This screenshot displays the Create Index page. At the top right-hand corner of the page are four buttons, ordered from left to right: Show SQL, Schedule Job, Cancel, and OK. Beneath the buttons, a row of links goes horizontally across the page. Each is the title of a subpage, where each subpage contains different administrative functions. The subpage titles are: General, Storage, Options, Partitions, and Statistics. The General subpage is currently displayed. Beneath the row of links are three fields ordered from top to bottom: Name, Schema (currently showing as SH), and Tablespace (currently showing as <Default>). To the right of the Tablespace field is a Estimate Index size button. Below the Tablespace is "Index Type" label, followed to the right by two options: Standard - B-tree and Bitmap. Below the label is the Indexed Table Object section.
The Indexed Table Object section contains the following, ordered from top to bottom:
To the top left corner is "Index On" label, followed to the right by two options: Table and Cluster.
Below the "Index On" label is the Table Name field (currently showing as "SH.PRODUCTS"). To the right of the field is the Populate Columns button.
At the bottom of the page is a table which contains Indexed Table Objects. This table contains the following columns, ordered from left to right: Column Name, Data Type, Sorting Order, and Order. This table contains three rows.