data Aware ActiveX Controls.

PK&䧀{PK?AOEBPS/img_text/exsheet.htm| Description of the illustration exsheet.gif

This illustration shows a spreadsheet, with columns and sample data for empno, ename, job, and so on.

There is sample data, and there are two buttons labeled Refresh and Clear that run the macros, EmpData and ClearData, respectively.

PKb"< PK?AOEBPS/img_text/connect.htm Description of the illustration connect.gif

This illustration shows the Connect dialog box with text fields for User Name, Password, and Connect String.

PKIPK?AOEBPS/img_text/batch2.htm Description of the illustration batch2.gif

This is a screenshot of the Batch Insert form.

It contains a grid with columns and sample data for Employee, Employee Name, and Department.

After the grid, there are entry fields with sample data as follows:

Employee Number 300, Employee Name Frank, Department Number 20.

After the entry fields, there are Add to Grid and CommitGrid buttons.

PKcpPK?AOEBPS/img_text/oradcins.htmN Description of the illustration oradcins.gif

This is a screenshot of the Insert ActiveX Control dialog box.

It includes the ORADC control as well as the ObjectBrowser control, Oracle Sound Control, Popup Control, and others.

PKRZSNPK?AOEBPS/img_text/oradcemp.htmW Description of the illustration oradcemp.gif

This is a screenshot of the ORADC Control example. It shows a columnar listing with data for EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR and HIREDATE. Scroll bars allow for scrolling to columns and records not shown.

PK l\WPK?AOEBPS/img_text/iissamp.htmL Description of the illustration iissamp.gif

This illustration shows the SQL Select Query field with the entry select * from emp.

The results are shown in columns for EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, and DEPTNO.

PK?[QLPK?AOEBPS/img_text/dcprops.htmt Description of the illustration dcprops.gif

This is a screenshot of the Properties window with the following settings:

Caption property set to Oracle Data Control.

Connect property set to scott/tiger.

RecordSource property set to select * from emp.

PKҡytPK?AOEBPS/img_text/emp8.htmx Description of the illustration emp8.gif

This is a screenshot of the Employee Form example.

It shows the following fields and sample values:

Employee Number 7839

Employee Name King

Job President

Manager blank

Hire Date 11/17/81

Salary 5000

Commission Blank

Department Number 10

At the bottom buttons, are available to move to the first, last, next and previous employee.

Also buttons are available to Add, Update, Commit, Delete, Find, and Batch Insert

PK+?1}xPK?AOEBPS/img_text/oradcprp.htmE Description of the illustration oradcprp.gif

This is a screenshot of the ORADC Control dialog box showing the All tab. It lists Properties and sample values including scott/tiger for Connect and exampledb for DatabaseName.

PKLJEPK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00015.htm; Description of the illustration o4o00015.gif

This diagram shows on one side a connection from OraServer to Oracle Database, and on the other side, a connection to the OraSession and OraDatabase and user sessions.

PK}ZN@;PK?AOEBPS/img_text/oradc.htm Description of the illustration oradc.gif

This is a screenshot of the Components option of the Project menu.

Oracle Data Control has been checked, under the Controls tab.

PKb5fPK?AOEBPS/img_text/o4o00016.htmg Description of the illustration o4o00016.gif

This hierarchy diagram starts with the OraDatabase object, steps down to OraAQ, then OraAQMsg which contains user-defined types and raw types.

A branch goes out from OraAQMsg to the recipient, OraAQAgent.

PKL?lgPK?AOEBPS/img_text/boxprops.htm Description of the illustration boxprops.gif

This screenshot shows a TextBox control that sets up display of the employee numbers.

PKk4PK?AOEBPS/img_text/runform.htm/ Description of the illustration runform.gif

This is a screenshot of the actual form as it appears when it runs, with sample data.

The screenshot shows the following:

Employee Number is 7369.

Employee Name is Smith.

Employee Job is Clerk.

At the bottom, Oracle Data Control appears, with next, previous, first, and last arrows.

PKBEPK?AOEBPS/sermthod013.htm AppendChunk Method

AppendChunk Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Appends data from a string to a LONG or LONG RAW field in the copy buffer.




The arguments for the method are:

stringData to append to the specified field.


The AppendChunk method allows the manipulation of data fields that are larger than 64 KB.



This example cannot be run as is. It requires a defined form named frmChunk.

This example demonstrates the use of the AppendChunk method to read a file into a LONG RAW column of a database. This example expects a valid dynaset named OraDynaset representing a table with a column named longraw. Copy this code into the definition section of a form named frmChunk. Call this procedure with a valid filename.

Sub AppendChunkExample (FName As String)
 'Declare various variables.
 Dim NumChunks As Integer, RemChunkSize As Integer
 Dim TotalSize As Long, CurChunk As String
 Dim I As Integer, FNum As Integer, ChunkSize As Integer
 'Set the size of each chunk.
 ChunkSize = 10240
 frmChunk.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
 'Begin an add operation.
 'Clear the LONGRAW field.
 OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").Value = ""
 'Get a free file number.
 FNum = FreeFile
 'Open the file.
 Open FName For Binary As #FNum
 'Get the total size of the file.
 TotalSize = LOF(FNum)
 'Set number of chunks.
 NumChunks = TotalSize \ ChunkSize
 'Set number of remaining bytes.
 RemChunkSize = TotalSize Mod ChunkSize
 'Loop through the file.
 For I = 0 To NumChunks
  'Calculate the new chunk size.
  If I = NumChunks Then
   ChunkSize = RemChunkSize
  End If
  CurChunk = String$(ChunkSize, 32)
  'Read a chunk from the file.
  Get #FNum, , CurChunk
  'Append chunk to LONGRAW field.
  OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").AppendChunk (CurChunk)
 Next I
'Complete the add operation and update the database.
 'Close the file.
 Close FNum
 frmChunk.MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
PK#PK?AOEBPS/quicktour.htm Quick Tour with Visual Basic

6 Quick Tour with Visual Basic

This quick tour is designed to get you started with Oracle Objects for OLE for Visual Basic. An example application, the employee database application, demonstrates how to program basic database operations, such as navigating through data and, adding, modifying, and querying records. A more advanced section demonstrates how to perform batch inserts using parameter arrays and SQL statement objects. This quick tour and example application assume that the Scott/Tiger schema is installed.

The entire code for this example application is provided in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\VB\SAMPLES\QT\ directory.

This quick tour covers the following topics:


This section introduces the employee database application and the two Visual Basic forms that users interact with to use the application.

About the Employee Database Application

The employee database application lets the user do the following:

  • Browse through data

  • Add records

  • Update records

  • Query the database

  • Add records in a batch operation

To provide these functions, this example uses the following forms:

Employee Form

The Employee Form displays the fields of the database EMP table and has functional buttons that allow the user to browse, add, update, and query records.

Figure 6-1 shows the Employee Form.

See Also:

Batch Insert Form

The Batch Insert Form allows users to enter records in a batch operation.

See Also:

"Programming a Batch Form" for a detailed description of the Batch Insert Form and code for its commands

Figure 6-2 shows the Batch Insert Form.

Figure 6-2 Batch insert Form

Description of Figure 6-2 follows
Description of "Figure 6-2 Batch insert Form"

Getting Started: Steps to Accessing Oracle Data

Before server data can be manipulated, the application must accomplish the four steps that are described in this section. Sample code for this example is provided in "Completed Sample Form_Load Procedure".

  1. Start the Oracle In-Process Automation Server.

    The Oracle In-Process Server (OIP) provides the interface between the Visual Basic application and Oracle Database. To start the Oracle In-Process Server, you must create an OraSession object using the Visual Basic CreateObject() function, as follows:

    Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")

    When creating the OraSession object, the argument supplied to the CreateObject() function must always be OracleInProcServer.XOraSession. The left side of the argument defines the application name as registered in your system, in this case, OracleInProcServer. The right side identifies the type of object to create, in this case, the XOraSession object. Executing this command starts the Oracle In-Process Server.

  2. Connect to Oracle Database.

    After the OIP server is running, you can connect to a local or remote Oracle database. To do so, you must create the OraDatabase object as follows:

    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", _

    The OraSession.OpenDatabase() method creates the OraDatabase object. The method call must specify the database name, the connection string, and a bit flag that represents the database mode. The constant ORADB_DEFAULT represents the default database mode. When Visual Basic executes this line, a connection is created to the specified database.

  3. Create a global OraDynaset object to manipulate the data.

    Oracle Objects for OLE lets users browse and update data using an object called a dynaset.

    The Employee application needs a global dynaset that the rest of the program can access. The OraDatabase.CreateDynaset() method creates the dynaset specifying a valid SQL SELECT statement. In the example, the statement selects all the rows from the emp table and assigns the resulting dynaset to the global EmpDynaset variable as follows:

    Set EmpDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", _ 

    The CreateDynaset() method returns a pointer to the result of the SQL SELECT statement.

    The ORADYN_DEFAULT parameter value specifies the default dynaset state. In the default state, Oracle Objects for OLE sets unset fields to NULL while adding records using the AddNew method. This behavior is preferable because the emp table has no column defaults defined. You can also specify other options to allow server column defaults when adding records.

  4. Refresh the Employee Form with dynaset data.

    The Employee Form displays database records one row at a time. Changes to the current row, such as those caused by navigating to a different row, must be reflected on the screen. The EmpRefresh() subroutine updates fields with the current dynaset row. For NULL field values, empty strings are displayed.

    The following is an example of an EmpRefresh() subroutine:

      Private Sub EmpRefresh()
     'check if the current dynaset row is valid
     If EmpDynaset.BOF <> True And EmpDynaset.EOF <> True Then
      txtEmpno = EmpDynaset.Fields("empno").Value
      ' we can't display nulls, so display ""  for NULL fields
      If Not IsNull(EmpDynaset.Fields("ename").Value) Then
        txtEname = EmpDynaset.Fields("ename").Value
          txtEname = ""
        End If
      If Not IsNull(EmpDynaset.Fields("job").Value) Then
        txtJob = EmpDynaset.Fields("job").Value
          txtJob = ""
        End If
      'check if mgr=nul
      If Not IsNull(EmpDynaset.Fields("mgr").Value) Then
       txtMgr = EmpDynaset.Fields("mgr").Value
         txtMgr = ""
       End If
      If Not IsNull(EmpDynaset.Fields("hiredate").Value) Then
        txtHireDate = EmpDynaset.Fields("hiredate").Value
        txtHireDate = ""
      End If
      If Not IsNull(EmpDynaset.Fields("hiredate").Value) Then
        txtSal = EmpDynaset.Fields("sal").Value
        txtSal = ""
       End If
      'check if comm=nul
      If Not IsNull(EmpDynaset.Fields("comm").Value) Then
       txtComm = EmpDynaset.Fields("comm").Value
       txtComm = ""
      End If
      txtDeptno = EmpDynaset.Fields("deptno").Value
    'if the current dynaset row is invalid, display nothing
      txtEmpno = ""
      txtEname = ""
      txtJob = ""
      txtMgr = ""
      txtHireDate = ""
      txtSal = ""
      txtComm = ""
      txtDeptno = ""
     End If
    End Sub

Completed Sample Form_Load Procedure

In the employee application described in the previous section, the Form_Load() procedure creates the OIP server, connects to the database, creates a global dynaset, and calls the EmpRefresh function to display the field values on the Employee Form. The following is an example of a Form_Load() procedure:

Private Sub Form_Load()
'OraSession and OraDatabase are global
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 Set EmpDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
 Call EmpRefresh
End Sub

The following variables must be defined globally in EMP_QT.BAS:

Global OraSession As Object
Global OraDatabase As Object
Global EmpDynaset As Object

Programming a Data Entry Form

This section describes the Employee Form in detail and then describes the functions that it uses.

About the Employee Form

The Employee form displays the fields of the database EMP table and has functional buttons that allow the user to browse, add, update, and query records.

Each field corresponds to a column in the database EMP table. The Employee field (ENAME) is the indexed column and is mandatory for each record. The field data types and sizes are defined as follows in the EMP table:

Name                     Null?       Type
-----------------------   ----------  --------------------------
EMPNO                     NOT NULL    NUMBER(4)
ENAME                                 VARCHAR2(10)
JOB                                   VARCHAR2(9)
MGR                                   NUMBER(4)
HIREDATE                              DATE
SAL                                   NUMBER(7,2)
COMM                                  NUMBER(7,2)
DEPTNO                    NOT NULL    NUMBER(2)

The Employee Number (EMPNO) and Department (DEPTNO) columns are NOT NULL, and, therefore, always require a value when a record is added. The length of each field is enforced by setting the MaxLength property of each TextBox to the appropriate number.

Figure 6-3 shows the Employee Form.

The initial code for the actual Form_Load procedure is provided in "Completed Sample Form_Load Procedure".

The Employee form is initialized by the Form_Load() procedure and includes the following features:

Navigating Through Data

Database applications typically require that the user be able to view data in the database. The Employee form has four buttons that let the user scroll through data. Table 6-1 lists the buttons, what they do, which dynaset move method enables the action of the button, and where to look for further information.

Table 6-1 Navigational Buttons and Dynaset Move Methods



Moves to the first record


Moving to First or Last Rows


Moves to the previous record


Moving to the Previous Row


Moves to the next record


Moving to the Next Row


Moves to the last record


Moving to First or Last Rows

To enable navigation through the records of the Employee database, you must first create a global dynaset that selects all the records (rows). Then use the dynaset move methods to program the navigation buttons.

Moving to First or Last Rows

To enable a move to the first row of a dynaset, use the MoveFirst method. Then call the EmpRefresh() routine to refresh the data in the Employee form.

The following example code shows the first-click event procedure for the employee example:

Private Sub cmdFirst_Click() 
 Call EmpRefresh
End Sub

For a move to the last row, use the MoveLast method. Then, call the EmpRefresh() routine to refresh the data in the Employee form.

The following example code shows the last-click event procedure for the employee example:

Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
 Call EmpRefresh
End Sub

Moving to the Previous Row

Navigation is possible to any row of a dynaset. If a user is positioned in the middle of a dynaset (that is, the current row is not the first row), the MovePrevious method enables navigation to the previous row.

However, when a user is positioned on the first row (current row is the first row) and executes the MovePrevious method, the beginning-of-file (BOF) condition becomes TRUE and the current row becomes invalid. In this case, the current row must be reset to the first row using the MoveFirst method.

The following example code shows the click-event procedure for the Previous button:

Private Sub cmdPrevious_Click()
 If EmpDynaset.BOF <> True Then
  If EmpDynaset.BOF = True Then
   MsgBox WarnFirstEmp$
  End If
 End If

Moving to the Next Row

If a user is positioned in the middle of a dynaset (that is, the current row is not the last row), the MoveNext method enables navigation to the next row.

However, when a user is positioned on the last row (current row is the last row) and then executes MoveNext, the end-of-file condition (EOF) becomes TRUE and the current row becomes invalid. In this case, the current row must be reset to the last row using the MoveLast method.

The following example code shows the click-event procedure for the Next button:

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
 If EmpDynaset.EOF <> True Then
  If EmpDynaset.EOF = True Then
   MsgBox WarnLastEmp$
  End If
 End If

Adding Records

In the example application, the following buttons allow users to add employee records to the database:

  • Add

  • Commit

To add a record, the user clicks on the Add button, enters the new fields in the text boxes, and then clicks the Commit button to save the data to the database.

Coding the Add Button

The Add event procedure must perform the following steps:

  1. Clear the fields on the form.

  2. Disable the Add button.

  3. Enable the Commit button.

  4. Let the user enter new field values.

The following example code shows the Add event procedure for the Add button:

Private Sub AddNew_Click()
'Blank out the fields
  txtEmpno = ""
  txtEname = ""
  txtJob = ""
  txtMgr = ""
  txtHireDate = ""
  txtSal = ""
  txtComm = ""
  txtDeptno = ""
'Disable the Add button and enable the commit button
  AddNew.Enabled = False
  Commit.Enabled = True
'Disable the navigation buttons
'Set doadd to true for commit procedure
  DoAdd = True
End Sub

When the AddNew_Click() method exits, control returns to the Employee Form where the user enters values in the fields.

Coding the Commit Button (Add)

To commit an addition, you must place the dynaset in add mode using the AddNew method. Then, you assign the new data to the dynaset fields and update the database using the Update method. To make the program robust, the software validates some fields before adding them to the database.

The Commit_Click() event procedure for adding records must do the following:

  1. Check that the Employee Number and Department fields are not null.

  2. Check that the new Employee Number is not a duplicate entry.

    Steps 1 and 2 are performed by the DoValidationChecks() function which is described following the Commit_Click() .

  3. Place the dynaset in add mode using the AddNew method.

  4. Assign entered data to dynaset fields using the Fields().Value property. This step is performed by the UpdateDynasetFields function.

  5. Update the database with new records, using the Update method.

  6. Disable the Commit button.

  7. Enable the Add button.

The code for the Commit function is broken into the following routines:

Commit_Click Event Procedure (Add)

The following is a typical Commit_Click() event procedure for adding records:

Private Sub Commit_Click()
On Error GoTo err_commit
ErrMsg = ""
'Do validation checks on entered data
If DoValidationChecks Then 'If validation checks have passed
'Add the new record to dynaset
'Update the dynaset fields and then update database if there is no error.
If UpdateDynasetFields Then

'Update the database
Commit.Enabled = False
AddNew.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
    If ErrMsg <> "" Then
        MsgBox ErrMsg
        MsgBox Error$
    End If
End Sub
DoValidationChecks( ) Function

To check for duplicate entries as suggested in Step 2, you must create a local dynaset with the NOCACHE option, using a SQL statement that counts the rows matching the entered Employee Number field. If a match is found (row count greater than 0), the entered employee number is a duplicate entry and an error is displayed. In this case, because the SQL SELECT statement returns only a number, creating the dynaset without a cache is a more efficient error check than the server finding a duplicate entery.

DoValidationChecks() returns True if the entered data is valid; otherwise, it returns False.

Function DoValidationChecks() As Boolean
Dim DupDyn As Object
Dim DupDynQry As String
On Error GoTo err_ValidationCheck
ErrMsg = ""
'Empno cannot be changed while in Update mode, so we can skip over validation
If DoAdd Then
    If txtEmpno = "" Then
        ErrMsg = "You must enter a value for Employee Number"
        Error 1
    End If
End If
If txtHireDate <> "" And Not IsDate(txtHireDate) Then
    ErrMsg = "Enter date as dd-mmm-yy."
    Error 2
End If
If txtDeptno = "" Then
    ErrMsg = "You must enter a value for Department Number"
    Error 3
End If
'If adding a record, check for Duplicate empno value by
'attempting to count rows with same value
'Build Query:
If DoAdd Then
    DupDynQry = "select count(*) from emp where empno = " & txtEmpno
    Set DupDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(DupDynQry, ORADYN_NOCACHE)
    If DupDyn.Fields(0).Value <> 0 Then
        ErrNum = DUPLICATE_KEY
        ErrMsg = "Employee Number already exists."
        Error ErrNum
    End If
End If
'Succesful validation with no errors returns True
DoValidationChecks = True
Exit Function
    If ErrMsg <> "" Then
        MsgBox ErrMsg
        MsgBox Error$
    End If
    'Validation returns false on failure
    DoValidationChecks = False
End Function
UpdateDynasetFields( ) Function

The commit event procedure calls this function after putting the dynaset in either Edit or AddNew mode. The UpdateDynasetFields() function sets the dynaset fields to the values entered in the text boxes. The function returns TRUE if successful, or returns FALSE if there is an error.

 Function UpdateDynasetFields() As Integer
'This function sets the dynaset field value to those entered in the text boxes. 
'The function returns true on success, false on error.
ErrMsg = ""
On Error GoTo err_updatedynasetfields
EmpDynaset.Fields("empno").Value = txtEmpno
EmpDynaset.Fields("ename").Value = txtEname
EmpDynaset.Fields("job").Value = txtJob
EmpDynaset.Fields("mgr").Value = txtManager
EmpDynaset.Fields("hiredate").Value = txtHireDate
EmpDynaset.Fields("sal").Value = txtSal
EmpDynaset.Fields("comm").Value = txtComm
EmpDynaset.Fields("deptno").Value = txtDeptno
UpdateDynasetFields = True
Exit Function
    If ErrMsg <> "" Then
        MsgBox ErrMsg
        MsgBox Error$
    End If
    UpdateDynasetFields = False

Updating Records

To allow users to update existing records in the database, you need to include an Update button in the Employee Form. Users navigate to a particular record, click the Update button, make changes, and then click the Commit button.

While in update mode, the application makes the following restrictions:

  • Users cannot navigate to another record or perform another function.

  • Users cannot change the employee number because this is the primary key.

To program the Update function, write an event procedure for the Update button and modify the Commit procedure so that it handles both updating and adding records.

Coding the Update Button

To code the Update button, disable the Employee Number text box to prevent changes to this field while updating records, because this is a primary key. You must also disable the other buttons to disable other functions, such as navigation, while updating records.

Set the DoUpdate Boolean expression to TRUE, so the commit procedure recognizes the current process as an update operation, not an addition.

The update event procedure must do the following:

  1. Disable the Update button.

  2. Enable the Commit button.

  3. Disable other buttons to disable functions, such as navigation, during the update operation.

  4. Disable the Employee Number text box.

  5. Set the DoUpdate flag to True.

  6. Let the user enter changes.

The following example code shows the update event procedure:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
'Disable the Update button and enable the commit button
  cmdUpdate.Enabled = False
  Commit.Enabled = True
'Disable all other buttons
  txtEmpno.Enabled = False
  DoUpdate = True
End Sub

The update and add event procedures call the DisableNavButtons() subroutine to disable navigation and other functions during an add or update operation.

Private Sub DisableNavButtons()
'disable all buttons while adding and updating
cmdFirst.Enabled = False
cmdPrevious.Enabled = False
cmdNext.Enabled = False
cmdLast.Enabled = False
cmdFind.Enabled = False
cmdUpdate.Enabled = False
AddNew.Enabled = False
End Sub

Coding the Commit Button to Add and Update Records

The procedure for committing an update operation is similar to committing an add, except that the dynaset is set in edit mode using the Edit method and then the new dynaset values are assigned.

Because the same commit button and the same commit event procedure are used to add and update, two global flags DoAdd and DoUpdate are added to distinguish between adding and updating. The Add and Update click event procedures set these flags.

The Commit event procedure for adding and updating must do the following:

  1. Validate entered data using the DoValidationChecks() function as before.

  2. Use AddNew to add records or else use Edit for updates.

  3. Assign entered data to dynaset fields, using the Fields().Value property using UpdateDynasetFields() as before.

  4. Update database with new records, using Update.

  5. Disable the Commit button.

  6. Reenable all other functional buttons including the Add and Update buttons.

  7. Set the DoUpdate and DoAdd flags to False.

The code that changes button and flag states in Steps 5 through 7 is provided in a new subroutine called SetAfterCommitFlags(). This replaces the lines of code that originally enabled Commit and AddNew.

The code for this Commit function is broken into the following routines:

Commit_Click( ) Event Procedure Example

The following example shows the Commit_Click Event Procedure.

Private Sub Commit_Click()
On Error GoTo err_commit 
ErrMsg = ""
'Do validation checks on entered data
If DoValidationChecks Then 'If validation checks have passed
    'If we are adding a record use AddNew
    If DoAdd = True Then
    End If
    'If we are updating a record use Edit
    If DoUpdate = True Then
    End If
    'Update the dynaset fields and then update database if there is no error.
    If UpdateDynasetFields Then
    End If
End If 'Endif for DoValidationChecks
Exit Sub
    If ErrMsg <> "" Then
        MsgBox ErrMsg
        MsgBox Error$
    End If
End Sub
SetAfterCommitFlags() Subroutine Example

The following example shows the SetAfterCommitFlag() Subroutine.

The SetAfterCommitFlags() subroutine is called at the end of the commit event procedure. The SetAfterCommitFlags() subroutine reenables disabled buttons and text boxes and sets the DoUpdate and DoAdd flags to False.

Sub SetAfterCommitFlags()
'disable commit and re-enable add and update buttons
Commit.Enabled = False
AddNew.Enabled = True
cmdUpdate.Enabled = True
'enable the other buttons
cmdFirst.Enabled = True
cmdPrevious.Enabled = True
cmdNext.Enabled = True
cmdLast.Enabled = True
cmdFind.Enabled = True
cmdUpdate.Enabled = True
AddNew.Enabled = True
DoUpdate = False
DoAdd = False
txtEmpno.Enabled = True
End Sub

Deleting Records

Users can delete records by navigating to a particular record and clicking the Delete button. The application prompts the user to verify the deletion, then the application deletes the record using the Delete method. The program then refreshes the screen with the next record or with the previous record if the user deleted the last record in the dynaset.

The following example shows the delete-click event procedure:

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
'prompt user
Response = MsgBox("Do you really want to Delete?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation)
If Response = vbYes Then
    'attempt to move to next record
    If EmpDynaset.EOF Then 'If deleted last record
    End If
    Call EmpRefresh
End If
End Sub

Querying the Database

The employee application can be configured to allow users to search for particular records in the database. For demonstration purposes, a Find button is included to allow users to query only employee names. At any time, the user can enter the query in the Employee Name field, and click the Find button. The application then displays the result or displays a message if the name cannot be found.

To search for records, the FindFirst method is used. When the find operation succeeds, the record is displayed. If the find fails, a message is displayed. The current row is reset to the first row, because failures cause the dynaset to be BOF (beginning-of-file), effectively making the current row invalid.

The Find_Click() event procedure must do the following:

  1. Build a find clause to find the record where the ENAME column matches the entered string.

  2. Execute the find using the FindFirst method.

  3. Display the record if it is found; if the record was not found, display a message and reset the current row to the first row.

The following example shows a typical find click event procedure:

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim FindClause As String
Dim SingleQuote As String
ErrMsg = ""
SingleQuote = "'"
On Error GoTo err_find
'build the find clause:
'Can make our query case insensitive by converting the names to upper case
'FindClause = "UPPER(ename) = " & SingleQuote & UCase(txtEname) & SingleQuote
FindClause = "ename = " & SingleQuote & txtEname & SingleQuote
EmpDynaset.DbFindFirst FindClause
If EmpDynaset.NoMatch Then
    MsgBox "Could not find record matching Employee Name " & txtEname
End If
Call EmpRefresh
Exit Sub

Using Batch Insert

A typical command to load the Batch Insert form looks like this:

Private Sub BInsert_Click()
  Load BatchInsert
End Sub

Programming a Batch Form

This section describes the Batch Insert Form and then describes the functions that it uses.

About the Batch Insert Form

The Batch Insert Form allows users to insert rows in a batch operation, that is, to insert more than one record into the database by using only one command. This feature is implemented using parameter arrays and SQL statements.

Table 6-1 shows a typical Batch Insert Form:

Figure 6-4 Batch Insert Form

Description of Figure 6-4 follows
Description of "Figure 6-4 Batch Insert Form"

Users navigate to the Batch Insert Form by clicking the Batch Insert button on the Employee Form. The Batch Insert Form has a grid that displays the entered data and a row of fields where the user enters each record. To keep the example simple, users are only allowed to enter information into the Employee Number, Employee Name, and Department Number fields.

Users enter records in the fields and click the Add to Grid button. The program displays the entered records in the grid. To insert the entire batch to the database, users click the CommitGrid button.

The Batch Insert Form uses three procedures. The Form_Load() procedure initializes the grid with the column headers. The CmdAddtoGrid_click() procedure copies the entered data from the fields to the grid. The CommitGrid_Click() procedure contains the parameter array and SQL statements used to make the batch insert.

These procedures are described as follows:

Coding the Batch Insert Form_Load( ) Procedure

The following examples show how the Batch Insert Form_Load() procedure sets the column headings for the grid:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Grid1.Enabled = True
CurrRow = 0  'Top row
ReadRow = 0
ReadCol = 0
'Set column headings
Grid1.Row = CurrRow
Grid1.Col = 0
Grid1.Text = "Employee Number"
Grid1.Col = 1
Grid1.Text = "Employee Name"
Grid1.Col = 2
Grid1.Text = "Department Number"
NoOfCols = 3
CurrRow = CurrRow + 1
End Sub

Coding the CmdAddtoGrid( ) Procedure

The CmdAddtoGrid_Click() procedure copies the data entered in the fields to the next empty grid row. The global variable CurrRow always points to the first empty row in the grid.

The following example shows the CmdAddtoGrid_Click():

Private Sub CmdAddtoGrid_Click()
'Update the grid
'Update Empno column
Grid1.Row = CurrRow
Grid1.Col = 0
Grid1.Text = txtEmpno
'Update Ename column
Grid1.Row = CurrRow
Grid1.Col = 1
Grid1.Text = txtEname
'Update Deptno column
Grid1.Row = CurrRow
Grid1.Col = 2
Grid1.Text = txtDeptno
'Increment CurrCol
CurrRow = CurrRow + 1
NoOfRows = CurrRow - 1
End Sub

Coding the CommitGrid_Click( ) Procedure

The CommitGrid_Click() procedure inserts the grid data into the database. To do so, this procedure creates a parameter array object for each column in the EMP table that corresponds to a column in the grid. The OraParameters.AddTable() method defines each parameter array. For example, a parameter array called EMPNO_ARR holds all Employee Number column elements.

After the parameter arrays are defined, the Put_Value method populates them with grid column elements.

To commit the parameter array elements to the database, this procedure uses the CreateSQL() method with a SQL INSERT statement containing the parameter arrays. Because the CreateSQL() method executes the SQL INSERT statement in addition to creating a SQL statement object, all column elements (parameter array elements) are inserted into the EMP table with this one statement.

If an error occurs during a SQL INSERT statement that contains parameter arrays, the SQL statement object is still created with no explicitly raised error. To identify such errors, always check the OraDatabase.LastServerErr and OraDatabase.LastServerErrText properties immediately after executing the CreateSQL method.

The CreateSQL method updates the database directly and has no effect on the dynaset. The EmpDynaset. Refresh method must used to refresh this dynaset so that it reflects the newly inserted records.

The CommitGrid_Click() event procedure must do the following:

  1. Define a parameter array for each grid (database) column, using the AddTable method.

  2. Copy grid column elements into parameter arrays, using the Put_Value method within a nested loop.

  3. Create a SQL statement object using the CreateSQL method to insert parameter array elements into the EMP table.

  4. Check the LastServerErrText and LastServerErr properties to catch SQL statement execution errors.

  5. Refresh the global dyanset to reflect newly inserted records, using the Refresh method.

The following example shows a typical cmdCommitGrid_Click() procedure:

Private Sub cmdCommitGrid_Click()
Dim OraSqlStmt As Object
Dim OraPArray(2) As Object
On Error GoTo err_CommitGrid
ErrMsg = ""
'Define parameter arrays, one for each column
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "EMPNO_ARR", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER, _
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "ENAME_ARR", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, _ 
            NoOfRows, 10
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "DEPTNO_ARR", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER, _
If OraDatabase.LastServerErr <> 0 Or OraDatabase.LastServerErrText <> "" Then
Error 1
End If
'Initialize local array to hold parameter arrays
Set OraPArray(0) = OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO_ARR")
Set OraPArray(1) = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME_ARR")
Set OraPArray(2) = OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO_ARR")
'Init the param array variables. Add loop to read thru grid ROWS
For ReadRow = 0 To (NoOfRows - 1)
Grid1.Row = ReadRow + 1
'Loop to read thru grid CELLS
    For ReadCol = 0 To NoOfCols - 1
        Grid1.Col = ReadCol
        OraPArray(ReadCol).Put_Value Grid1.Text, ReadRow
    Next ReadCol
Next ReadRow
'create a sqlstmt to insert array values into table
Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSql("insert into emp(empno,ename,deptno)" & _
        "values(:EMPNO_ARR,:ENAME_ARR,:DEPTNO_ARR)", 0&)
If OraDatabase.LastServerErr <> 0 Or OraDatabase.LastServerErrText <> "" Then
  ErrMsg = OraDatabase.LastServerErrText
  Error 1
End If
'Refresh the Dynaset

OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "EMPNO_ARR"
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "ENAME_ARR"
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "DEPTNO_ARR" 

Exit Sub
    If ErrMsg <> "" Then
        MsgBox ErrMsg
        MsgBox Error$
    End If
End Sub
PK-D!PK?AOEBPS/serprop010.htmc CacheMaximumSize Property

CacheMaximumSize Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Sets the maximum size (high watermark) for the client-side object cache as a percentage of the optimal size. The default value is 10%.


Oradatabase.CacheMaximumSize maxsize

Data Type



If the memory occupied by the objects currently in the cache exceeds the high watermark (maximum object cache size), then the cache automatically begins to free unmarked objects that have a pin count of zero. The cache continues freeing those objects until memory use in the cache reaches the optimal size, or until it runs out of objects eligible for freeing.

PKo9h c PK?AOEBPS/sermthod064.htm% CreatePLSQLDynaset Method

CreatePLSQLDynaset Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


For information on how to perform these tasks, see "Returning PL/SQL Cursor Variables".


Creates a dynaset from a PL/SQL cursor. The SQL statement should be a stored procedure or an anonymous block. The resulting dynaset is read-only and attempting to set SQL property results in an error. Dynasets can be refreshed with new parameters similar to dynasets without cursors.


set OraDynaset = CreatePLSQLDynaset(SQLStatement, CursorName, options)


SQLStatementAny valid Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure or anonymous block.
CursorNameName of the cursor created in the PL/SQL stored procedure.
optionsA bit flag indicating the status of any optional states of the dynaset. You can combine one or more options by adding their respective values.


The options flag values are:

ORADYN_DEFAULT&H0&Accept the default behavior.
ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP&H2&Do not remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.
ORADYN_NOCACHE&H8&Do not create a local dynaset data cache. Without the local cache, previous rows within a dynaset are unavailable; however, increased performance results during retrieval of data from the database (move operations) and from the rows (field operations). Use this option in applications that make single passes through the rows of a dynaset for increased performance and decreased resource usage.
ORADYN_NO_MOVEFIRST&H40&Do not force a MoveFirst operation when the dynaset is created. BOF and EOF are both true.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file.


The SQL statement must be a PL/SQL stored procedure with BEGIN and END statements around the call, as if it were executed as an anonymous PL/SQL block; otherwise an error is returned. The CursorName argument should exactly match the cursor created inside the stored procedure or anonymous PL/SQL block; otherwise, an error is returned. Cursors created inside the stored procedure should represent a valid SQL SELECT statement.

You do not need to bind the PL/SQL cursor variable using the OraParameters.Add method if the stored procedure returns a cursor as a output parameter. You can still use PL/SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.

This method automatically moves to the first row of the created dynaset.

Specifying the ORADYN_READONLY, ORADYN_ORAMODE, ORADYN_NO_REFETCH, or ORADYN_DIRTY_WRITE options have no effect on the dynaset creation.


This example demonstrates the use of PL/SQL cursor in the CreatePlsqlDynaset method and Refresh method. This example returns a PL/SQL cursor as a dynaset for the different values of the DEPTNO parameter. Make sure that corresponding stored procedure (found in EMPCUR.SQL) is available in the Oracle database. and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
' Create the Deptno parameter 
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "DEPTNO", 10, ORAPARM_INPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
' Create OraDynaset based on "EmpCursor" created in stored procedure. 
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreatePLSQLDynaset("Begin Employee.GetEmpData" & _
               "(:DEPTNO,:EmpCursor); end;", "EmpCursor", 0&)
 'Should display KING
 MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value  
 'Should display 7839
 MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").Value  
 ' Now set the deptno value to 20
 OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO").Value = 20
 'Refresh the dynaset
 'Should display JONES
 MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value  
 'Should display 7566
 MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").Value   
  'Remove the parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("DEPTNO")
 End Sub
PKPW%%PK?AOEBPS/serprop164.htm Years Property

Years Property

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Gets and sets the Years attribute of an OraIntervalYM object.


years = OraIntervalYMObj.YearsOraIntervalYMObj.Years = years


[in] yearsAn Integer specifying the value of the Years attribute of the OraIntervalYM object.

Data Type


PK8  PK?AOEBPS/serprop109.htm RowPosition Property

RowPosition Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the row number of the current row in the dynaset. Not available in design time and read-only in run time.


rownum = OraDynaset.RowPosition

Data Type


See Also:

OraField Object

PK>MI  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod026.htm@ CancelEdit (OraRef) Method

CancelEdit (OraRef) Method

Applies To

OraRef Object


Unlocks the referenceable object in the database and cancels the object update operation.




Care should be taken before using this method; it cancels any pending transaction on the connection.

PKuiPK?AOEBPS/serobjch027.htms OraTimeStampTZ Object

OraTimeStampTZ Object


The OraTimeStampTZ object represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type and provides methods for operations on this Oracle data type. The OraTimeStampTZ represents a date-time value in a specific time zone that stores the following information: year, day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond, and the time zone.


The OraTimeStampTZ object is created by the OraSession.OraCreateTimeStampTZ method or by calling the Clone method on an existing OraTimeStampTZ object.

An OraTimeStampTZ object can be bound using ServerType ORATYPE_TIMESTAMPTZ. This allows the binding of a value to a parameter associated with an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type in a SQL or PL/SQL statement.

When binding a string associated with an TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type, the ServerType must be specified to be a string type (for example, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, ORATYPE_STRING) and the string must be in the format specified by NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT.



PK=xsPK?AOEBPS/sermthod020.htm < ArcTan2 (OraNumber) Method

ArcTan2 (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the arc tangent of two numbers using the operand provided. The result is in radians.


OraNumber.ArcTan2 operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

This method returns an error if operand is zero.

PK [ PK?AOEBPS/serprop043.htmZ EOF Property

EOF Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Indicates whether the current record position in a dynaset is after the last record. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


eof_status = oradynaset.EOF

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Returns True if an attempt has been made to move after the last record in the dynaset using the MoveNext method. Otherwise, returns False.

If a recordset is empty, both BOF and EOF return True.


This example demonstrates the use of the BOF and EOF properties to detect the limits of a recordset. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename from emp", 0&)
 'Traverse until EOF is reached
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
 MsgBox "Reached EOF"
 'When EOF is True there is no current record. The current recordset
 ' position is now AFTER the last record
 Do Until OraDynaset.BOF
 MsgBox "Reached BOF"
 'When BOF is True there is no current record. The current recordset 
 'position is now BEFORE AFTER the last record.
 'The recordset is now positioned at the first record.
End Sub
PK\_ZPK?AOEBPS/serprop121.htm> SnapShot Property

SnapShot Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the SnapshotID.

Read and write at run time.


SnapshotID = OraDynaset.Snapshot


The SnapshotID represents the snapshot from which this dynaset was created. It can be thought of as a timestamp. It can be passed into other CreateDynaset method calls to cause them to be created using data from the same point in time as the original dynaset.

The Snapshot property can be set with the value of another Snapshot. That new snapshot is used during the next Refresh operation when the query is reexecuted. The Snapshot property always returns the SnapshotID on which this OraDynaset object was based, not any other SnapshotID set through the snapshot property.

The SnapshotID becomes invalid after a certain amount of time; that amount of time is dependent on the amount of activity and the configuration of the database. When this happens, you get a Snapshot too old error message. For more information about snapshots, see the Oracle Database Concepts.

This SnapshotID represents the point in time when this dynaset was created. Changes to this dynaset (Edit, Delete, and AddNew operations) is not reflected in additional dynasets created using this SnapshotID because they occurred after that point in time.

SnapshotID objects are only meaningful for SELECT statements where the tables referenced are real database tables, as opposed to pseudo tables such as DUAL.

One valuable use of the SnapshotID is to calculate the number of rows in a table without using the RecordCount property which causes every row to be fetched. See "Example: Counting Rows in a Dynaset".

Data Type



Example: Using the SnapShot Property

This example shows the use of the SnapShot property.

