This image shows the Package Details page. It includes the following sections:
Summary (at the upper left)—Includes package status, type (e.g. Main), and size, a list of the problems in the package, and more.
Packaging tasks (a box at the upper right)—Includes two buttons at the upper right-hand corner of the box: Generate Upload File and Send to Oracle. Below the buttons are four sections of links, where each link represents a packaging task. The sections are arranged in two rows and two columns. In the top left section, whose heading is "Edit Contents," the links are: Add Problems, Exclude Problems, and View Package Manifest. In the top right section, whose heading is "Scrub User Data," the links are: Copy out Files to Edit Contents and Copy in Files to Replace Contents. In the bottom left section, whose heading is "Additional Diagnostic Data," the links are: Gather Additional Dumps, Add External Files, and Create/Update Correlated Packages. In the bottom right section, whose heading is "Send to Oracle Support," the links are: Finish Contents Preparation, Generate Upload File, and View/Send Upload Files. Of these links, only Finish Contents Preparation is clickable. The others are disabled.
A set of three subpages (at the bottom)—The subpage tabs are labeled Incidents, Files, and Activity Log. The Incidents subpage is shown. It contains a table of incidents. The table columns are Select, ID, Type, Problem ID, Description, Size (MB), and Timestamp. The table has two rows, both of type Main and Description ORA-600 [15700]. Each row has a different timestamp. Directly above the table, at the left, is an Exclude button. Above the table and the Exclude button, at the right, are two buttons: Add Incidents and Add Recent Incidents.