This screenshot shows the SQL Access Advisor: Review page. At the top of the page, on the right-hand side, are 4 buttons. These buttons are labeled, from left to right: Cancel, Show SQL, Back, and Submit. Between the Back and Submit buttons is the text "Step 4 of 4".
At the top of the page on the right-hand side, the following information is displayed:
Database: database
Logged In As: DBA1
Following this information is the text "Please review the SQL Access Advisor options and values you have selected." It then displays 3 values, and a table of options. The 3 values are:
Task Name: SQLACCESS9817748
Task Description: SQL Access Advisor
Scheduled Start Time: Run Immediately
The Options table has a button labeled Show All Options at the top, on the left-hand side. The table has 4 columns, titled, from left to right: Modified, Option, Value, and Description. There are 3 rows shown in the table in the screenshot. These rows have the values:
Check mark, Analysis Scope, All Tuning Artifacts, "The type of recommendations that are allowed"
Check mark, Total Time Limit (minutes), 30, "Specifies the total time limit in minutes for the current SQL Access Advisor"
Check mark, Workload SQL Limit, 25, "Specifies the number of SQL statements to be analyzed"
Below the table, on the right-hand side are 4 buttons. These buttons are labeled, from left to right: Cancel, Show SQL, Back, and Submit. Between the Back and Submit buttons is the text "Step 4 of 4".
End of description.