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset1 As OraDynaset 
Dim OraDynaset2 As OraDynaset 
Dim SnapshotID as SnapshotID 
 'Create the OraSession Object. 
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'ALLEN's JOB is initially SALESMAN 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSql("Update EMP set JOB = 'SALESMAN' where ENAME = 'ALLEN'") 
 'Create initial OraDynaset Object. 
 Set OraDynaset1 = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename," & _ 
            "job from emp", 0&) 
MsgBox "OraDynaset1 -- Value of JOB is " & OraDynaset1.Fields("JOB").Value 
'Change Allen's JOB 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSql("Update EMP set JOB = 'CLERK' where ENAME = 'ALLEN'") 
'This SnapshotID represents the point in time in which OraDynaset1 was created
Set SnapshotID = OraDynaset1.Snapshot 
'Create OraDynaset2 from the same point in time as OraDynaset1 
Set OraDynaset2 = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select JOB from EMP" & _ 
               "where ENAME = 'ALLEN'", 0&, SnapshotID) 

MsgBox "OraDynaset2 -- Value of JOB from point of time of OraDynaset1 is " & _
'We set the snapshot to NULL which will get us current point in time. 
OraDynaset2.Snapshot = Null 
'We refresh it and it will get us the data from the current point in time  
MsgBox "OraDynaset2 -- Value of JOB from current point of time is " & _
'And back again to the old point in time -- 
OraDynaset2.Snapshot = SnapshotID 
MsgBox "OraDynaset2 -- Value of JOB from point of time of OraDynaset1 is " & _

Example: Counting Rows in a Dynaset

This example counts the number of rows in a dynaset without using the RecordCount property, which fetches every row. Note that the record count this returns cannot take into account any AddNew or Delete operations, making the information meaningful only immediately after the dynaset is created

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim OraDynCount As OraDynaset 
Dim SnapshotID as SnapshotID 
 'Create the OraSession Object. 
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Create the Dynaset 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
Set SnapshotID = OraDynaset.Snapshot 
'Use the snapshot for count query to guarantee the same point in time 
Set OraDynCount = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select count(*) NUMROWS" & _
         "from emp", 0&, SnapshotID)
MsgBox "Number of rows in the table is " & OraDynCount.Fields("NUMROWS").Value 
PKprC>PK?AOEBPS/serprop038.htm DynasetOption Property

DynasetOption Property

Applies To

OraParameter Object


Specifies the dynaset option for a dynaset created from the PL/SQL cursor.


oraparameter.DynasetOption = dyn_opts


This property should be called before executing a PL/SQL procedure containing a cursor variable. By default, the dynaset is created with the ORADYN_READONLY option.

The possible values are:

Possible ValuesValueDescription
ORADYN_DEFAULT&H0&Accepts the default behavior.
ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP&H2&Does not remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.
ORADYN_NOCACHE&H8&Does not create a local dynaset data cache. Without the local cache, previous rows within a dynaset are unavailable; however, increased performance results during retrieval of data from the database (move operations) and from the rows (field operations). Use this option in applications that make single passes through the rows of a dynaset for increased performance and decreased resource usage.
ORADYN_NO_MOVEFIRST&H40&Does not force a MoveFirst operation when a dynaset is created. BOF and EOF are both True.

PKYDPK?AOEBPS/advfeat.htm Advanced OO4O Features

4 Advanced OO4O Features

This chapter describes advanced Oracle Objects for OLE features.This chapter contains these topics:

Support for Oracle Object-Relational and LOB Data Types

Oracle Objects for OLE provides support for accessing and manipulating instances of REFs, value instances, variable-length arrays (VARRAYs), nested tables, and large objects (LOBs) in an Oracle database.

Table 4-0 illustrates the containment hierarchy for instances of all types in Oracle Objects for OLE.

Figure 4-1 Object-Relational and LOB Data Types Diagram

Object hierarchy starting with OraField and OraParameter
Description of "Figure 4-1 Object-Relational and LOB Data Types Diagram"

Instances of these types can be fetched from the database or passed as input or output variables to SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks, including stored procedures and functions. All instances are mapped to COM Automation interfaces that provide methods for dynamic attribute access and manipulation. These interfaces can be obtained from:

  • The Value property of an OraField object in a dynaset.

  • The Value property of an OraParameter object used as an input or an output parameter in SQL Statements or PL/SQL blocks.

  • An attribute of another object/REF instance.

  • An element in a collection (VARRAY or a nested table).

Instantiating Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections

Oracle Objects for OLE provides COM Automation interfaces for working with LOBs, Oracle objects, and collection types. These interfaces provide methods and properties to access data associated with LOBs, Oracle objects, and collection instances.

Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections

Table 4-1 lists Oracle LOBs, Objects, and collection types with associated OO4O interfaces.

Table 4-1 Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections

TypeOO4O Interface





VARRAY and Nested Table








How the preceding interfaces are retrieved in OO4O depend on how they are stored in the database or accessed in a SQL statement. These are the possible scenarios:

  • Column of a table

    If a table contains LOBs, object types, and collections as columns and the dynaset SELECT statement is based on this table, then the Value property of the OraField object representing that column returns corresponding OO4O interfaces for that type.

  • Bind variable in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block

    If a SQL statement or PL/SQL block has LOBs, object types, and collections as bind variables, then an OraParameter object should be created with a corresponding server type using the Add method. The Value property of the OraParameter object representing that bind variable returns the corresponding OO4O interfaces for that type.

  • Attribute of an Oracle object instance

    If an Oracle object instance has LOBs, object types, or collections as attributes, then the corresponding OO4O interface for any attribute is retrieved by using the subscript or name of the attribute from the OraObject or OraRef, or by using the Value property of an OraAttribute object.

  • Element of VARRAY and nested table

    If an Oracle VARRAY and nested table has object types and REF as its elements, then the corresponding OO4O interface is retrieved using the element index as the subscript from the OraCollection object.

When OO4O interfaces for these types are retrieved as part of a dynaset, then the OO4O interfaces represent instances of LOBs, objects, and collection types for the current row of the dynaset. If the current row changes due to a move operation, then the OO4O interfaces represent instances of LOBs, objects, and collection types for the new current row. When OO4O interfaces for these types are retrieved as part of an OraParameter object and the OraParameter value changes to due to a OraSQLStmt Refresh method, then the OO4O interface represents a new instance LOB, object, and collection type for that OraParameter.

Internally, OO4O maintains one OO4O interface for each OraField, OraParameter, and OraAttribute object. To retain the instance of LOBs, objects, and collection types independent of a dynaset move operation or an OraSQLStmt refresh operation, use the Clone method on the corresponding OO4O interface. This method makes a copy of LOBs, objects, and collection types instance and returns a corresponding OO4O interface associated with that copy.

Using Large Objects (LOBs)

The large object (LOB) data types (BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, and BFILE) can provide storage for large blocks of unstructured data, such as text, images, video clips, and sound waveforms, up to 4 gigabytes in size. They provide efficient, random, piece-wise access to the data. In Oracle Objects for OLE, instances of LOB data types are represented as interfaces.

See Also:

This section includes the following topics:

LOB Data Types

Table 4-2 lists the four LOB data types and their corresponding OO4O interfaces.

Table 4-2 LOB Data Types

LOB Data Typesa LOB whose value is composed ofCorresponding OO4O Interface


Unstructured binary (raw) data.



Fixed-width, single-byte character data that corresponds to the database character set defined for Oracle Database.



Fixed-width, multiple-byte character data that corresponds to the national character set defined for Oracle Database.



A LOB whose large binary data is stored in operating system files outside of database tablespaces. BFILEs can also be located on tertiary storage devices such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, Photo CDs, and DVDs.


The following example creates a table that has BLOB and CLOB columns, and inserts rows into the table using the ExecuteSQL method on an OraDatabase object.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
InvDb.ExecuteSQL("create table part(part_id NUMBER, part_name 
VARCHAR2(20),part_image BLOB, part_desc CLOB)") 
InvDb.ExecuteSQL ("insert into part values (1,'ORACLE NETWORK',EMPTY_BLOB()," & _
InvDb.ExecuteSQL ("insert into part values (2,'ORACLE SERVER', EMPTY_BLOB()," & _

The EMPTY_BLOB() and EMPTY_CLOB() PL/SQL functions provide an empty LOB to insert into the LOB column.

See Also:

ExecuteSQL Method

Using OraBLOB and OraCLOB

OraBLOB and OraCLOB interfaces in OO4O provide methods for performing operations on large objects in the database including BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB, and BFILE data types.

The following Visual Basic example illustrates how to read the PartImage from the part table:

Dim Buffer as Variant
Set Part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&)
set PartImage = OraDynaset.Fields("part_image").Value
'read the data into the buffer
amount_read = PartImage.Read(buffer)
'copy the image content into the file
PartImage.CopyToFile "d:\image\partimage.jpg"

Retrieving LOBs From the Database

OraBlob, OraClob, and OraBFile objects can be retrieved using an OraDynaset object or a parameter object:

Using an OraDynaset Object

If a table contains a LOB column and a dynaset query selects against that LOB column, then the Value property of the OraField object returns a OraBlob, OraClob, or a OraBFile object. The following example selects LOB columns from the part table. PartDesc and PartImage are OraBlob and OraClob objects that are retrieved from the OraField object.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Part = InvDb.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
Set PartDesc = Part.Fields("part_desc").Value 
Set PartImage = Part.Fields("part_image").Value 

Using a Parameter object

If a SQL statement or PL/SQL block has a bind variable of type LOB, you create a OraParameter object using the OraParameters Add method. The Value property of the OraParameter object for that bind variable returns an OraBlob, OraClob, or OraBFile object.

The following example illustrates how to use a LOB data type as a bind variable in a PL/SQL anonymous block. This block selects a LOB column from the database.

Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
InvDb.Parameters.Add "PartDesc", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT,ORATYPE_CLOB 
InvDb.Parameters.Add "PartImage", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT,ORATYPE_BLOB 
InvDb.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select part_desc, part_image into :PARTDESC," & _
             ":PARTIMAGE from part where part_id = 1 for update NOWAIT; END;") & _
             "for update NOWAIT; END;") 
Set PartDesc = InvDb.Parameters("PartDesc").Value 
Set PartImage = InvDb.Parameters("PartImage").Value 

Performance Considerations with LOB Read and Write

When reading and writing LOBs, there are several options that can optimize an application's memory usage and reduce the number of network round-trips.

Single-Piece Operation

The contents of a buffer are read or written to the database in one round-trip.

Multiple-Piece Operation

A small buffer is used for multiple calls to read or write methods. In this mode, the data is streamed, rather than requiring a complete round-trip for each read or write call. This method is quicker than doing several small single-piece operations. It has the restriction that the data must be read and written sequentially, meaning that the offset increases automatically with each read or write. The total amount must be known before it is written, and the operation cannot be aborted before completion.

LOB Buffering Option

The LOB buffering option automatically buffers any read or write operations. A network round-trip occurs only when the FlushBuffer method is called. This is most useful when there are many small writes that occur all across the LOB. This method has significant restrictions.

Writing LOB Data

The Write method of the OraBlob and OraClob objects writes data from a local buffer to a LOB in the database. The CopyFromFile (OraLOB) method writes content of a local file to a LOB in the database.

Any operation that changes the value of a LOB, including the Write method, can only occur when the row the LOB is associated with has been locked. If a LOB field is null, it must first be updated with an empty LOB before a method can write to the LOB field.

LOB data can be written in one piece or in a series of multiple pieces., as described in the following topics:

Single-Piece Write Operation

The entire contents of a buffer can be written in a single piece in one network round-trip. The following example writes 10 KB of data from the local file partimage.dat to part_image column at the offset of 1000.

Dim buffer() as byte 
ReDim buffer(10000) 
Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Part = InvDb.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
Set PartImage = Part.Fields("part_image").Value 
PartImage.Offset = 1000 
FNum = FreeFile 
Open "PartImage.Dat" For Binary As #FNum 
Get #FNum, , buffer 
amount_written = PartImage.Write(buffer) 
Close FNum 

The CopyFromFile (OraLOB) method writes data directly to a LOB from a local file. The following code is functionally the same as the previous code:

PartImage.CopyFromFile "PartImage.dat" , 10000, 1000 

Multiple-Piece Write Operation

This mechanism is used when the size of the buffer available is smaller than the total amount of data to be written. The total amount of data to be written is set by using the PollingAmount (OraLOB/BFILE) property.

The Offset (OraLOB/BFILE) property is used only once to set the offset for the first piece Write operation. After the first time, it is automatically increased by the size of the previous piece. The Status (OraLOB/BFILE) property must be checked for success of each piece Write operation. If the Status property returns ORALOB_NEED_DATA, the Write method must be called again. This must continue until the amount specified by the PollingAmount property has been sent.

The piecetype argument of the Write method must be set to ORALOB_FIRST_PIECE for the first piece that is sent, and last piece Write operation ends with setting the piecetype argument to ORALOB_LAST_PIECE. At the end of multiple piece operation, the Status property returns ORALOB_NO_DATA.

The following example writes 102 KB of data in 10 KB chunks to the part_image column from the local file partimage.dat at offset of 1000.

Dim buffer() as byte 
chunksize = 10000 
ReDim buffer(chunksize) 
Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Part = InvDb.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
Set PartImage = Part.Fields("part_image").Value 
FNum = FreeFile 
Open "PartImage.Dat" For Binary As #FNum 
PartImage.Offset = 1000 
PartImage.PollingAmount =102000 
remainder = 102000 
Get #FNum, , buffer 
amount_written = PartImage.Write(buffer, chunksize, ORALOB_FIRST_PIECE) 
While PartImage.Status = ORALOB_NEED_DATA 
remainder = remainder - chunksize 
If remainder < chunksize Then 
piecetype = ORALOB_LAST_PIECE 
chunksize = remainder 
piecetype = ORALOB_NEXT_PIECE 
End If 
Get #FNum, , buffer 
amount_written = PartImage.Write(buffer, chunksize, piecetype) 
Close FNum 

Reading LOB Data

The OraBlob and OraClob Read method reads data to a local buffer from a LOB in the database. The CopyFromFile method reads the contents of a LOB into a local file.

LOB data can be read in one piece or in a series of multiple pieces, as described in the following topics:

Single-Piece Read Operation

The entire contents of a buffer can be read in a single piece in one network round-trip. The following example reads 10 KB of data from the part_image column at an offset of 1000 to the local file image.dat.

Dim buffer as Variant 
Dim buf() As Byte 
chunksize = 10000 
Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Part = InvDb.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
Set PartImage = Part.Fields("part_image").Value 
FNum = FreeFile 
Open "image.dat" For Binary As #FNum 
PartImage.Offset = 1000 
amount_read = PartImage.Read(buffer,10000) 
buf = buffer 
Put #FNum, , buf 
Close FNum 

The CopyToFile (OraLOB/BFILE) method writes data directly to a local file from a LOB. The following code is functionally the same as the previous code:

PartImage.CopyToFile "image.dat" , 10000, 1000 

Multiple-Piece Read Operation

This mechanism is used when the size of the buffer available is smaller than the total amount of data to be read. The total amount of data to be read is set by using the PollingAmount (OraLOB/BFILE) property. The Offset (OraLOB/BFILE) property is used only once to set the offset for the first piece Read operation. After the first time, it is automatically increased by the size of the previous piece.

The Status (OraLOB/BFILE) property must be checked for success for each piece Read operation. If the Status property returns ORALOB_NEED_DATA, the Read method must be called again. This must continue until the amount specified by the PollingAmount property has been read. At the end of multiple piece operations, the Status property returns ORALOB_NO_DATA.

The following example reads 102 KB of data in 10 KB chunks from the part_image column at offset of 1000 to the local file image.dat.

Dim buffer as Variant 
Dim buf() As Byte 
Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set InvDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("INVDB", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Part = InvDb.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
Set PartImage = Part.Fields("part_image").Value 
FNum = FreeFile 
Open "image.dat" For Binary As #FNum 
PartImage.offset = 1000 
PartImage.PollingAmount = 102000 
amount_read = PartImage.Read(buffer, chunksize) 
buf = buffer 
Put #FNum, , buf 
While PartImage.Status = ORALOB_NEED_DATA 
amount_read = PartImage.Read(buffer, chunksize) 
buf = buffer 
Put #FNum, , buf 
Close FNum 

Oracle Object Data Types

An object type is a user-defined composite data type created in the database. A column can represent an object type or a row can represent an object type. An instance of the Object type can be stored in the database. This object instance can be fetched to the client side and modified using Oracle Objects for OLE.

There are two types of object instances.

  • OraObject object

    If a column represents an object type, then an instance of this object type is referred to as an embedded instance or a value instance. In OO4O, this type is represented by an OraObject object. For example, an ADDRESS object type is stored as a column in the PERSON table. OraObject objects can be embedded within other structures. An embedded instance or a value instance can also be the attributes of another object instance.

  • OraRef object

    If a row in an object table represents an object type, then the instance of this type is referred to as a referenceable object. In OO4O, this type is represented by an OraRef object. An internally referenceable object has a unique object identifier that is represented by the REF data type. A REF column can be thought of as a pointer to a referenceable object. OO4O applications can retrieve a REF data type from a referenceable object, fetch (pin) the associated referenceable object to the client side, and update (flush) the modified referenceable object to the database.

About the OraObject Interface

The OraObject interface is a representation of an Oracle embedded object or a value instance. It contains a collection interface (OraAttributes) for accessing and manipulating (updating and inserting) individual attributes of a value instance.

Individual attributes of an OraAttributes collection interface can be accessed by using a subscript or the name of the attribute.

The following Visual Basic example illustrates how to access attributes of the Address object in the person_tab table:

Set Person = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab",0&) 
set Address = Person.Fields("Addr").Value 
msgbox Address.Zip 

See Also:

OraObject Object

Using the OraObject Interface

The following example creates an ADDRESS object type having street, city, state and zip as its attributes and a PERSON table having an ADDRESS object type column. It also inserts data using the ExecuteSQL method of the OraDatabase object.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("create type ADDRESS as object ( street 
VARCHAR2(200), city varchar2(20), state CHAR(2), zip varchar2(10) )")  
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("create table person (name varchar2(20), age number," & _ 
                 "addr ADDRESS) ") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into person values('nasser',40, " & _
                 "address('Wine Blvd', 'Pleasanton', 'CA', '94065'))") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into person values('Maha', 25," & _ 
                 "address('Continental Way', 'Belmont', 'CA', '94002'))")
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into person values('chris',30, address('First " & _
                 "Street', 'San Francisco', 'CA' ,'94123'))") 

The following topics discuss manipulating the OraObject interface:

See Also:

ExecuteSQL Method

Retrieving an Embedded/Value Instance from the Database

An OraObject object can be retrieved using OO4O using a dynaset or parameter object:

Using a Dynaset Object

If a table contains an object type column and a dynaset query selects against that column, then the Value property of the OraField object returns an OraObject.

The following code selects an ADDRESS column from the person table, and then an Address object is retrieved from the OraField object.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
set Person = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from person", 0&) 
set Address = Person.Fields("Addr").Value 
Using a Parameter Object

If a SQL statement or a PL/SQL block has a bind variable of object type, you create an OraParameter object using the OraParameters Add method. The Value property of the OraParameter object for that bind variable returns an OraObject object.

The following example uses an object data type as a bind variable in a PL/SQL anonymous block. This block selects an object column from the database.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
'execute the sql statement which selects Address from the person_tab 
hrDb.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select Addr into :ADDRESS from person where " & _
            "age = 40; end;") 
'retrieve Address object from the OraParameter 
set address = hrDb.Parameters("ADDRESS").Value 

Accessing Attributes of an Embedded/Value Instance

Individual attributes can be accessed by using a subscript or the name of the attribute. The following example illustrates how to access attribute values of an ADDRESS object instance.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
set Person = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from person", 0&) 
set Address = Person.Fields("Addr").Value 
msgbox Address.City 
msgbox Address.Street 
msgbox Address.State 
msgbox Address.Zip 

The following code accesses all of the attribute values:

For I=1 to Address.Count 
   msgbox Address(I) 
Next I 

Modifying Attributes of an Embedded/Value Instance

If the object instance is retrieved using a dynaset object, its attribute values can be modified between a dynaset Edit/Update pair. The following example modifies the street and city attribute values of the ADDRESS object instance.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0)
set Person = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from person", 0&)
set Address = Person.Fields("Addr").Value
      Address.Street  =  "Oracle Parkway"
      Address.City = "Redwood shores"

Executing a Member Method of an Oracle Object Instance

Oracle object type member methods are created during type creation. Oracle object instance member methods are executed in OO4O as PL/SQL procedures or functions. Arguments and return values to the member methods should be bound using the OraParameter object. The first argument to the member method should always be the object instance. This object instance can be bound with the ORAPARM_INPUT or ORAPARM_BOTH mode. If the member method modifies the attributes of an object instance and a new object instance needs to be retrieved to the OO4O application, then this object instance must be bound with the ORAPARM_BOTH mode.

For example, if a bank_account object type has open, close, and deposit as member methods, then the schema for the bank_account object type is the following:

    acct_number INTEGER(5), 
    balance REAL, 
    MEMBER PROCEDURE open (amount IN REAL), 
    MEMBER PROCEDURE close (num IN INTEGER, amount OUT REAL), 
    MEMBER PROCEDURE deposit (SELF IN OUT bank_bccount,num IN 
                        INTEGER, amount IN REAL), 

In OO4O, BankObj is an OraObject object representing a valid bank object instance from the database. To execute the deposit method, the SELF, num, and amount arguments need to be bound using the OraParameter object.

Dim BankObj as OraObject 
assumes that we have valid BankObj 
set BankObj = ..... 
'create a OraParameter object for bank_account object and set it to BankObj 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "BANK", BankObj, ORAPARM_BOTH, ORATYPE_OBJECT, _
'create a OraParameter object for num argument and set the value to 100 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ACCOUNT_NO", 100, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER 
'create a OraParameter object for amount argument and set the value to 1200 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "AMOUNT", 1200, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER
'display the balance from the bank object 
'now execute the PL/SQL block for member method execution 
                    (":ACCOUNT_NO,:AMOUNT); END;") 
'get the modified bank object from the parameter 
set Bankobj  = OraDatabase.Parameters("BANK").Value 
'display the new balance 

About the OraRef Interface

The OraRef interface represents an instance of a referenceable object (REF) in client applications. The object attributes are accessed in the same manner as attributes of an object represented by the OraObject interface. The OraRef interface is derived from an OraObject interface through the containment mechanism in COM. REF objects are updated and deleted independently of the context from which they originated, such as dynasets. The OraRef interface also encapsulates the functionality for navigating through graphs of objects utilizing the Complex Object Retrieval Capability (COR) in Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

See Also:

"OraRef Object"

Using the OraRef Interface

This section demonstrates the creation of an object table named PERSON_TAB. The object table is based on the object type PERSONOBJ. Each reference to the rows of this object table is stored in an aperson REF type column of the CUSTOMERS table. The following code creates database schemas:

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("create type PERSONOBJ  as object ( name varchar2(20), " & _
                 "age number, addr ADDRESS)")
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("create table person_tab of personobj") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into person_tab values('nasser',40," & _ 
                  "address('Wine Blvd', 'Pleasanton', 'CA', '94065'))") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into person_tab values('Maha', 25, " & _
                  "address('Continental Way', 'Belmont', 'CA', '94002'))") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into person_tab values('chris',30, " & _
               "address('First Street', 'San Francisco', 'CA' , '94123'))") 

The following code creates a CUSTOMERS table having an aperson REF column referencing rows of the object table:

HRDb.ExecuteSQL("create table CUSTOMERS (account number, 
aperson REF personobj)") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into customers values(10, null)") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into customers values(20, null)") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("insert into customers values(30, null)") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("update customers set aperson = (select ref(p) from " & _
                 "person_tab p where = 'nasser') where account = 10") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("update customers set aperson = (select ref(p) from " & _
                 "person_tab p where = 'Maha') where account = 20") 
HRDb.ExecuteSQL("update customers set aperson = (select ref(p) from " & _
                 "person_tab p where = 'chris') where account = 30") 

The following topics discuss manipulating the OraRef Interface:

See Also:

OraRef Object

Retrieving a REF from the Database

An OraRef object can be retrieved using OO4O in the following ways:

Using a Dynaset Object

If a table contains a REF type column and a dynaset query selects against that column, then the Value property of the OraField object returns an OraREF. The following example selects an aperson column from the person table, and the aperson object is retrieved from the OraField object.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
set Customer = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&) 
set Person = Customer.Fields("aperson").Value 
Using an OraParameter Object

If a SQL statement or PL/SQL block has a bind variable of REF type, you create an OraParameter object using the OraParameters Add method. The Value property of the OraParameter object for that bind variable returns an OraREF.

The example illustrates using a REF object data type as a bind variable in a PL/SQL anonymous block. The block selects an object column from the database.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
'execute the sql statement which selects Address from the person_tab 
hrDb.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select aperson into :PERSON from customers" & _ 
                "where account = 10; end;") 
'retrieve Person object from the OraParameter 
set Person = hrDb.Parameters("PERSON").Value 

See Also:

OraRef Object

Accessing Attributes of a Referenceable Instance

Before accessing attributes of a referenceable instance, it should be fetched (pinned) on the client side. OO4O implicitly pins the REF value when attribute values are accessed from the OraRef object. After the pin operation, attributes of the referenceable instance are accessed in the same manner as attributes of a value instance represented by the OraObject object.

The following example pins the APERSON REF value (implicitly) and accesses its name and address attributes. Note that accessing the address attribute returns an Address OraObject object.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
set Customer = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&) 
set Person = Customer.Fields("APERSON").Value 
msgbox Person.Name 
set Address = Person.Addr 
msgbox Address.City 

See Also:

OraRef Object

Modifying Attributes of a Referenceable Instance

Because a referenceable instance is stored in a row of an object table, modifying attributes of referenceable instance requires an object lock. Therefore, rows corresponding to the object instance in an object table should be locked, which can be done by calling the Edit method of the OraRef object. The OraRef Update method releases the object lock.

The following example modifies the age attribute of Person object.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
set Customer = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&) 
set Person = Customer.Fields("APERSON").Value 
Person.Age = 45 

Oracle Collections

A collection is an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. Each element has a unique subscript, called an index, that determines its position in the collection.


An OraCollection element index starts at 1.

A collection can be subdivided into the following types:

  • Nested table type

    Viewed as a table stored in the column of a database table. When retrieved, the rows of a nested table are given consecutive subscripts starting at 1, and individual rows are accessed using array-like access.

  • VARRAY type

    Viewed as an array stored in the column of a database table. To reference an element in a VARRAY type, standard subscripting syntax can be used. For example, Grade(3) references the third element in VARRAY Grades.

In Oracle Objects for OLE, an Oracle collection type is represented by the OraCollection interface. The following topics provide more information:

About the OraCollection Interface

The OraCollection interface provides methods for accessing and manipulating Oracle collection types, namely variable-length arrays (VARRAYs) and nested tables in OO4O. Elements contained in a collection are accessed by subscripts.

The following Visual Basic example illustrates how to access attributes of the EnameList object from the department table:

Set Person = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department",0&)
set EnameList = Department.Fields("Enames").Value
'access all elements of the EnameList VArray
for I=1 to I=EnameList.Size
   msgbox EnameList(I)
Next I

Retrieving a Collection Type Instance from the Database

A collection type can be retrieved using OO4O in the following ways:

Using a Dynaset Object

If a table contains a collection type column and a dynaset query selects against that column, then the Value property of the OraField object returns an OraCollection object.

The following example selects the ENAMES column from the department table, and an EnameList object is retrieved from the OraField object:

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Dept = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 
Set EnameList = Dept.Fields("ENAMES").Value 

Using a Parameter Object

If a SQL statement or PL/SQL block has a bind variable of collection type, then you create a OraParameter object using the OraParameters Add method. The Value property of the OraParameter object for that bind variable returns an OraCollection object.

The following example uses a collection data type as a bind variable in a PL/SQL anonymous block and selects a collection type from the database:

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
hrDb.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select enames into :ENAMES from department" & _ 
              "where dept_id = 10; END;") 
set EnameList = hrDb.Parameters("ENAMES").Value 

Accessing Collection Elements

Individual element values are accessed by using a subscript. For example, the Value returned by the OraCollection object for subscript 1 is the element value at index 1. The maximum value of the subscript is equal to the total number of elements in the collection including any deleted elements. The OraCollection subscript starts from 1.

The following example code retrieves the Enamelist collection instance and accesses its elements at the first and second index.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Dept = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 
Set EnameList = Dept.Fields("ENAMES").Value 
msgbox EnameList(1) 
msgbox EnameList(2) 

This code displays all the element values of the EnameList collection.

For I = 1 to EnameList.Size 
   msgbox EnameList(I) 
Next I 

Modifying Collection Elements

If the collection instance is retrieved using a dynaset object, element values can be modified between a dynaset Edit and Update pair. The following example code modifies the second element value of an Enamelist collection instance.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set OraDynaset = hrDb.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 
Set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("ENAMES").Value 
    EnameList(2) = "Chris" 

Creating a VARRAY Collection Type

The example code that follows creates a VARRAY collection type ENAMELIST and a department table having ENAMELIST collection type column.

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set hrDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0)
hrDb.ExecuteSQL("CREATE TABLE department (dept_id NUMBER(2),name" & _ 
               "VARCHAR2(15),ENAMES ENAMELIST)") 

The following script inserts some collection data into department table:

hrDb.ExecuteSQL("INSERT INTO department VALUES(10, 'ACCOUNTING'," & _ 
               "ENAMELIST('KING','CLARK','MILLER') )") 
hrDb.ExecuteSQL("INSERT INTO department VALUES(20, 'RESEARCH'," & _ 
               "ENAMELIST('JONES','SCOTT','ADAMS','SMITH','FORD') )") 
hrDb.ExecuteSQL("INSERT INTO department VALUES(30, 'SALES'," & _ 
               "ENAMELIST('BLAKE','MARTIN','ALLEN','TURNER','JAMES') )")

Creating a Dynaset from an OraCollection Object

A SELECT query can be issued against instances of the VARRAY and nested table collection types using SQL THE or TABLE operators and individual elements can be accessed as rows. If these collection types have object types for element types, then individual attributes of the object type represents fields of a row.

For example, if an object type X has attributes a, b, and c, and the element type of the collection is object type X, then the SELECT query on this collection returns a, b, and c fields.

In OO4O, read-only dynaset objects can be created from SELECT queries on the collection. Individual elements are accessed using row navigation. If the collection type has an object type as its element type, then attributes of that object type (element) are accessed using the OraField object.

This discussion assumes you have a Course object type and a CourseList nested table collection type with Course as its element type, as described here:

    course_no NUMBER(4), 
    title VARCHAR2(35), 
    credits NUMBER(1) 

In OO4O, CourseList OraCollection represents an instance of the CourseList collection type.

Dim CourseList as OraCollection 

Assume that you have valid a CourseList collection instance:

set CourseList = ...... 

The SQL THE or TABLE operator needs collection type as a bind variable. Create a OraParameter object for the CourseList OraCollection as follows:

OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "COURSELIST", CourseList, ORAPARM_INPUT, _

Create a read-only dynaset based on the CourseList using the SQL THE operator:

Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from THE (select" & _

You can also create a read-only dynaset based on the CourseList using the SQL TABLE operator, which is available only in OO4O with libraries from release Oracle9i and on:

Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from" & _

'display the course_no field 
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value 

'display the title field 
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value 

'move to next row 

Example: Creating a Dynaset from an OraCollection Object

The following example illustrates how to create a dynaset from an OraCollection object. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples".

Dim OraSession as OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset 
Dim CourseList as OraCollection 
Dim Course as OraObject 
Dim CourseListDyn as OraDynaset 
'create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger",  0&) 
'create a dynaset object from division 
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from division", 0&) 
'retrieve a Courses column from Division. Here Value property 
'of OraField object 'returns CourseList OraCollection 
set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value 
'create a input parameter for CourseList for nested table dynaset 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "COURSELIST", CourseList, ORAPARM_INPUT, _
                 ORATYPE_TABLE, "COURSELIST" 
'create a read only dynaset based on the CourseList. 
Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from" & _ 
                 "THE(select CAST(:COURSELIST AS COURSELIST) from dual)", _
'dynaset can also be created from Oracle8 collection using the
'following statement 
'Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from    

'get the field values of the collection dynaset 
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value 
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value 
'move the original dynaset to second row 
'set the new value of CourseList  collection from the second row 
'of main dynaset to the "COURSELIST" parameter 
OraDatabase.Parameters("COURSELIST").Value = CourseList 
'refresh the collection dynaset. Now the collection dynaset values are refreshed 
'with new collection value. CourseListDyn.Refresh 
'get the field values of the collection dynaset 
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value 
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value 

Advanced Queueing Interfaces

Oracle Objects for OLE provides the OraAQ Automation interface with methods for enqueuing and dequeuing messages. The OraAQMsg object contains the message to be enqueued or dequeued. The message can be a RAW message or any user-defined type.

The following examples illustrate how to enqueue RAW messages from the DBQ queue. Note that the DBQ queue must already be created in the database.

Dim Q as OraAQ 
Dim Msg as OraAQMsg 
set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set empDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
Set Q = empDb.CreateAQ("DBQ") 
Retrieve the message object from the Q object. 
set Msg = Q.AQMsg 
Specify the message value. 
Msg.Value = "This is the first Test message" 
Enqueue the message. 

The following lines enqueue a high priority message.

Msg.Delay = 5 
Msg.Value = "Urgent message" 

The following example dequeues the RAW messages from Oracle Database and displays the message content.

MsgBox Msg.value 
Dequeue and display the first high priority message 
MsgBox Msg.value 

See Also:

OraAQ Object

Monitoring Messages

The OraAQ monitor methods (MonitorStart and MonitorStop) provide asynchronous dequeuing through notifications. This is suitable for applications that prefer to process messages in nonblocking mode. Applications can request to be notified on arrival of messages, by supplying an Automation object to the Monitor method. This object implements a method called NotifyMe to receive notifications. Messages can be monitored based on consumer name, message ID, or correlation.

The following sample code demonstrates a simple use of this facility. It illustrates a computerized trading system that executes buy/sell limit orders.

The sample instantiates a queue object for the STOCKS_TO_TRADE queue and monitors messages intended for consumer BROKER_AGENT. STOCKS_TO_TRADE queues messages of the user-defined type TRADEORDER_TYPE. This encapsulates all the information required to initiate a trade order. When messages addressed to the BROKER_AGENT are dequeued, the NotifyMe method of the CallbackClient object is invoked, and a stock trade is performed.

'First instantiate the CallbackClient. The queue monitor 
' will invoke the NotifyMe on this class module.
Public CB_Client As New CallbackClient 
  Dim DB As OraDatabase
  Dim Q as OraAQ
  set Q = DB.CreateAQ("STOCKS_TO_TRADE") 

'Notify by calling cbclient::NotifyMe when there are messages
' for consumer '"BROKER_AGENT"
  Q.consumer = "BROKER_AGENT"

'Note that cbclient is a dispatch interface that supports the NotifyMe method.
  Dim s as string
 'Notify the client only when there are messages for "BROKER_AGENT"
  Q.MonitorStart CB_Client, Q, s, 1
'other processing is performed here... 
'Now implement the NotifyMe method of the CallbackClient class module
'and the necessary arguments that will contain the dequeued message
'NotifyMe is the callback interface defined by user. Ctx here is the
'Q object passed in at the time of MontiorStart.
Public sub NotifyMe (ByVal Ctx As Variant, ByVal Msgid As Variant )
  On Error GoTo NotifyMeErr
  Dim tradingSignal as OraAQMsg
  'Tradeorder contains details of the customer order
  Dim tradeorder as OraObject
  If IsNull(Msgid) Then
          MsgBox "No Message"
          'Get Error
          MsgBox OraDatabase.LastServerErrText
          mvarMsgid = Msgid
          Set tradingSignal = Ctx.AQMsg(1,"STOCK_TYPE","TRADER")
          set tradeorder = tradingSignal.Value

          'Tradeorder is the object of UDT "STOCK_TYPE"Access signal attribute 
          'of tradeorder as tradeorder("signal).Value or tradeorder!signal
          if (tradeorder!signal = "SELL")
            'Sell the stock
             SellStock(tradeorder!NoOfShares, tradeorder!Ticker, _
                    tradeorder!Price,  tradeorder!ValidUntil)
          else if (tradeorder!signal = "BUY")
             'Buy the stock
              BuyStock(tradeorder!NoOfShares,tradeorder!Ticker, _
          end if
  End If
  Call RaiseError(MyUnhandledError, "newcallback:NotifyMe Method")
End Sub

Database Events

Oracle Database supports detection and run-time publication of database events.

The database event publication feature allows applications to subscribe to database events just as they subscribe to messages from other applications.

Users can enable the publication of the following events:


  • DDL events (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)


The event publication subsystem is integrated with the AQ publish and subscribe engine.

See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a complete description of triggers for data and system events

Oracle Objects for OLE provides functionality to enable COM users to subscribe to Oracle Database events.

This feature supports asynchronous notification of database events to interested subscribers. Under this model, the client can subscribe to be notified of a database or system event, with each request stored as a subscription.

When the database event of interest fires, the subscriber is notified by the database event handler. The event handler was registered at the time of the event's subscription.

OO4O provides the OraSubscription object that represents the subscription to a database event and the OraSubscriptions collection that maintains a list of OraSubscription objects.

To subscribe to a database event, you must:

  • Create a subscription, based on the database event of interest.

  • Provide a database event handler. The database event handler should be an automation object that implements the NotifyDBEvents method. The NotifyDBEvents method is invoked by OO4O when the subscribed database events are fired.

  • Register the subscription, using the Register method.

Example: Registering an Application for Notification of Database Events

In the following example, an application subscribes for notification of database logon events (such as all logons to the database). When a user logs on to the database, the NotifyDBEvents method of the DBEventsHdlr that was passed in at the time of subscription is invoked. The context-sensitive information and the event-specific information are passed into the NotifyDBEvents method.

The DBEventsHdlr in this example is DBEventCls, which is defined later.

The main application is as follows:

' First instantiate the dbevent handler. The dbevent notification
' will fire the NotifyDBEvents on the callback handler.
Public DBEventsHdlr As New DBEventCls
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim gOraSession As Object
    Dim gOraSubscriptions As OraSubscriptions 
    Dim gOraDatabase As OraDatabase
    'Create the OraSession Object
    Set gOraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
   'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
    Set gOraDatabase = gOraSession.DbOpenDatabase                      
             ("", "pubsub/pubsub", 
    Set gOraSubscriptions = gOraDatabase.Subscriptions
    gOraSubscriptions.Add "PUBSUB.LOGON:ADMIN", DBEventsHdlr,
    MsgBox "OK"
End Sub

The database event handler class that defines the NotifyDBEvents method is as follows:

Public countofMsgs as integer
Public Function NotifyDBEvents(Ctx As Variant, Payload As Variant )
    On error goto NotifyMeErr
    MsgBox "Retrieved payload " + Payload
   ' do something - here the subscription is unregistered after
   ' receiving 3 notifications
    countofMsgs = countofMsgs + 1
    If countofMsgs > 3 Then
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Call RaiseError(MyUnhandledError, "newcallback:NotifyMe Method")
End Sub

See Also:

Application Failover Notifications

Application failover notifications can be used in the event of the failure of one database instance and failover to another instance. Because delay can occur during a failover, the application developer may want to inform the user that a failover is in progress, and request that the user stand by. Additionally, the session on the initial instance may have received some ALTER SESSION commands. These are not automatically replayed on the second instance. Therefore, the developer may want to replay these ALTER SESSION commands on the second instance.

Failover Notification Registration

To address the problems described, OO4O supports application failover notifications. To receive failover notifications, a notification handler must be registered with the MonitorForFailover method of the OraDatabase object. The notification handler must be an automation object (class module in Visual Basic) that implements the OnFailover method. An IDispatch pointer to this automation object must be passed in, along with any client-specific context, at the time of registering for failover notifications.

In the event of failover, the OnFailover method is invoked several times during the course of reestablishing the user's session. The first call to the OnFailover method of the notification handler occurs when the database first detects an instance connection loss. This is intended to allow the application to inform the user of an upcoming delay. If a failover is successful, a second call to the OnFailover method occurs when the connection is reestablished and usable. At this time, the client may want to replay the ALTER SESSION commands and inform the user that a failover has happened.

If a failover is unsuccessful, then the OnFailover method is called to inform the application that the failover will not take place.

An example of failover registration is included as part of the example in the next section.

See Also:

Enabling Failover

To enable failover notifications, the option ORADB_ENLIST_FOR_CALLBACK must be passed into the call to the OpenDatabase method.

