This is an image of the SGA subpage of the Memory Parameters page. In addition to a link at the top that enables you to switch to the PGA subpage, this subpage contains the following sections:
Allocation History—This section contains a chart that shows the size history of the components of the SGA over the last 24 hour period.
Current Allocation—This section shows the label Automatic Shared Memory Management. To the right of the label is the value "Enabled," and to the right of this value is an Disable button. Below this is the label Total SGA Size (MB). Next to this label is a text field into which you can enter a new SGA size. The field contains the current SGA size. To the right of the text field is an Advice button. Below this is a set of read-only text fields, each with a label that represents a memory component of the SGA. The labels are, going from top to bottom: Shared Pool, Buffer Cache, Large Pool, Java Pool, and Other. The text fields all have current values in them. To the right of the component fields is a pie chart showing the current allocation for these SGA components.
Maximum SGA Size—This section contains a text field with which you can adjust the maximum SGA size.