This is a screenshot of the Oracle ASM Add Disks page. At the upper right-hand corner of the page are three buttons: Show SQL, Cancel, and OK. Below the buttons are the following sections:
Rebalance Power—This section contains a definition of rebalance power, followed by a Rebalance Power list that enables you to choose a number from 1 to 11. The number 1 is currently displayed.
Member Disks—This section contains a table of disks that are available to be added. The table columns are, from left to right: Select, Path, Header Status, Library, Label, ASM Disk Name, Size, Unit (for the size), Failure Group, and Force Reuse. There are 4 rows in the table. One of the disks has a header status of FORMER, and the rest have a status of CANDIDATE. Above the table is a drop-down list entitled "Select Member Disks." The current value in the list is "Only Candidate Disks."
End of description.