Example: Failover Notification

The following sample shows a typical developer-defined OnFailover implementation and demonstrates how to register an application.

'Implement the OnFailover method of the FailoverClient class module and the 
' necessary arguments that will contain the dequeued message. Ctx  here is
' the application-defined context sensitive object that was passed
' in while registering with MonitorForFailover.
' An error of OO4O_FO_ERROR indicates that failover was unsuccessful, but the 
' application can handle the and retry failover by returning  
' a value of OO4O_FO_RETRY 
Public Function OnFailover(Ctx As Variant, fo_type As Variant,fo_event _
                     as variant, fo_OraDB as Variant) 
Dim str As String 

str = Switch(fo_type = 1&, "NONE", fo_type = 2&, "SESSION", fo_type = _ 
                  4&, "SELECT") 
If IsNull(str) Then 
   str = "UNKNOWN!" 
End If 
If fo_event= OO4O_FO_ERROR Then 
   MsgBox "Failover error gotten. Retrying " 
   OnFailover = OO4O_FO_RETRY 
   End If 
If fo_event = OO4O_FO_BEGIN Then 
   MsgBox " Failing Over .... with failover type : " & str 
   MsgBox "Failover Called with event : " & fo_event 
End If 
End Function 

Registering the Application to Receive Failover Notifications

' First instantiate the Failover_Client. The Failover notification 
' will invoke the OnFailover on this class module 
Public Failover_Client As New FailoverClient 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
' Pass in the entire database name (ie., the entire Tnsnames entry 
' with the domain name)in the opendatabase call 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.DbOpenDatabase("", _ 
          "scott/tiger", ORADB_ENLIST_FOR_CALLBACK) 
OraDatabase.MonitorForFailover Failover_Client, OraDatabase

XML Generation

Oracle Objects for OLE support for XML enables you to extract data in XML format from an Oracle database.

Data in XML markup language can be integrated with other software components that support XML. Web servers can provide XML documents along with a style sheet, thus separating the data content from its presentation, and preserving the data in its native form for easy searching.

Using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), developers can reformat XML documents received from other businesses into their desired style.

For more information about XML, go to

XML Generation Example

OO4O renders XML from the contents of any OraDynaset method based on a starting row number and continuing for up to a specified amount of rows. For example:

OO4O Code

Dim XMLString As String 
Dim startrow as Integer 
Dim maxrows as Integer 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select EMPNO, ENAME, COMM, JOB " & _
           "from  EMP", 0&) 
startrow = 4 
maxrows = 2 
'Output at most 2 rows beginning at row 4 
XMLString = OraDynaset.GetXML(startrow, maxrows) 

XML Output

<?xml version = "1.0"?> 
<ROW id="4"> 
<ROW id="5"> 

The format of the XML can be customized through the OraDynaset and OraField methods:

Dim XMLString As String 
Dim startrow as Integer 
Dim maxrows as Integer 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select EMPNO, ENAME, COMM," & _ 
            "JOB from EMP", 0&)  
'Change the root tag of the XML document 
OraDynaset.XMLRowsetTag = "ALL_EMPLOYEES" 
'Change the row tag of the XML document 
OraDynaset.XMLRowTag = "EMPLOYEE" 
'Remove the rowid attribute 
OraDynaset.XMLRowID = "" 
'Turn on the null indicator 
OraDynaset.XMLNullIndicator = True 
'Change the EMPNO tag name 
Set EmpnoField = OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO") 
EmpnoField.XMLTagName = "EMP_ID" 
'and make it an attribute rather than an element 
EmpnoField.XMLAsAttribute = True 
'Change the ENAME tag name 
Set EnameField = OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME") 
EnameField.XMLTagName = "NAME" 
'Change the COMM tag name 
Set CommField = OraDynaset.Fields("COMM") 
CommField.XMLTagName = "COMMISSION" 
'Change the JOB tag name 
Set JobField = OraDynaset.Fields("JOB") 
JobField.XMLTagName = "JOB_TITLE" 
startrow = 4 
maxrows = 2 
'Output at most 2 rows beginning at row 4 
XMLString = OraDynaset.GetXML(startrow, maxrows) 


<?xml version = "1.0"?> 

See Also:

OraDynaset Object

Datetime and Interval Data Types< id="sthref366">

From Release and later, OO4O provides four new objects that enable developers to access and manipulate the new datetime and interval data types introduced in Oracle9i. Table 4-3 describes the OO4O objects and matching data types.

Table 4-3 Datetime and Interval Data Types

OO4O ObjectsOracle Data Types











Instances of these types can be fetched from the database or passed as input or output variables to SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks, including stored procedures and functions.

These new data types are not supported as elements in collections such as PL/SQL indexed tables, VARRAYs, or nested tables.

Obtaining Datetime and Interval Data Types

OO4O datetime and interval data types can be obtained using:

  • The Value property of an OraField object in a dynaset.

  • The Value property of an OraParameter object as an input or an output parameter in SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks.

  • An attribute of another object or REF.

  • The following OraSession methods:

    • CreateOraIntervalDS

    • CreateOraIntervalYM

    • CreateOraTimeStamp

    • CreateOraTimeStampTZ

Descriptions of Datetime and Interval Data Types

  • OraTimeStamp object

    Provides methods for operations on Oracle TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data types. Operations include accessing the datetime values and performing datetime operations.

  • OraTimeStampTZ object

    Provides methods for operations on Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data types. Operations include accessing the datetime and time zone values and performing datetime operations.

  • OraIntervalDS object

    Provides methods for operations on the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. This data type represents a period of time in terms of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds.

  • OraIntervalYM object

    Provides methods for operations on the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. This data type represents a period of time in terms of years and months.

Database Schema Objects

The OraMetaData interface provides access to the schema information of database objects. It is returned by invoking the Describe method of the OraDatabase interface. The Describe method takes the name of a schema object, such as the emp table and returns an OraMetaData object. The OraMetaData object provides methods for dynamically navigating and accessing all the attributes (OraMDAttribute collection) of a schema object described.

The following Visual Basic script shows a simple example of the OraMetaData interface. The sample retrieves and displays several attributes of the emp table.

Dim empMD as OraMetaData 

set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
set empDb = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 

'Add EMPNO as an Input parameter and set its initial value. 
Set empMd = empDb.Describe("emp")
'Get the column attribute collections. 
Set empColumnsMd = empMd("ColumnList").Value 

'Display name, data type, and size of each column in the emp table. 
For I = 0 To empColumnsMd.Count - 1 
   Set ColumnMd = empColumnsMd(I).Value 
   MsgBox ColumnMd("data type").Value 
   MsgBox ColumnMd("Name").Value 
Next I 
PK>9鸛PK?AOEBPS/dcprop027.htmY Tag Property

Tag Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Stores any extra data needed by your application.

PK45PK?AOEBPS/serprop088.htm* Nanonsecond (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Nanonsecond (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Nanosecond attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


nanosecond = OraTimeStampTZObj.NanosecondOraTimeStampTZObj.Nanosecond= nanosecond


[in] nanosecondThe Nanosecond attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PK0/ * PK?AOEBPS/serprop006.htm- Bookmark Property

Bookmark Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Determines the current record of a record set. Not available at design time and read/write at run time.


row_bookmark = oradynaset.Bookmark
oradynaset.Bookmark = row_bookmark

Data Type

The value is a string of binary data, but can be stored in a variable of String or Variant data type. The length of the string cannot be predicted, so do not use a fixed-length string.


The first form returns a Bookmark property for the current row. The second form repositions the Bookmark property to refer to a specific record within the dynaset.

Bookmark objects exist only for the life of the dynaset and are specific to a particular dynaset. They cannot be shared among dynasets. However, Bookmark objects of a dynaset and their clones are interchangeable.

Before attempting to use Bookmark objects, check the BookMarkable property of that dynaset to see if it supports bookmarks.


This example demonstrates the use of the Bookmark property to return to a previously known record quickly. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraClient As OraClient 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 Dim Bookmark2 As String
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Get the client object.
 Set OraClient = OraSession.Client
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Move to the second record and display empno.
 MsgBox "Second Record, Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").value
 Bookmark2 = OraDynaset.Bookmark
 'Move to the last record and display empno.
 MsgBox "Last Record, Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").value
 'Move back to the second record using the bookmark.
 OraDynaset.Bookmark = Bookmark2
 MsgBox "Second Record, Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").value
End Sub
PKFJPK?AOEBPS/serprop042.htm EOC Property

EOC Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns True if the collection iterator moves past the last element of a collection.


eoc_flag = OraCollection.EOC

Data Type



See "Example: OraCollection Iterator" .

PK`%<:PK?AOEBPS/sermthod163.htmU Tan (OraNumber) Method

Tan (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the tangent of an OraNumber object given in radians.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK/PK?AOEBPS/sermthod068.htm( Delete Method

Delete Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Deletes the current row of the specified dynaset.




A row must be current before you can use the Delete method; otherwise, an error occurs.

Note that after you call the Delete method on a given row in a dynaset in a global transaction (that is, once you issue a BeginTrans method), locks remain on the selected rows until you call a CommitTrans or Rollback method.

Any references to the deleted row produce an error. The deleted row, as well as the next and previous rows, remain current until database movement occurs (using the MoveFirst, MovePrevious, MoveNext, or MoveLast methods). Once movement occurs, you cannot make the deleted row current again.

You cannot restore deleted records except by using transactions.


A call to an Edit, AddNew, or Delete method, cancels any outstanding Edit or AddNew calls before proceeding. Any outstanding changes not saved using an Update method are lost during the cancellation.


This example demonstrates the use of the Delete method to remove records from a database. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables
Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create the OraDynaset Object. Only select the employees in Department 10.
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp where" & _
          "deptno=10", 0&)
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
 MsgBox "All employees from department 10 removed."
End Sub
PKUbs-(PK?AOEBPS/sermthod116.htm IsLess (OraIntervalDS) Method

IsLess (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Checks if the OraIntervalDS object is less than an argument.


isLess = OraIntervalDSObj.IsLess value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object to be compared.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraIntervalDS object is less than the argument; otherwise, it is False.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS object represents.

PKBPK?AOEBPS/serobjch007.htm D OraClient Object

OraClient Object


An OraClient object defines a workstation domain, and all of the OraSession objects of that workstation are listed in the OraSessions collection of the OraClient object.


Only one OraClient object can exist for each workstation, and it is created automatically by the system when it is needed.



PKy%j PK?AOEBPS/sermthod142.htmi OriginalItem Method

OriginalItem Method

Applies To

OraFields Collection


Returns the OraField object based on the original column name used in the SELECT statement in the dynaset. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


set OraField = OraFields.OriginalItem(field_index)
set OraField = OraFields.OriginalItem(original_name)


The arguments for the method are:

field_indexField index of the original column name.
original_nameOriginal field name specified in the SQL statement.


This is property is useful when a SQL statement contains 'schema.table.col' as the Name of the field, and retrieves the field object specific to that original name.


The following example shows the use of the OriginalItem method. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 Dim OraFields As OraFields
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select scott.emp.deptno," & _
     "dept.deptno from scott.emp, scott.dept where dept.deptno = emp.deptno", 0&) 
 'Get the Field collection object
 Set OraFields = OraDynaset.Fields
 'get the original field object. Returns "scott.emp.deptno" 
 MsgBox OraField.OriginalName
 Set OraField = OraFields.OriginalItem(1)
 'Returns "dept.deptno" 
 MsgBox OraField.OriginalName
End Sub
PKǛPK?AOEBPS/clients.htm Using Oracle Objects for OLE with Automation Clients

2 Using Oracle Objects for OLE with Automation Clients

This chapter describes the use of automation clients to access Oracle data.

This chapter contains these topics:

Using Automation Clients Overview

Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) is designed to provide quick and efficient access to the data in an Oracle database using various programming or scripting languages.

OO4O can be easily used with Visual Basic, Excel, Active Server Pages, Internet Information Server (IIS), and other development tools.

Oracle Data Control with Visual Basic allows another method of accessing Oracle data.

Examples are provided for specific methods and properties in this developer's guide. Additionally, example programs are installed with Oracle Objects for OLE and are located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\ directory under VB, EXCEL, IIS, CPP, and so on.

A Quick Tour of OO4O with Visual Basic is also provided.

Demonstration Schema and Code Examples

The code examples included in this developer's guide and the example applications shipped with Oracle Objects for OLE are designed to work with a demonstration schema (database tables and other objects) and a demonstration user and password, scott/tiger. Code examples are located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o directory.

Demonstration Schema Creation

You can create the OO4O demonstration schema with the demobld7.sql script located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o directory. You can drop the demonstration schema with the demodrp7.sql script.

Demonstration Schema

The demonstration schema includes the following references:

  • Demonstration tables EMP and DEPT.

  • The user scott with password tiger (scott/tiger).

  • The network alias, ExampleDb.

    Refer to Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide for assistance in setting up the network service (database) alias and the tnsnames.ora file.

    In many of the examples, you can access a local database using " " (a null string) for the network alias.

Other Schemas

Occasionally other schemas are required to run examples. The introductions to the examples contain names and locations of the schemas (in the appendix).

Related Files

The ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o directory contains the following items:

  • OO4O example programs.

    Subdirectories contain both C++ and Visual Basic examples.

  • The oraexamp.sql script, used to create stored procedures. Additional scripts, such as multicur.sql and empcur.sql, are provided to set up other example programs.

  • Oracle Objects for OLE global constant file, oraconst.txt, which contains constant values used for option flags and property values. This file is usually not needed as these constants are also included with the Oracle In-Process Server type library.

Using Oracle Objects for OLE Automation with Visual Basic

This example contains code fragments that demonstrate how to create all objects required by a dynaset and then create the dynaset itself.

  1. Start Visual Basic and create a new project. From the Project menu, select References and check InProcServer 5.0 Type Library.

    References dialog box OIP Server 5.0 Type library checked
    Description of the illustration o4o00003.gif

  2. Start Visual Basic and create a new project. Then, add the following code to the Declarations section of a form:

    ' Declare variables 
    Dim OraSession As OraSession 
    Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
    Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
    Dim OraFields As OraFields
  3. Add the following code to the load procedure associated with the form to display the Oracle data:

    ' Create the OraSession Object. The argument to CreateObject is the 
    ' name by which the OraSession object is known to the OLE system. 
    Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
    ' Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
    ' Create the OraDynaset Object. 
    Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
    ' You can now display or manipulate the data in the dynaset. For example: 
    Set OraFields = OraDynaset.fields 
    Do While Not OraDynaset.EOF 
    MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value 
    End Sub 
  4. Run the form to view the results.

Using OO4O Automation with Active Server Pages (ASP)

This example uses Active Server Pages (ASP) in a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to demonstrate the connection pooling feature of Oracle Objects for OLE. The sample code executes a SQL SELECT query and returns the result as an HTML table. The database connection used in this script is obtained from a pool that is created when the global.asa file is executed.

To use Oracle Objects for OLE with OLE Automation and IIS, you need to install IIS 3.0 or later, including all ASP extensions. On the computer where IIS is running, an Oracle database must also be accessible.


The sample code for this example is available in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\iis\samples\asp\connpool directory.

  1. Start SQL*Plus and log in to the Oracle database as scott/tiger.

    Create the following PL/SQL procedures:

    -- creates PL/SQL package to be used in ASP demos
    create or replace package ASP_demo as 
        --cursor c1 is select * from emp; 
        type empCur is ref cursor; 
    PROCEDURE GetCursor(p_cursor1 in out empCur, indeptno IN NUMBER, 
                      p_errorcode OUT NUMBER); 
    END ASP_demo;

    Create or replace the ASP_demo package body as follows:

    PROCEDURE GetCursor(p_cursor1 in out empCur, indeptno IN NUMBER, 
                     p_errorcode OUT NUMBER) is 
        p_errorcode:= 0; 
        open p_cursor1 for select * from emp where deptno = indeptno; 
        When others then 
        p_errorcode:= SQLCODE; 
    END GetCursor; 
    END ASP_demo; 
  2. Create the Active Server Pages (ASP) sample code. The OO4O related code is in bold.

    <OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Application ID=OraSession 
    Sub Application_OnStart 
    'Get an instance of the Connection Pooling object and 
    'create a pool of OraDatabase 
    OraSession.CreateDatabasePool 1,40,200,"exampledb", "scott/tiger",  0 
    End Sub 
    <title>Oracle Objects For OLE (OO4O) </title> 
    <body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> 
    <h2 align="center">Oracle Objects For OLE (OO4O) </h2> 
    <form ACTION="OO4ODEMO.asp" METHOD="POST"> 
    SqlQuery = Request.Form("sqlquery") 
    <p>This sample executes a SQL SELECT query and returns the result as an HTML table. The database connection used in this script is obtained from a pool that is created when the <strong>global.asa</strong> is executed. </p> 
    <p>SQL Select Query: <input SIZE="48" NAME="sqlquery"> </p> 
    <p><input TYPE="SUBMIT"> <input TYPE="RESET"> <input LANGUAGE="VBScript" TYPE="button" VALUE="Show ASP Source" ONCLICK="Window.location.href = &quot;oo4oasp.htm&quot;" 
    If SqlQuery = "" Then 
    <% Else %> 
    <table BORDER="1"> 
    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.GetDatabaseFromPool(10) 
    Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(SqlQuery,0) 
    Set Columns = OraDynaset.Fields 
    <td><table BORDER="1"> 
    <% For i = 0 to Columns.Count - 1 %> 
    <td><b><% = Columns(i).Name %></b></td> 
    <% Next %> 
    <% while NOT OraDynaset.EOF %> 
    <% For col = 0 to Columns.Count - 1 %> 
    <td><% = Columns(col) %> 
    <% Next %> 
    <% OraDynaset.MoveNext %> 
    <% WEnd %> 
    <p></font><%End If%> </p> 
  3. Create a virtual directory from Microsoft Internet Service Manager with read and execute access, and place all .asp and .asa files in that directory.

  4. Create an HTML page from which to launch the oo4odemo.asp file. Add a link in the page as follows:

    <a href="/<your_path>/OO4ODEMO.ASP">This link launches the demo!</a>
  5. Load the page in a web browser and click the link to the demonstration.

  6. Enter a query, such as 'SELECT * FROM EMP', in the SQL SELECT Query field, and select the Submit Query button. Do not include a semicolon (;) at the end of the query.

    SQL Select Query field with the entry select * from emp.
    Description of the illustration iissamp.gif

Using Oracle Objects for OLE Automation with Excel

This sample shows how to insert Oracle data into an Excel worksheet.


The sample code for this example is available in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\excel\samples\ directory.

To use OLE Automation with Microsoft Excel to insert Oracle data into a worksheet, perform the following steps:

  1. Start Excel and create a new worksheet.

  2. Use the Macro options in the Tools menu to create and edit new macros for manipulating the Oracle data.

    A dialog box with a list of possible macros.
    Description of the illustration exmacros.gif

  3. Enter Visual Basic code for macros to create and access an Oracle dynaset, such as the following EmpData() and ClearData() procedures (macros):

    Sub EmpData() 
    'Declare variables 
    Dim OraSession As OraSession 
    Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
    Dim EmpDynaset As OraDynaset 
    Dim flds() As OraField 
    Dim fldcount As Integer 
      Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
      Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDB", "scott/tiger", 0&)  
      Set EmpDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
       'Declare and create an object for each column. 
       'This will reduce objects references and speed up your application.  
    fldcount = EmpDynaset.Fields.Count 
    ReDim flds(0 To fldcount - 1) 
    For Colnum = 0 To fldcount - 1 
      Set flds(Colnum) = EmpDynaset.Fields(Colnum) 
    'Insert Column Headings 
    For Colnum = 0 To EmpDynaset.Fields.Count - 1 
      ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Colnum + 1) = flds(Colnum).Name 
    'Display Data 
    For Rownum = 2 To EmpDynaset.RecordCount + 1 
      For Colnum = 0 To fldcount - 1 
        ActiveSheet.Cells(Rownum, Colnum + 1) = flds(Colnum).Value 
    End Sub 
    Sub ClearData() 
    End Sub 
  4. Assign the procedures (macros) that were created, such as EmpData() and ClearData(), to command buttons in the worksheet for easy access. When you select the buttons, you can clear and refresh the data in the worksheet. In the following screenshot, ClearData() is assigned to the Clear button and EmpData() is assigned to the Refresh button.

    a spreadsheet, with sample data for empno, ename, job etc
    Description of the illustration exsheet.gif

Using Microsoft C++

For details about Oracle Objects for OLE with Visual C++, see Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library Developer's Guide, available as online help.

Using Oracle Data Control with Visual Basic

Oracle Data Control, when refreshed, automatically creates a client (if needed), session, database, and dynaset. For a basic application, little or no code is required.

This section shows two ways to set the properties of Oracle Data Control:

  • Using the Visual Basic Properties window

  • Programming the properties

Setting Oracle Data Control Properties with the Properties Window

  1. Start Visual Basic and create a new project.

  2. In the Components option of the Project menu, add Oracle Data Control to the project.

    the Components option of the Project menu
    Description of the illustration o4o00004.gif

    The Oracle Data Control is added to your Visual Basic tool palette and looks like this:

    Components option of the Project menu
    Description of the illustration oradc.gif

  3. To add Oracle Data Control to a project, drag and drop the control onto a form. Resize and position the control.

  4. Change the name of the control to OraDataControl. Set up the Connect, DatabaseName, and RecordSource properties as follows to access the Oracle database:

    Properties window
    Description of the illustration dcprops.gif

  5. When Oracle Data Control is set up, you can drag and drop a Visual Basic control onto the same form and access the data in the control. Set the Data properties to access the data field and source that you want. The following figure shows a TextBox control that sets up display of the employee numbers.

    TextBox control that sets up display of the employee numbers
    Description of the illustration boxprops.gif

  6. When the project is run, the data identified by the RecordSource property is displayed using Oracle Data Control.

    actual form as it appears when it runs, with sample data
    Description of the illustration runform.gif

    You can also use Microsoft Grid Control to display all the data in the table. You need to add the grid control with the Components option of the Project menu.

Setting Oracle Data Control Properties Programmatically

The following code fragment demonstrates how to programmatically set the properties of Oracle Data Control required to create a dynaset. These are the same properties that you can set with the Properties window in Visual Basic.

  1. Create a new project, and then in the Components option of the Project menu, add Oracle Data Control to the project.

  2. Drag and drop Oracle Data Control onto a form. Change the name of the control to OraDataControl.

  3. After you have inserted Oracle Data Control onto a form, add the following code to the load procedure associated with the form:

    'Set the username and password. 
    OraDataControl.Connect = "scott/tiger" 
    'Set the database name. 
    OraDataControl.DatabaseName = "ExampleDb" 
    'Set the record source. 
    OraDataControl.RecordSource = "select * from emp" 
    'Refresh the data control. 

    You now have a valid session, database, and dynaset that can be referenced as follows:


  4. You can access the data in the RecordSource property using Visual Basic controls, such as the TextBox, as shown in the previous example.

Using the Oracle Data Control with MS Visual C++

This example shows how to create a basic Win32 Application with Oracle Data Control using MS Visual C++. This example assumes that both the Oracle data and DB Grid controls were registered on the system.

  1. Start the Microsoft Visual C++ program.

  2. From the File Menu, select New.

  3. In the Projects tab of the New Window, select MFC AppWizard.exe. Enter a project name, such as OO4O, and determine the location of the project. Click OK.

  4. In Step 1 of the MFC AppWizard, select Dialog based application, then click Next.

  5. In Step 2 of the wizard, make sure the ActiveX Controls box is checked; accept the defaults; and enter a title for the dialog box. Click Next.

  6. In Step 3 of the wizard, accept the defaults. Click Next.

  7. In Step 4, click Finish. At the New Project Information screen, click OK.

  8. In the Project Workspace dialog box, select the ResourceView tab. Expand the Resources folder, then expand the Dialog folder.

  9. Double-click the main project dialog box to edit the dialog box.

    Note: If you used OO4O as the project name, it is named IDD_OO4O_DIALOG.

  10. Delete the default controls that are on the dialog box. Resize the dialog box to make it larger.

  11. With the dialog box selected, click the right mouse button to display the menu. Select Properties from the menu. In the General tab of the Properties window, change the caption to Oracle Data Control Example. Close the Properties window.

  12. With the dialog box selected, click the right mouse button to display the menu. Select Insert ActiveX Control... from the menu. Select ORADC Control in the window and then click OK.

    The Insert ActiveX Control dialog box.
    Description of the illustration oradcins.gif

  13. Position the ORADC Control at the bottom of the dialog box. With the data control selected, click the right mouse button to display the menu. Select Properties from the menu.

  14. In the General tab of the Properties window, change the ID to IDC_ ORADATACONTROL. Deselect the check mark for Visible so that the control is hidden when the application is run.

  15. Display the All tab of the Properties window and set the following:

    Connect: scott/tiger 
    DatabaseName: exampledb 
    RecordSource: select * from emp 
    the ORADC Control dialog box
    Description of the illustration oradcprp.gif

  16. With the dialog box selected, click the right mouse button to display the menu. Select the Insert ActiveX control from the menu. Locate the DBGrid Control and click OK.

  17. Position the DBGrid Control at the top of the dialog box and resize it. Display the properties for the control. In the All tab of the Properties window, set the DataSource property to Oracle Data Control (IDC_ORADATACONTROL). Accept the defaults for the other properties. These can be changed later.

  18. From the File Menu, select Save All.

  19. Build and Execute the project.

  20. The DBGrid Control displays the records from the emp table as in the following illustration:

    An ORADC Control example
    D\escription of the illustration oradcemp.gif

PKdPK?AOEBPS/codewiz.htma Code Wizard for Stored Procedures

7 Code Wizard for Stored Procedures

The Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) Code Wizard generates OO4O code that executes Oracle PL/SQL and Java stored procedures.

The wizard generates code into individual Microsoft Visual Basic or Active Server Page and VBScript subroutines from existing Oracle stored procedures and packages. Additionally, the wizard can generate complete implementations of COM Automation objects in the form of VB class files. The generated COM Automation object methods act as client stubs for the execution of stored procedures contained in a given package. All the OO4O code necessary for input/output parameter binding and stored procedure execution is automatically generated.

The wizard can be used as a command-line utility or as a Visual Basic add-in. The wizard automates the entire process of accessing stored procedures using COM interfaces, thereby significantly reducing development time and the likelihood of programming errors.


The Code Wizard requires Visual Basic 6.

This chapter contains these topics:

Oracle Objects for OLE Code Wizard Components

The OO4O Code Wizard includes the following components:

  • A command line utility, OO4OCodeWiz.exe, that converts PL/SQL and Java stored procedures to OO4O code.

  • A Visual Basic Add-in wizard that guides you through a series of steps to generate OO4O code for PL/SQL and Java stored procedures. The wizard displays Oracle packages and stored procedures from a tree control so that the user can choose which items to generate code.

Both of these components allow users to convert entire stored procedure packages to OO4O code.

Data Types Supported by the OO4O Code Wizard

The code wizard supports all data types, except for PL/SQL tables. When a PL/SQL table is used, an unsupportedType key word is used instead, and the generated code does not compile.

The output code may have to be modified for handling Null values. For example, when a VB variable is initialized to a parameter value, an isNull() check may have to be added if Null values are expected. Null values are correctly handled for VB variables of type Variant and Object.

Using the OO4O Code Wizard

The OO4O Code Wizard can be used as a command line utility or as a Visual Basic Add-in.

OO4O Code Wizard Command-Line Utility

The OO4OCodeWiz.exe is a command-line utility that generates a Visual Basic class, a Visual Basic file, or an Active Server Page/VB Script file from existing PL/SQL or Java stored procedures, as well as packages, within an Oracle database. Call the utility in the following manner:

OO4OCodeWiz [-o output_file] username/password@connect_string package
WhereSpecifies the following
usernameUser name to log in to the database
passwordPassword for the user name
connect_stringDatabase connection string
packagePackage name
stored_procedureStored procedure name (optional)


OO4OCodeWiz -o empfile.asp scott/tiger@Exampledb employee.example 


-oSpecifies the output file name (optional)

Files Generated

The code wizard uses the information specified on the command line to determine which type of output file to generate.

If a file name and one of the permitted file extensions are specified, then they are used. In the preceding example, an ASP file is generated in the empfile.asp output. The user can specify the following extensions:

ExtensionFile Type Generated
.clsVB class file
.basVB file
.aspASP or VB script file
.vbsASP or VB script file

If no file extension is specified, the following rules indicate what type of file is generated, depending on other command-line specifications.

  • Package names without a stored procedure name generate a .cls file.

  • Package names with procedure names generate a .bas file.

Table 7-1 and Table 7-2 provide examples.

Table 7-1 Package Name Without Stored Procedure Name

File SpecifiedCommandFile Type Generated

File name with no file extension generates filename.cls.

OO4OCodeWiz -o empfile scott/tiger@Exampledb employee


No file name or extension: generates packagename.cls.

OO4OCodeWiz scott/tiger@Exampledb employee


File name with file extension generates filename.fileexten.

OO4OCodeWiz -o empfile.asp scott/tiger@Exampledb employee


Table 7-2 Package Name With Stored Procedure Name

File SpecifiedCommandFile Type Generated

File name with no file extension generates filename.bas.

OO4OCodeWiz -o empfile scott/tiger@Exampledb employee.example


No file name or extension: generates packagename.bas.

OO4OCodeWiz scott/tiger@Exampledb employee.example


File name with file extension generates filename.fileexten.

OO4OCodeWiz -o empfile.asp scott/tiger@Exampledb employee.example


OO4O Code Wizard Visual Basic Wizard Add-in

  1. Launch the OO4O Code Wizard by selecting Oracle Code Wizard for Stored Procedures in the Add-Ins menu of Microsoft Visual Basic.

    The Connect To Oracle Database dialog box appears:

    the Connect dialog box
    Description of the illustration connect.gif

  2. Enter the user name and password to connect to the database. A connection string is required if the database is not installed on the user's local computer.

  3. Click OK.

    The wizard displays the Oracle packages and stored procedures available to the user in a tree.

    OO4O Code Wizard for Stored Procedures dialog box
    Description of the illustration wizproc.gif

  4. Select one of the stored procedures or packages displayed.

  5. Enter an output file name or click the Browse... button to navigate to a different directory in which to place the file.

  6. Choose the file type from the Component type list. There are three choices: a VB class module (*.cls), a VB file (*.bas), or other. The other option generates a VB file (*.bas), but enables you to specify your own file extension.

  7. Click OK.

    A dialog box appears indicating that a new OO4O file was created.

  8. Click Yes to create another file, or click No to return to Visual Basic.

Code Wizard Examples

The ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\codewiz\samples directory contains sample applications incorporating code generated by the wizard. The following examples show the generated VB code output from Oracle stored procedures using the OO4O code wizard:

Accessing a PL/SQL Stored Function with Visual Basic and Active Server Pages

This example shows a PL/SQL stored function, GetEmpSal, and then the Visual Basic (*.cls) file that the code wizard generates for it.

  outEmpsal NUMBER(7,2);
  SELECT SAL into outEmpsal from EMP WHERE EMPNO = inEmpno;
  RETURN (outEmpsal);

The generated code for the GetEmpSal stored function is:

Public Function GETEMPSAL(INEMPNO As Variant) As Variant 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "INEMPNO", INEMPNO, ORAPARM_INPUT, 2 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "result", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters("result").serverType = 2 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("declare result Number; Begin :result := " & _
              "Employee.GETEMPSAL(:INEMPNO); end;")  
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "INEMPNO" 
GETEMPSAL = OraDatabase.Parameters("result").Value 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "result" 
End Function 

In a VB class, OraDatabase appears as an attribute of the class. This attribute has to be set before any methods of the class can be invoked. For a VB file (*.bas), the generated code for the GetEmpSal stored function is the same as the VB class file, except for the function declaration:

Public Function GETEMPSAL(INEMPNO As Variant, ByRef OraDatabase As OraDatabase)
End Function 

For an ASP file (*.asp), the function declaration also differs for the GetEmpSal stored function as follows, but the body of the code remains the same:

Public Function GETEMPSAL(INEMPNO, ByRef OraDatabase) 
End Function 

Accessing a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using the LOB Type with Visual Basic

The following example shows how a Visual Basic file accesses a PL/SQL stored procedure with LOBs:

PROCEDURE getchapter(chapno in NUMBER, chap out CLOB) is
SELECT chapters into chap from mybook where chapterno = chapno
   for update;

The following shows the generated Visual Basic code for the GETCHAPTER stored procedure:

Public Sub GETCHAPTER(CHAPNO As Variant, ByRef CHAP As OraCLOB) 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "CHAPNO", CHAPNO, ORAPARM_INPUT, 2 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "CHAP", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, 112 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin MYBOOKPKG.GETCHAPTER(:CHAPNO,:CHAP); end;") 
Set CHAP = OraDatabase.Parameters("CHAP").Value 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "CHAPNO" 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "CHAP" 
End Sub 

Accessing a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using the VARRAY Type with Visual Basic

The following example shows how a PL/SQL stored procedure uses the Oracle collection type VARRAY:

PROCEDURE getnames(deptid in NUMBER, name out ENAMELIST) is 
    SELECT ENAMES into name from department where dept_id = deptid for update; 

The wizard generates the following Visual Basic code for this stored procedure:

Public Sub GETNAMES(DEPTID As Variant, ByRef NAME As OraCollection) 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "DEPTID", DEPTID, ORAPARM_INPUT, 2 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "NAME", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, 247, "ENAMELIST" 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin DEPTPKG.GETNAMES(:DEPTID, :NAME); end;") 
Set NAME = OraDatabase.Parameters("NAME").Value 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "DEPTID" 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "NAME" 
End Sub 

Accessing a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using the Oracle OBJECT Type with Visual Basic

The following example shows how a PL/SQL stored procedure uses the Oracle object type:

PROCEDURE getaddress(person_name in varchar2, person_address out address) is 
     SELECT addr into person_address from person_table where name = 
           person_name for update; 

The wizard generates the following Visual Basic code for this stored procedure:

OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "PERSON_NAME", PERSON_NAME, ORAPARM_INPUT, 1 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "PERSON_ADDRESS", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, _ 
            108, "ADDRESS" 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin PERSONPKG.GETADDRESS(:PERSON_NAME," & _  
            ":PERSON_ADDRESS); end;") 
Set PERSON_ADDRESS = OraDatabase.Parameters("PERSON_ADDRESS").Value 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "PERSON_NAME" 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "PERSON_ADDRESS" 
End Sub 
PK&i aaPK?AOEBPS/dcprop010.htmB DragMode Property

DragMode Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines manual or automatic dragging mode for a drag-and-drop operation.

PKFU[G B PK?AOEBPS/serprop157.htm  XMLRowID Property

XMLRowID Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets and sets the attribute name that replaces id (as in <ROW id= "1"> ) in the rendering of XML that occurs when GetXML or GetXMLToFile methods are called. Readable and writable at run time.


 oradynaset.XMLRowID = "NEWID" 


The default value for this property is id. If this property is set to Null or an empty string (""), the rowid attribute is omitted. The attribute name must be valid or an error is raised. The case is preserved.

PĶL PK?AOEBPS/serobjch020.htm+ OraParameter Object

OraParameter Object


An OraParameter object represents a bind variable in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block.


OraParameter objects are created, accessed, and removed indirectly through the OraParameters collection of an OraDatabase object. Each parameter has an identifying name and an associated value. You can automatically bind a parameter to SQL and PL/SQL statements of other objects (as noted in the object descriptions), by using the parameter name as a placeholder in the SQL or PL/SQL statement. Using parameters can simplify dynamic queries and increase program performance.

Parameters are bound to SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks before execution. In the case of a SQL SELECT statement, binding occurs before dynaset creation.

The OraParameters collection is part of the OraDatabase object. Therefore, all parameters are available to any SQL statement or PL/SQL block executed within the database (through the CreateDynaset or ExecuteSQL methods).

Before a SQL statement or PL/SQL block is executed, an attempt is made to bind all parameters of the associated OraDatabase object. The bindings that fail (because the parameter does not apply to that particular SQL statement or PL/SQL block), are noted and no attempt is made to bind them again if the SQL statement or PL/SQL block is reexecuted but does not change.

Because neither SQL statements nor PL/SQL blocks are parsed locally (all parsing is done by Oracle Database), any unnecessary binding results in performance degradation. To prevent unnecessary parameter binding, use the AutoBindDisable and AutoBindEnable methods.

By default, the maximum size of the ORAPARM_OUTPUT variable for ServerType CHAR and VARCHAR2 is set to 127 bytes. Use the MinimumSize property to change this value. The minimum size of an ORAPARM_OUTPUT variable for CHAR, VARCHAR2, and ORATYPE_RAW_BIN must always be greater than the size of the expected data from the database column.

ServerType ORATYPE_RAW_BIN is used when binding to Oracle Raw columns. A byte array is used to put or get values. The maximum allowable size of ORATYPE_RAW_BIN bind buffers is 2000 bytes when bound to a column of a table, 32 KB when bound to a stored procedure. For example code, see the samples in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\VB\Raw directory.



PKj4PK?AOEBPS/dcprop011.htmi EditMode Property

EditMode Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Returns the current editing state for the current row. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


edit_mode = oradata1.EditMode


The possible EditMode property values are:

ORADATA_EDITNONE0No editing in progress
ORADATA_EDITMODE1Editing is in progress on an existing row
ORADATA_EDITADD2A new record is being added and the copy buffer does not currently represent an actual row in the database.

These values are located in the oraconst.txt file and are intended to match similar constants in the Visual Basic oraconst.txt file.

This property is affected only by the Edit, AddNew, and Update methods.

Data Type


PK\ĮniPK?AOEBPS/dcevents004.htm MouseDown Event

MouseDown Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This event is fired whenever a mouse button is pressed (MouseDown) and the mouse pointer is over the data control, or has been captured by the data control. The mouse is captured if a mouse button has been pressed previously over the data control until all corresponding MouseUp events have been received.

PK\> PK?AOEBPS/sermthod086.htm"w ExecuteSQL Method

ExecuteSQL Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Executes a single non-SELECT SQL statement or a PL/SQL block.


rowcount = oradatabase.ExecuteSQL(sql_statement)
rowcount = oradatabase.DbExecuteSQL(sql_statement)  


The arguments for the method are:

sql_statementAny valid Oracle non-SELECT SQL statement.


Executes a SQL statement and returns the number of rows processed by that statement.

The sql_statement argument can be one continuous line with no breaks. If it is necessary to break the line, be sure to use line feeds (ASCII 10). Do not use carriage returns (ASCII 13), because the underlying Oracle Database functions treat carriage returns as null terminators.

Executing the SQL statement generates a commit to the database by default. To avoid this, use the BeginTrans method on the session object before using the ExecuteSQL method.

You can use PL/SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.

When executing PL/SQL blocks or calling stored procedures, you must include a BEGIN and END statement around your call as if you were executing an anonymous PL/SQL block. This is equivalent to the EXECUTE command of SQL*Plus and SQL*DBA.


The ExecuteSQL method should be used with care because any SQL statement or PL/SQL block that is executed can adversely affect open dynasets. This is true if the OraDatabase object used for the ExecuteSQL method is the same as the one that was used to create the dynaset. Use a different OraDatabase object if you are unsure.

Normal dynaset operations can be adversely affected, if in transactional mode, a database commit is issued. This can happen if a SQL commit statement, a Data Control Language (DCL), or Data Definition Language (DDL) command is issued. DCL and DDL SQL commands, such as CREATE, DROP, ALTER, GRANT, and REVOKE always force a commit, which in turn commits everything done before them. See the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more details about DCL, DDL, and transactions.

