The Replay Workload page is shown.
The Cancel and Set Up Replay buttons are to the right.
The following text appears:
The captured workload must have been preprocessed and copied to the replay system. A directory object for the directory with the copied workload must exist in the replay system.
Under Directory, the following text appears:
Select a directory object that contains the last replayed workload or a preprocessed workload.
In the Directory Object list, CAPTURE1 is selected. The Create Directory Object button is to the right of the list.
Under Capture Summary, the following text appears:
Name CAPTURE-x112-20100509051233
Status Completed
Directory Object CAPTURE1
Database Name X112
Capture Database Version
DBID 2499870771
Capture Error Code None
Capture Error Message None
Capture Data Size (MB) 0.02
Duration (hh:mm:ss) 00:02:07
Start Time May 9, 2010 5:13:20 AM PDT
End Time May 1, 2009 5:15:27 AM PDT
Start SCN 607434
End SCN 607778
Preprocessed Database Version
SQL Tuning Set Name CAPTURE_x112_20100509_c_119590
The Replay History section contains a table with the following columns: Select, Name, Status, Duration (hh:mm:ss), Start Time, End Time, AWR Data Exported.
End of description.