This screenshot shows the Automatic Undo Management page. The page has two subpages: General and System Activity. The General subpage is displayed. This subpage has the following three sections:
Undo Retention Settings, at the upper left
This section contains these two fields, arranged from top to bottom: a read-only Undo Retention field (currently set to 180 minutes), and a read-only Retention Guarantee field, whose value is a link. The value is currently "No".
Undo Tablespace for this Instance, at the upper right
This section contains these three read-only fields, arranged from top to bottom: a Tablespace field, whose value is a link (with current value UNDOTBS), a Size field, and an Auto-Extensible field, whose value is a link (with current value Yes).
Undo Advisor: Undo Retention and Undo Tablespace Sizing Advice, beneath the other sections and taking up the rest of the page.
This section contains these three subsections, arranged from top to bottom:
Analysis Period subsection
This subsection contains these fields: an Analysis Time Period list, with current value "Last Seven Days"; a pair of options named Desired Undo Retention, which determine how the Undo Advisor's analysis is to be run, with the following two option names: "Automatically chosen based on longest query in analysis period" and "Specified manually to allow for longer duration queries or flashback"; and a Duration field, which pertains to the second option.
Beneath these fields is a Run Analysis button.
Analysis Results subsection
This subsection contains two button at the upper right-hand corner. The buttons are the following, arranged from left to right: Edit Undo Tablespace and Edit Undo Retention. Below the buttons are these read-only fields, arranged from top to bottom: Selected Analysis Time Period, Minimum Required Undo Tablespace Size (MB), Recommended Undo Tablespace Size (MB), Potential Problems (whose value is "No problem found"), and Recommendations (whose value is "No recommendation").
Graph subsection
The graph is currently hidden, and a Show Graph link, with a hide/show icon, is available.
End of description.