Data Type

Long Integer


Example: ExecuteSQL

This example uses the Add and Remove parameter methods, the ServerType parameter property, and the ExecuteSQL database method to call the stored procedure GetEmpName and the stored function GetSal. Before running the example, run the ORAEXAMP.SQL file to create GetEmpName and GetSal as well as other necessary object types and LOBs in Oracle Database. Then, copy and paste this OO4O code example into the definition section of a form and run the program.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDatabase 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Add EMPNO as an Input/Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, ORAPARM_INPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER
 'Add ENAME as an Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").ServerType = ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
 'Add SAL as an Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "SAL", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("SAL").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER
 'Execute the Stored Procedure Employee.GetEmpName to retrieve ENAME.
 ' This Stored Procedure can be found in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL.
 OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin Employee.GetEmpName (:EMPNO, :ENAME); end;")
 'Display the employee number and name.
 'Execute the Stored Function Employee.GetSal to retrieve SAL.
 ' This Stored Function can be found in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL.
 OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("declare SAL number(7,2); Begin" & _  
                   ":SAL:=Employee.GetEmpSal (:EMPNO); end;")
 'Display the employee name, number and salary.
 MsgBox "Employee " & OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").value & ", #" & _
           OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").value & ",Salary=" & _
 'Remove the Parameters.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "EMPNO"
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "ENAME"
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "SAL"
End Sub
PK%P""PK?AOEBPS/serobjch028.htm OraConnections Collection

OraConnections Collection


The OraConnections collection maintains a list of OraConnection objects. The list is not modifiable; you cannot add to or remove from this collection.


You can access the OraConnection objects in this collection by creating a subscript (using ordinal integers) or by using the name the object was given at its creation. You can obtain the number of OraConnection objects in the collection by using the Count property. Referencing a subscript that is not within the collection (0 to Count-1) results in the return of a NULL OraConnection object.




PKK_  PK?AOEBPS/sermthod103.htmS HypSin (OraNumber) Method

HypSin (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the hyperbolic sine of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKPK?AOEBPS/dcprop014.htm[ ForeColor Property

ForeColor Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object.

See Also:

BackColor Property

PK`[PK?AOEBPS/sermthod028.htm+ ChangePassword (OraServer) Method

ChangePassword (OraServer) Method

Applies To

OraServer Object


Changes the password for a given user.


OraServer.ChangePassword user_name, current_password, new_password 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] user_nameA String representing the user for whom the password is changed.
[in] current_passwordA String representing the current password for the user.
[in] new_passwordA String representing the new password for whom the user account is set.


The OraServer object should be attached to an Oracle database using the Open method before to using this method.

This method is useful when a password has expired. In that case, the OpenDatabase method could return the following error:

ORA-28001 "the password has expired". 
PKmAPK?AOEBPS/serprop018.htm  Connections Property

Connections Property

Applies To

OraSession Object


Returns the OraConnections collection of the specified session. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set oraconnections_collection = orasession.Connections

Data Type

OLE Object (OraParameters)


You can access the connections in this collection by subscripting (using ordinal integer numbers). You can obtain the number of connections in the collection using the Count property of the returned collection. Integer subscripts begin with 0 and end with Count - 1. Out-of-range indexes and invalid names return a Null OraConnection object.

PKNf PK?AOEBPS/serprop086.htmq Name (OraMDAttribute) Property

Name (OraMDAttribute) Property

Applies To

OraMDAttribute Object


A String containing the name of the attribute.


name = OraMDAttribute.Name

Data Type


PK5mvqPK?AOEBPS/serprop008.htmj CacheBlocks Property

CacheBlocks Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or set cache maximum number of blocks.


set blocks = oradynaset.CacheBlocks 
oradynaset.CacheBlocks = blocks

Data Type


PKtZojPK?AOEBPS/dcprop019.htm Name Property

Name Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Specifies the name used in code to identify a form, control, or data access object. Not available at run time.

PKmtPK?AOEBPS/sermthod082.htm ElementValue Method

ElementValue Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns the current value of the collection element to which the iterator points.


elem_val = OraCollection.ElementValue


The arguments for the method are:

elem_valA Variant representing element value of the collection.


For elements of type Object and REF, element values are returned as corresponding OO4O objects for that type. The following table shows the element type and return value of the elements:

ElementTypeElement Value


Calling this method when the EOC or BOC property returns True raises an error. The Variant type of the element depends on the element type of the collection.


See "Example: OraCollection Iterator"

PKȨ5PK?AOEBPS/sermthod054.htm98 CreateDynaset Method

CreateDynaset Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Creates an OraDynaset object from the specified SQL SELECT statement and options.


Set oradynaset = oradatabase.CreateDynaset(sql_statement, options, SnapShotID)
Set oradynaset = oradatabase.DbCreateDynaset(sql_statement, options, SnapShotID)


The arguments for the method are:

sql_statementA String containing any valid Oracle SQL SELECT statement.
optionsA bit flag indicating the status of any optional states of the dynaset. You can combine one or more options by adding their respective values. Specifying the constant ORADYN_DEFAULT or the value &H0& gives the following defaults for the dynaset:
  • Behave like Visual Basic Mode for a database: Field values not explicitly set are set to Null, overriding database column defaults.

  • Perform automatic binding of database parameters.

  • Remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.

  • Create an updatable dynaset.

  • Cache data on client.

  • Force a MoveFirst when the dynaset is created.

  • Maintain read-consistency.

SnapShotID [optional]A ID of the snapshot obtained from the SnapShot property of an OraDynaset object.


The following table lists constants and values for the options flag.

ORADYN_DEFAULT&H0&Accept the default behavior.
ORADYN_NO_AUTOBIND&H1&Do not perform automatic binding of database parameters.
ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP&H2&Do not remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.
ORADYN_READONLY&H4&Force dynaset to be read-only.
ORADYN_NOCACHE&H8&Do not create a local dynaset data cache. Without the local cache, previous rows within a dynaset are unavailable; however, increased performance results during retrieval of data from the database (move operations) and from the rows (field operations). Use this option in applications that make single passes through the rows of a dynaset for increased performance and decreased resource usage.
ORADYN_ORAMODE&H10&Behave the same as Oracle Mode for a database except affect only the dynaset being created. If database was created in Oracle Mode, the dynaset inherits the property from it (for compatibility).
ORADYN_NO_REFETCH&H20&Behave the same as ORADB_NO_REFETCH mode for a database except affect only the dynaset being created. If the database was created in ORADB_NO_REFETCH mode, the dynaset inherits the property for compatibility.
ORADYN_NO_MOVEFIRST&H40&Does not force a MoveFirst when the dynaset is created. BOF and EOF are both true.
ORADYN_DIRTY_WRITE&H80&Update and Delete methods do not check for read consistency.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file.


Features such as simple views and synonyms can be used freely. You can also use schema references, column aliases, table joins, nested select statements and remote database references, but in each case, the dynaset is read-only.

If you use a complex expression or SQL function on a column, such as "sal + 100" or "abs(sal)" , you get an updatable dynaset, but the column associated with the complex expression is not updatable.

Object names generally are not modifed, but in certain cases they can be changed. For example, if you use a column alias, you must use the alias to refer to the field by name. Also, if you use spaces in a complex expression, you must refer to the column without the spaces, since the database strips spaces. Note that you can always refer to a field by number, that is, by its ordinal position in the SELECT statement.

Executing the Update method generates a commit operation to the database by default. To avoid this, use the BeginTrans method on the session object before using the CreateDynaset method.

The updatability of the resultant dynaset depends on the Oracle SQL rules of updatability, on the access you have been granted, and on the options flag. For the dynaset to be updatable, these conditions must be met:

  • A SQL statement must refer to a simple column list or to the entire column list (*).

  • The statement must not set the read-only flag of the options argument.

  • Oracle Database must permit ROWID references to the selected rows of the query.

Any SQL statement that does not meet these criteria is processed, but the results are not updatable and the Updatable property of the dynaset returns False. This method automatically moves to the first row of the created dynaset. You can use SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.

The SnapShotID option causes a snapshot descriptor to be created for the SQLStmt object created. This property can later be obtained and used in creation of other SQLStmt or OraDynaset objects. Execution snapshots provide the ability to ensure that multiple commands executed in the context of multiple OraDatabase objects operate on the same consistent snapshot of the committed data in the database.


This example demonstrates CreateObject, OpenDatabase and CreateDynaset methods. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename from emp", 0&)
 'Display the first record.
 MsgBox "Employee " & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", #" & _
End Sub
PKN;>898PK?AOEBPS/sermthod088.htmG Exp (OraNumber) Method

Exp (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates e to the power of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK\p9PK?AOEBPS/sermthod076.htm@ Div (OraIntervalDS) Method

Div (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Divides the OraIntervalDS object by a divisor.


OraIntervalDSObj.Div divisor


The arguments for the method are:

[in] divisorA Variant for type numeric value or an OraNumber object to be used as the divisor.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalDS object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

PKDfE @ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod066.htmZ% CreateSQL Method

CreateSQL Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Executes the SQL statement and creates an OraSQLStmt object from the specified SQL statement and options.


Set orasqlstmt = oradatabase.CreateSQL(sql_statement, options)


The arguments for the method are:

sql_statementAny valid Oracle SQL statement.
optionsA bit flag indicating the status of any optional states of the OraSQLStmt object. You can combine one or more options by adding their respective values.


The options flag values are:

ORASQL_NO_AUTOBIND&H1&Do not perform automatic binding of database parameters.
ORASQL_FAILEXEC&H2&Raise error and do not create SQL statement object.
ORASQL_NONBLK&H4&Execute SQL in a nonblocking state.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file.


The SQL statement can be one continuous line with no breaks. If it is necessary to break the line, be sure to use line feeds (ASCII 10). Do not use carriage returns (ASCII 13), because the underlying Oracle Database functions treat carriage returns as null terminators.

You can use PL/SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.

Executing the SQL statement generates a commit to the database by default. To avoid this, use the BeginTrans method on the session object before using the CreateSQL method.

When executing PL/SQL blocks or calling stored procedures, you must include a BEGIN and END statement around your call as if you were executing an anonymous PL/SQL block. This is equivalent to the EXECUTE command of SQL*Plus and SQL*DBA.

If the ORASQL_FAILEXEC option is used, an error is raised during SQLstmt object creation failure (on SQLstmt object refresh). The SQLstmt object is not created and cannot be refreshed.


Use the CreateSQL method with care, because any SQL statement or PL/SQL block that is executed might cause errors afterward when you use the Edit method on open dynasets.

Data Type



This example demonstrates the use of parameters, the CreateSQL method, the Refresh method, and the SQL property for OraSQLStmt object. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraSqlStmt As OraSQLStmt 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, 1
 OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").ServerType = 2  'ORATYPE_NUMBER 
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, 2
 OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").ServerType = 1  'ORATYPE_VARCHAR2  
 Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL("Begin Employee.GetEmpName" & _ 
          "(:EMPNO, :ENAME); end;", 0&) 
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraSqlStmt.SQL
 'Should display SMITH
 MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").Value  
 'Change the value of the empno parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").Value = 7499
 'Refresh the sqlstmt
 'Should display ALLEN
 MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").Value   
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraSqlStmt.SQL  
 'Remove the parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("job")
 End Sub
PK6{ _%Z%PK?AOEBPS/sermthod106.htm IsEqual (OraIntervalDS) Method

IsEqual (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Checks if the OraIntervalDS object is equal to an argument.


isEqual = OraIntervalDSObj.IsEqual value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object to be compared.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraIntervalDS object is equal to the argument; otherwise, it is False.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS object represents.

PKMPK?AOEBPS/sermthod059.htm! CreateOraNumber Method

CreateOraNumber Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates an OraNumber object. This OraNumber represents an Oracle NUMBER data type.


OraNumber = OraSession.CreateOraNumber(inital_value, format)


The arguments for the method are:

initial_valueInitial value of OraNumber. A Variant of type OraNumber, string or a numeric value.
format [optional]Format string to be used when displaying OraNumber value.

Return Value

OraNumber Object


For more information about format strings, see the format property on the OraNumber object.

PK5X&!PK?AOEBPS/serprop057.htm  Format (OraTimeStamp) Property

Format (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the TIMESTAMP format used to display the OraTimeStamp object as a string.


format = OraTimeStampObj.Format
OraTimeStampObj.Format = format


[in] formatThe format used to display an OraTimeStamp object as a string.

Data Type



If Format is Null, the session TIMESTAMP format is used to display the OraTimeStamp object as a string.

PKk PK?AOEBPS/serprop016.htm- Connection Property

Connection Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object


Returns the OraConnection object associated with the specified database, dynaset, or OraSQLStmt object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set oraconnection = oradatabase.Connection
Set oraconnection = oradynaset.Connection
Set oraconnection = orasqlstmt.Connection

Data Type

OLE Object (OraConnection)


  • OraDatabase.Connection

    Returns the connection object associated with the specified database. Each database is associated with one connection object, but many databases can share the same connection object.

  • OraDynaset.Connection

    Returns the connection object associated with this dynaset. This is equivalent to referencing oradynaset.Database.Connection.

  • OraSQLStmt.Connection

    Returns the connection object associated with this OraSQLStmt object. This is equivalent to referencing orasqlstmt.Database.Connection.

PKr2 - PK?AOEBPS/serprop064.htmU IsMDObject Property

IsMDObject Property

Applies To

OraMDAttribute Object


Returns True if the Value property is another OraMetaData object; otherwise, the property is False.


isobject = OraMDAttribute.IsMDObject

Data Type


PKPK?AOEBPS/serprop118.htm$ Size Property

Size Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the number of characters or bytes of the Variant associated with the returned value of this field. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_size = orafield.Size

Data Type

Long Integer


This property returns 0 for LONG or LONG RAW fields. Use the FieldSize method to determine the length of LONG or LONG RAW fields.

PK) $ PK?AOEBPS/serobjch008.htmS OraCollection Object

OraCollection Object


The OraCollection interface represents Oracle collection types, such as variable-length arrays (VARRAYs) and nested tables.


A collection is an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. For example, the students in a class or the grades for each student in a class. Each element has a unique subscript, called an index, that determines its position in the collection.

The collection type nested table is viewed as a table stored in the column of database tables. When retrieved, rows of a nested table are given consecutive subscripts that start at 1. Individual rows are accessed using an array-like access.

The collection type VARRAY is viewed as an array stored in the column of database tables. To reference an element in a VARRAY data type, standard subscripting syntax can be used. For example, Grade(3) references the third element in the VARRAY data type named Grades.

The OraCollection provides methods for accessing and manipulating an Oracle collection. Implicitly an OraCollection object contains an OLE Automation collection interface for accessing and manipulating (updating and inserting) individual elements of an Oracle collection. Individual elements can be accessed by using a subscript. An OraCollection element index starts at 1.

Element values are retrieved as Variant types. The Variant type of the element depends on the element type of the collection. Element values can be Null and can be set to Null. For elements of type objects and REFs, element values are returned as corresponding OO4O objects for that type. VARRAYs and nested tables do not support the elements of LOBs, VARRAYs, and Nested tables.

Table 9-1 lists the element type and return value of the elements.

Table 9-1 Element Type and Return Value of Elements

Element TypeElement Value















Element values are converted into a Variant SAFEARRAY format using the SafeArray property. Only elements of primitive types are supported. A Variant SAFEARRAY index starts at 0.

The CreateOraObject method on the OraDatabase object returns the OraCollection object. The Oracle collection associated with this OraCollection object is created in the client-side object cache.

For information about creating a dynaset from a collection, see to "Creating a Dynaset from an OraCollection Object".




Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples" for schema objects that are used in the OraCollection examples.

Example: Accessing Collection Elements

The following example illustrates how to access collection elements.

OraDynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb","scott/tiger", 0&) 
'create a dynaset object from department
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&)
'retrieve a Enames column from Department. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns EnameList OraCollection
set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value
'access the first element of EnameList
msgbox  EnameList(1)
'move to next to row
'access all the elements of EnameList for the second row
For index = 1 To EnameList.Size
        msgbox EnameList(index)
Next Index    

OraParameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object representing EnameList collection bind Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, _
'execute the sql statement which selects ENAMES VARRAY  from the department  table
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select enames  into :ENAMES  from department " & _
                   "where  dept_id = 10;  END;")
'get the EnameList collection  from OraParameter
set EnameList = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value
'access all the elements of EnameList 
For index = 1 To EnameList.Size
        msgbox EnameList(index)
Next Index    

Example: Modifying Collection Elements

The following example illustrates how to modify collection elements.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from department
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&)
'retrieve a Enames column from Department. Here Value property of OraField object
'returns EnameList OraCollection
set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value
'lock the row for editing and set the 2nd element of the EnameList to new value
EnameList(2) = "Eric"

Example: Inserting in a Collection

The following example illustrates how to insert elements into an Oracle collection.

OraDynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim EnameListNew as OraCollection
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a new OraCollection object from the database
set EnameListNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ENAMELIST")
'set EnameListNew's element values
EnameListNew(1)  = "Nasser"
EnameListNew(2) =  "Chris"
EnameListNew(3) =  "Gopal"
'create a dynaset object from department
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&)
'start the AddNew operation and insert the EnameListNew collection 
OraDynaset.Fields("dept_id") = 40
OraDynaset.Fields("name") = "DEVELOPMENT"
'set the EnameListNew to enames column
OraDynaset.Fields("enames") = EnameListNew

OraParameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim EnameListNew as OraCollection
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a new OraCollection object from the database
set EnameListNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ENAMELIST")
'set EnameListNew's element values
EnameListNew(1)  = "Nasser"
EnameListNew(2) =  "Chris"
EnameListNew(3) =  "Gopal"
'create an input OraParameter object representing EnameList collection bind 'Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Null, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARRAY, _ 
'set the ENAMES parameter value to EnameListNew
OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value  = EnameListNew
'execute the insert sql statement 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into department values (40,'DEVELOPMENT', " & _ 

Example: Collection with Object Type Elements

The following example illustrates the use of an Oracle collection having elements of object type.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim CourseList as OraCollection
Dim Course as OraObject
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from division
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from division", 0&)
'retrieve a Courses column from Division. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns CourseList OraCollection
set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value
'retrieve the element value of the CourseList at index 1. 
'Here element value is returned as Course OraObject
set Course = CourseList(1)
'retrieve course_no and title attribute of the Course
msgbox Course.course_no
msgbox Course.title
'move to next row
'now CourseList object represents collection value for the second row 
'and course OraObject 'represents the element value at index 1. 
'retrieve course_no and title attribute of the Course.
msgbox Course.course_no
msgbox Course.title

Example: Creating a SAFEARRAY Variant from a Collection

The following example illustrates how to get and set a SAFEARRAY Variant with an Oracle collection.

Creating SAFEARRAY Variant from a Collection

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
Dim EnameArray as Variant
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from department
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&)
'retrieve a Enames column from Department. 
'Here Value property of OraField objectreturns EnameList OraCollection
set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value
'get the Variant SAFEARRAY from the collection. 
EnameArray = EnameList.SafeArray
'display the individual elements of EnameArray
msgbox EnameArray(0)
msgbox EnameArray(1)
msgbox EnameArray(2)

Setting SAFEARRAY Variant to the Collection

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
Dim EnameArray() As String
ReDim EnameArray(3)
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an Empty uninitialized input OraParameter object 
'represent EnameList collection bind Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Empty, ORAPARM_INPUT, _
'get the Empty uninitialized ENAMES parameter value
set EnameList = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value 
'initialize the EnameArray
EnameArray(0) = "Nasser"
EnameArray(1) = "Chris"
EnameArray(2) = "Gopal"
'set the EnameArray to EnameList's SafeArray
EnameList.SafeArray = EnameArray
'execute the insert sql statement 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into department " & _
                "values (40,'DEVELOPMENT', :ENAMES)")

Example: Creating a Dynaset from a Collection

The following example illustrates how to create a dynaset from an Oracle collection.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim CourseList as OraCollection
Dim Course as OraObject
Dim CourseListDyn as OraDynaset
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger",  0&)
'create a dynaset object from division
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from division", 0&)
'retrieve a Courses column from Division. Here Value 
'property of OraField object returns CourseList OraCollection
set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value
'create a input parameter for CourseList for nested table dynaset
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "COURSELIST", CourseList, ORAPARM_INPUT, _
                            ORATYPE_TABLE, "COURSELIST"
'create a read only dynaset based on the CourseList. 
Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from THE" & _
          "(select CAST(:COURSELIST AS COURSELIST) from dual)", ORADYN_READONLY)
'dynaset can also be created from Oracle8 collection 
'using the following statement, which requires OO4O v8.1.x later
Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from " & _ 
'get the field values of the collection dynaset
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value
'move the original dynaset to second row
'set the new value of CourseList  collection from the second row of main dynaset
'to the "COURSELIST" parameter
OraDatabase.Parameters("COURSELIST").Value = CourseList
'refresh the collection dynaset. Now the collection dynaset values are refreshed
' with new collection value.
'get the field values of the collection dynaset
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value
msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value

Example: Collection Iterator

See "Example: OraCollection Iterator" .

PKy SSPK?AOEBPS/serprop130.htm TotalDays Property

TotalDays Property

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Gets and sets the total number of days that this OraIntervalDS object represents.


totalDays = OraIntervalDSObj.TotalDays
OraIntervalDSObj.TotalDays = totalDays


[in] totalDaysA Variant type of any numeric value or an OraNumber object specifying the OraIntervalDS object as the total number of days.

Data Type



Dim oraIDS   as OraIntervalDS 
'Create an OraIntervalDS using a string which represents 1 day and 12 hours 
Set oraIDS = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalDS("1 12:0:0.0") 
'totalDays is set to 1.5 which represents an interval of 1.5 days
totalDays = oraIDS.TotalDays 

See Also:

OraNumber Object

PKl'(PK?AOEBPS/serprop072.htm- LastServerErr Property

LastServerErr Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraSession Object


Returns the last nonzero error code generated by an Oracle database function for the specified object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


error_number = oradatabase.LastServerErr
error_number = orasession.LastServerErr

Data Type

Long Integer


This property represents the last nonzero return value from an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) database function, or zero if no error has occurred since the last LastServerErrReset request. For efficiency, only nonzero return values are returned; therefore, a nonzero value does not necessarily indicate that the most recently called OCI database function generated the error (because zero return values are not returned by way of the LastServerErr method).

  • Orasession.LastServerErr

    Returns all errors related to connections, such as errors on OpenDatabase, BeginTrans, CommitTrans, Rollback, and ResetTrans method.

  • Oradatabase.LastServerErr

    Returns all errors related to an Oracle cursor, such as errors on dynasets and from ExecuteSQL method.


This example demonstrates the use of the CreateDynaset method and the LastServerErr and LastServerErrText properties to determine whether an Oracle error has occurred, and to display the error message, respectively. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Set up an error handler.
 On Error GoTo errhandler 
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Attempt to Create the OraDynaset Object.
 'Notice that the FROM keyword is missing from the SQL statement.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * emp", 0&)
Exit Sub
 'Check to see if an Oracle error has occurred.
 If OraDatabase.LastServerErr <> 0 Then
  MsgBox OraDatabase.LastServerErrText
 Else 'Must be some non-Oracle error
  MsgBox "VB:" & Err & " " & Error(Err)
 End If
 Exit Sub
End Sub
PKD\02-PK?AOEBPS/sermthod129.htmM MonitorStart (OraAQ) Method

MonitorStart (OraAQ) Method

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Starts a monitor thread for dequeuing the messages specified.


Q.MonitorStart NotificationHandler, CallbackCtx, MsgFilterVal,MsgFilter


The arguments for the method are:

[in] NotificationHandlerAn IDispatch interface containing the callback method (NotifyMe) which should be notified of new messages.
[in] CallbackCtxContext-specific information that the application wants to pass to the NotifyMe method. This is passed into the NotifyMe method whenever a new message satisfying the user criteria is dequeued.
[in] [optional] MsgFilterValA byte array containing a value for the message filter. Ignored if MsgFilter is ORAAQ_ANY.
[in] [optional] MsgFilterAn Integer constant specifying the selection criteria for messages. Possible values for MsgFilter are:
  • ORAAQ_ANY = 0 - Invokes the callback for any message that arrives on the queue. This is the default value.

  • ORAAQ_CONSUMER = 1 - Invokes the callback when the message intended for the consumer given in the MsgFilterValue is dequeued.

  • ORAAQ_MSGID = 2 - Invokes the callback when message with the identifier specified in MsgFilterVal is dequeued.


NotifyMe is the callback method of the notification object. The syntax of the method is:

Public Sub NotifyMe (ByVal Ctx As Variant, ByVal Msgid As Variant)
[in] CtxValue passed into the MonitorStart method by the application. Context-sensitive information that the application wants to pass in when messages are dequeued.
[in] MsgidThe message ID of the newly dequeued message. The Msgid variant is null when there is an error while monitoring.

By default, the message is passed into NotifyMe in Remove mode. The default dequeue options can be overridden by setting the properties of this instance (OraAQ).

The MonitorStart method returns ORAAQ_SUCCESS or ORAAQ_FAIL.

PKVPK?AOEBPS/serprop112.htm  Second (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Second (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Second attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


second = OraTimeStampTZObj.SecondOraTimeStampTZObj.Second= second


[in] secondThe Second attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PK( RelMsgId (OraAQ) Property

RelMsgId (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Specifies that the message of this queue object is enqueued ahead of the message specified by the message ID.


OraAq.RelMsgid = msg_id 

Data Type



This method is applicable only for an enqueue operation.

Possible values include:

  • Any valid message identifier, specified by an array of bytes.

  • ORAAQ_NULL_MSGID (Default): No message identifier specified.

Setting this property invokes enqueue with the ORAAQ_ENQ_BEFORE option. Set this property to ORAAQ_NULL_MSGID to place the message on top of the queue.

PKKޜ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod002.htmH3 Add Method

Add Method

Applies To

OraParameters Collection


Adds a parameter to the OraParameters collection.


oraparameters.Add Name, Value, IOType, ServerType, ObjectName 


The arguments for the method are:

NameThe name of the parameter to be added to the parameters collection. This name is issued both for parameter identification and as the placeholder in associated SQL and PL/SQL statements.
ValueA Variant specifying the initial value of the parameter. The initial value of the parameter is significant; it defines the data type of the parameter.
IOTypeAn integer code specifying how the parameter is to be used in SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks.
ServerTypeSpecifies Oracle Database type to which this parameter is to be bound. This is required when binding to BLOB, CLOB, BFILE, OBJECT, REF, NESTED TABLE, or VARRAY. For a list of possible values, see the OraParameter "ServerType Property".
ObjectNameA case-sensitive string containing the name of the Object. This is only required if ServerType is ORATYPE_OBJECT, ORATYPE_VARRAY, or ORATYPE_TABLE. ServerType is required for ORATYPE_REF when the REF is used in PL/SQL.

IOType Settings

The IOType settings are:

ORAPARM_INPUT1Used for input variables only
ORAPARM_OUTPUT2Used for output variables only
ORAPARM_BOTH3Used for variables that are both input and output

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file.

By default, the maximum size of the ORAPARM_OUTPUT variable for ServerType VAR, VARCHAR2, and ORATYPE_RAW_BIN is set to 128 bytes. Use the MinimumSize property to change this value. The minimum size of an ORAPARM_OUTPUT variable for VAR and VARCHAR2 must always be greater than the size of the expected data from the database column.

Verify that this value is correct. If you set an incorrect option, such as ORAPARM_BOTH for the IN stored procedure parameter type, this can result in errors. ORAPARM_BOTH is for IN and OUT parameters only. It is not used against one stored procedure that has an IN parameter and another that has an OUT parameter. For this case, use two parameters. Errors caused this way are rare, if there is a parameter-related error, verify that the IOType is correct.

The Value argument can be an Oracle Database 10g object, such as an OraBLOB. Note that a copy of the object is made at that point in time and the Value property must be accessed to obtain a new object that refers to the value of the parameter. For example, if IOType is ORATYPE_BOTH and an OraBLOB obtained from a dynaset is passed in as the input value, the Parameter Value property needs to be accessed one time after the SQL has been executed to obtain the newly updated output value of the parameter. The object is obtained from the parameter in the same manner as from a dynaset.

The Value property always refers to the latest value of the parameter. The Visual Basic value Null can also be passed as a value. The Visual Basic EMPTY value can be used for BLOB and CLOB data types to mean an empty LOB, and the EMPTY value can be used for OBJECT, VARRAY, and NESTED TABLE data types to mean an object whose attributes are all Null.


Use parameters to represent SQL bind variables (as opposed to rebuilding the SQL statement). SQL bind variables are useful because you can change a parameter value without having to parse the query again. Use SQL bind variables only as input variables.

You can also use parameters to represent PL/SQL bind variables. You can use PL/SQL bind variables as both input and output variables.

The ORATYPE_RAW_BIN ServerType value is used when binding to Oracle Raw columns. A byte array is used to Put or Get values. The maximum allowable size of an ORATYPE_RAW_BIN bind buffers is 2000 bytes when bound to a column of a table and 32 KB when bound to a stored procedure. For example code, see the samples in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\VB\Raw directory.


This example demonstrates using the Add and Remove parameter methods, the ServerType parameter property, and the ExecuteSQL database method to call a stored procedure and function (located in ORAEXAMP.SQL). Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load () 
'Declare variables 
Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Add EMPNO as an Input/Output parameter and set its initial value. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, ORAPARM_INPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
'Add ENAME as an Output parameter and set its initial value. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").ServerType = ORATYPE_VARCHAR2 
'Add SAL as an Output parameter and set its initial value. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "SAL", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters("SAL").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER 
'Execute the Stored Procedure Employee.GetEmpName to retrieve ENAME. 
' This Stored Procedure can be found in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL. 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin Employee.GetEmpName (:EMPNO, :ENAME); end;")
'Display the employee number and name. 
'Execute the Stored Function Employee.GetSal to retrieve SAL. 
' This Stored Function can be found in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL. 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("declare SAL number(7,2); Begin" & _
           ":SAL:=Employee.GetEmpSal (:EMPNO); end;") 
'Display the employee name, number and salary. 
MsgBox "Employee " & OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").value & ", #" & _
          OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").value & ",Salary=" & _
'Remove the Parameters. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "EMPNO" 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "ENAME" 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "SAL" 
End Sub 
PKq/M3H3PK?AOEBPS/dcprop023.htm : ReadOnly Property

ReadOnly Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether the dynaset will be used for read-only operations. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.ReadOnly = [ True | False ]

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


By default, ReadOnly is False which means that an attempt will be made to create an updatable dynaset by selecting ROWIDs from the database. If ReadOnly is set to True, a non-updatable dynaset is created (ROWIDs are not selected from the database and cached) and operations will be somewhat faster.

If the SELECT statement contains a LONG or LONG RAW column, ROWIDs are needed whether the dynaset will be updatable or not.

Changing this property does not take effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

PKS[k PK?AOEBPS/sermthod123.htm LastServerErrReset Method

LastServerErrReset Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object

OraSession Object


Clears the LastServerErr property to a zero value and sets the LastServerErrText property to Null for the specified object.




This method allows user programs to better determine which program request generated the Oracle error.

PKG!  PK?AOEBPS/serobjch014.htm' OraIntervalYM Object

OraIntervalYM Object


The OraIntervalYM object provides methods for operations on the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH.This data type represents a period of time in terms of years and months.


The OraIntervalYM object is created by the OraSession.CreateOraIntervalYM method or by calling the Clone method on an existing OraIntervalYM object.

An OraIntervalYM object can be bound using ServerType ORATYPE_INTERVALYM. This allows the binding of a value to a parameter associated with an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type in a SQL or PL/SQL statement.

When binding a string associated with an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type, the ServerType must be specified to be a string type (for example, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, ORATYPE_STRING), and the string must be in the format specified by YEARS-MONTHS.



PK,'PK?AOEBPS/sermthod089.htmp FetchOraRef Method

FetchOraRef Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Fetches a referenceable object into the cache and returns the associated OraRef object.


Set OraRef = OraDatabase.FetchOraRef(hex_value) 


The arguments for the method are:

hex_valueA String containing the hexadecimal value of the REF.


The hex_value argument can be obtained through the OraRef.HexValue property or from an XML document generated by the OraDynaset.GetXML method.

PKupPK?AOEBPS/sermthod078.htm y Div (OraNumber) Method

Div (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Divides an OraNumber object by a numeric argument.


OraNumber.Div operand 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber object, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object . There is no return value.

The operand must not be equal to zero, or a divide by zero error is raised.

PK߆ PK?A OEBPS/toc.ncx Oracle® Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows, 11g Release 2 ( Cover Table of Contents Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide, 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows Preface What's New in Oracle Objects for OLE? Introducing Oracle Objects for OLE Using Oracle Objects for OLE with Automation Clients Basic Features Advanced OO4O Features Tuning and Troubleshooting Quick Tour with Visual Basic Code Wizard for Stored Procedures Introduction to Automation Objects Server Objects OraAQ Object OraAQAgent Object OraAQMsg Object OraAttribute Object OraBFILE Object OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects OraClient Object OraCollection Object OraConnection Object OraDatabase Object OraDynaset Object OraField Object OraIntervalDS Object OraIntervalYM Object OraMDAttribute Object OraMetaData Object OraNumber Object OraObject Object OraParamArray Object OraParameter Object OraRef Object OraServer Object OraSession Object OraSQLStmt Object OraSubscription Object OraTimeStamp Object OraTimeStampTZ Object OraConnections Collection OraFields Collection OraParameters Collection OraSessions Collection OraSubscriptions Collection Server Methods Abs Method Add Method Add (OraIntervalDS) Method Add (OraIntervalYM) Method Add (OraNumber) Method Add (OraSubscriptions Collection) Method AddIntervalDS Method AddIntervalYM Method AddNew Method AddTable Method Append (OraCollection) Method Append (OraLOB) Method AppendChunk Method AppendChunkByte Method AQAgent (OraAQMsg) Method AQMsg (OraAQ) Method ArcCos (OraNumber) Method ArcSin (OraNumber) Method ArcTan (OraNumber) Method ArcTan2 (OraNumber) Method Attribute (OraMetaData) Method AutoBindDisable Method AutoBindEnable Method BeginTrans Method Cancel Method CancelEdit (OraRef) Method Ceil (OraNumber) Method ChangePassword (OraServer) Method ChangePassword (OraSession) Method Clone Method Clone (OraLOB/BFILE) Method Clone (OraCollection) Method Clone (OraIntervalDS) Method Clone (OraIntervalYM) Method Clone (OraNumber) Method Clone (OraObject/Ref) Method Clone (OraTimeStamp) Method Clone (OraTimeStampTZ) Method Close Method Close (OraBFILE) Method CloseAll (OraBFILE) Method CommitTrans Method Compare (OraLOB) Method ConnectSession Method CopyToClipboard Method Copy (OraLOB) Method CopyFromFile (OraLOB) Method CopyFromBFILE (OraLOB) Method CopyToFile (OraLOB/BFILE) Method Cos (OraNumber) Method CreateAQ Method CreateCustomDynaset Method CreateDatabasePool Method CreateDynaset Method CreateIterator Method CreateNamedSession Method CreateOraIntervalDS Method CreateOraIntervalYM Method CreateOraNumber Method CreateOraObject (OraDatabase) Method CreateOraTimeStamp Method CreateOraTimeStampTZ Method CreatePLSQLCustomDynaset Method CreatePLSQLDynaset Method CreateSession Method CreateSQL Method CreateTempBLOB/CLOB Method Delete Method Delete (OraCollection) Method Delete (OraRef) Method DeleteIterator Method Dequeue (OraAQ) Method Describe Method DestroyDatabasePool Method DisableBuffering (OraLOB) Method Div (OraIntervalDS) Method Div (OraIntervalYM) Method Div (OraNumber) Method DynasetCacheParams Method Edit Method Edit (OraRef) Method ElementValue Method EnableBuffering (OraLOB) Method Enqueue (OraAQ) Method Erase (OraLOB) Method ExecuteSQL Method Exist (OraCollection) Method Exp (OraNumber) Method FetchOraRef Method FieldSize Method FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, and FindPrevious Methods Floor (OraNumber) Method FlushBuffer (OraLOB) Method GetDatabaseFromPool Method GetChunk Method GetChunkByte Method GetChunkByteEx Method GetXML Method GetXMLToFile Method GetRows Method Get_Value Method HypCos (OraNumber) Method HypSin (OraNumber) Method HypTan (OraNumber) Method InitIterator Method IsEqual (OraIntervalDS) Method IsEqual (OraIntervalYM) Method IsEqual (OraNumber) Method IsEqual (OraTimeStamp) Method IsEqual (OraTimeStampTZ) Method IsGreater (OraIntervalDS) Method IsGreater (OraIntervalYM) Method IsGreater (OraNumber) Method IsGreater (OraTimeStamp) Method IsGreater (OraTimeStampTZ) Method IsLess (OraIntervalDS) Method IsLess (OraIntervalYM) Method IsLess (OraNumber) Method IsLess (OraTimeStamp) Method IsLess (OraTimeStampTZ) Method IterNext Method IterPrev Method LastServerErrReset Method Ln (OraNumber) Method Log (OraNumber) Method MatchPos (OraLOB/BFILE) Method Mod (OraNumber) Method MonitorForFailover Method MonitorStart (OraAQ) Method MonitorStop (OraAQ) Method MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious Methods MovePreviousn, MoveNextn, MoveRel, and MoveTo Methods Mul (OraIntervalDS) Method Mul (OraIntervalYM) Method Mul (OraNumber) Method Neg (OraIntervalDS) Method Neg (OraIntervalYM) Method Neg (OraNumber) Method Open (OraServer) Method Open (OraBFILE) Method OpenDatabase Method OriginalItem Method OriginalName Power (OraNumber) Method Put_Value Method Read (OraLOB/BFILE) Method ReadChunk Method Refresh Method Refresh (OraRef) Method Register Method Remove Method Remove (OraSubscriptions Collection) Method RemoveFromPool Method ResetTrans Method Rollback Method Round (OraNumber) Method SetPi (OraNumber) Method Sin (OraNumber) Method Sqrt (OraNumber) Method Sub (OraIntervalDS) Method Sub (OraIntervalYM) Method Sub (OraNumber) Method Tan (OraNumber) Method ToDate Method ToOraNumber (OraIntervalDS) Method ToOraTimeStamp Method ToOraTimeStampLTZ Method ToOraTimeStampTZ Method ToUniversalTime Method Trim (OraCollection) Method Trim (OraLOB) Method Trunc (OraNumber) Method Unregister Method Update Method Update (OraRef) Method Write (OraLOB) Method Server Properties Address (OraAQAgent) Property ArraySize Property AutoCommit Property BOC Property BOF Property Bookmark Property BookMarkable Property CacheBlocks Property CacheChanged Property CacheMaximumSize Property CacheOptimalSize Property CacheSliceSize Property CacheSlicesPerBlock Property Client Property Connect Property Connection Property ConnectionOK Property Connections Property Consumer (OraAQ) Property Correlate (OraAQ) Property Correlation (OraAQMsg) Property Count Property Count (OraMetaData) Property Count (OraObject/Ref) Property Database Property DatabaseName Property Databases Property Day (OraTimeStamp) Property Day (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Days Property DbPoolCurrentSize Property DbPoolInitialSize Property DbPoolMaxSize Property Delay (OraAQMsg) Property DequeueMode (OraAQ) Property DequeueMsgId (OraAQ) Property DirectoryName Property DynasetOption Property EditMode Property EditOption (OraRef) Property ElementType Property EOC Property EOF Property ExceptionQueue Property Exists Property Expiration (OraAQMsg) Property FetchLimit Property FetchSize Property FieldIndex Property FieldName Property FieldOriginalName Property FieldOriginalNameIndex Property Fields Property FileName Property Filter Property Format (OraNumber) Property Format (OraTimeStamp) Property Format (OraTimeStampTZ) Property HexValue (OraRef) Property Hour (OraTimeStamp) Property Hour (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Hours Property IsLocator (OraCollection) Property IsMDObject Property IsNull (OraCollection) Property IsNull (OraLOB/BFILE) Property IsNull (OraObject) Property IsOpen (OraBFILE) Property IsRefNull (OraRef) Property LastErrorText Property LastModified Property LastServerErr Property LastServerErrPos Property LastServerErrText Property MaxSize (OraCollection) Property MinimumSize Property Minute (OraTimeStamp) Property Minute (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Minutes Property Month (OraTimeStamp) Property Month (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Months Property Name Property Name (AQAgent) Property Name (OraAttribute) Property Name (OraMDAttribute) Property Nanosecond(OraTimeStamp) Property Nanonsecond (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Nanonseconds Property Navigation (OraAQ) Property NoMatch Property NonBlockingState Property Offset (OraLOB/BFILE) Property OIPVersionNumber Property Options Property OraIDataType Property OraMaxDSize Property OraMaxSize Property OraNullOK Property OraPrecision Property OraScale Property Parameters Property PinOption (OraRef) Property PollingAmount Property Priority (OraAQMsg) Property RDMSVersion Property RecordCount Property RelMsgId (OraAQ) Property RowPosition Property SafeArray (OraCollection) Property Second (OraTimeStamp) Property Second (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Seconds Property Server Property ServerType Property Session Property Sessions Property Size Property Size (OraCollection) Property Size (OraLOB and OraBFILE) Property SnapShot Property Sort Property SQL Property Status Property Status (OraLOB/BFILE) Property Subscriptions Property TableName (OraRef) Property TableSize (OraCollection) Property TimeZone (OraTimeStampTZ) Property TotalDays Property TotalYears Property Transactions Property Truncated Property Type Property Type (OraAttribute) Property Type (OraCollection) Property Type (OraMetaData) Property TypeName (OraObject and OraRef) Property Updatable Property Value Property Value (OraAttribute) Property Value (OraAQMsg) Property Value (OraIntervalDS) Property Value (OraIntervalYM) Property Value (OraMDAttribute) Property Value (OraNumber) Property Value (OraTimeStamp) Property Value (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Version (OraObject and Ref) Property Visible (OraAQ) Property Wait (OraAQ) Property XMLAsAttribute Property XMLCollID Property XMLEncodingTag Property XMLNullIndicator Property XMLOmitEncodingTag Property XMLRowID Property XMLRowsetTag Property XMLRowTag Property XMLTagName Property XMLUpperCase Property Year (OraTimeStamp) Property Year (OraTimeStampTZ) Property Years Property Data Control Events DragDrop Event DragOver Event Error Event MouseDown Event MouseMove Event MouseUp Event Reposition Event Validate Event Data Control Methods Drag Method Move Method Refresh Method UpdateControls Method UpdateRecord Method ZOrder Method Data Control Properties AllowMoveLast Property AutoBinding Property BackColor Property Caption Property Connect Property Database Property DatabaseName Property DirtyWrite Property DragIcon Property DragMode Property EditMode Property Enabled Property Font Property ForeColor Property Height Property Index Property Left Property MousePointer Property Name Property NoRefetch Property Options Property OracleMode Property ReadOnly Property Recordset Property RecordSource Property Session Property Tag Property Top Property TrailingBlanks Property Visible Property Width Property Appendix A Glossary Index Copyright PKw U F PK?AOEBPS/sermthod131.htm MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious Methods

MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious Methods

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Change the cursor position to the first, last, next, or previous row within the specified dynaset. These move methods move the cursor to the next (previous, and so on) valid row, skipping rows that have been deleted.




