This screenshot shows the Create Materialized View page. At the top of the page is the text "After you specify attributes for the materialized view, you can use Get Recommendation to get optimized SQL for materialized view and supporting structures." At the top right of the page are the following buttons: Get Recommendation, Show SQL, Schedule Job, Cancel, and OK. Under the buttons are the following subpage links: General, Refresh, Storage, Index Storage, and Options. Under the links are the following fields:
A Name field
A Schema field with a flashlight icon
A Tablespace field with a flashlight icon
A Definition section includes:
An option labeled "Enable the materialized view for query rewrite (Used in Data Warehousing only)"
An option labeled "Make the materialized view updatable (Used in Advanced Replication only)"
A Build From Existing Table option with the following text, "A table can be registered as a pre-initialized materialized view with the following restrictions: the table and the materialized view must have the same name, same column definition and belong to the same schema."
A Materialized View Query field with an Explain button
An option labeled "Analyze the materialized view after it is created (Used in Data Warehousing only)"