The data control buttons map (from left to right or from top to bottom) to the MoveFirst, MovePrevious, MoveNext, and MoveLast methods. The BOF and EOF properties are never true when using the data control buttons.

When the first or last record is current, record movement does not occur if you use the MoveFirst or MoveLast methods, respectively. You force the query to completion if you use the MoveLast method on a dynaset.

If you use the MovePrevious method and the first record is current, there is no current record and BOF is true. Using the MovePrevious method again causes an error, although BOF remains True. If you use the MoveNext method and the last record is current, there is no current record and EOF is true. Using the MoveNext method again causes an error, although EOF remains true. Note that when the dynaset is created with the ORADYN_NO_MOVEFIRST option, BOF and EOF are true whether the dynaset is empty or not.

When you open a dynaset, BOF is False and the first record is current. If a dynaset is empty, BOF and EOF are both true, and there is no current record.

If an Edit or AddNew operation is pending and you use one of the Move methods indirectly by way of the data control, then the Update method is invoked automatically, although, it can be stopped during the Validate event.

If an Edit or AddNew operation is pending and you use one of the Move methods directly without the data control, pending Edit or AddNew operations cause existing changes to be lost, although no error occurs.

Data is fetched from the database, as necessary, so performing a MoveFirst operation followed by a MoveNext operation incrementally builds the mirrored (cached) local set without requiring read-ahead of additional data. However, executing a MoveLast operation requires that the entire query be evaluated and stored locally.

When a dynaset is attached to a data control, these methods first notify the Validate event of the data control that record motion is about to occur. The Validate handler can deny the request for motion, in which case the request is ignored. If the record pointer is successfully moved, then all custom controls attached to the data control are notified automatically of the new record position.


This example demonstrates record movement within a dynaset using the MoveFirst, MoveNext, MoveLast, MovePrevious methods. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename from emp", 0&)
MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", " & _
 'Move to the next record and display it.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", " & _
 'Move to the last record and display it.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", " & _
 'Move to the previous record and display it.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value & ", " & _
End Sub
PKQi PK?AOEBPS/serprop106.htm> RDMSVersion Property

RDMSVersion Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Returns the database version.


Set Version = oradatabase.RDBMSVersion

Data Type


PKdJ(C>PK?AOEBPS/serobjch031.htm  OraSessions Collection

OraSessions Collection


The OraSessions collection maintains a list of OraSession objects. The list is not modifiable; you cannot add to or remove from this collection.


You can access the OraSession objects in this collection by creating a subscript (using ordinal integers) or by using the name the object was given at its creation. You can obtain the number of OraSession objects in the collection by using the Count property. Referencing a subscript that is not within the collection (0 to Count-1) results in the return of a null OraSession object.




See Also:

OraSession Object

PKߚ{ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod141.htm/1 OpenDatabase Method

OpenDatabase Method

Applies To

OraSession Object

OraServer Object


Establishes a user session to the database. It creates a new OraDatabase object using the given database name, connection string, and specified options.


Set oradatabase = orasession.OpenDatabase(database_name,connect_string, options) Set oradatabase = oraserver.OpenDatabase(connect_string, options)


The arguments for the method are:

database_nameThe Oracle Network specifier used when connecting the data control to a database.
connect_stringThe user name and password to be used when connecting to an Oracle database.
optionsA bit flag word used to set the optional modes of the database. If options = 0, the default mode settings apply. The following table shows the possible modes, which can be combined by adding their respective values.


The following table lists constants and values for the options flag.

ORADB_DEFAULT&H0&Visual Basic Mode (Default):

Field (column) values not explicitly set are set to Null when using the AddNew or Edit method. The Null values override any database column defaults. Wait on row locks when using Edit ("SELECT...FOR UPDATE").

Nonblocking SQL functionality is not enabled.


Lets Oracle Database set the default field (column) values when using the AddNew method. The Oracle default column values are fetched again from database immediately after an insert or add operation.

Note: If you use triggers, fetch the data again using the full Oracle Mode.

ORADB_NOWAIT&H2&Lock No-Wait Mode:

Does not wait on row locks. When you use the Edit method to update a row that is locked by another user or process, Lock No-Wait mode results in an immediate return of an error code.

Note: This option only applies to the OraDynaset object. It has no effect on OraSQLStmt objects or ExecuteSQL calls. It only raises an error in the case of a locked row.

ORADB_NO_REFETCH&H4&Oracle Mode (No Refetch):

Performs like the Oracle Mode, but does not refetch data to the local cache. This boosts performance.

Note: Use the No Refetch mode only when you intend to insert rows without editing them, because database column defaults cause inconsistencies between database data and the local cache. Attempting to edit after inserting in this mode causes a Data has been modified (4119) error.

ORADB_NONBLK&H8&Nonblocking Mode:

Turns on Nonblocking mode on SQL statement execution. Nonblocking mode affects the SQL statements processed using the ExecuteSQL, CreateDynaset, or CreateSQL methods.

Note: This feature has been deprecated.


Determine whether the OraDatabase object enlists in the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) mode.

ORADB_ENLIST_FOR_ CALLLBACK&H20&Enlist For Callbacks Mode:

Turn on the event notification. This mode has to be enabled to receive Failover Notifications.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file. For creating a valid database alias, see the Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide.

Examples of valid connect_string arguments include:

  • "scott/tiger"

  • "system/manager"

  • "/"


An OraConnection object is created automatically and appears within the OraConnections collection of the session. Opening a database has the effect of opening a connection but does not perform any SQL actions.

One possible connection error that could be returned is:

ORA-28001 "the password has expired"

The user can change the password using the ChangePassword method.


This example demonstrates how to programmatically create a dynaset and all of the underlying objects. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form with text boxes named txtEmpNo and txtEName. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename from emp", 0&)
 'Display the first record.
 txtEmpNo = OraDynaset.Fields("empno").value
 txtEName = OraDynaset.Fields("ename").value
End Sub
PK"Y&41/1PK?AOEBPS/sermthod149.htm Refresh (OraRef) Method

Refresh (OraRef) Method

Applies To

OraRef Object


Refreshes the referenceable object from the most current database snapshot.


PK/5PK?AOEBPS/sermthod051.htmb CreateAQ Method

CreateAQ Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Creates an instance of the OraAQ object.


Set OraAq = OraDatabase.CreateAQ(Qname)


The arguments for the method are:

[in] QnameA String representing the name of the queue in the database.



PK{dg b PK?AOEBPS/serprop048.htm` FetchSize Property

FetchSize Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets the array buffer size of the fetch.


set Size = oradynaset.FetchSize
oradynaset.FetchSize = Size

Data Type


PKe`PK?AOEBPS/sermthod133.htmO Mul (OraIntervalDS) Method

Mul (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Multiplies the OraIntervalDS object by a multiplier.


OraIntervalDSObj.Mul multiplier


The arguments for the method are:

[in] multiplierA Variant for type numeric value or an OraNumber object to be used as the multiplier.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalDS object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

PKoӲT O PK?AOEBPS/sermthod176.htm+o Write (OraLOB) Method

Write (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Writes a buffer into the BLOB or CLOB value of this object and returns the total amount of the data written.


amount_written = OraBlob.Write buffer, chunksize, piece
amount_written = OraClob.Write buffer, chunksize, piece


The arguments for the method are:

in] bufferThe character array for an OraCLOB object or byte array for the OraBLOB object from which the piece is written.
[in] [optional] chunksizeAn Integer specifying the length of the buffer, in characters for an OraCLOB object and bytes for an OraBLOB or OraBFILE object. Default value is the size of the buffer argument.
[in] [optional] pieceAn Integer specifying which piece of the buffer is being written. Possible values include:
  • ORALOB_ONE_PIECE - Buffer is written in a single piece. This is the default.

  • ORALOB_FIRST_PIECE - Buffer represents the piece of LOB data to be written.

  • ORALOB_NEXT_PIECE - Buffer represents the next piece of LOB data to be written.

  • ORALOB_LAST_PIECE - Buffer represents the last piece of LOB data to be written.

[out] amount_writtenAn Integer representing the amount written, in characters for an OraCLOB object and bytes for an OraBLOB or OraBFILE object.


Obtain either a row-level lock or object-level lock before calling the Write method. This method writes the BLOB or CLOB data from the offset specified by the Offset property. For a multiple-piece write operation, the PollingAmount property can be set to the value of the total amount of data to be written, and the Status property must be checked for the success of each piece operation. If the total amount is not known, then the PollingAmount property can be set to 0 and polling still occurs as long as the piece type is not OraLob_piece.

For the last piece, set the piece argument to ORALOB_LAST_PIECE. You must write the polling amount in bytes or characters. It is not possible to terminate the Write operation early if the PollingAmount property is not zero.

When the OraLOB Pollingamount = 0 but the piece type on OraLOB Write is not ORALOB_ONE_PIECE, polling still occurs. Polling completes when ORALOB_LAST_PIECE is sent as an argument to a call to the Write method. This is useful when calling the OraCLOB.Write method in a variable-width character set, when counting the total amount of characters ahead of time may be costly.


When manipulating LOBs using LOB methods, such as the Write and CopyFromFile, the LOB object is not automatically trimmed if the length of the new data is shorter than the old data. Use the Trim (OraLOB) method to shrink the LOB object to the size of the new data.


Be sure that you have installed the OraLOB Schema Objects as described in "Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples" .

Multiple-Piece Write of a LOB Example

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim PartDesc As OraClob 
Dim buffer As String 
Dim chunksize As Long 
Dim amount_written As Long 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create the OraDynaset Object 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
Set PartDesc = OraDynaset.Fields("part_desc").Value 
chunksize = 32000 
'Re adjust the buffer size 
buffer = String$(chunksize, 32) 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file. 
Open "partdesc.dat" For Binary As #FNum 
'set the offset and PollingAmount properties for piece wise
'Write operation 
PartDesc.offset = 1 
PartDesc.PollingAmount = LOF(FNum) 
remainder = LOF(FNum) 
'Lock the row for write operation 
Get #FNum, , buffer 
'Do first write operation 
amount_written = PartDesc.Write(buffer, chunksize, ORALOB_FIRST_PIECE)  
While PartDesc.Status = ORALOB_NEED_DATA 
  remainder = remainder - chunksize 
  If remainder < chunksize Then 
    piecetype = ORALOB_LAST_PIECE 
    chunksize = remainder 
    piecetype = ORALOB_NEXT_PIECE 
  End If 
  Get #FNum, , buffer 
  amount_written = PartDesc.Write(buffer, chunksize, piecetype) 
Close FNum 
'call Update method to commit the transaction 

Single-Piece Write of a LOB Example

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim PartImage As OraBlob 
Dim buffer() As Byte 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Add PartDesc as an Output parameter and set its initial value. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "PartImage", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters("PartImage").ServerType = ORATYPE_BLOB 
'Begin the transaction 
'Execute the statement returning 'PartDesc' 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select part_image into :PARTIMAGE" & _ 
            "from part where part_id = 1 for update NOWAIT; END;") 
'Get 'PartDesc' from Parameters collection 
Set PartImage = OraDatabase.Parameters("PartImage").Value 
'Get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file. 
Open "PartImage.Dat" For Binary As #FNum 
'Re adjust the buffer size to hold entire file data 
ReDim buffer(LOF(FNum)) 
Get #FNum, , buffer 
'Do one write operation 
amount_written = PartImage.Write(buffer) 
Close FNum 
MsgBox "Amount written to the LOB data is " & amount_written 
'Ends the transaction 
PK_S++PK?AOEBPS/sermthod018.htm> ArcSin (OraNumber) Method

ArcSin (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the arc sine of an OraNumber object. Result is in radians.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

This method returns an error if the OraNumber object is less than -1 or greater than 1.

PKЭC>PK?AOEBPS/serprop084.htmu Name (AQAgent) Property

Name (AQAgent) Property

Applies To

OraAQAgent Object


Returns a 30-byte string representing the name of agent.


agent_name = qMsg.AQAgent.Name

Data Type


PK1zuPK?AOEBPS/serprop135.htm ] Type (OraAttribute) Property

Type (OraAttribute) Property

Applies To

OraAttribute Object


A integer code representing the type of this attribute.


typecode = OraAttribute.Type

Data Type



These integer codes correspond to external data types in Oracle Call Interface (OCI). See Oracle data types.

PKx PK?AOEBPS/sermthod038.htm9 Clone (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

Clone (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns a copy of the OraTimeStampTZ object.


Set OraTimeStampTZObj1 = OraTimeStampTZObj.Clone


Returns a new OraTimeStampTZ object with the same value as the current object.

PK5QPK?AOEBPS/sermthod065.htm: CreateSession Method

CreateSession Method

Applies To

OraClient Object


Creates a new named OraSession object.


orasession = oraclient.CreateSession(session_name)


The arguments for the method are:

session_nameA String specifying the name of the session.


Use this method to create named sessions that can be referenced later in the same application without having to explicitly save the OraSession object when it is created. Once a session has been created, the application can reference it by way of the ConnectSession method or the OraSessions collection of their respective OraClient object. The OraSessions collection only contains sessions created within the current application. This means that it is not possible to share sessions across applications, only within applications.


This example demonstrates how to create a session object using the CreateSession method of the client object. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraClient As OraClient 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim NamedOraSession As OraSession
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Get the OraClient object.
 Set OraClient = OraSession.Client
 'Create a named OraSession Object
 'Alternatively, you could use the CreateNamedSession 
 'method of the OraSession Object.
 Set NamedOraSession = OraClient.CreateSession("ExampleSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = NamedOraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
End Sub

See Also:

OraSession Object

PKל+PK?AOEBPS/serprop105.htmD Priority (OraAQMsg) Property

Priority (OraAQMsg) Property

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Specifies the priority of the message.


Msg.Priority = msg_priority 

Data Type



A smaller number indicates higher priority.

Possible Values are:

  • Any integer including negative numbers.

  • ORAAQ_NORMAL (Default): 0

  • ORAAQ_HIGH : -10

  • ORAAQ_LOW : 10

This property can be set while enqueuing and can then be used for priority-based dequeuing.

PKߙI D PK?AOEBPS/dcprop012.htmH Enabled Property

Enabled Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether the control can respond to user-generated events.

See Also:

Visible Property

PK)MHPK?AOEBPS/sermthod073.htm( Describe Method

Describe Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Describes a schema object. This method returns an instance of the OraMetaData interface.


OraMetaDataObj = OraDatabase.Describe(SchemaObjectName)


The arguments for the method are:

[in] SchemaObjectNameA String representing the name of the schema object to be described.


The following schema object types can be described:

  • Tables

  • Views

  • Procedures

  • Functions

  • Packages

  • Sequences

  • Collections (VARRAYs or nested tables)

  • Types

Describing any other schema object (for example, a column) or an invalid schema object name raises an error. You should navigate to schema objects not listed here, rather than describing them directly.

This method takes the name of a schema object, such as emp, and returns a COM Automation object (OraMetaData). The OraMetaData object provides methods for dynamically navigating and accessing all the attributes (OraMDAttribute collection) of a schema object described.


Simple Describe Example

The following Visual Basic code illustrates a how to use the Describe method to retrieve and display several attributes of the emp table.

Set emp = OraDatabase.Describe("emp") 
'Display the name of the Tablespace 
MsgBox emp!tablespace 
'Display name and data type of each column in the emp table. 
Set empColumns = emp!ColumnList 
Set ColumnList = empColumns.Value 
for i = 0 to ColumnList.Count - 1 
  Set Column = ColumnList(i).Value 
  MsgBox "Column: " & Column!Name & " Data Type: " & Column!Data Type 
Next i 

Describing a Table Example

Before running the following example, make sure that you have the necessary datatypes and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraMetaData Examples".

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim OraMetaData As OraMetaData 
Dim OraMDAttribute As OraMDAttribute 
Dim ColumnList As OraMetaData 
Dim Column As OraMetaData 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDB", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Use Describe to retrieve the metadata object 
Set OraMetaData = OraDatabase.Describe("EMP") 
'Display the type of the metadata 
MsgBox TypeofMetaData & OraMetaData.Type 
'Display the count of attributes belonging to the table 
MsgBox NumberOfAttributes & OraMetaData.Count 
'Attribute can be accessed using the explicit OraMetaData property: Attribute  
'The index can be an integer or the attribute name 
Set OraMDAttribute = OraMetaData.Attribute(0) 
MsgBox "ObjectID: " & OraMDAttribute.Value 
'Since Attribute is the default property of OraMetaData, an attribute can
' be accessed as follows. Here, we use attribute name as an index 
Set OraMDAttribute = OraMetaData("ObjectID") 
MsgBox "Name: " & OraMDAttribute.Name 
MsgBox "Value: " & OraMDAttribute.Value 
'Value is the default property of OraMDAttribute, the following shows 
'the Value of property "IsClustered" for the table 
MsgBox "Is Clustered: " & OraMetaData!IsClustered 
MsgBox "Is Partitioned: " & OraMetaData!IsPartitioned 
'Retrieve the Column List 
Set OraMDAttribute = OraMetaData!ColumnList 
' Use IsMDObject property to check whether an attribute's value is an OraMetaData
If (OraMDAttribute.IsMDObject()) Then 
       Set ColumnList = OraMDAttribute.Value 
      'Display the name and data type of each column 
       For I = 0 To ColumnList.Count - 1 
        Set Column = ColumnList(I).Value 
' Each column is again an OraMetaData 
    MsgBox "Column: " & Column!Name & " data type: " & Column!Data Type 
  Next I 
End If 

Example: Describing a User-Defined Type

Before running the following example, make sure that you have the necessary datatypes and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraMetaData Examples".

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim OraMetaData As OraMetaData 
Dim OraMDAttribute As OraMDAttribute 
Dim attrList As OraMetaData 
Dim attr As OraMetaData 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDB", "scott/tiger",0&) 
Set OraMetaData = OraDatabase.Describe("ORAMD_ADDRESS") 
NumAttributes = OraMetaData!NumAttributes 
NumMethods = OraMetaData!NumMethods 
MsgBox "The Address type has " & NumAttributes & " attributes" 
MsgBox "Address Object has " & NumMethods & " methods" 
'Retrieve the attribute list of this type object 
Set attrList = OraMetaData!Attributes.Value 
'Display the name and data type of each attribute 
For I = 0 To attrList.Count - 1 
  Set attr = attrList(I).Value 
  ' each attr is actually an OraMetaData 
  MsgBox "Attribute Name: " & attr!Name 
  MsgBox "Attribute Type: " & attr!TypeName 
Next I 

Example: Describing Unknown Schema Objects

Before running the following example, make sure that you have the necessary datatypes and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraMetaData Examples".

Sub RecursiveDescribe(name$, xMD As OraMetaData) 
Dim xMDAttr As OraMDAttribute 
For I = 0 To xMD.Count - 1 
    Set xMDAttr = xMD.Attribute(I) 
    ' If an attribute can be described further, describe it, 
    ' otherwise display its attribute name & value 
    If (xMDAttr.IsMDObject) Then 
        RecursiveDescribe, xMDAttr.Value 
        MsgBox name & "->" & & " = " & xMDAttr.Value 
  End If 
Next I 

End Sub 
Sub Main() 
'This example displays all the attributes of any schema object given 
Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim xMD As OraMetaData 
Dim x As String 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDB", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
' x is any database object, here the EMP table is used as an example 
x = "EMP" 
Set xMD = OraDatabase.Describe(x) 
MsgBox x & " is of the type " & xMD.Type 
RecursiveDescribe x, xMD 

End Sub 
PK((PK?AOEBPS/serprop093.htmz Offset (OraLOB/BFILE) Property

Offset (OraLOB/BFILE) Property

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Gets or sets the 1-based offset into the LOB or BFILE for the next Read or Write operation. This property is read/write at run time.


offsetbytes = OraBFile.Offset 
OraBFile.Offset = offsetbytes 
offsetbytes = OraBlob.Offset 
OraBlob.Offset = offsetbytes 
offsetchars = OraClob.Offset 
OraClob.Offset = offsetchars 

Data Type



This value is expressed in bytes for OraBLOB and OraBFILE or characters for the OraCLOB object. The default value is 1. Setting this value to 0 raises an error. When the PollingAmount property is not 0 (polling is enabled), the Offset property can only be set before the first Read or Write operation, or after the current polling operation has completed.

PK> z PK?AOEBPS/serprop036.htm DequeueMsgId (OraAQ) Property

DequeueMsgId (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Returns an array of raw bytes, specifying the message identifier of the message to be dequeued.


Q.DequeueMsgid = msg_id

Data Type



Applicable only for a dequeue operation.

PKGiPK?AOEBPS/serobjch016.htm( OraMetaData Object

OraMetaData Object


The OraMetaData object is returned by invoking the Describe method of the OraDatabase interface. The Describe method takes the name of a schema object, such as the emp table, and returns an OraMetaData object. The OraMetaData object provides methods for dynamically navigating and accessing all the attributes (OraMDAttribute collection) of a schema object described.

An OraMetaData object is a collection of OraMDAttribute objects that represent the description information about a particular schema object in the database. The following table is an example of attributes for a OraMetaData object of type table (ORAMD_TABLE).

Table 9-2 list the ORAMD_TABLE attributes.

Table 9-2 ORAMD_TABLE Attributes

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription



Object ID.



Number of columns.



Column list.



Is the table typed?



Is the table temporary?



Duration - can be session, transaction, or null.



Data block address of the segment header.



Tablespace in which the table resides.



Is the table clustered?



Is the table partitioned?



Is the table index-only?


The OraMetaData object can be visualized as a table with three columns:

  • Metadata attribute name

  • Metadata attribute value

  • Flag specifying whether the Value is another OraMetaData object

The OraMDAttribute objects contained in the OraMetaData object can be accessed by creating a subscript that uses ordinal integers or by using the name of the property. Referencing a subscript that is not in the collection (0 to Count-1) results in the return of a NULL OraMDAttribute object.




See "Schema Objects Used in OraMetaData Examples" for OraMetaData schema definitions used in these examples.

The following Visual Basic example illustrates a simple use of this facility. It retrieves and displays several attributes of the emp table.

Set empMD = OraDatabase.Describe("emp") 
'Display the name of the Tablespace 
msgbox empMD("tablespace") 
'Display name, data type, and size of each column in the emp table. 
Set empColumnsMD = empMD("Columns") 
for I = 1 to empColumns.Count 
   Set ColumnMD = empColumnsMD(I) 
   MsgBox ColumnMD("Name") & ColumnMD("Data Type") & ColumnMD("Length")
Next I

Example: Describing a User-Defined Type

See "Example: Describing a User-Defined Type"

Example: Describing Unknown Schema Objects

See "Example: Describing Unknown Schema Objects"

PKm=((PK?AOEBPS/sermthod121.htm ) IterNext Method

IterNext Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Moves the iterator to point to the next element in the collection.




Using an iterator is faster than using an index when accessing collection elements.

If the iterator is pointing to the last element of the collection before to executing this function, then calling this method makes the EOC property return True. Also, the iterator is not changed. Check the EOC property when calling this method repetitively.

Call the IterNext method after the InitIterator method, or the first element in the collection is repeated an extra time.


See "Example: OraCollection Iterator" .

PK{ PK?AOEBPS/serprop003.htm+ AutoCommit Property

AutoCommit Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Returns or sets the AutoCommit property of the OraDatabase object.


autocommit = OraDatabase.AutoCommit
OraDatabase.AutoCommit = [ True | False 

Data Type



If the AutoCommit property is set to True, all the data operations that modify data in the database are automatically committed after the statement is executed.

If the AutoCommit property is set to False, you need to use the OraDatabase transaction methods (BeginTrans, CommitTrans, and Rollback) or SQL statements to control transactions.


The following example shows how to control transactions with SQL statements after setting the AutoCommit property to False.

Dim session As OraSession 
Dim MyDb As OraDatabase 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
Set MyDb = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0) 
MyDb.AutoCommit = False 
MyDb.ExecuteSQL ("update emp set sal = 100000" & _ 
                  "where ename = 'JOHN SMITH' ") 
MyDb.ExecuteSQL ("commit") 
PKsU0+PK?AOEBPS/serprop141.htm0 Value (OraAttribute) Property

Value (OraAttribute) Property

Applies To

OraAttribute Object


Gets or sets the value of the attribute. This value could be an instance of an OraObject, OraRef, or OraCollection object, or any of the supported scalar types, such as Integer or Float.


attr_value = OraAttribute.Value  OraAttribute.Value = attr_value

Data Type



This is the default property for this object.

The Value property of the OraAttribute object returns the value of the attribute as a Variant. The Variant type of the attribute depends on the attribute type of the attribute. Attribute values can be Null and can be set to Null. For attribute of type objects, REF, LOB and Collection, attribute values are returned as corresponding OO4O objects for that type.

The following table identifies the attribute type and the return value of the Value property of the OraAttribute object:

Element TypeElement Value
VARRAY, Nested TableOraCollection

PKL4KPK?AOEBPS/sermthod119.htmL IsLess (OraTimeStamp) Method

IsLess (OraTimeStamp) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Checks if the OraTimeStamp object is less than an argument.


isLessr = OraTimeStampObj.IsLess value format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.
[in] [optional] formatSpecifies the TIMESTAMP format string to be used to interpret value when value is of type String. If format is not specified, the value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStamp is less than the argument; otherwise, it is False. The IsLess method compares all the date-time values stored in the OraTimeStamp object.

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.

PK&PK?AOEBPS/dcprop021.htmZ Options Property

Options Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines one or more characteristics of the database and all dynasets associated with the data control. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.Options = database_optionsdatabase_options = oradata1.Options

Data Type

Long Integer


This property is a bit flag word used to set the optional modes of the database. If options = 0, the default settings will apply. The following modes are available:

  • Column Defaulting mode

    The default mode is called VB mode. In VB mode, field (column) values not explicitly set are set to NULL when using AddNew or Edit.

    Optionally, you can use Oracle mode. Oracle mode indicates that changes made to fields (columns) are immediately reflected in the local mirror by retrieving the changed row from the database, thus allowing Oracle Database to set defaults for the columns and perform required calculations. Column Defaulting mode affects the behavior of the AddNew and Edit methods.

  • Lock Wait mode

    The default mode is called Wait mode. In Wait mode, when dynaset rows are about to be modified (using Edit), the existing row in the database is retrieved using the SQL "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement to lock the row in the database. If the row about to be changed has been locked by another process (or user), the "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement, waits until the row is unlocked before proceeding.

    Optionally, you can use NoWait mode. NoWait mode results in an immediate return of an error code, indicating that the row about to be updated is locked.

    Lock Wait mode also affects any SQL statements processed using ExecuteSQL.

  • No Refetch mode

    In this mode NULLs are not explicitly inserted as in the ORADB_ORAMODE. In ORADB_NO_REFETCH mode, performance is boosted, because data is not refetched to the local cache.

Options Property Flag Values

The Options property flag values are:

ORADB_DEFAULT&H0&Accepts the default behavior.
ORADB_ORAMODE&H1&Lets Oracle Database set default field (column) values.
ORADB_NOWAIT&H2&Does not wait on row locks when executing a SQL "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file. Options may be combined by adding their respective values.

This property is the same as the options passed to the OpenDatabase method. Just as with OpenDatabase, these options affect the OraDatabase object and all associated dynasets created from that database.

Changing this property does not take effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

PKZPK?AOEBPS/sermthod042.htm^ CommitTrans Method

CommitTrans Method

Applies To

OraConnection Object

OraDatabase Object

OraSession Object


Ends the current transaction and commits all pending changes to the database.




The CommitTrans method acts differently for these objects:

  • OraConnection and OraDatabase

    The CommitTrans method commits all pending transactions for the specified connection. This method has no effect if a transaction has not started. When a sessionwide transaction is in progress, you can use this method to commit the transactions for the specified connection prematurely.

  • OraSession

    The CommitTrans method commits all transactions present within the session. The CommitTrans method is valid only when a transaction has been started. If a transaction has not been started, using the CommitTrans method causes an error.

Note: If an OraDatabase object has been enlisted with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and is part of a global MTS transaction, this method has no effect.


This example demonstrates the use of the BeginTrans method to group a set of dynaset edits into a single transaction. The CommitTrans method then accepts the changes. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 Dim fld As OraField
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession. OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Start Transaction processing.
 'Setup a field object to save object references.
 Set fld = OraDynaset.Fields("sal")
 'Traverse until EOF is reached, setting each employees salary to zero.
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF = True
   fld.value = 0
 MsgBox "All salaries set to ZERO."
 'Currently, the changes have NOT been committed 
 'to the database.
 'End Transaction processing. Commit the changes to the database
 MsgBox "Salary changes committed."
End Sub
PKóc^PK?AOEBPS/sermthod074.htm { DestroyDatabasePool Method

DestroyDatabasePool Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


The pool is implicitly destroyed if its parent session object is destroyed. It can also be destroyed at any time by invoking the DestroyDatabasePool method.




An exception is raised by this call if the pool does not exist.

PKR PK?AOEBPS/sermthod043.htmI Compare (OraLOB) Method

Compare (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Compares the specified portion of the LOB value of an OraBLOB or OraCLOB object (or OraBFILE object) to the LOB value of the input OraBLOB or OraCLOB object (or OraBFILE object).


IsEqual = OraBlob.Compare srcBlob, amount, Offset, srcOffset
IsEqual = OraClob.Compare srcClob, amount, Offset, srcOffset
IsEqual = OraBfile.Compare srcBfile, amount, Offset, srcOffset


The arguments for the method are:

[in] srcLOBInput OraBLOB, OraCLOB, or OraBFILE object whose value is to be compared.
[in] [optional] amountAn Integer specifying the number of bytes or characters to compare. The default value of amount is from the Offset to the end of each LOB.
[in] [optional] OffsetAn Integer specifying the 1-based Offset in bytes (OraBLOB or OraBFILE) or characters (OraCLOB) in the value of this object. Default value is 1.
[in] [optional] srcOffsetAn Integer specifying the 1-based Offset in bytes (OraBLOB or OraBFILE) or characters (OraCLOB) in the value of the srcLob object. Default value is 1.
[out] IsEqualA Boolean representing the result of a compare operation.


The Compare method returns True if comparison succeeds; otherwise, it returns False.

If the amount to be compared causes the comparison to take place beyond the end of one LOB but not beyond the end of the other, the comparison fails. Such a comparison could succeed only if the amount of data from the Offset to the end is the exactly the same for both LOBs.

This call is currently implemented by executing a PL/SQL block that utilizes DBMS_LOB.INSTR().

PK$PK?AOEBPS/serobjch023.htm OraSession Object

OraSession Object


An OraSession object manages collections of OraDatabase, OraConnection, and OraDynaset objects used within an application.


Typically, a single OraSession object is created for each application, but you can create named OraSession objects for shared use within and between applications.

The OraSession object is the highest level object for an application. OraSession and OraServer objects are the only objects created by the CreateObject Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications APIs and not by an Oracle Objects for OLE method.




The following code fragments show how to create an OraSession object:

Dim oo4oSession as Object
Set oo4oSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")


Dim oo4oSession as New OraSessionClass 


Dim oo4oSession as OraSession 
Set oo4oSession = New OraSessionClass
PKXwPK?AOEBPS/serprop124.htm9 Status Property

Status Property

Applies To

OraParameter Object

OraParamArray Object


Returns an integer indicating the status of the specified parameter. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


parameter_status = oraparameter.Statusparameter_status = oraparamarray.Status

Data Type



The Status property is interpreted as a series of bits, each providing information about the parameter. Parameters can be bound only if they are enabled, and can be enabled only if they are auto-enabled.

The parameter Status property bit values are:

ORAPSTAT_INPUT&H1&Parameter can be used for input.
ORAPSTAT_OUTPUT&H2&Parameter can be used for output.
ORAPSTAT_AUTOENABLE&H4&Parameter is AutoBindEnabled.
ORAPSTAT_ENABLE&H8&Parameter is Enabled. This bit is always set.

These values are located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\oraconst.txt file.


This example demonstrates the use of parameters and the ExecuteSQL method to call a stored procedure (located in ORAEXAMP.SQL). After calling the stored procedure, the Status property of each parameter is checked. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Add EMPNO as an Input parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, ORAPARM_INPUT
 'Add ENAME as an Output parameter and set its initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT
 'Execute the Stored Procedure Employee.GetEmpName to retrieve ENAME.
 ' This Stored Procedure is located in the file ORAEXAMP.SQL.
 OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin Employee.GetEmpName (:EMPNO, :ENAME); end;")
 If OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").Status & ORAPSTAT_INPUT Then
  MsgBox "Parameter EMPNO used for input."
 End If
 If OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").Status & ORAPSTAT_OUTPUT Then
  MsgBox "Parameter ENAME used for output."
 End If
'Display the employee number and name.
 MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").value
 MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").value
 'Remove the Parameters.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "EMPNO"
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "ENAME"
End Sub
PK>9PK?AOEBPS/serprop151.htm7 Wait (OraAQ) Property

Wait (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Specifies the wait time (in seconds), if there is currently no message available.


Q.Wait = seconds 

Data Type



Applicable only for a dequeue operation.

Possible values are:

  • ORAAQ_DQ_WAIT_FOREVER (-1) (Default)

    Waits forever.


    Does not wait.

PKn{>PK?AOEBPS/serprop013.html CacheSlicesPerBlock Property

CacheSlicesPerBlock Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets cache slices for each block.


set Perblock = oradynaset.CacheSlicePerBlock 
oradynaset.CacheSlicePerBlock  = Perblock

Data Type


PKFYPK?AOEBPS/serprop123.htmR SQL Property

SQL Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object


Returns or sets the SQL statement used to create the specified dynaset or OraSQLStmt object. Not available at design time and read/write at run time.


SQL_statement  = oradynaset.SQL
SQL_statement  = orasqlstmt.SQL
oradynaset.SQL = SQL_statement 
orasqlstmt.SQL = SQL_statement

Data Type



The first use returns the contents of the SQL statement buffer, and the second use sets the contents of the SQL statement buffer.

The SQL statement buffer initially contains the SQL statement used to create the dynaset or OraSQLStmt object. The contents of the SQL statement buffer are executed whenever the Refresh method is issued.


This example demonstrates the use of parameters, the Refresh method, and the SQL property to restrict selected records. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create a parameter with an initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp where " & _
               "job=:job", 0&)
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraDynaset.SQL
 'Currently, OraDynaset only contains employees whose job is MANAGER.
 'Change the value of the job parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters("job").Value = "SALESMAN"
 'Refresh the dynaset.
 'Currently, OraDynaset only contains employees whose 'job is SALESMAN.
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraDynaset.SQL
 'Remove the parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("job")
 End Sub

See Also:

Refresh Method

PKWiWRPK?AOEBPS/sermthod102.htmQ HypCos (OraNumber) Method

HypCos (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK37PK?AOEBPS/serprop154.htm ? XMLEncodingTag Property

XMLEncodingTag Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets or sets a string value in the encoding tag of the generated XML document.


OraDynaset.XMLEncodingTag = "SHIFT_JIS" 


This property is useful when the XML document generated by OO4O is converted to a different character set encoding before it is stored or parsed. This might occur if the property is to be loaded into a database or stored in a file system.

This property only sets the encoding tag value; it does not change the actual encoding of the document. The document generated by the GetXML method in Visual Basic is encoded in UCS2. The documents generated by the GetXMLToFile method use the same character set as the current NLS_LANG setting.

If this property is set to an empty String, the default encoding tags are used. To omit the tag entirely, use OraDynaset.XMLOmitEncodingTag.

No validity checking of the chosen encoding is done.

PK: PK?AOEBPS/sermthod169.htm ToUniversalTime Method

ToUniversalTime Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns a copy of the OraTimeStampTZ object that has the date-time value normalized to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Set OraTimeStampTZObj1 = OraTimeStampTZObj.ToUniversalTime


Returns a new OraTimeStampTZ object that has the date-time values normalized to the UTC of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


UTC was formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time.


Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
Dim OraTimeStampTZ_UTC As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2003-APR-29 " & _ 
        "12:00:00 -07:00", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS TZH:TZM") 
'returns a new OraTimeStampTZ object with date value normalized to 
'UTC time, "2003-APR-29 19:00:00 00:00" 
Set OraTimeStampTZ_UTC = OraTimeStampTZ.ToUniversalTime 
PKTgT  PK?AOEBPS/serprop129.htm'W TimeZone (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

TimeZone (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the time zone information of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


timezone = OraTimeStampTZObj.TimeZoneOraTimeStampTZObj.TimeZone= timezone


[in] timezoneThe time zone attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type



Setting the TimeZone property does not change the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values stored in the OraTimeStampTZ object. However, the local datetime values in the specified time zone can change.

The following table shows the UTC datetime values that correspond to the datetime and time zone values of the OraTimeStampTZ object in the example.

PropertiesOraTSTZ Object ValuesUTC Date Time Values of the OraTSTZ Object
Minute, Second, Nanosecond00

Setting the TimeZone property to -08:00 changes the datetime values in the specified time zone of the OraTimeStampTZ object, but does not change the UTC datetime values.

PropertiesNew OraTSTZ Object ValuesUTC Date Time Values of the New OraTSTZ Object
Minute, Second, Nanosecond00


Dim OraTSTZ as OraTimeStampTZ 
Dim OraTSTZ_new as OraTimeStampTZ 
Dim OraTSTZStr as String 
Dim OraTSTZStr_new as String 
Set OraTSTZ = oo4oSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ( "2003-APR-29" & _
       "12:00:00 -07:00", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS TZH:TZM")
'Change Time Zone to "-08:00" 
Set OraTSTZ_new = OraTSTZ.Clone 
oraTSTZ_new.TimeZone = "-08:00" 
'OraTSTZStr has value as (29-APR-03 PM -07:00) 
OraTSTZStr = OraTSTZ.value 
'OraTSTZStr_new has value as (29-APR-03 PM -08:00) 
OraTSTZStr_new = OraTSTZ_new.value 
PK$>''PK?AOEBPS/sermthod016.htmM AQMsg (OraAQ) Method

AQMsg (OraAQ) Method

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Creates an OraAQMsg for the specified options.


Set qMsg = Q.AQMsg(msgtype, typename, schema)


The arguments for the method are:

[in] msgtypeAn Integer representing a RAW or user-defined type. Optional for RAW type. Possible values are:
  • ORATYPE_RAW (23) - Message type is RAW.

  • ORATYPE_OBJECT (108) - Message type is user-defined.

[in] typenameA String representing the name of the type. Optional for RAW type. Default is 'RAW'.
[in] [optional] schemaA String representing the schema where the type is defined. Default is 'SYS'.


The method could be used as follows:

set QMsg = Q.AQMsg
PKu\RMPK?AOEBPS/sermthod107.htm IsEqual (OraIntervalYM) Method

IsEqual (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Checks if the OraIntervalYM object is equal to an argument.


isEqual = OraIntervalYMObj.IsEqual value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object to be compared.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraIntervalYM object is equal to the argument; otherwise, it is False.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.

PK`PK?AOEBPS/serprop025.htm l Database Property

Database Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object


Returns the OraDatabase object associated with the specified dynaset or SQL statement object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set oradatabase = oradynaset.Database
Set oradatabase = orasqlstmt.Database

Data Type

OLE Object (OraDatabase)


The OraDynaset.Database property returns the OraDatabase object from which the specified dynaset was created.

The OraSQLStmt.Database property returns the OraDatabase object from which the specified SQLStmt object was created.

PK-e PK?AOEBPS/serprop059.htm9 HexValue (OraRef) Property

HexValue (OraRef) Property

Applies To

OraRef Object


Returns the hexidecimal value of the REF.


hexstring = OraRef.HexValue 


The hexidecimal value of the REF can be used by the OraDatabase.FetchOraRef method.

See Also:

FetchOraRef Method

PKH> 9 PK?AOEBPS/serprop092.htm NonBlockingState Property

NonBlockingState Property

Applies To

"OraSQLStmt Object" created with ORASQL_NONBLK option.


Returns the status of the currently executing SQL as follows:


    If operation is still underway.


    If operation has completed successfully.

Any failures are thrown as exceptions.

The application can access the output parameters, if any, as in the blocking case, after successful execution of the SQL statement.


status = OraSQL.NonBlockingState 
    MsgBox "Still in execution" 
    MsgBox "Execution completed successfully" 

Return Values


Errors are thrown as exceptions.

PK覕  PK?AOEBPS/content.opf Oracle® Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows, 11g Release 2 ( en-US E17727-03 Oracle Corporation Oracle Corporation Oracle® Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows, 11g Release 2 ( 2011-03-07T18:08:44Z Describes Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O), a COM-based data access driver that combines seamless and optimized access to Oracle databases with easy to use interfaces, and shows how to use and configure OO4O from virtually any Microsoft COM Automation programming or scripting language, such as Visual Basic. PKhի  PK?AOEBPS/serobjch018.html* OraObject Object

OraObject Object


The OraObject interface is a representation of an Oracle value instance (non-referenceable object instance or embedded objects). Value instances are instances of an Oracle object type stored in the column of a table or attribute of an another Oracle object instance or element of an Oracle collection.


Implicitly an OraObject object contains a collection interface for accessing and manipulating (updating and inserting) individual attributes of an value instance. Individual attributes can be accessed by using a subscript or the name of the attribute.

The OraObject attribute index starts at 1. The Count property returns the total number of attributes. Each attribute of the underlying value instance is represented as an OraAttribute object.

Attribute values are retrieved as variants. The Variant type of the attribute depends on the attribute type of the object. Attribute values can be null and can be set to Null. For object types REF, LOB, and collection, attribute values are returned as corresponding OO4O objects for that type.

The CreateOraObject method on the OraDatabase object returns the OraObject object. The value instance associated with this OraObject object is created in the client-side object cache.

For information about executing a member method of a value instance, see "Executing a Member Method of an Oracle Object Instance".

For information about initializing an OraObject object representing a value instance in OO4O or executing a member method of a value instance, see "Instantiating Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections".




See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples" for schema descriptions used in examples of OraObject/OraRef objects.

Example: Accessing Attributes of an OraObject Object

The following example accesses the attributes of the ADDRESS value instance in the database.

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Address as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb",  "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from person_tab
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab",0&)
'retrieve a address column from person_tab. Here Value property of OraField  
'object returns Address OraObject 
set Address = OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value
'access the attribute by dot notation
msgbox Address.Street
'access the attribute using '!' notation ( early binding application) 
msgbox Address!Street
'access the attribute by index
msgbox Address(1)
'access the attribute by name
msgbox Address("Street")
'access all the attributes of Address OraObject in the dynaset
Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
    For index = 1 To Address.Count   
        msgbox Address(index)
    Next Index    

Example: Updating Attributes of an OraObject Object

The following examples modify the attributes of the ADDRESS value instance in the database.

Dynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Address as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from person_tab
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab", 0&)
'retrieve a address column from person_tab. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns Address OraObject 
set Address = OraDynaset.Fields("Addr").Value
'start the Edit operation and modify the Street attribute
Address.Street  =  "Oracle Parkway"

Parameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim Address as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object represent Address object bind Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ADDRESS", Empty, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_OBJECT, _
'get the uninitialized 'Empty' Address object from OraParameter
set Address = OraDatabase.Parameters("ADDRESS").Value
'modify the 'Street' attribute of the Address
Address.Street = "Oracle Parkway"
'execute the sql statement which updates Address in the person_tab
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("update person_tab set addr = :ADDRESS where age = 40")

Example: Inserting an OraObject Object

The following examples insert a new field (value instance) called ADDRESS in the database.

Dynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim AddressNew as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from person_tab
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from person_tab", 0&)
' create a new Address object in OO4O 
set AddressNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ADDRESS")
'initialize the Address object attribute to new value
AddressNew.Street = "Oracle Parkway"
AddressNew.State = "CA"
'start the dynaset AddNew operation and set the Address field to new address 
' value
OraDynaset.Fields("ADDR").Value = AddressNew

OraParameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim AddressNew as OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object represent Address object bind Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ADDRESS", Null, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_OBJECT, _ 
' create a new Address object in OO4O 
set AddressNew = OraDatabase.CreateObject("ADDRESS")
'initialize the Address object attribute to new value
AddressNew.Street = "Oracle Parkway"
AddressNew.State = "CA"
'set the Address to ADDRESS parameter
Oradatabase.Parameters("ADDRESS").Value = AddressNew
'execute the sql statement which updates Address in the person_tab
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into person_tab values (30,'Eric',:ADDRESS))
PKuq*l*PK?AOEBPS/sermthod092.htmI Floor (OraNumber) Method

Floor (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the floor, that is, lowest value, of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in an OraNumber object. There is no return value.

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CopyToClipboard Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Copy the rows from the dynaset to the clipboard in text format.


OraDynaset.CopyToClipboard(NumOfRows, colsep, rowsep)


The arguments for the method are:

NumOfRowsNumber of rows to be copied to the dynaset
colsep [optional]Column separator in the CHAR data type to be inserted between columns
rowsep [optional]Row separator in the CHAR data type to be inserted between rows


This method is used to help transfer data between the Oracle Object for OLE cache (dynaset) and Windows applications, such as Excel or Word. The CopyToClipboard method copies data starting from the current position of the dynaset up to the last row.

The default column separator is TAB (ASCII 9).

The default row separator is ENTER (ASCII 13).


The following example copies data from the dynaset to the clipboard. Paste this code into the definition section of a form, then press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
'Now call CopyToClipboard to copy the entire dynaset
 OraDynaset.CopyToClipboard -1, chr(9), chr(13)
End Sub
PKlPK?AOEBPS/serprop091.htm P NoMatch Property

NoMatch Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object using the Address (OraAQAgent) Property Property


Returns True if the last call to the FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, or FindPrevious method failed.


Set nomatch_status = oradynaset.NoMatch

Data Type


PK4 PK?AOEBPS/serprop143.htm? Value (OraIntervalDS) Property

Value (OraIntervalDS) Property

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


When read, the Value property provides a string representation of the value of the OraIntervalDS object using the format [+/-]Day HH:MI:SSxFF. When set, the Value property accepts a Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object.


string = OraIntervalDSObj.Value OraIntervalDSObj.Value = value


[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS object.

Data Type



If the value set is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If the value set is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the OraIntervalDS object represents.


Dim oraIDS as OraIntervalDS 
'Create an OraIntervalDS using a string which represents 1 day and 12 hours 
Set oraIDS = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalDS("1 12:0:0.0") 
'get the OraIntervalDS.Value return a string for the Value
' property, idsStr is set to "01 12:00:00.000000" 
idsStr = oraIDS.Value 
'can also return a string for the Value property as follows 
idsStr = oraIDS 
'set the OraIntervalDS.Value using a string which represents 1 days and 12 hours
oraIDS.Value = "1 12:0:0.0" 
'set the OraIntervalDS.Value using a numeric value which represents 
'1 days and 12 hours 
oraIDS.Value = 1.5 
PKC5PK?AOEBPS/dcprop024.htmN Recordset Property

Recordset Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Returns a dynaset defined by the data control's Connect, DatabaseName, and RecordSource properties. Not available at design time and read and write at run time.


Set oradynaset = oradata1.RecordsetSet oradata1.Recordset = Oradynaset

Data Type

OLE Object (OraDynaset)


The properties and methods of this dynaset are the same as those of any other dynaset object. The Recordset property of the Oracle Data Control (.OCX) can be set to external dynaset, or the Recordset property of the other data control. After the setting, Oracle Data control Database, session, and options properties now set to the corresponding properties of the external dynaset. Oracle data control shares the advisories of the external dynaset. This is very useful when attaching dynaset returned from the PL/SQL cursor by CreatePlsqlDynaset Method.


This example demonstrates setting Recordset property to external dynaset created by CreatePlsqlDynaset method. This example returns a PL/SQL cursor as a external dynaset for the different values of DEPTNO parameter. Make sure that corresponding stored procedure (found in EMPCUR.SQL) is available in the Oracle Database. Copy this code into the definition section of a form containing the Oracle Data Control named oradata1. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables as OLE Objects.
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
' Create the Deptno parameter 
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "DEPTNO", 10, ORAPARM_INPUT
 OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER  
' Create OraDynaset based on "EmpCursor" created in stored procedure. 
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreatePLSQLDynaset("Begin Employee.GetEmpData (:DEPTNO,:EmpCursor); end;", "EmpCursor", 0&)
' Now attach the Oradynaset to Data control's recordset.
  set oradata1.recordset = OraDynaset
'  Do some operation
 ' Now set the deptno value to 20
 OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO").Value = 20
 'Refresh the sqlstmt
  'Remove the parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("DEPTNO")
 End Sub
PK ISNPK?AOEBPS/sermthod025.htm] Cancel Method

Cancel Method

Applies To

OraSQLStmt Object created with the ORASQL_NONBLK option


Cancels the currently executing SQL operation.


status = OraSQL.NonBlockingState

Return Values

ORASQL_SUCCESS(0) - Any errors are thrown as exceptions.

PK b ] PK?AOEBPS/sermthod083.html EnableBuffering (OraLOB) Method

EnableBuffering (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Enables buffering of LOB operations.




When enabled, buffering uses the LOB Buffering subsystem to minimize network round-trips by buffering changes until the FlushBuffer method is called. This can be beneficial to applications that perform a series of repeated small reads and writes to specific areas of a LOB.

There are many caveats and restrictions for using LOB buffering. These are summarized here, but for complete information, see the Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide.


  • The following LOB methods cannot be used while buffering is enabled:

    • Append

    • Copy

    • Erase

    • Size

    • Trim

    • CopyFromBFILE

    • CopyFromFile

    • CopyToFile

  • There is currently a 512 KB limit to the amount of a single read/write operation.

  • Error reporting for buffered operations is delayed until the next database access.

  • Transactional support is not guaranteed. Users must roll back changes manually if an error occurs.

  • Do not perform updates to a LOB column that bypasses the buffering system while in the same transaction as a buffer-enabled LOB. Performing an INSERT statement can cause this.

  • Only one LOB object is allowed to perform buffered writes to a given LOB. Other LOB objects that point to the same LOB raise an error if they attempt a buffered write.

  • A LOB object taken from an OraParameter object raises an error if it is buffer-enabled and bound to an OUT parameter.

  • The Clone method can raise an error for buffer enabled LOBs.

  • Appending directly to the end of the LOB is allowed, but any write operation whose offset extends beyond the end of the LOB and results in blank padding (for CLOB) or zero padding (for BLOB) raises an error.

PKeqlPK?AOEBPS/sermthod067.htm CreateTempBLOB/CLOB Method

CreateTempBLOB/CLOB Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Creates a temporary LOB in the database.


Set OraBLOB = OraDatabase.CreateTempBLOB(use_caching) Set OraCLOB = OraDatabase.CreateTempCLOB(use_caching)


The arguments for the method are:

use_cachingA boolean value that specifies whether Oracle Database uses caching when accessing this LOB. The default value is False.


Temporary LOBs are LOBs that do not exist permanently in the database. OO4O programmers commonly use temporary LOBs to pass into stored procedures and functions that have LOB arguments.

Temporary LOBs do not require or take part in transactions. (It is not necessary to acquire a lock before write operations, and rollbacks have no effect on temporary LOBs.)

The use_caching argument directs Oracle to use caching when accessing the temporary LOB. This is suggested when multiple accesses are expected on a single LOB. Caching is not required for the typical case, where a LOB is created, filled with data, passed to a stored procedure, and then discarded.

Temporary LOBs exist on the database until no more references to the corresponding OraBLOB or OraCLOB exist on the client. Note that these references include any OraParameter or OraParamArray that contain a temporary OraBLOB or OraCLOB object.


Example: Passing a Temporary CLOB to a Stored Procedure

The following example illustrates the use of the CreateTempClob method to create a OraCLOB. The OraCLOB is then populated with data and passed to a stored procedure which has an argument of type CLOB.

Dim OraSession as OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraClob as OraClob 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb","scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Create the stored procedure used in this example 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("create or replace procedure GetClobSize" & _
           "(in_clob IN CLOB, clobsize OUT NUMBER) as Begin clobsize" & _ 
           " := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(in_clob); End;") 
'create an OraParameter object to represent Clob bind Variable 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "CLOB", Null, ORAPARM_INPUT,  ORATYPE_CLOB 
'the size will go into this bind variable 
' create a temporary CLOB 
set OraClob = OraDatabase.CreateTempClob 
'Populate the OraClob with some data. Note that no row locks are needed. 
OraClob.Write "This is some test data" 
'set the Parameter Value to the temporary Lob 
OraDatabase.Parameters("CLOB").Value = OraClob 
'execute the sql statement which updates Address in the person_tab 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Begin GetClobSize(:CLOB, :CLOBSIZE); end;") 
'Display the size 
MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("CLOBSize").Value 
'these two lines force the temporary clob to be freed immediately 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "CLOB" 
Set OraClob = nothing 
PK#PK?AOEBPS/serprop026.htma DatabaseName Property

DatabaseName Property

Applies To

OraConnection Object

OraDatabase Object


Returns the name of the database associated with the specified object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


database_name = oraconnection.DatabaseName
database_name = oradatabase.DatabaseName

Data Type



  • oraconnection.DatabaseName

    Returns the name of the database, as specified in the OpenDatabase method.

  • oradatabase.DatabaseName

    Returns the database name associated with the connection. It is the same as the referencing oradatabase.Connection.DatabaseName.


This example demonstrates the use of the Connect and DatabaseName properties to display the user name and database to which you have connected. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Display the username and database to which you have connected.
 MsgBox "Connected to " & OraDatabase.Connect & "@" & OraDatabase.DatabaseName
End Sub
PK2g@PK?AOEBPS/serprop073.htm ( LastServerErrPos Property

LastServerErrPos Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Returns the position at which a parsing error occurred in a SQL statement. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


error_pos = oradatabase.LastServerErrPos

Data Type



The LastServerErrPos property returns 0 if no SQL statements have been parsed; -1 if the last parse was successful; and >= 0 if the last parse failed. Parsing is done on SQL statements before execution (using the CreateDynaset or ExecuteSQL method).

PKK4J PK?AOEBPS/serprop041.htm* ElementType Property

ElementType Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


An integer code representing the server type of an element. This property is read-only at run time.


elem_type = OraCollection.ElementType

Data Type



The codes correspond to the Oracle external data types. The following Oracle element data types are supported:

ConstantValueExternal Data Type

PKf{PK?AOEBPS/sermthod162.htm Sub (OraNumber) Method

Sub (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Subtracts a numeric argument from the OraNumber object.


OraNumber.Sub operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, type OraNumber, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK   PK?AOEBPS/serprop082.htm  Months Property

Months Property

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Gets and sets the Months attribute of an OraIntervalYM object.


months = OraIntervalYMObj.Months
OraIntervalYMObj.Months = months


[in] monthAn Integer specifying the value of the Months attribute of the OraIntervalYM object.

Data Type


PK< PK?AOEBPS/serprop075.htm MaxSize (OraCollection) Property

MaxSize (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns the maximum size of the collection.


max_size  = OraCollection.MaxSize

Data Type



For an OraCollection object of type ORATYPE_TABLE, this property returns the current size of the collection including deleted elements. For an OraCollection object of type ORATYPE_VARRAY, the property returns the maximum size of the collection.

PK0PK?AOEBPS/sermthod030.htmm Clone Method

Clone Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns a duplicate dynaset of the specified dynaset.


Set oradynaset2 = oradynaset1.Clone
Set oradynaset2 = oradynaset1.DbClone  


This method creates a duplicate dynaset of the one specified. The original and duplicate dynasets have their own current record. However, the new dynaset is not positioned on any row and has its EOF and BOF conditions set to True. To change this, you must explicitly set a current row on the new duplicate with a Move or Find method.

Using the Clone method has no effect on the original dynaset. You cannot add, update, or remove records from a dynaset clone.

Use the Clone method to perform an operation on a dynaset that requires multiple current records.

A cloned dynaset does not have all the property settings of the original. The CacheBlock, CacheSliceSize, CacheSlicePerBlock, and FetchLimit properties are all set to Null.

Bookmarks of a dynaset and its clone are interchangeable; bookmarks of dynasets created with separate CreateDynaset methods are not interchangeable.

PKJ0er m PK?AOEBPS/serprop081.htm Month (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Month (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Month attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


month = OraTimeStampTZObj.Month
OraTimeStampTZObj.Month = month


[in] monthThe Month attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PKZ PK?AOEBPS/serprop005.htm^ BOF Property

BOF Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns whether the current record position in a dynaset is before the first record. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


bof_status = oradynaset.BOF

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Returns True if an attempt has been made to move before the first record in the dynaset using the MovePrevious method. Returns False otherwise.

If a recordset is empty, both BOF and EOF return True.


This example demonstrates the use of the BOF and EOF properties to detect the limits of a record set. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create the OraDynaset Object
 Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename from emp", 0&)
 'Traverse until EOF is reached
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
 MsgBox "Reached EOF"
 'When EOF is True there is no current record.
 'The current recordset position is now AFTER the last record.
 Do Until OraDynaset.BOF
 MsgBox "Reached BOF"
 'When BOF is True there is no current record.
 'The current recordset position is now BEFORE
 'AFTER the last record.
 'The recordset is now positioned at the first record.
End Sub
PKc^PK?AOEBPS/serprop069.htm IsRefNull (OraRef) Property

IsRefNull (OraRef) Property

Applies To

OraRef Object


Returns True if the underlying Ref value of the OraRef object is Null.


isnull = OraRef.IsRefNull

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


Accessing the attributes of a Null Ref value results in an error. The IsRefNull property should be checked before accessing attributes of an underlying referenceable object. This property is read-only at run time.

PKZsPK?AOEBPS/sermthod150.htm " Register Method

Register Method

Applies To

OraSubscription Object


Activates the subscription.




When the specified database event is fired, the NotifyDBevents method of the dbevent handler that was passed in while creating this subscription is invoked.


See "Example: Registering an Application for Notification of Database Events" for a complete example.

PK.; PK?AOEBPS/serprop100.htm% OraPrecision Property

OraPrecision Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the precision of a numeric column. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_precision = orafield.OraPrecision

Data Type

Long Integer


This value is meaningful only when the value returned is numeric. Precision is the total number of digits of a number.

PKOڵ* % PK?AOEBPS/serprop032.htmw DbPoolInitialSize Property

DbPoolInitialSize Property

Applies To

OraSession Object


Contains the initial size of the pool. It is a read-only property.


init_size = OraSession.DbPoolInitialSize

Data Type


PKhԽ|wPK?A OEBPS/toc.htm Table of Contents


Title and Copyright Information


What's New in Oracle Objects for OLE?

1 Introducing Oracle Objects for OLE

2 Using Oracle Objects for OLE with Automation Clients

3 Basic Features

4 Advanced OO4O Features

5 Tuning and Troubleshooting

6 Quick Tour with Visual Basic

7 Code Wizard for Stored Procedures

8 Introduction to Automation Objects

9 Server Objects

10 Server Methods

11 Server Properties

12 Data Control Events

13 Data Control Methods

14 Data Control Properties

A Appendix A



PK7|a 8.PK?AOEBPS/serprop153.htm+ XMLCollID Property

XMLCollID Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets and sets the attribute name that replaces id (as in <TYPENAME_ITEM id = "1">) in the rendering of collection items that occurs when GetXML or GetXMLToFile methods are called. Readable and writable at run time.


oradynaset.XMLCollID = "NEWID" 


The default value for this property is id. If this property is set to Null or an empty String (""), the collectionid attribute is omitted. The attribute name must be valid or an error is raised. The case is preserved.

PKzߎ0 + PK?AOEBPS/dcprop002.htm AutoBinding Property

AutoBinding Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines whether the automatic binding of database object parameters will occur. Read/write at design time and run time.


oradata1.AutoBinding = [ True | False


By default, AutoBinding is True, in which case the parameters in the OraParameters collection are bound to the SQL statement of the RecordSource property before data control refresh (before the SQL statement is executed). Technically speaking, the parameters are rebound when the recordset is re-created.

Setting Autobinding to False takes effect only if the SQL statement of the RecordSource property needs to be rebound and reexecuted. This is not the case when you simply change a parameter value and refresh the data control or simply refresh the recordset (the SQL statement only needs to be reexecuted). This is the case if you alter the RecordSource property and change the SQL statement.

Use this property to disable all parameter binding when executing a SQL statement that does not contain any parameters (using CreateDynaset, Refresh, or ExecuteSQL).

Changing this property does not take effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control (and the appropriate conditions apply). Changing this property has no effect when a recordset.Refresh is executed.

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


This example demonstrates the use of AutoBinding to show how it affects data control and recordset refresh. Copy this code into the definition section of a new form containing the Oracle Data Control named oradata1, Then, press F5 to run.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Set the username and password.
 oradata1.Connect = "scott/tiger"
 'Set the databasename.
 oradata1.DatabaseName = "ExampleDb"
 'Refresh the data control without setting the RecordSource. This has the  
 'effect of creatingthe underlying database object so that parameters 
 'can be added.
 'Set the RecordSource and use a SQL parameter for job.
 oradata1.RecordSource = "select * from emp where job = :job"
 'Add the job input parameter with initial value MANAGER.
 oradata1.Database.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1
 'Add the deptno input parameter with initial value 10.
 oradata1.Database.Parameters.Add "deptno", 10, 1
 'Refresh the data control.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & oradata1.Recordset.fields("empno") & ", Job=" & _
 'Only employees with job=MANAGER will be contained in the dynaset.
'Turn off Automatic parameter binding.
 oradata1.AutoBinding = False
 'Change the value of the job parameter to SALESMAN.
 oradata1.Database.Parameters("job").Value = "SALESMAN"
 'Refresh ONLY the recordset.
 MsgBox "Employee #" & oradata1.Recordset.fields("empno") & ", Job=" & _
 'The query will still execute even with AutoBinding=False
 'because the dynaset has not been re-created.
 'Set the RecordSource and use a SQL parameter for deptno.
 oradata1.RecordSource = "select * from emp where deptno = :deptno"
 On Error GoTo paramerr
 'Attempt to refresh the data control. An error should occur, because 
 ' AutoBind=False, the SQL statement contains a parameter, and the 
 'SQL statement needs to be bound before execution.
Exit Sub
 MsgBox oradata1.Database.Session.LastServerErrText
Exit Sub
End Sub
PKgrPK?AOEBPS/sermthod125.htm  Log (OraNumber) Method

Log (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the logarithm of operand using the OraNumber object as the base.


OraNumber.Log operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

This method raises an error if the OraNumber object or operand is less than or equal to zero.

PKt PK?AOEBPS/sermthod075.htm3 DisableBuffering (OraLOB) Method

DisableBuffering (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Disables buffering of LOB operations.




This method does not automatically flush the buffers. The FlushBuffer method should be used to flush any changes before buffering is disabled.

PK.8 3 PK?AOEBPS/serprop097.htm i OraMaxDSize Property

OraMaxDSize Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the Oracle maximum display size for the field specified. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_maxdisplaysize = orafield.OraMaxDSize

Data Type

Long Integer


This value is meaningful only when the value is returned as a character string, especially when using functions such as SUBSTR or TO_CHAR to modify the representation of the column.

PK^ PK?AOEBPS/serprop050.htm $ FieldName Property

FieldName Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Returns the field name in the SELECT statement in the dynaset.


set field_name = oradynaset.FieldName(index)


[in] indexIndex of the name of the field as it appears in the SQL statement.

Data Type


PKZ% PK?AOEBPS/sermthod171.htmS Trim (OraLOB) Method

Trim (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Trims or truncates the LOB value to shorter length.


OraBlob.Trim NewLen
OraClob.Trim NewLen


The arguments for the method are:

[in] NewLenAn Integer specifying the new length of the LOB value; must be less than or equal to the current length.


Either a row-level lock or object-level lock should be obtained before calling this method.


When manipulating LOBs using LOB methods, such as the Write and CopyFromFile, the LOB object is not automatically trimmed if the length of the new data is shorter than the old data. Use the Trim (OraLOB) method to shrink the LOB object to the size of the new data.

PK/{PK?AOEBPS/serprop137.htm#r Type (OraMetaData) Property

Type (OraMetaData) Property

Applies To

OraMetaData Object


Returns type of the schema object described by the OraMetaData object.


type = OraMetaData.Type


The possible values include the following constants:



If this version of the OraMetaData object is used on Oracle Database release 8.1 or later, values higher than 24 are possible if the database is enhanced to introduce new schema types.

PK-#eܒ##PK?AOEBPS/dcprop017.htm@ Left Property

Left Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.

PKX^PK?AOEBPS/sermthod096.htmY GetChunkByte Method

GetChunkByte Method

Applies To

OraField Object


Reads the data from the LONG or LONG RAW field into byte array and returns the size of data read.


Size_read = orafield.GetChunkByte(ByteArray, offset, numbytes) 


The arguments for the method are:

ByteArrayThe first element of the ByteArray to hold the data.
offsetThe number of bytes in the field to skip before copying data.
numbytesThe number of bytes to copy.


When possible, the GetChunkByte method retrieves the specified bytes from the local cache. However, to conserve resources, some of the data might not be stored locally. In these cases, the GetChunkByte method requests the necessary data from the database as required. As part of this process, data from all fields (except the Long or LONG RAW field) in the dynaset are retrieved and compared with the cached values for consistency. If any changes have occurred since the fetch of the original partial data, then the GetChunkByte method stops the operation and an error occurs. In the case of an abort, the returned string is Null.

If a LONG or LONG RAW field is less than 65280 bytes in size, it is quicker to retrieve the data using the Value property than using the GetChunkByte method. You cannot use the GetChunkByte method on a LONG or LONG RAW field for which you have created an alias.


This example demonstrates the use of the GetChunkByte method to retrieve a LONG RAW column of a database and save it as a file. This example expects a valid dynaset named OraDynaset representing a table with a column named longraw. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Call this procedure with a valid file name.

Sub GetChunkByteExample (FName As String)  
'Declare various variables 
Dim CurSize As Integer, ChunkSize  As Long 
Dim I As Integer, FNum As Integer, CurChunk() As Byte 
'Set the size of each chunk 
ChunkSize = 10240 
'Redim CurChunk Array 
ReDim CurChunk(ChunkSize)  
frmChunk.MousePointer = HOURGLASS  
'Get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile  
'Open the file 
Open FName For Binary As #FNum  
 I = 0 
'Loop through all of the chunks 
'Oracle does not return the size of columns > 64KB. We should loop until the 'length of our block is less than we asked for.
 CurSize = OraDynaset.Fields("type_longraw").GetChunkByte(CurChunk(0), I * ChunkSize, ChunkSize) 
If CurSize > 0 AND CurSize < ChunkSize Then 
    ReDim CurChunk(CurSize) 
    CurSize = OraDynaset.Fields("type_longraw").GetChunkByte(CurChunk(0), I * ChunkSize, CurSize) 
 End If 
 Put #FNum, , CurChunk   'Write chunk to file. 
 I = I + 1 
Loop Until CurSize <= 0  
'Close the file.  
Close FNum  
frmChunk.MousePointer = DEFAULT  
End Sub

See Also:

"Migration from LONG RAW to LOB or BFILE" for additional information

PKmH^YPK?AOEBPS/serprop159.htm E XMLRowTag Property

XMLRowTag Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets and sets the tag name that replaces <ROW> in the rendering of XML that occurs when GetXML or GetXMLToFile methods are called. Readable and writable at run time.


oradynaset.XMLRowTag = "NEWROW"


The default value for this property is ROW. If this property is set to Null or an empty string (""), the <ROW> tag is omitted. The tag name must be valid or an error is raised. The case is preserved.

PK# PK?AOEBPS/serprop066.htmm IsNull (OraLOB/BFILE) Property

IsNull (OraLOB/BFILE) Property

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Returns True if the LOB or BFILE refers to a Null value in the database; otherwise, returns False. This property is read-only.


IsNull = OraBfile.IsNull
IsNull = OraBlob.IsNull 
IsNull = OraClob.IsNull

Data Type



Some LOB or BFILE properties and methods are not valid when a LOB or BFILE is Null. This property makes it possible to check for Null values and avoid these errors.

PK 1r m PK?AOEBPS/serobjch032.htm F OraSubscriptions Collection

OraSubscriptions Collection


The OraSubscriptions collection maintains a list of OraSubscription objects, which represent the subscription to a database event. Unlike the other collection objects, this list is modifiable; you can add to and remove from the collection.


You can access the OraSubscription objects in this collection by creating a subscript (using ordinal integers) or by using the name the object was given at its creation. You can obtain the number of OraSubscription objects in the collection by using the Count property. Referencing a subscript that is not within the collection (0 to Count-1) results in the return of a null OraSubscription object.

In addition to accessing the OraSubscription objects of the collection, you can use the collection to create and destroy subscriptions by using the Add and Remove methods, respectively.



PK? PK?AOEBPS/sermthod017.htmD ArcCos (OraNumber) Method

ArcCos (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the arc cosine of an OraNumber object. The result is in radians.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

This method returns an error if the OraNumber value is less than -1 or greater than 1.

PK>NJIDPK?AOEBPS/serprop099.htm= OraNullOK Property

OraNullOK Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Indicates whether or not Null values are permitted for this column. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_nullok = orafield.OraNullOK

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)


This property returns True if Null values are permitted, otherwise, it returns False.

PKôB = PK?AOEBPS/dcevents008.htm  Validate Event

Validate Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


This method is called whenever a variety of circumstances occur. It is sent when an attempt is made to move to a new record position, to delete a record, add a record, move to a bookmark, or to roll back the dynasets in the session. Validate is always called before the operation proceeds and any action is taken.

PK9n PK?AOEBPS/sermthod004.htm  Add (OraIntervalYM) Method

Add (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Adds an argument to the OraIntervalYM object.


OraIntervalYMObj.Add operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object to be added.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalYM object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

If operand is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-]YEARS-MONTHS.

If operand is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.


Dim oraIYM as OraIntervalYM 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a string which represents 1 year and 6 months 
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM("1-6") 
'Add an interval using a string, which represents 2 years 
'and 6 months, to oraIYM. 
'The resulting oraIYM is an interval which represents 4 years 
oraIYM.Add "2-6" 
PK PK?AOEBPS/serprop096.htmk+ OraIDataType Property

OraIDataType Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the Oracle internal data type code for the field specified. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_idatatype = orafield.OraIDataType

Data Type

Long Integer


The following Oracle Internal data types are returned.

ConstantValueInternal Data Type

These values can be found in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o\oraconst.txt file.

PK{Mp+k+PK?AOEBPS/serprop028.htm 9 Day (OraTimeStamp) Property

Day (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Gets and sets the Day attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


day= OraTimeStampObj.Day
OraTimeStampObj.Day= day


[in] dayThe Day attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PK7X PK?AOEBPS/sermthod108.htm+ IsEqual (OraNumber) Method

IsEqual (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Checks if an OraNumber object is equal to an argument value.


bool  = OraNumber.IsEqual value 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if all values are equal; otherwise, it is False.

PKd0 + PK?AOEBPS/serprop142.htmC Value (OraAQMsg) Property

Value (OraAQMsg) Property

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Returns or sets the value of the given object.


Msg.Value = my_string 
set Msg.Value = OraObj 
my_string = Msg.Value 
Set OraObj = Msg.Value 

Data Type



The Value property represents the actual message for RAW as well as user-defined types.

This property is not available at design time and read/write at run time.


'To set the value for a message of Raw type 
OraAQMsg.Value = "This is a test message" 
myString = "Another way of setting the message" 
OraAQMsg.Value = myString 
'To set the value for a message of user-defined type  
Dim OraObj as OraObject 
OraObj("subject").Value = txtdesc 
OraObj("text").Value = txtmsg 
set OraAQMsg.Value = OraObj 
'To get the value from a message of raw type 
myString = OraAQMsg.Value 
'To get the value from a message of object type(user-defined type) 
Set OraObj = OraMsg.Value 
txtdesc = OraObj("subject").Value 
txtmsg = OraObj("text").Value
PK`k H C PK?AOEBPS/sermthod091.htm FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, and FindPrevious Methods

FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, and FindPrevious Methods

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Find the indicated rows in the dynaset that matches the FindClause. The FindClause can be any valid WHERE clause without the WHERE. If the current FindClause matches the last clause from the previous find operation, then the current FindClause is not parsed again.

These methods move the current row directly to a matched row without calling any advisories except when the matched row is reached. If a matching row cannot be found, the NoMatch property is set to True, and the current row remains the same.


oradynaset.FindFirst FindClause  
oradynaset.FindLast FindClause  
oradynaset.FindNext FindClause 
oradynaset.FindPrevious FindClause  


The following types of expressions can be used in the FindClause:

  • Simple queries, such as "deptno = 20"

  • Queries involving complex expressions, such as "sal + 100 > 1000".

  • SQL function calls, such as "UPPER(ename) = 'SCOTT' " or "NVL(comm, 0) = 0".

  • Subqueries, such as "deptno in (select deptno from dept)".

The SQL LIKE operator does not work in multiple byte languages. Table or synonym DUAL is required in the user's schema. Date values are retrieved and compared in Visual Basic format, which is the format specified in the Control Panel. Therefore, date comparisons fail if any other format such as the default Oracle format, DD-MON-YYYY is used.

The SQL function TO_CHAR (date, fmt) cannot be used because the first argument must be a date value in native Oracle format, and OO4O only handles 'string dates'.

The SQL function TO_DATE converts a string to a date, but OO4O converts it back to a string in Visual Basic format, as previously described, and the comparison may still fail.

The FindPrevious and FindLast methods in a NO_CACHE dynaset do not work; NoMatch is set to True.

Note: To avoid raising an error, check for EOF or BOF before calling a Find method.


This example demonstrates the use of the FindFirst, FindNext, FindPrevious methods. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()     
  Dim OraSession As OraSession 
  Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
  Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
  Dim OraFields As OraFields
  Dim FindClause As String 
  Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
  Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "SCOTT/TIGER", 0&) 
  Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp where empno" & _
                 ">= 7654 and empno <= 7844 ", ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP) 
  Set OraFields = OraDynaset.Fields 
  'FindClause for job as MANAGER
  FindClause = "job LIKE '%GER'" 
  OraDynaset.FindFirst FindClause 
  'NoMatch property set to true , if no rows found
  If OraDynaset.NoMatch Then 
    MsgBox "Couldn't find rows " 
    MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should display BLAKE 
    OraDynaset.FindNext FindClause 
    MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should display CLARK 
    OraDynaset.FindPrevious FindClause 
    MsgBox OraFields("ename").Value  ' Should display BLAKE
End Sub
PKL0PK?AOEBPS/sermthod170.htme Trim (OraCollection) Method

Trim (OraCollection) Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Trims a given number of elements from the end of the collection.


OraCollection.Trim size


The arguments for the method are:

[in] sizeAn Integer specifying the number of elements to trim.


The elements are removed from the end of the collection. An error is returned if the size is greater than the current size of the collection.


The following example illustrates the Trim method. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples" .

Example: Trim Method for the OraCollection Object

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim EnameList as OraCollection
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from department
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&)
'retrieve a Enames column from Department. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns EnameList OraCollection
set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value
'display the size of the collection
msgbox  EnameList.Size
'Trim the EnameList collection by one. Before that row level
 'lock should be obtained
EnameList.Trim 1
'display the new size of the collection
msgbox EnameList.Size
PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod069.htm  Delete (OraCollection) Method

Delete (OraCollection) Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Deletes an element at given index. This method is available only in an OraCollection of type ORATYPE_TABLE (nested table).


OraCollection.Delete index


The arguments for the method are:

[in] indexAn Integer specifying the index of the element to be deleted.


The Delete method creates holes in the client-side nested table. This method returns an error if the element at the given index has already been deleted or if the given index is not valid for the given table.


The following example illustrates the Delete method. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples" .

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim CourseList as OraCollection
'create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from division
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from division", 0&)
'retrieve a Courses column from Division. 
'Here Value property of OraField object returns CourseList OraCollection
set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value
'Delete the CourseList  NestedTable at index 2. 
'Before that lock should be obtained
CourseList.Delete 2
PK' PK?AOEBPS/serprop054.htm D FileName Property

FileName Property

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


Gets or sets a filename. Read and write at run time.


filename  = OraBFile.FileName 
OraBFile.FileName = filename 


[in] [out] filenameA String specifying the directory name to be retrieved or set.

Data Type



This string can be case-sensitive depending on the database operating system.

See Also:

OraField Object

PKTB PK?AOEBPS/sermthod135.htm$ Mul (OraNumber) Method

Mul (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Multiplies the OraNumber object by operand.


OraNumber.Mul operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKJ5) $ PK?AOEBPS/dcprop006.htmN Database Property

Database Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Returns the OraDatabase object associated with the data control. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


oradatabase = oradata1.Database


If the data control has not been refreshed, any references to this property results in an Object variable not set runtime error.

Changing this property has no effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.

Data Type

OLE Object (OraDatabase)

PK`?KS N PK?AOEBPS/dcmethods001.htmb Drag Method

Drag Method

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Begins, ends, or cancels dragging controls.

PK9g b PK?AOEBPS/tips.htm Tuning and Troubleshooting

5 Tuning and Troubleshooting

This chapter provides information about tuning, troubleshooting, and error handing in Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O).

This chapter contains these topics:

Tips and Techniques for Performance Tuning

The following topics are intended to help tune the performance of applications that use Oracle Objects for OLE.

This section contains these topics:

Early Binding of OO4O Objects

The early binding technique tightly typecasts OO4O objects to their native object types rather than the generic object type provided by Visual Basic. These objects are declared directly as OO4O objects, rather than as generic objects which are later reclassified as OO4O objects. Early binding improves performance by reducing frequent access to the OO4O type library. For example:

'Early binding of OO4O objects 
Dim OraSession as OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset 
'Generic binding of OO4O objects 
Dim OraSession as Object 
Dim OraDatabase as Object 
Dim OraDynaset as Object 

To use early binding of OO4O objects, the Oracle In-Process Server type library must be referenced in the Visual Basic projects.

Tuning and Customization

Data access can be tuned and customized by altering the cache and fetch parameters of a dynaset. Setting the FetchLimit parameter to a higher value increases the number of rows that are fetched with each request, thus reducing the number of network trips to Oracle Database, and improving performance.

The cost of increasing the size of the FetchLimit parameter is that it increases memory requirements on the client side, and causes more data to be swapped to and from the temporary cache file on disk. The proper FetchLimit value should be set according to the client computer configuration and the anticipated size of the query result.

The FetchLimit value can be set in the following ways:

  • By using the CreateCustomDynaset method

  • By modifying parameters of the OO4O entry in the Windows registry

For Windows, the registry key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and the subkey is software\oracle\KEY_HOMENAME\oo4o, where HOMENAME is the appropriate Oracle home. The OO4O installation creates the following section in the registry:

"FetchLimit" = 100

Avoiding Multiple Object Reference

Improper coding techniques with unnecessary object references can also affect performance. During dynaset object navigation, you should reduce the number of object references to the OraFields collections and OraField objects. The following is an inefficient code block:

'Create the OraDynaset Object 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
'Traverse until EOF is reached 
Do Until OraDynaset.EOF 
    msgbox OraDynaset.Fields("sal").value 

The OraDynaset, OraFields collections, and OraField objects are referenced for each iteration. Although OO4O provides improvement in handling the field collections object, multiple references to the automation object goes though the underlying OLE/COM automation layer, which slows down the execution.

The following example shows how to reference fields through a field object and not through the fields collection of the dynaset. Testing has determined that this small amount of extra code greatly improves performance.

Dim flds() As OraField 
Dim i, fldcount As Integer 
' Create the OraDynaset Object 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&) 
' Get the field count, and output the names 
fldcount = OraDynaset.Fields.Count 
ReDim flds(0 To fldcount - 1) 
For i = 0 To fldcount - 1 
Set flds(i) = OraDynaset.Fields(i) 
Next I 
'Traverse until EOF is reached 
Do Until OraDynaset.EOF 
   msgbox Flds(5).Value 
   msgbox Flds(6).Value 

Any method or object that is referenced through more than one object is potentially inefficient, but the extra coding to avoid this is not always worth the time saved. The best place to start is with field references, because they are most likely to occur multiple times.

Parameter Bindings

OO4O provides a way of enabling and disabling parameter object binding at the time it processes the SQL statement. This can be done through the AutoBindDisable and AutoBindEnable methods of the OraParameter object. If the SQL statement does not contain the parameter name, it is better to disable the OraParameter object because it avoids an unnecessary reference to the parameter object. This is most effective when the application is written primarily using PL/SQL procedures. For example:

Set OraDatabase = OraSession. OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Add the job input parameter with initial value MANAGER. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1 
'Add the deptno input parameter with initial value 10. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "deptno", 10, 1 
'Add the job input parameter with initial value MANAGER. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EmpCur", 0, 1 
OraDatabase.Parameters("Empcur").ServerType = ORATYPE_CURSOR 
'Disable the job parameter for now. 
set OraSqlStmt = CreateSQL("Begin GetEmpData(:Empcur, :deptno) End;",0&) 

Note how the job parameter object is not referenced while processing the PL/SQL statement.

Array Processing

OO4O supports an array interface to an Oracle database through the OraParamArray object. The array interface enables the transfer of bulk of data in single network trip. This is especially helpful while processing a PL/SQL or SQL statement through the ExecuteSQL or CreateSQL method. For example, in order to insert 100 rows into remote database without array processing, ExecuteSQL or CreateSQL must be called 100 times, which in turn makes 100 network trips. For example:

For I = 1 to 100 
   OraParameter("EMPNO").Value = xxxx 
   OraParameter("ENAME").Value = 'yyyy' 
   OraParameter("DEPTNO").Value = zz 
   OraDatabase.ExecuteSql("insert into emp values (:EMPNO,:ENAME,:DEPTNO)"); 
Next I 

The following example makes use of arrays and makes only one network trip.

'ENAMEARR,:EMPNOARR,:DEPTNOARR are parameter arrays 
For I = 1 to 100 
   OraParameter("EMPNOARR").Put_Value xxxx, I 
   OraParameter("ENAMEARR").Put_Value 'yyyy' ,I 
   OraParameter("DEPTNOARR").Put_Value zz, I 
Next I 
'Now call the ExecuteSQL only once 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSql("insert into emp values(:EMPNOARR," & _
              ":ENAMEARR, :DEPTNOARR)"); 

See Also:

OraParamArray Object for more information on using arrays

Using Read-Only, Forward-Only Dynaset

If your application does not make any updates to the dynaset, then you can create a read-only dynaset with the ORADYN_READONLY (H4) option. With this option, performance improvement can be gained by eliminating the overhead of parsing SQL statements locally and reducing network trips for SQL statement execution.

If your application does not need a scrollable dynaset, then you can create a forward-only dynaset with the ORADYN_NOCACHE (H8) option. With this option, performance improvement can be gained by eliminating the overhead of creating a local cache file and the overhead of reading/writing data from that file.

Using the PL/SQL Bulk Collection Feature

The PL/SQL bulk collection feature enables the selecting of bulk data in a single network trip using PL/SQL anonymous blocks. The OO4O OraDynaset object selects arrays of data during SQL statement execution. This involves overhead such as performing more network round-trips, creating more cache files and internal objects. If you do not want to use a dynaset due to its overhead, then this feature is useful for selecting arrays of data. The data to be selected can be bound either as an OraParamArray object or as an OraCollection object.

The following example illustrates PL/SQL bulk collection features using the OraCollection interface. It shows how arrays of enames are selected with one network round-trip and less overload.

Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("Exampledb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'create a VARRAY type ENAMELIST in the database 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("create type ENAMELIST as VARRAY(50) OF VARCHAR2(20)")
'create a parameter for ENAMELIST VARRAY 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, 247,"ENAMELIST"  

'execute the statement to select all the enames from ename column of emp table
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select ENAME bulk collect into" & _ 
                ":ENAMES from emp; END;") 
'here OraParameter object returns EnameList OraCollection 
Set EnameList = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value 
'display all the selected enames 
FOR I = 1 to EnameList.Size 
   msgbox Enamelist(I) 

See Also:

OraDynaset Object

Migration from LONG RAW to LOB or BFILE

Oracle8i introduced the following new types described in "Using Large Objects (LOBs)":

  • BLOB

  • CLOB


The design of these types allows OO4O to access them much faster than using LONG or LONG RAW types. For this reason, convert existing LONG RAW code to BLOB, CLOB, and BFILE, and only use LOBs and BFILEs for new applications. The OraLOB object should be used to access LOB and BFILE types, rather than these LONG RAW chunking methods, which are provided for backward compatibility only. Note that OraLOB offers maximum control.

LOB data types differ from LONG and LONG RAW data types in several ways:

  • A table can contain multiple LOB columns, but can contain only one LONG column.

  • A table containing one or more LOB columns can be partitioned, but a table containing a LONG column cannot be partitioned.

  • The maximum size of a LOB is 4 gigabytes, but the maximum size of a LONG is 2 gigabytes.

  • LOBs support random access to data, but LONGs data types support only sequential access.

  • LOB data types (except NCLOB) can be attributes of a user-defined object type, but LONG data types cannot.

  • LOB client-side buffering is used to optimize multiple small writes.

  • LOB data can be stored in operating system files outside of database tablespaces (BFILE types).

To make migration easier, the following methods can be used with BLOB, CLOB, and BFILE types:

For older applications using the LONG RAW chunking methods, migration should not require a lot of changes to the code. The primary code changes involve the requirement that null BLOB and CLOB types be updated with empty before being used.

Using Connection Pooling

The connection pool in OO4O is a pool of OraDatabase objects. An OO4O connection pool is a group of (possibly) already connected OraDatabase objects. For applications that require constant connections and disconnections to the database, such as ASP Web applications, using a connection pool results in enhanced performance.

Oracle Objects for OLE Error Handling

OO4O errors are grouped in the following categories:

OLE Automation Errors

The programmatic interface of the OO4O automation server is the OO4O In-Process Automation server. Errors that occur during execution of methods are frequently reported as an OLE Automation Error (ERR = 440, ERROR$="OLE Automation Error").

When an error occurs, check the LastServerErr property of the OraSession and OraDatabase objects to determine whether an Oracle database error has occurred. If the LastServerErr is not zero, then an error has been raised by the OO4O automation server.

To find OO4O automation server errors, scan the string returned by the ERROR$ function for the string "OIP-NNNN" where NNNN is an error number included in the Table 5-1.


These values are included in the oraconst.txt file in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\oo4o directory.

Table 5-1 lists the Oracle OLE automation errors.

Table 5-1 Oracle OLE Automation Errors




Internal error: Invalid advisory connection.



An attempt was made to retrieve a field value from an empty dynaset.



An invalid field name was specified.



An invalid field index was specified. The range of indexes is 0 to FieldCount-1.



A BeginTrans operation was specified while a transaction was already in progress.



A CommitTrans operation was specified without first executing a BeginTrans.



A Rollback operation was specified without first executing a BeginTrans.



Internal error: System attempted to remove a nonexistent dynaset.



An attempt was made to reference an invalid row. This happens when EOF or BOF is True, or when the current row was deleted and no record movement occurred.



An error occurred while trying to create a temporary file for data caching.



An attempt was made to create a named session that already exists, using the CreateSession or CreateNamedSession method.



Internal error: System attempted to remove a nonexistent session.



An attempt was made to reference a named object of a collection (other than the fields collection) that does not exist.



Internal error: Duplicate connection name.



Internal error: System attempted to remove a nonexistent connection.



An invalid field index was specified. The range of indexes is 0 to Count -1.



Internal error: System attempted to move to a row but the dynaset does not support this operation.



An attempt was made to change the data of a nonupdatable dynaset.



An attempt was made to change the value of a field without first executing the Edit method.



An attempt was made to edit data in the local cache, but the data on Oracle Database was changed.



Out of memory for data binding buffers.



An invalid bookmark was specified.



Internal error: Bind variable was not enabled.



An attempt was made to create a named parameter using the Add method, but that name already exists.



An invalid offset or length parameter was passed to the GetChunk method, or an internal error occurred using the AppendChunk method.



An attempt was made to use the GetChunk or AppendChunk method on a field that was not either Long or Long Raw type.



An invalid argument value was entered.



A SELECT ... FOR UPDATE operation was specified without first executing the BeginTrans operation.



A SELECT ... FOR UPDATE operation was specified, but the query is nonupdatable.



A Commit or Rollback was executed while a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE operation was in progress.



An invalid cache parameter was specified. Note that the maximum value for the CacheBlocks parameter is 127.



An attempt was made to reference a field that requires a ROWID (Long or Long Raw), but the ROWID value was not available.



Internal Error: Out of memory.



Element size specified in the AddTable method exceeds the maximum size allowed for that variable type. See "AddTable Method" for more details.



Dimension specified in the AddTable method is invalid (that is, negative). See "AddTable Method" for more details.



Dimensions of array parameters used in the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are not equal.



Error processing arrays. For details see the oo4oerr.log in the Windows directory.



Internal error: Clipboard could not be opened or closed.



No source string was provided for the UpdateResource method.



Invalid source type was provided for UpdateSource method.



An attempt was made to set SQL property for dynaset created from PL/SQL cursor.



Database pool already exists for this session.



Unable to obtain a free database object from the pool.



Input type is not compatible with the field or parameter type.



An attempt was made to edit a cloned object.



An attempt was made to change the type of a parameter array or an array of extended type.

Nonblocking Errors

Table 5-2 lists the nonblocking errors.

Table 5-2 Nonblocking Errors




Nonblocking operation in progress.



Operation is valid only when nonblocking operation is in progress.

Find Method Parser Errors

Find method parser errors occur when the parser cannot evaluate the expression in the Find method. These errors specify the part of the expression that caused the error.

Table 5-3 lists the Find method parser errors.

Table 5-3 Find Method Parser Errors




Stack overflow.



Syntax error.



Misplaced parenthesis.



Misplaced quotation marks.



Warning: Missing closing parenthesis.



Open parenthesis expected.



Unknown parser error condition.



Syntax not supported.



Invalid column name.



Maximum size exceeded in token.



Unsupported data type.



Unexpected token found.



Unexpected end of clause.

Find Method Run-Time Errors

Find method run-time errors occur when the system cannot evaluate a find expression. Such errors are rare. When one occurs, the parser could have generated incorrect code.

Table 5-4 lists the Find method run-time errors.

Table 5-4 Find Method Run-Time Errors




Internal error: Invalid instruction.



Internal error: Stack overflow or underflow.



Invalid type conversion.



Invalid data type.



SQL function missing an argument.



Invalid comparison.



SELECT from dual failed.



Invalid data type in SELECT from dual.



Invalid use of operator.

OraObject Instance Errors

Table 5-5 lists the OraObject instance errors.

Table 5-5 OraObject Instance Errors




Creating an OraObject object instance in the client-side object cache failed.



Binding an OraObject object instance to a SQL statement failed.



Getting the attribute name of an OraObject object instance failed.



Getting the attribute index of an OraObject object instance failed.



Invalid input object type for the binding operation.



Fetched OraObject instance has an invalid indicator structure.



Operation on the NULL OraObject instance failed. See the "IsNull (OraObject) Property".



Pin operation on the NULL Ref value failed. See the "IsRefNull (OraRef) Property".

LOB Errors

Table 5-6 lists the LOB errors.

Table 5-6 LOB Errors




Invalid seek value is specified for the LOB read/write operation.



Read operation failed.



Write operation failed.



Input buffer type for CLOB write operation is not string.



Input buffer type for BLOB write operation is not byte.



Invalid buffer length for the LOB write operation.



Write, Trim, Append, Copy operations are not allowed in this mode.



Invalid input LOB for the bind operation.



Write, Trim, Append, Copy operations are not allowed for a cloned LOB object.



Specified file could not be opened during a LOB operation.



File Read or Write operation failed during a LOB operation.



Operation on NULL LOB failed. See "IsNull (OraLOB/BFILE) Property".

Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing Errors

Table 5-7 lists the Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing errors.

Table 5-7 Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing Errors




Error creating the OraAQ Object.



Error creating the AQMsg object.



Error creating the payload object.



Maximum number of subscribers exceeded.



Error creating the AQAgent object.

See Also:

OraAQ Object

OraCollection Errors

Table 5-8 lists the OraCollection errors.

Table 5-8 OraCollection Errors




Operation on NULL OraCollection failed. See "IsNull (OraCollection) Property".



Element does not exist for the given index.



Invalid collection index is specified.



Delete operation is not supported for the VARRAY collection type.



Variant SafeArray cannot be created from the collection having nonscalar element types.

OraNumber Errors

Table 5-9 lists the OraNumber errors.

Table 5-9 OraNumber Errors




Operation on NULL OraNumber object failed.

See Also:

OraNumber Object

Oracle Errors

The most recent Oracle error text is available from the LastServerErr and LastServerErrText properties of the OraSession or OraDatabase objects.

  • OraSession object

    The LastServerErr and LastServerErrText properties of the OraSession object return all errors related to connections, such as errors on the OpenDatabase method.

  • OraDatabase object

    The LastServerErr and LastServerErrText properties of the OraDatabase object return all errors related to an Oracle cursor, such as errors on the CreateDynaset, CreateSQL, and ExecuteSQL methods.

Oracle Data Control Errors

Oracle Data Control errors are specific to the Oracle data control. During the visual access of the data control, the OO4O automation server-specific errors are reported as OLE automation server errors with the error code of ODCERR_AUTOMATION. Specific Oracle Data Control error codes are retrieved from the DataErr parameter of the Error() event.

Table 5-10 lists the Oracle Data Control errors.

Table 5-10 Oracle Data Control Errors




Initialization of Oracle In-Process Server failed. Check the registry for the correct location of Oracle In-Process Server.



Internal error. Querying In-Process Server interface failed.



Oracle In-Process Server error occurred.



Attempted to access Oracle Data Control before initialization.



Bound controls trying to access with invalid field index.



Bound controls tried to access with an invalid field name.



Internal error. Failed to allocate memory for the requested bindings from the bound control.



Oracle Data Control does not support the requested bookmark type.



Oracle Data Control cannot convert the field value to the requested type.



Setting the session property is not allowed.



Setting the database property is not allowed.



Oracle Data Control does not update picture or raw data directly from the bound control. Use AppendChunk() method.



Recordset property cannot be set to a dynaset created with the ORADYN_NOCACHE option (bound control connected to data control often requires bidirectional navigation).



Recordset property cannot be set to a dynaset created with the ORADYN_NOMOVEFIRST option.

See Also:

AppendChunk Method


This topic describes common errors related to the following:

See Also:

Oracle Database Error Messages for additional information about errors

OLE Initialization or OLE Automation Errors

The most frequent cause of OLE initialization and automation errors is missing or incorrectly installed software. Ensure correct installation of the software specified. Then make sure that you have specified method and property names correctly and that you have declared all Oracle objects as type object.

Table 5-11 lists the causes and solutions for OLE errors.

Table 5-11 Causes and Solutions for OLE Errors

Possible CauseSolution

Your system does not contain the Microsoft OLE Automation or run-time, files or these files are out of date.

Make sure you have the latest versions of files such as the following installed.

  • mfc42.dll

  • oleaut32.dll

  • ole32.dll

The Oracle Objects for OLE object information was not registered in the Windows registration database.

Either reinstall Oracle Objects for OLE or run the regedt32.exe file to register information. See "Oracle Objects for OLE Redistributable Files".

Your system does not contain the Oracle Required Support Files:

  • oraclient*.dll

  • orageneric*.dll

  • oracommon*.dll

  • oracore*.dll

  • oranls*.dll

Check the OO4O readme.htm file to see what version of the Oracle Database client is required and install it.

Your system does not contain the Oracle networking product or its files are not on the PATH.

Install an Oracle networking product, or add to your PATH an environment variable that indicates the directory containing these files.

You misspelled a method or property name.

Check Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide (this guide) to determine the correct spelling.

You referenced a method or property from the wrong object.

Check Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide (this guide) to determine the correct object.

Your system does not contain the oraansiVER.dll file.

Reinstall Oracle Objects for OLE or add to your PATH environment variable the directory in which these files are located.

Note: VER refers to the version.

Oracle Network Errors

The most frequent cause of Oracle network errors is incorrectly specified connection information. The connection information for Oracle Objects for OLE is specified differently than when using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Please verify that you specified connection information correctly, and then make sure your network connection is working properly before using Oracle Objects for OLE. The appropriate Oracle network documentation contains information about testing your connection and about any Oracle networking error that you may receive.

Table 5-12 lists the Oracle network errors.

Table 5-12 Oracle Networking Errors

Possible CauseSolution

Incorrect Connect property or argument to the OpenDatabase method.

See the topics on the Connect property or the OpenDatabase method for examples.

Incorrect DatabaseName property or argument to the OpenDatabase method.

See the topics on the DatabaseName property or the OpenDatabase method for examples.

Your system does not contain the Oracle networking product.

Install Oracle networking software.

Access Violations

The most frequent cause of access violations is installing Oracle Objects for OLE while other applications are running that require the OO4O automation server, Oracle Required Support Files, or OLE. To avoid this, install Oracle Objects for OLE immediately after starting Windows and before running any other application.

Table 5-13 lists the access violations.

Table 5-13 Access Violations

Possible CauseSolution

Duplicate Oracle Objects for OLE files exist in SYSTEM directories or along the PATH.

Remove any duplicate files. The files oipVER.dll and oipVER.tlb should only be located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.

Duplicate Oracle Required Support Files DLLs exist in the SYSTEM directories or along the PATH.

Remove any duplicate files. Typically, the Oracle Required Support Files DLLs are located in the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME \bin directory:

  • oraclient*.dll

  • orageneric*.dll

  • oracommon*.dll

  • oracore*.dll

  • oranls*.dll

Duplicate OLE DLLs exist in the SYSTEM directories or along the PATH.

Remove any duplicate files. The OLE DLLs (listed in the OO4O File Locations section) should only be located in \system directories.

PKGg`LPK?AOEBPS/dcprop020.htm NoRefetch Property

NoRefetch Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


By default, NoRefetch is False, this means that default data set by Oracle Database will not be refetched to the local cache. If the ORADB_NO_REFETCH option is True, by default, the underlying recordset or dynaset will inherit this property.

Changing this property has no effect until a Refresh method is sent to the data control.


oradata1.NoRefetch = [ True | False ]

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)

PK&+  PK?AOEBPS/dcevents.htm Data Control Events

12 Data Control Events

This chapter describes Oracle Data Control Events. For an introduction to Data Control, see "Oracle Data Control".

See Also:

For more information, see the Microsoft Visual Basic help and documentation.

This chapter contains these topics:

PK*  PK?AOEBPS/serobjch.htm$ Server Objects PK5')$PK?AOEBPS/dcprop003.htm9 BackColor Property

BackColor Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the background color of an object.

See Also:

ForeColor Property

PKK)>9PK?AOEBPS/sermthod138.htmx Neg (OraNumber) Method

Neg (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Negates an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK%驌PK?AOEBPS/sermthod127.htm U Mod (OraNumber) Method

Mod (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Gets the modulus from the division of the OraNumber object by operand.


OraNumber.Mod operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, OraNumber, or a numeric value.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

If operand is equal to zero, an error is raised.

PKJ&dz PK?AOEBPS/serprop085.htmO Name (OraAttribute) Property

Name (OraAttribute) Property

Applies To

OraAttribute Object


A String containing the name of the attribute.


name  = OraAttribute.Name

Data Type



Read-only at run time.

PKQ0T O PK?AOEBPS/serprop163.htm  Year (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Year (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Year attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


year = OraTimeStampObjTZ.Year
OraTimeStampObjTZ.Year = year


[in] yearThe Year attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PKB PK?AOEBPS/sermthod041.htm CloseAll (OraBFILE) Method

CloseAll (OraBFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


This method closes all open OraBFILE objects on this connection.


PK# PK?AOEBPS/sermthod001.htmI Abs Method

Abs Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the absolute value of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKX1PK?AOEBPS/serprop116.htmQ Session Property

Session Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object

OraDatabase Object

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object

OraServer Object


Returns the OraSession object associated with the specified object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set orasession = oraconnection.Session
Set orasession = oradatabase.Session
Set orasession = oradynaset.Session 
Set orasession = orasqlstmt.Session
Set orasession = oraserver.Session

Data Type

OLE Object (OraSession)


  • oraconnection.Session

    Returns the OraSession object in which this OraConnection object resides.

  • oradatabase.Session

    Returns the OraSession object associated with this OraDatabase object. Each database is a part of one session, which is, by default, the session associated with the application.

  • oradynaset.Session

    Returns the OraSession object associated with this OraDynaset object.

  • orasqlstmt.Session

    Returns the OraSession object associated with this OraSQLStmt object.

PK ÌVQPK?AOEBPS/sermthod161.htm Sub (OraIntervalYM) Method

Sub (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Subtracts an argument from the OraIntervalYM object.


OraIntervalYMObj.Sub operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object to be subtracted.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalYM object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

If operand is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If operand is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.

PKΟ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod098.htm{ GetXML Method

GetXML Method

Applies to

OraDynaset Object


Generates an XML document based on the contents of the dynaset.


 XMLstring = oradynaset.GetXML(startrow, maxrows) 


The arguments for the method are:

startrowThe row identifier indicating from which row to start (see OraDynaset.RowPosition). The default value of this argument is zero (the first row).
maxrowsThe maximum number of rows to retrieve (if the end of the record set is reached; fewer rows may be returned). If this argument is omitted, then all rows are returned.


This method returns a string containing the XML document.

The formatting of the output XML can be customized through the XML properties of the OraDynaset and OraField objects.

PK?.{PK?AOEBPS/sermthod137.htm8 Neg (OraIntervalYM) Method

Neg (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Negates the OraIntervalYM object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalYM object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

PKmrPK?AOEBPS/apiintro.htm=[ Introduction to Automation Objects

8 Introduction to Automation Objects

This chapter introduces commonly used OO4O Automation Objects.

This chapter contains these topics:

Overview of Automation Objects

The OO4O operational hierarchy of the objects expresses has-a and belongs-to relationships.

Figure 8-1 shows the operational hierarchy.

Figure 8-1 OO4O Automation Objects

hierarchy diagram starting with OraSession
Description of "Figure 8-1 OO4O Automation Objects"

The Automation objects diagram illustrates this hierarchy.

OraSession Object Overview

The OraSession object is returned when an instance of the OO4O Automation Server is created. It mainly serves as an interface for establishing connections to Oracle databases. It also contains methods for starting, committing, and canceling transactions on the connections contained in the OraDatabase objects created. The following Visual Basic example creates an instance of the OO4O Automation Server.

'OracleInProcServer.XOraSession is the symbolic name for a 
'globally unique component identifier. 
Set OO4OSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 

OraServer Object Overview

The OraServer object represents a physical connection to an Oracle database instance. It provides a method, OpenDatabase, for creating user sessions, which represents OraDatabase objects. It makes it possible to do "connection multiplexing."

OraDatabase Object Overview

The OraDatabase object represents a user connection to an Oracle database instance, and provides methods to execute SQL statements and PL/SQL code. The OraDatabase object is returned by the OpenDatabase method of the OraSession or the OraServer object.

The following example illustrates the use of the OpenDatabase method of the OraSession. OraDatabase objects created by this method contain a distinct physical connection to an Oracle database.

'Establish a connection to the ExampleDb database 
Set hrDBSession = OO4OSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 

The following example demonstrates how a physical network connection to an Oracle database can be shared by multiple user sessions. Using a single connection that is shared by multiple user sessions results in reduced resource usage in an Oracle Database and can increase scalability.

'Create a server connection 
Set hrDBServer = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraServer") 
Set hrDBServer = oo4o.Open("ExampleDb") 
Set userSession1 = hrDBServer.OpenDatabase("scott/tiger", 0) 
'execute queries ... 
Set userSession2= hrDBServer.OpenDatabase("scott/tiger", 0) 
'execute queries ... 

See Also:

OraDatabase Object

OraDynaset Object Overview

An OraDynaset object represents the result set of a SQL SELECT query or a PL/SQL cursor variable returned from a stored procedure or function. It is essentially a client-side scrollable and updatable cursor that allows for browsing the set of rows generated by the query it executes. It is created by the CreateDynaset or CreateCustomDynaset method of an OraDatabase interface.

The following Visual Basic example executes a query, loops through the result set, and displays values of columns returned.

Set employees = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select empno, ename from emp", 0&)
'While there are more rows 
while not employees.EOF 
'Display the values of empno and ename column of the current row 
msgbox employees("empno") & employees("ename") 
'Move to the next row 

OraField Object Overview

The OraField object is an abstraction of a column in an OraDynaset object. It contains the value as well as the metadata that describes a column of the current row in the dynaset. In the previous example for the OraDynaset object, the Field interface for empno can be obtained using this additional code:

set empno = employees.Fields("empno") 
msgbox "Employee Number: " & empno.Value 

OraFields is a collection object representing all columns in the current row.

OraField objects can represent instances of any data type supported by Oracle Database. This includes all primitive types, such as VARCHAR2, NUMBER, INT, and FLOAT, as well all the object-relational types introduced in Oracle8i.

OraParameters Object Overview

The OraParameters object is a collection container for OraParameter objects. An OraParameter object is used to supply data values for placeholders used in the SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks at run time. It can be used to provide input values as well as contain values that are returned from the database. The following sample creates two parameter objects and uses them in an update query.

OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "SALARY", 4000, ORAPARM_INPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", "JONES", ORAPARM_INPUT 
Set updateStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL("update emp set sal = :SALARY" & _ 
             "where ename = :ENAME ") 

OraParameter Object Overview

OraParameter objects can contain values for all the data types supported by Oracle9i including object-relational data types. They can be passed as input or output arguments to PL/SQL stored procedures and functions. The values of the OraParameter objects can also represent PL/SQL cursors in the form of OraDynaset objects.

OraParamArray Object Overview

An OraParamArray object provides the mechanism for binding and fetching an array of values. It is typically used for performing bulk inserts and updates.

'Create a table 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("create table part_nos(partno number," & _
             "description char(50), primary key(partno))") 
'Create two parameter arrays of size 10 to hold values for 
'part numbers (size 22 bytes), and their description (50 bytes long). 
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "PARTNO", ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER, 10, 22 
OraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "DESCRIPTION", ORAPARM_INPUT, _ 
            ORATYPE_CHAR, 10, 50 
'Initialize the arrays 
For I = 0 To 10 
   OraDatabase.Parameters("PARTNO").put_Value = I, I 
   OraDatabase.Parameters("DESCRIPTION ") = "some description", I 
Next I 
'Execute the query 
Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSql("insert into " & _
            "part_nos(partno, description) values(:PARTNO,:DESCRIPTION)", 0&)

OraSQLStmt Object Overview

The OraSQLStmt object is typically used for executing non-select SQL queries and PL/SQL blocks. The following line of code executes an update query and displays the number of rows affected.

Set updateStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL("update emp set sal = 3000" & _ 
                "where ename = 'JONES' ") 
MsgBox updateStmt.RecordCount 

The OraSQLStmt object (updateStmt) can be used later to execute the same query with a different value for the :SALARY placeholder. For example:

OraDatabase.Parameters("SALARY").value = 200000 
updateStmt.Parameters("ENAME").value = "KING" 

See Also:

OraSQLStmt Object

PKӲ==PK?AOEBPS/serprop035.htmX DequeueMode (OraAQ) Property

DequeueMode (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Specifies the locking behavior associated with the dequeue operation.


Q.DequeueMode = locking_mode 

Data Type



Possible values are:


    Does not lock the message when dequeuing.


    Reads and obtains a write lock on the message.

  • ORAAQ_DQ_REMOVE (3 )(Default)

    Reads the message, and updates or deletes it.

PK)KC] X PK?AOEBPS/sermthod105.htm' InitIterator Method

InitIterator Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Initializes an iterator to scan a collection.




This method initializes an iterator to point to the beginning of a collection. If this method is called for same Oracle Database 10g collection instance, then this method resets the iterator to point back to the beginning of the collection. The OraCollection object automatically reinitializes the iterator when the underlying collection changes due to a dynaset row navigation or a parameter Refresh method.

After you call the InitIterator method, you need to call the IterNext method or the first element in the collection repeats an extra time.


See "Example: OraCollection Iterator".

PK-, ' PK?AOEBPS/sermthod124.htm+ Ln (OraNumber) Method

Ln (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of an OraNumber object.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

This method raises an error if the OraNumber object is less than or equal to zero.

PK'G?T0+PK?AOEBPS/dcmethods.htm b Data Control Methods

13 Data Control Methods

This chapter describes Oracle Data Control methods. For an introduction to Data Control, see "Oracle Data Control".

See Also:

For more information, see the Microsoft Visual Basic help and documentation.

This chapter contains these topics:

PK"ʢ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod046.htmn Copy (OraLOB) Method

Copy (OraLOB) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


Copies a portion of the internal LOB value of an input OraBLOB or OraCLOB object to internal LOB value of this instance.


OraBlob.Copy srcBlob, amount, destOffset, srcOffset 
OraClob.Copy srcClob, amount, destOffset, srcOffset 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] srcLOBAn OraCLob or OraBLOB object whose value is to be copied.
[in] [optional] amountAn Integer specifying number of bytes or characters to copy. Default value is the size of the BLOB or CLOB value of the srcLOB object.
[in] [optional] destOffsetAn Integer specifying the offset in bytes or characters for the value of this object. Default value is 1.
[in] [optional] srcOffsetAn Integer specifying the offset in bytes or characters, for the value of the srcLOB object. Default value is 1.


Obtain either a row-level lock or object-level lock before calling this method.

PK+PK?AOEBPS/serprop051.htm  FieldOriginalName Property

FieldOriginalName Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets the original field name used in the SELECT statement in the dynaset.


set field_name = oradynaset.FieldOriginalName(index)


[in] indexAn Integer specifying the field index of the original field name as it appears in the SQL statement.

Data Type



The FieldOriginalName property returns a string containing the original column name specified in the SQL statement during dynaset creation. This property is useful when a SQL statement contains SCHEMA.TABLE.COL as the name of the field. This enables duplicate column names to be referenced. Another way to avoid duplicate columns is to specify an alias in the SQL statement.

PK_'- PK?AOEBPS/sermthod063.htm(R CreatePLSQLCustomDynaset Method

CreatePLSQLCustomDynaset Method

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


For information on how to perform these tasks, see "Returning PL/SQL Cursor Variables".


Creates a dynaset from a PL/SQL cursor using custom cache and fetch parameters. The SQL statement should be a stored procedure or anonymous block. The resulting dynaset is read-only. Attempting to set the SQL property results in an error. The dynaset can be refreshed with new parameters.


set OraDynaset = CreatePlsqlCustomDynaset(SQLStatement, CursorName, options, slicesize, perblock, blocks, FetchLimit, FetchSize)


The arguments for the method are:

SQLStatementAny valid Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure or anonymous block.
CursorNameName of the cursor created in the PL/SQL stored procedure.
optionsA bit flag indicating the status of any optional states of the dynaset. You can combine one or more options by adding their respective values.
slicesizeCache slice size.
perblockCache slices for each block.
blocksCache maximum number of blocks.
FetchLimitFetch array size.
FetchSizeFetch array buffer size.


The options flag values are:

ORADYN_DEFAULT&H0&Accept the default behavior.
ORADYN_NO_AUTOBIND&H1&Do not perform automatic binding of database parameters.
ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP&H2&Do not remove trailing blanks from character string data retrieved from the database.
ORADYN_NOCACHE&H8&Do not create a local dynaset data cache. Without the local cache, previous rows within a dynaset are unavailable; however, increased performance results during retrieval of data from the database (move operations) and from the rows (field operations). Use this option in applications that make single passes through the rows of a dynaset for increased performance and decreased resource use.
ORADYN_NO_MOVEFIRST&H40&Do not force a MoveFirst when the dynaset is created. BOF and EOF are both true.

These values can be found in the oraconst.txt file.


The SQL statement must be a PL/SQL stored procedure with BEGIN and END around the call, as if it were executed as an anonymous PL/SQL block; otherwise, an error is returned. The CursorName argument should exactly match the cursor created inside the stored procedure or anonymous PL/SQL block; otherwise an error is returned. The cursor created inside the stored procedure should represent a valid SQL SELECT statement.

You do not need to bind the PL/SQL cursor variable using the OraParameters Add method if the stored procedure returns a cursor as an output parameter. You can still use PL/SQL bind variables in conjunction with the OraParameters collection.

This method automatically moves to the first row of the created dynaset.

Specifying ORADYN_READONLY, ORADYN_ORAMODE, ORADYN_NO_REFETCH, ORADYN_DIRTY_WRITE options have no effect on the dynaset creation.

PK[{((PK?AOEBPS/serprop162.htm & Year (OraTimeStamp) Property

Year (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns or sets the Year attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.


year = OraTimeStampObj.YearOraTimeStampObj.Year = year


[in] yearThe Year attribute of an OraTimeStamp object.

Data Type


PK PK?AOEBPS/sermthod110.htmw IsEqual (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

IsEqual (OraTimeStampTZ) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Checks if the OraTimeStampTZ object is equal to an argument.


isEqual = OraTimeStampTZOb.IsEqual value, format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStampTZ to be compared.
[in] [optional] formatSpecifies the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format string to be used to interpret value when value is type String. If format is not specified, value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStampTZ object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStampTZ object is equal to the argument; otherwise, it is False. The IsEqual method only compares the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date-time values stored in the OraTimeStampTZ object; the time zone information is ignored.


UTC was formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time.)

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current session OraTimeStampTZ object.

If value is of Date type, the date-time value in Date is interpreted as the date-time value in the time zone of the session.

PK՘)PK?AOEBPS/serprop161.htm * XMLUpperCase Property

XMLUpperCase Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets and sets a Boolean value that indicates whether tag and attribute names are uppercase when GetXML or GetXMLToFile methods are called. Readable and writable at run time.


oradynaset.XMLUpperCase = True


The default value for this property is False. If this property is set to True, all of the tag and attribute names are in upper case. This method should be called only after all custom tag or attribute names have been set by the user.

PKuR PK?AOEBPS/serprop126.htm  Subscriptions Property

Subscriptions Property

Applies To

OraDatabase Object


Returns the OraSubscriptions collection of the specified database. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set orasubscriptions_collection = oradatabase.Subscriptions

Data Type

OLE Object (OraSubscriptions)


You can access the subscriptions in this collection by subscripting (using ordinal integer numbers). You can obtain the number of subscriptions in the collection using the Count property of the returned collection. Integer subscripts begin with 0 and end with Count-1. Out-of-range indexes return a Null OraSubscription object.

In addition to accessing the subscriptions of the collection, you can also use the collection to create and destroy subscriptions using the Add and Remove methods, respectively.


See "Example: Registering an Application for Notification of Database Events" for a complete example.

PKs6 PK?AOEBPS/sermthod055.htm CreateIterator Method

CreateIterator Method

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Creates an iterator to scan the elements of a collection.




This method creates an iterator for scanning the elements of an Oracle collection. Accessing collection elements using the iterator is faster than using an index on the instance of a collection.


Example: OraCollection Iterator

The following example illustrates the use of an Oracle collection iterator.

Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples" .

Dim OraSession As OraSession
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset
Dim CourseList As OraCollection
Dim Course As OraObject
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create a dynaset object from division
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select courses from" & _ 
                 "division where name='History'", 0&)
'Retrieve a Courses column from Division.
Set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value
'Create the iterator
'Initialize the iterator to point to the beginning of a collection
'Call IterNext to read CourseList until the end
While CourseList.EOC = False
    Set Course = CourseList.ElementValue
    course_no = Course.course_no
    Title = Course.Title
    Credits = Course.Credits
'Call IterPrev to read CourseList until the beginning
While CourseList.BOC = False
    Set Course = CourseList.ElementValue
    course_no = Course.course_no
    Title = Course.Title
    Credits = Course.Credits
PKMzPK?AOEBPS/serprop155.htmP XMLNullIndicator Property

XMLNullIndicator Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Gets and sets a Boolean value that indicates whether a null indicator attribute is used in the case of Null field values. If the property is False, tags with Null values are omitted. Readable and writable at run time.


oradynaset.XMLNullIndicator = True 


The default value for this property is False.

PKK&UPPK?AOEBPS/sermthod049.htm CopyToFile (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

CopyToFile (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Copies a portion or all of the internal LOB value of this object to the local file.


OraBlob.CopyToFile "blob.bmp" amount,offset,chunksize
OraClob.CopyToFile "clob.txt" amount,offset,chunksize
OraBfile.CopyToFile "bfile.bmp" amount,offset,chunksize


The arguments for the method are:

[in] filenameA String specifying the absolute name and path for which the file is to be written.
[in] [optional] amountAn Integer specifying the maximum amount to be copied, in bytes for OraBLOB/OraBFILE and characters for OraCLOB. Default value is the size of the LOB or BFILE.
[in] [optional] offsetAn Integer specifying absolute offset of the LOB or BFILE value of this instance, in bytes for OraBLOB/OraBFILE and characters for OraCLOB. Default value is 1.
[in] [optional] chunksizeAn Integer specifying the size, in bytes, for each write operation. If the chunksize parameter is not set or is 0, the value of the amount argument is used which means the entire amount is transferred in one chunk.


The file is in the same format as the NLS_LANG setting.

If the file exists, its contents is overwritten.


Example:Using the CopyToFile Method

This example demonstrates the use of the CopyToFile method.

Be sure that you have the PART table in the database with valid LOB data in it. Also, be sure that you have installed the OraLOB Schema Objects as described in "Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples" .

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim PartDesc as OraCLOB 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&
'Create a Dynaset containing a BLOB and a CLOB column 
set part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part where" & _
                "part_id = 1234",0) 
set PartDesc = part.Fields("part_desc").Value 
'Copy the entire LOB content to partdesc.txt file 
PartDesc.CopyToFile "partdesc.txt" 
PKsPK?AOEBPS/sermthod080.htmY Edit Method

Edit Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Begins an edit operation on the current row by copying the data to the copy buffer.




The Edit method causes the locally cached data to be compared to the corresponding row of an Oracle Database. An error is generated if Oracle Database data is not the same as the data currently being browsed. If this operation succeeds, the row is locked using a "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement until the edit is completed with an Update method or until database movement occurs, which discards any edits in progress. The behavior of the "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement is affected by the Lock Wait mode of the options flag used when the OpenDatabase method was called.


The cached data is not compared to the database with BLOB and CLOB, Object, REF, and collection types, and the data is updated regardless (dirty writes).

During editing, changes made to fields are kept in a shadowed copy buffer and do not yet reflect the actual contents of the database. However, all references to the row return the newly modified data as long as the edit operation is still in progress.

When data is modified within a data control attached to this dynaset, the Edit method is invoked automatically upon the next record movement. Thus, this method is required only when modifications are made to field data within code.


A call to an Edit, AddNew, or Delete method cancels any outstanding Edit or AddNew calls before proceeding. Any outstanding changes not saved using an Update operation are lost during the cancellation.


This example demonstrates the use of the Edit and Update methods to update values in a database. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables
Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create the OraDynaset Object.
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
 'Traverse until EOF is reached, settingeach employee's salary to zero
 Do Until OraDynaset.EOF
   OraDynaset.Fields("sal").value = 0
 MsgBox "All salaries set to ZERO."
End Sub
PKH>XPK?AOEBPS/serprop046.htm Expiration (OraAQMsg) Property

Expiration (OraAQMsg) Property

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Specifies, in seconds, the time for which the message is available for dequeuing.


Msg.Expiration = seconds

Data Type



This property is an offset from the delay. It is applicable only for a message that is being enqueued.

Possible Values are:

  • Any integer.


    Default 0 - The message will never expire.

PK0PK?AOEBPS/dcmethods006.htm ZOrder Method

ZOrder Method

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Places a specified form or control at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level.

PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod160.htm  Sub (OraIntervalDS) Method

Sub (OraIntervalDS) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalDS Object


Subtracts an argument from the OraIntervalDS object.


OraIntervalDSObj.Sub operand


The arguments for the method are:

[in] operandA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalDS, object to be subtracted.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraIntervalDS object, overwriting any previous value. There is no return value.

If operand is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] Day HH:MI:SSxFF.

If operand is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of days that the constructed OraIntervalDS object represents.

PK쯬 PK?AOEBPS/sermthod175.htmP Update (OraRef) Method

Update (OraRef) Method

Applies To

OraRef Object


Flushes the modified referenceable object to the database.




The Update method completes the Edit operation and commits the changes to the database unless a BeginTrans operation is pending for the session.


The following example updates the attributes of the PERSON referenceable object in the database. Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Updating Attribute Values: Dynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. Here Value property of OraField
'object returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'locks the Person object in the server for modifying its attributes
  Person.Name = "Eric"
  Person.Age = 35
'Update method flushes the modified referenceable object in the server

Updating Attribute Values: Parameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim Person  as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object represent Address object bind Variable
'execute the sql statement which selects person from the customers table
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select aperson into :PERSON from customers" & _
                  "where account = 10; END;")
'get the Person object from OraParameter
set Person = OraDatabase.Parameters("PERSON").Value
'locks the Person object in the server for modifying its attributes
  Person.Name = "Eric"
  Person.Age = 35
'Update method flushes the modified referenceable object in the server
PK%+{PK?AOEBPS/serprop094.htm> OIPVersionNumber Property

OIPVersionNumber Property

Applies To

OraSession Object


Returns the version number of Oracle Object for OLE. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


version_number = orasession.OIPVersionNumber

Data Type



This property returns a unique identifier for each release of Oracle Object for OLE.

PKXBC>PK?AOEBPS/serprop117.htm Sessions Property

Sessions Property

Applies To

OraClient Object


Returns the collection of all sessions for the specified OraClient object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set orasessions_collection = oraclient.Sessions

Data Type

OLE Object (OraSessions)


You can access a session in this collection by subscripting (using ordinal numbers) or by using the name the session was given at its creation. You can obtain the total number of sessions in the collection by using the Count property of the returned collection. Integer subscripts begin with 0 and end with Count-1. Out-of-range indexes and invalid names return a Null OraSession object.

PK  PK?AOEBPS/serprop150.htm ? Visible (OraAQ) Property

Visible (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Specifies the transactional behavior of the enqueue request.


Q.Visible = transaction_mode

Data Type



This property is applicable only for an enqueue operation.

Possible values are:


    The enqueue operation constitutes a transaction of its own. Set this property to make the message visible immediately after the enqueue operation.

  • ORAAQ_ENQ_ON_COMMIT (2) (Default)

    The enqueue is part of the current transaction, and the message is visible only after the transaction commits.


Msg.Value = "The visibility option used in the enqueue call is " & _
PK`Ӽ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod173.htm ? Unregister Method

Unregister Method

Applies To

OraSubscription Object


Unregisters this subscription, which turns off notifications on the specific database event.




Unregistering a subscription ensures that the user does not receive notifications related to that subscription or database event in the future. If the user wants to resume notification, then the only option is to re-register the subscription.


Registering an Application for Notification of Database Events Example

See "Example: Registering an Application for Notification of Database Events".

PKg PK?AOEBPS/sermthod114.htmI IsGreater (OraTimeStamp) Method

IsGreater (OraTimeStamp) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Checks if the OraTimeStamp object is greater than an argument.


isGreater = OraTimeStampObj.IsGreater value format


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp to be compared.
[in] [optional] formatSpecifies the TIMESTAMP format string to be used to interpret value when value is of type String. If format is not specified, the value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStamp object is greater than the argument; otherwise, it is False. The IsGreater method compares all the date-time values stored in the OraTimeStamp object.

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.

PKNIPK?AOEBPS/serprop009.htmW CacheChanged Property

CacheChanged Property

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


True if cache or fetch parameters have been changed.


set Changed = oradynaset.CacheChanged

Data Type


PKG\WPK?AOEBPS/serobjch002.htm{ OraAQAgent Object

OraAQAgent Object


The OraAQAgent object represents a message recipient and is only valid for queues that allow multiple consumers.


An OraAQAgent object can be instantiated by invoking the AQAgent method. For example:

Set agent = qMsg.AQAgent(name)





The following Visual Basic example illustrates a simple use of the advanced queuing feature. A message of a user-defined type, MESSAGE_TYPE, is enqueued into a queue, msg_queue, that supports multiple consumers.

Dim q as OraAQ 
Dim qMsg as OraAQMsg 
Dim agent as OraAQAgent 
Set q = OraDatabase.CreateAQ("msg_queue") 
Set qMsg = q.AQMsg(1,"MESSAGE_TYPE") 
'To add SCOTT as a recipient for the message, 
Set agent = qMsg.AQAgent("SCOTT") 
'To enqueue, 

See Also:

PKѭ { PK?AOEBPS/serprop136.htmz Type (OraCollection) Property

Type (OraCollection) Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Returns the type code of the collection.


coll_type = OraCollection.Type

Data Type



This property returns one of the following values:

ORATYPE_VARRAY247Collection is VARRAY type.
ORATYPE_TABLE248Collection is nested table type.

PKo z PK?AOEBPS/sermthod164.htmi ToDate Method

ToDate Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns a copy of the Date type from an OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object.


Set date = OraTimeStampObj.ToDate
Set date = OraTimeStampTZObj.ToDate


This method returns the datetime values in the Date data type. As a result, the date-time values can be adjusted if they fall outside the range allowed by a VB date.

  • For an OraTimeStamp object:

    Returns a new Date object with the same date-time values as the current OraTimeStamp object, but the nanosecond portion is truncated.

  • For an OraTimeStampTZ object:

    Returns a new Date object with the same date-time values as the current OraTimeStampTZ object, but the nanosecond portion and time zone portion are truncated.


Using the OraTimeStamp Object

Dim OraTimeStamp As OraTimeStamp 
'Create OraTimeStamp using a string 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("1999-APR-29 12:10:23.444 AM", _
' returns a Date type with date value set to "1999-APR-29 12:10:23 AM" 
' note that the fractional part is dropped 
Set date = OraTimeStamp.ToDate 

Using the OraTimeStampTZ Object

Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2000-12-28" & _ 
        "12:10:23.444 -07:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.FF TZH:TZM") 
'returns a Date type with date value set to "2000-12-28 12:10:23" 
'note that Time Zone and nanosecond portions are dropped 
Set date = OraTimeStampTZ.ToDate
PKM޸niPK?AOEBPS/serprop089.htm Nanonseconds Property

Nanonseconds Property

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Gets and sets the Nanoseconds attribute of an OraIntervalDS object.


nanoseconds = OraIntervalDSObj.NanosecondsOraIntervalDSObj.Nanoseconds = nanoseconds


[in] nanosecondsAn Integer specifying the value of the Nanoseconds attribute of the OraIntervalDS object.

Data Type


PKtp$!  PK?AOEBPS/serprop004.htm BOC Property

BOC Property

Applies To

OraCollection Object


Indicates True if the collection iterator moves before the first element of a collection.


boc_flag = OraCollection.BOC

Data Type



See "Example: OraCollection Iterator"

PK`JPK?AOEBPS/dcprop015.htm Height Property

Height Property

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Determines the height dimension of an object.

PKGF  PK?AOEBPS/serprop090.htm  Navigation (OraAQ) Property

Navigation (OraAQ) Property

Applies To

OraAQ Object


Specifies the position of the message that will be retrieved.


Q.Navigation = position

Data Type



Possible values are:


    Retrieves the first message that is available and matches the search criteria.


    Skips the remainder of the current transaction group, if any, and retrieves the first message of the next transaction group. Used only if message grouping is enabled for the queue.

  • ORAAQ_DQ_NEXT_MSG (3) (Default)

    Retrieves the next message that is available and matches the search criteria.

PKR PK?AOEBPS/serprop127.htm TableName (OraRef) Property

TableName (OraRef) Property

Applies To

OraRef Object


A String containing the name of the object table in which the underlying referenceable object resides.


table_name = OraRef.TableName

Data Type



This property is read-only.

PK{vPK?AOEBPS/sermthod031.htm[ Clone (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

Clone (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Returns the clone of an OraLOB or OraBFILE object.


OraBlob1 = OraBlob.Clone
OraClob1 = OraClob.Clone
OraBfile = OraBfile.Clone


The arguments for the method are:

[in] OraLOBA valid object of type OraBLOB, OraCLOB, or OraBFILE.


This method makes a copy of an OraBLOB or OraCLOB object. This copy does not change due to a dynaset move operation or OraSQLStmt Refresh operation. No operation that modifies the LOB content of an OraBLOB or OraCLOB object can be performed on a clone.

This method makes a copy of Oracle BFILE locator and returns an OraBFILE associated with that copy. The copy of an OraBFILE does not change due to a dynaset move operation or a OraSQLStmt refresh operation.

PKu@PK?AOEBPS/serprop098.htm: OraMaxSize Property

OraMaxSize Property

Applies To

OraField Object


Returns the Oracle maximum column size as stored in the Oracle data dictionary. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


field_maxsize = orafield.OraMaxSize

Data Type

Long Integer


The return value is dependent on the Oracle internal data type. The following values will be returned:

Oracle Column TypeValue
CHAR, VARCHAR2, RAWLength of the column in the table
NUMBER22 (the internal length)
DATE7 (the internal length)
ROWIDSystem dependent
Functions returning internal data type 1, such as TO_CHAR()Same as orafield.MaxDSize

PKÇ/PK?AOEBPS/serobjch006.htmK OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects


The OraBLOB and OraCLOB interfaces in OO4O provide methods for performing operations in a database on the large object data types BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB. In this developer's guide, BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB data types are also referred to as LOB data types.

OO4O supports the creation of temporary BLOB or CLOB types that can be manipulated and then bound to SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks, or copied into permanent LOBs.


LOB data is accessed using the Read and CopyToFile methods.

LOB data is modified using the Write, Append, Erase, Trim, Copy, CopyFromFile, and CopyFromBFile methods. A row lock must be obtained before modifying the contents of a LOB column in a row. If the LOB column is a field of an OraDynaset object, then the lock is obtained by invoking the Edit method.

None of the LOB operations are allowed on NULL LOBs. To avoid errors, use the IsNull property to detect NULL LOBs. To perform write operations on a LOB that is null, first the LOB column must be initialized with an Empty value.

To insert a new row having a LOB column, first initialize the LOB column with an Empty value by setting the Value property of the OraField or OraParameter object to the keyword Empty and commit the change to the database. The newly updated Empty LOB must be selected again from the database before it can be used. This is done automatically in the case of the OraDynaset object: If a LOB field in an OraDynaset object is set to Empty and the Update method is called, OO4O automatically reselects the Empty LOB into the dynaset making it available for use in subsequent write operations.

There are two modes of operation for read and write operations for LOBs.

  1. Multiple-piece read/write operations

    In this mode, the total amount of data to be read or written is more than the size of the buffer for an individual read/write operation. Rather than make a complete round-trip for each operation, the pieces are streamed. To begin the multiple piece operation, the PollingAmount property is first set to the total amount of data to be read or written. The Offset property is set at this time to specify the initial offset for the first piece read/write operation. The offset is automatically incremented after the first read/write operation, and cannot be changed again until the multiple piece operation has completed. The Status property must be checked for the success of each piecewise operation and the operation must continue until all the pieces are read or written (it cannot be aborted). To start another multiple-piece read/write operation on the same LOB, the PollingAmount property has to be reset to the desired amount. See "Example: Multiple-Piece Read of a LOB".

  2. Single-piece read/write operation

    In this mode, the reading and writing of data occurs in one operation. This mode is enabled when the PollingAmount property is set to 0. See "Example: Single-Piece Read of a LOB".

    The Offset property in both modes of operation is 1-based.

By design, LOBs cannot span transactions started by SELECT .. FOR UPDATE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements. Selecting or modifying LOB values using these SQL statements makes LOBs invalid outside the current transaction. In Oracle Objects for OLE, transactions can be started and ended in the following ways.

  1. Dynaset Edit/Update method

    The Edit method executes the SELECT FOR UPDATE statement to lock the row and start the transaction. The Update method ends the transaction. If the LOB column value is modifed between the Edit and Update pair, OO4O reselects the value of LOB column after the Update call. This is transparent to the user. Note that OO4O does not reselect the LOB value if the LOB is an attribute of an Oracle objects instance or element of an Oracle collection. If the transaction is started by the OraSession/OraDatabase or OraServer object and the LOB data is modified between the Edit and Update methods, OO4O does not reselect the LOB value from the database. LOBs are invalid after committing transactions initiated by OraSession/OraDatabase or OraServer objects.

    See "Example: Dynasets Containing LOBs and Transactions".

  2. Executing an INSERT or UPDATE statement through the ExecuteSQL or CreateSQL method.

    An INSERT or UPDATE statement starts the transaction, and the transaction is implicitly ended by Oracle Objects for OLE (auto-commit). If a statement has a LOB output bind parameter, as in the case of the RETURNING .. INTO clause, then it will become invalid after the ExecuteSQL or CreateSQL method is executed To avoid this, the user must execute these statement between the BeginTrans/CommitTrans pair of OraSession, OraServer or OraDatabase objects.

    See "Example: INSERT or UPDATE Statements with LOBs and Transactions".

See Also:




See "Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples" for schema objects that are used in the OraLOB and BFILE examples.

Example: Accessing a LOB Value

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim PartImage as OraBlob 
Dim buffer As Variant 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", _
                           "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'execute the select statement 
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part",0&) 
'retrieve photo field from the dynaset 
set PartImage = OraDynaset.Fields("part_image").Value 
'read the entire LOB column in one piece into the buffer 
amount_read = PartImage.Read(buffer, 10) 
'use the buffer for internal processing 

Example: Modifying a LOB Value

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim  PartDesc as OraClob 
Dim buffer As String 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb","scott/tiger", 0&) 
'execute the select statement 
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part",0&) 
set PartDesc = OraDynaset.Fields("part_desc").Value 
'To get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file for reading 
Open "partdesc.dat" For Binary As #FNum 
'Allocate buffer to the size of file FNum and read the entire file 
buffer = String$(LOF(FNum), 32) 
Get #FNum, , buffer 
'lock the row for write operation 
amount_written = PartDesc.Write(buffer) 
'commit the operation and release the lock 
Close FNum 

Example: Inserting LOBs Using Dynasets

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim Part As OraDynaset 
Dim PartImage as OraBLOB 
Dim ImageChunk() As Byte 
Dim amount_written As Long 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create a Dynaset containing a BLOB and a CLOB column 
set part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part",0) 
set PartImage = part.Fields("part_image").Value 
'First insert Empty LOB in the part_image column 
    part.Fields("part_id").Value = 1234 
    part.Fields("part_image").Value = Empty 
'move to the newly added row 
'To get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file for reading PartImages 
Open "part_picture.gif" For Binary As #FNum 
'Re adjust the buffer size to hold entire file data 
Redim ImageChunk(LOF(FNum)) 
'read the entire file and put it into buffer 
Get #FNum, , ImageChunk 
'call dynaset's Edit method to lock the row 
amount_written = OraBlob.Write(ImageChunk) 
'close the file
Close FNum 

Example: Inserting LOBs Using an OraParameter Object

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraBlob As OraBlob 
Dim ImageChunk() As Byte 
Dim amount_written As Long 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
Set OraParameters = OraDatabase.Parameters 
OraParameters.Add "PartImage", Empty,ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraParameters("PartImage").ServerType = ORATYPE_BLOB 
'BeginTrans needs to be called since LOB locators become 
'invalid after the ExecuteSQL call 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into part values (1234,'Oracle  Application'," & _
                "EMPTY_BLOB(),NULL,NULL) RETURNING part_image INTO :PartImage") 
set PartImage = OraDatabase.Parameters("PARTIMAGE").Value 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file for reading PartImages 
Open "part_picture.gif" For Binary As #FNum 
'read the file and put it into buffer 
Redim ImageChunk(LOF(FNum)) 
Get #FNum, , ImageChunk 
Set OraBlob = OraDatabase.Parameters("PartImage").Value 
amount_written = OraBlob.Write(ImageChunk, 10, ORALOB_ONE_PIECE) 
' commit the transaction and close the file
Close FNum 

Example: Dynasets Containing LOBs and Transactions

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraBlob As OraBlob 
Dim PartImage as OraBLOB 
Dim ImageChunk() As Byte 
Dim amount_written As Long 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb",  "scott/tiger", 0&) 
'Create a Dynaset containing a BLOB and a CLOB column 
set part = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset ("select * from part " & _
                              "where part_id = 1234",0) 
set PartImage = part.Fields("part_image").Value 
'To get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file for reading PartImages 
Open "c:\part_picture.gif" For Binary As #FNum 
Redim ImageChunk(LOF(FNum)) 
'read the file and put it into buffer 
Get #FNum, , ImageChunk 
'starts the transaction on OraSession 
'call dynaset's Edit method to lock the row 
Set OraBlob = PartImage 
amount_written = OraBlob.Write(ImageChunk, 10, ORALOB_ONE_PIECE) 
'ends the transaction 
'the following lines of code will raise error  
'LOB locator cannot span transaction' 
msgbox Partimage.Size 
Close FNum 

Example: INSERT or UPDATE Statements with LOBs and Transactions

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim ImageChunk() As Byte 
Dim amount_written As Long 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
Set OraParameters = OraDatabase.Parameters 
OraParameters.Add "PartImage", Empty,ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraParameters("PartImage").ServerType = ORATYPE_BLOB 
'Create a Dynaset containing a LOB,column 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into part values (1234,'Oracle Application'," & _ 
                  "EMPTY_BLOB(),NULL,NULL) RETURNING part_image INTO :PartImage") 
set PartImage = OraDatabase.Parameters("PARTIMAGE").Value 
'the following lines of code will raise error 
'LOB locator cannot span transaction' 
msgbox Partimage.Size 

Example: Using the CopyToFile Method

See "Example:Using the CopyToFile Method".

Example: Using the CopyFromFile Method

See "Example: Using the CopyFromFile Method".

Example: Multiple-Piece Read of a LOB

See "Example: Multiple-Piece Read of a LOB".

Example: Single-Piece Read of a LOB

See "Example: Single-Piece Read of a LOB".

Example: Multiple-Piece Write of a LOB

See "Multiple-Piece Write of a LOB Example".

Example: Single-Piece Write of a LOB

See "Single-Piece Write of a LOB Example".

Example: Passing a Temporary CLOB to a Stored Procedure

See "Example: Passing a Temporary CLOB to a Stored Procedure".

PK'KKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod148.htma Refresh Method

Refresh Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object

OraSQLStmt Object


Forces an immediate update of the dynaset given the current Connect, DatabaseName, and SQL properties.

Forces an immediate update of the dynaset by reexecuting the SQL statement in the SQL statement object.




This method cancels all edit operations (Edit and AddNew methods), executes the current contents of the SQL statement buffer, and moves to the first row of the resulting dynaset. Any dynaset objects created before issuing the Refresh method, including bookmarks, record counts, and field collections, are considered invalid. The OraConnection and OraSession objects associated with the previous dynaset remain unchanged.

Performing a refresh operation with this method can be more efficient than refreshing with a data control. This method also lets you execute a modified SQL statement without creating a new dynaset or OraSQLStmt object.

The preferred refresh methods when changing parameter values are oradynaset.Refresh or orasqlstmt.Refresh, because required database operations are minimized (SQL parsing, binding, and so on). This can improve performance when only parameter values have changed.

If you call the Refresh method after assigning an invalid SQL statement to the SQL property of a dynaset or SQL statement object, these objects remain valid. However, a dynaset in this state does not permit any row or field operations. Bound controls also exhibit unusual behaviors similar to those that occur when the standard Visual Basic data control RecordSource is set to an invalid SQL statement at run time and then refreshed.

You can regain the normal dynaset and SQL statement operations by refreshing the object with a valid SQL statement. The Refresh method treats Null or empty SQL statements as invalid.


Refresh Method Example (OraDynaset)

This example demonstrates the use of parameters, the Refresh method, and the SQL property to restrict selected records. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 'Create a parameter with an initial value.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "job", "MANAGER", 1
 'Create the OraDynaset Object.
 Set OraDynaset =OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp where job=:job",0&)
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraDynaset.SQL
 'Currently, OraDynaset only contains employees whose job is MANAGER.
 'Change the value of the job parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters("job").Value = "SALESMAN"
 'Refresh the dynaset.
 'Currently, OraDynaset only contains employees whose job is SALESMAN.
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraDynaset.SQL
 'Remove the parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("job")
 End Sub

Refresh Method Example (OraSQLStmt)

This example demonstrates the use of parameters, the Refresh method, and the SQL property for the . object. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraSqlStmt As OraSQLStmt 
 'Create the OraSession Object.
 Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
 Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "EMPNO", 7369, 1
 OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").ServerType = 2  'ORATYPE_NUMBER  
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAME", 0, 2
 OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").ServerType = 1  'ORATYPE_VARCHAR2  
 Set OraSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL("Begin Employee.GetEmpName (:EMPNO," & _
              ":ENAME); end;", 0&) 
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraSqlStmt.SQL
 'Should display SMITH
 MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").Value  
 'Change the value of the empno parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters("EMPNO").Value = 7499
 'Refresh the dynaset.
 'Should display ALLEN
 MsgBox OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAME").Value   
 'Notice that the SQL statement is NOT modified.
 MsgBox OraSqlStmt.SQL 
 'Remove the parameter.
 OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("job")
 End Sub
PKE*faPK?AOEBPS/serobjch026.htm OraTimeStamp Object

OraTimeStamp Object


The OraTimeStamp object represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP and Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data types and provides methods for operations on these two Oracle data types. The OraTimeStamp represents a date-time value that stores the following information: year, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.


The OraTimeStamp object is created by the OraSession.OraCreateTimeStamp method or by calling the Clone method on an existing OraTimeStamp object.

An OraTimeStamp object can be bound using ServerType ORATYPE_TIMESTAMP or ORATYPE_TIMESTAMPLTZ. This allows the binding of a value to a parameter associated with an Oracle TIMESTAMP or an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type in a SQL or PL/SQL statement respectively.

When binding a string associated with a TIMESTAMP or a TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data types, the ServerType must be specified to be a string type (for example, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, ORATYPE_STRING) and the string must be in the format specified by the NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.



PKMPK?AOEBPS/sermthod113.htmj IsGreater (OraNumber) Method

IsGreater (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Checks if an OraNumber object is greater than an argument value.


bool  = OraNumber.IsGreater value 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, OraNumber object, or a numeric value.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraNumber object is greater than the argument; otherwise, it is False.

PK;٢o j PK?AOEBPS/sermthod146.htm## Read (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

Read (OraLOB/BFILE) Method

Applies To

OraBLOB, OraCLOB Objects

OraBFILE Object


Reads into a buffer a specified portion of a BLOB, CLOB, or BFILE value. Returns the total amount of data read.


amount_read = OraBlob.Read buffer, chunksize
amount_read = OraClob.Read buffer, chunksize
amount_read = OraBfile.Read buffer, chunksize


The arguments for the method are:

[out] bufferVariant of type character array for OraCLOB, Variant of type byte array for OraBLOB, or OraBFILE from which the piece is read.
[in] [optional] chunksizeAn Integer specifying the amount to be read. Default value is the size of the LOB. In bytes for OraBLOB or OraBFILE; characters for OraCLOB.
[out] amount_readAn Integer representing the total amount of data read. In bytes for OraBLOB or OraBFILE; characters for OraCLOB.


Reads the LOB or BFILE data from the offset specified by the Offset property. For multiple piece read operation, the PollingAmount property must be set to the value of the total amount of data to be read, and the Status property must be checked for the success of each piece operation.


When reading a portion of a LOB, it is recommended that you set the PollingAmount property, rather than using the chunksize parameter. This avoids the possibility of raising an error if the entire LOB is not read before to executing another LOB method.


Be sure that you have installed the OraLOB Schema Objects as described in "Schema Objects Used in LOB Data Type Examples" .

Example: Multiple-Piece Read of a LOB

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
Dim PartImage As OraBlob 
Dim chunksize As Long 
Dim AmountRead As Long 
Dim buffer As Variant 
Dim buf As String 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb","scott/tiger", 0&)  
'Create the OraDynaset Object. 
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from part", 0&) 
'Get OraBlob from OraDynaset 
Set PartImage = OraDynaset.Fields("part_image").Value 
'Set Offset and PollingAmount property for piecewise Read operation 
PartImage.offset = 1 
PartImage.PollingAmount = PartImage.Size 
chunksize = 50000 
'Get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file 
Open "image.dat" For Binary As #FNum 
'Do the first read on PartImage, buffer must be a variant 
AmountRead = PartImage.Read(buffer, chunksize) 
'put will not allow Variant type 
buf = buffer 
Put #FNum, , buf 
' Check for the Status property for polling read operation 
While PartImage.Status = ORALOB_NEED_DATA 
    AmountRead = PartImage.Read(buffer, chunksize) 
    buf = buffer 
    Put #FNum, , buf 
Close FNum 

Example: Single-Piece Read of a LOB

Dim OraSession As OraSession 
Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
Dim PartDesc As OraClob 
Dim AmountRead As Long 
Dim buffer As Variant 
Dim buf As String 
'Create the OraSession Object. 
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 
'Create the OraDatabase Object. 
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Add PartDesc as an Output parameter and set its initial value. 
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "PartDesc", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT 
OraDatabase.Parameters("PartDesc").ServerType = ORATYPE_CLOB 
'Execute the statement returning 'PartDesc' 
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select part_desc into :PARTDESC from" & _ 
             "part where part_id = 1 for update NOWAIT; END;") 
'Get 'PartDesc' from Parameters collection 
Set PartDesc = OraDatabase.Parameters("PartDesc").Value 
'Get a free file number 
FNum = FreeFile 
'Open the file. 
Open "Desc.Dat" For Binary As #FNum 
'Read entire CLOB value, buffer must be a Variant 
AmountRead = PartDesc.Read(buffer) 
'put will not allow Variant type 
buf = buffer 
Put #FNum, , buf 
Close FNum 
PK(###PK?AOEBPS/sermthod174.htmf Update Method

Update Method

Applies To

OraDynaset Object


Saves the copy buffer to the specified dynaset.




The Update method completes an AddNew or Edit operation and immediately commits changes to the database unless a BeginTrans operation is pending for the session.

Once the Update method is called on a given row in a dynaset in a global transaction (that is, a BeginTrans operation is issued), locks remain on the selected rows until a CommitTrans or Rollback method is called.

The mirrored data image is also updated so that the query does not have to be reevaluated to continue browsing and updating data. The method used for updating the mirror image is subject to the options flag that was passed to the OpenDatabase method that created the OraDatabase object of this dynaset.

If this dynaset is attached to a data control, then the Validate event of the data control code may optionally cancel the update request. If the update completes, then all bound controls associated with the dynaset are notified of the update so they can reflect the data changes automatically.


This example demonstrates the use of AddNew and Update methods to add a new record to a dynaset. Copy and paste this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
'Declare variables 
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase 
 Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset 
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'Create the OraDynaset Object.
Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)
'Begin an AddNew.
'Set the field(column) values.
OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").Value = "1000"
OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value = "WILSON"
OraDynaset.Fields("JOB").Value = "SALESMAN"
OraDynaset.Fields("MGR").Value = "7698"
OraDynaset.Fields("HIREDATE").Value = "19-SEP-92"
OraDynaset.Fields("SAL").Value = 2000
OraDynaset.Fields("COMM").Value = 500
OraDynaset.Fields("DEPTNO").Value = 30
'End the AddNew and Update the dynaset.
End Sub
PKj[?kfPK?AOEBPS/dcevents002.htm E DragOver Event

DragOver Event

Applies To

Oracle Data Control


Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress. You can use this event to monitor when the mouse pointer enters, leaves, or is directly over a valid target. The mouse pointer position determines which target object receives this event.

PKc, PK?AOEBPS/serprop021.htm+ Correlation (OraAQMsg) Property

Correlation (OraAQMsg) Property

Applies To

OraAQMsg Object


Specifies the identification for the message. This can then be used as a means of dequeuing specific messages.


Msg.Correlation = my_message

Data Type



Applicable only for a message that is being enqueued. Returns any string up to 128 bytes.

See Correlate for dequeuing using this identifier.

PKe7}0 + PK?AOEBPS/sermthod079.htm' DynasetCacheParams Method

DynasetCacheParams Method

Applies To

OraParameter Object


Specifies the dynaset cache and fetch parameters for the dynaset created from the PL/SQL cursor.


oraparameter.DynasetCacheParams SliceSize,perblock, Blocks, FetchLimit,FetchSize


The arguments for the method are:

SliceSizeCache slice size.
perblockCache slices for each block.
BlocksCache maximum number of blocks.
FetchLimitFetch array size.
FetchSizeFetch array buffer size.


This method should be called before executing the PL/SQL procedure containing a cursor variable. By default, the dynaset is created with default cache and fetch parameters specified in the registry.

PK17S,'PK?AOEBPS/sermthod157.htmm SetPi (OraNumber) Method

SetPi (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Sets an OraNumber object to Pi.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKÌPK?AOEBPS/sermthod019.htmD ArcTan (OraNumber) Method

ArcTan (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Calculates the arc tangent of an OraNumber object. Result is in radians.




The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PK4f[PK?AOEBPS/sermthod044.htm ConnectSession Method

ConnectSession Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Returns the OraSession object with the specified name that is associated with the OraClient object of the specified session.


Set orasession2 = orasession1.ConnectSession(session_name)


The arguments for the method are:

session_nameA String specifying the name of the session.


This method is provided for simplicity and is equivalent to iterating through the OraSessions collection of the OraClient object of the current session and searching for a session named session_name. The OraSessions collection contains only sessions created through the current application. This means that it is not possible to share sessions across applications, only within applications.


This example demonstrates the use of the ConnectSession and CreateNamedSession methods to allow an application to use a session it previously created, but did not save. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then, press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()
 'Declare variables
 Dim dfltsess As OraSession
 Dim OraSession As OraSession 
 'Create the default OraSession Object.
 Set dfltsess = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
 'Try to connect to "ExampleSession". If it does not exist 
 'an error is generated.
 On Error GoTo SetName
 Set OraSession = dfltsess.ConnectSession("ExampleSession")
 On Error GoTo 0
 'You can specify other processing here, such as creating a
 ' database and/or dynaset.
Exit Sub
'The session named "ExampleSession" was not found, so create it.
Set OraSession = dfltsess.Client.CreateSession("ExampleSession")
Resume Next
End Sub
PKPK?AOEBPS/sermthod112.htm+ IsGreater (OraIntervalYM) Method

IsGreater (OraIntervalYM) Method

Applies To

OraIntervalYM Object


Checks if the OraIntervalYM object is greater than an argument.


isGreater = OraIntervalYMObj.IsGreater value


The arguments for the method are:

[in] valueA Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object to be compared.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraIntervalYM object is greater than the argument; otherwise, it is False.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.

PKn1^0+PK?AOEBPS/serprop037.htm$ DirectoryName Property

DirectoryName Property

Applies To

OraBFILE Object


Gets or sets the directory alias name.


diralias = OraBFile.DirectoryName 
OraBFile.DirectoryName = diralias 


[in] [out] diraliasA String specifying the directory name to be retrieved or set.

Data Type



This String is case-sensitive.

PKN) $ PK?AOEBPS/sermthod156.htmo Round (OraNumber) Method

Round (OraNumber) Method

Applies To

OraNumber Object


Rounds the OraNumber object to the specified decimal place.


OraNumber.Power decplaces


The arguments for the method are:

[in] decplacesAn Integer specifying the number of digits to the right of the decimal point from which to round. Negative values are allowed and signify digits to the left of the decimal point.


The result of the operation is stored in the OraNumber object. There is no return value.

PKƧDt o PK?AOEBPS/sermthod081.htmS Edit (OraRef) Method

Edit (OraRef) Method

Applies To

OraRef Object


Locks a referenceable object in the database.




Call this method before modifying any attributes of an underlying referenceable object of OraRef or an error is raised. This call makes a network round-trip to lock the object in the database. An error is raised if the object is changed by another user in the database. The object can also be locked during the pin operation using the EditOption property.


The following examples update the attributes of the "PERSON" referenceable object in the database.

Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in the OraObject and OraRef Examples".

Dynaset Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset
Dim Person as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create a dynaset object from customers
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from customers", 0&)
'retrieve a aperson column from customers. 
'Here Value property of OraField object 'returns Person OraRef
set Person = OraDynaset.Fields("aperson").Value
'locks the Person object in the server for modifying its attributes
  Person.Name = "Eric"
  Person.Age = 35
'Update method flushes the modified referenceable object in the server

Parameter Example

Dim OraSession as OraSession
Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase
Dim Person as OraRef
'Create the OraSession Object.
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)
'create an  OraParameter object represent Address object bind Variable
OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "PERSON", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, _
'execute the sql statement which selects person from the customers table
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select aperson into :PERSON" & _
                 "from customers where account = 10;  END;")
'get the Person object from OraParameter
set Person = OraDatabase.Parameters("PERSON").Value
'locks the Person object in the server for modifying its attributes
  Person.Name = "Eric"
  Person.Age = 35
'Update method flushes the modified referenceable object in the server
PK%PK?AOEBPS/serobjch022.htmE OraServer Object

OraServer Object


The OraServer interface represents a physical network connection to an Oracle database.


The OraServer interface exposes the connection multiplexing feature provided in the Oracle Call Interface. After an OraServer object is created, multiple user sessions (OraDatabase) can be attached to it by invoking the OpenDatabase method. This feature is particularly useful for application components, such as Internet Information Server (IIS), that use Oracle Objects for OLE in n-tier distributed environments. The use of connection multiplexing when accessing Oracle databases with a large number of user sessions active can help reduce server processing and resource requirements while improving the database scalability.

As illustrated in Figure 9-1, the OraServer interface contains a connection to an Oracle database and provides a method (OpenDatabase) for creating user sessions (OraDatabase objects) on the database connection it contains.

Figure 9-1 OraServer to Oracle Database Relationship

Connection from the OraServer to the Oracle Server
Description of "Figure 9-1 OraServer to Oracle Database Relationship"



PKJDtPK?AOEBPS/sermthod006.htm(G Add (OraSubscriptions Collection) Method

Add (OraSubscriptions Collection) Method

Applies To

OraSubscriptions Collection


Adds a subscription to the OraSubscriptions collection.


orasubscriptions.Add Name, DbeventsHdl, Ctx 


The arguments for the method are:

[in] NameThe database event of interest. The appropriate event trigger and AQ queue must be set up prior to this.

Name refers to the subscription name in the form of the string 'SCHEMA.QUEUE' if the registration is for a single consumer queue and 'SCHEMA.QUEUE:CONSUMER_NAME' if the registration is for a multiple consumer queue.

The Name string should be in uppercase.

[in] DbeventsHdlThe database event handler. An IDispatch interface implementing the NotifyDBEvents method, which is invoked when the database event of interest is fired.
[in] CtxContext-specific information that the application wants passed to the NotifyDbEvents method when it is invoked.


To register for subscription of a database event, the name identifying the subscription of interest and the name of the dbevent handler that handles the event must be passed in when the Add method is called. The queues and event triggers necessary to support the database event must be set up before the subscriptions can be fired.

The dbevent handler should be an automation object that implements the NotifyDBEvents method.

NotifyDBEvents Handler

The NotifyDBEvents method is invoked by Oracle Objects for OLE when database events of interest are fired.

For more detailed information about setting up the queues and triggers for Oracle Database events, see to Triggers on System Events and User Events in Oracle Database Concepts.

The syntax of the method is:

Public Function NotifyDBEvents(ByVal Ctx As Variant, ByVal Payload As Variant


The variants for the method are:

[in] CtxPassed into the OraSubscriptions.Add method by the application. Context-sensitive information that the application wants passed on to the dbevent handler.
[in] PayloadThe payload for this notification.

Database events are fired by setting up event trigger and queues. Payload here refers to the payload, if any, that was enqueued in the queue when the event triggered.


Example: Registering an Application for Notification of Database Events

In the following example, an application subscribes for notification of database logon events (such as all logons to the database). When a user logs on to the database, the NotifyDBEvents method of the DBEventsHdlr that was passed in at the time of subscription is invoked. The context-sensitive information and the event-specific information are passed into the NotifyDBEvents method.

The DBEventsHdlr in this example is DBEventCls, which is defined later.

The main application:

' First instantiate the dbevent handler. The dbevent notification
' will fire the NotifyDBEvents on the callback handler.
Public DBEventsHdlr As New DBEventCls
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim gOraSession As Object
    Dim gOraSubscriptions As OraSubscriptions 
    Dim gOraDatabase As OraDatabase
    'Create the OraSession Object
    Set gOraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
   'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.
    Set gOraDatabase = gOraSession.DbOpenDatabase                      
             ("", "pubsub/pubsub", 
    Set gOraSubscriptions = gOraDatabase.Subscriptions
    gOraSubscriptions.Add "PUBSUB.LOGON:ADMIN", DBEventsHdlr,
    MsgBox "OK"
End Sub

The database event handler class that defines the NotifyDBEvents method.

Public countofMsgs as integer
Public Function NotifyDBEvents(Ctx As Variant, Payload As Variant )
    On error goto NotifyMeErr
    MsgBox "Retrieved payload " + Payload
   ' do something - here the subscription is unregistered after
   ' receiving 3 notifications
    countofMsgs = countofMsgs + 1
    If countofMsgs > 3 Then
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Call RaiseError(MyUnhandledError, "newcallback:NotifyMe Method")
End Sub

See Also:

PK:$w((PK?AOEBPS/serprop061.htm  Hour (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Hour (OraTimeStampTZ) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStampTZ Object


Returns or sets the Hour attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.


hour = OraTimeStampTZObj.Hour
OraTimeStampTZObj.Hour = hour


[in] hourThe Hour attribute of an OraTimeStampTZ object.

Data Type


PKt PK?AOEBPS/sermthod037.htmI Clone (OraTimeStamp) Method

Clone (OraTimeStamp) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Returns a copy of the OraTimeStamp object.


Set OraTimeStampObj1 = OraTimeStampObj.Clone


Returns a new OraTimeStamp object with the same value as the current object.

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